15 research outputs found

    Potential role of ticks as vectors of bluetongue virus

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    When the first outbreak of bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV8) was recorded in North-West Europe in August 2006 and renewed outbreaks occurred in the summer of 2007 and again in 2008, the question was raised how the virus survived the winter. Since most adult Culicoides vector midges are assumed not to survive the northern European winter, and transovarial transmission in Culicoides is not recorded, we examined the potential vector role of ixodid and argasid ticks for bluetongue virus. Four species of ixodid ticks (Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes hexagonus, Dermacentor reticulatus and Rhipicephalus bursa) and one soft tick species, Ornithodoros savignyi, ingested BTV8-containing blood either through capillary feeding or by feeding on artificial membranes. The virus was taken up by the ticks and was found to pass through the gut barrier and spread via the haemolymph into the salivary glands, ovaries and testes, as demonstrated by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (PCR-test). BTV8 was detected in various tissues of ixodid ticks for up to 21 days post feeding and in Ornithodoros ticks for up to 26 days. It was found after moulting in adult Ixodes hexagonus and was also able to pass through the ovaries into the eggs of an Ornithodoros savignyi tick. This study demonstrates that ticks can become infected with bluetongue virus serotype 8. The transstadial passage in hard ticks and transovarial passage in soft ticks suggest that ticks have potential vectorial capacity for bluetongue virus. Further studies are required to investigate transmission from infected ticks to domestic livestock. This route of transmission could provide an additional clue in the unresolved mystery of the epidemiology of Bluetongue in Europe by considering ticks as a potential overwintering mechanism for bluetongue virus

    UN peacekeeping at 75 : achievements, challenges, and prospects

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    Abstract: This year marks the 75th anniversary of what the UN itself understands to be its first peacekeeping operation. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on the track record of UN peacekeeping in its efforts to try to maintain and realize peace and security. Moreover, this milestone invites us to ponder what lies ahead in the realm of peacekeeping. For this reason, this forum article brings together both academics and UN officials to assess the achievements and challenges of UN peacekeeping over the past 75 years. Through a dialogue among peacekeeping scholars and practitioners, we hope to identify current trends and developments in UN peacekeeping, as well as explore priorities for the future to improve the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations in terms of achieving their mandate objectives, such as maintaining peace, protecting civilians, promoting human rights, and facilitating reconciliation. This forum article is structured into six thematic sections, each shedding light on various aspects of UN peacekeeping: (1) foundational principles of UN peacekeeping - namely, consent, impartiality, and the (non-)use of force; (2) protection of civilians; (3) the primacy of politics; (4) early warning; (5) cooperation with regional organizations; and (6) the changing geopolitical landscape in which UN peacekeeping operates

    Dexamethasone augments CXCR4-mediated signaling in resting human T cells via the activation of the Src kinase Lck

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    Dexamethasone (DM) is a synthetic member of the glucocorticoid (GC) class of hormones that possesses anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant activity and is commonly used to treat chronic inflammatory disorders, severe allergies, and other disease states. Although GCs are known to mediate well-defined transcriptional effects via GC receptors (GCR), there is increasing evidence that GCs also initiate rapid nongenomic signaling events in a variety of cell types. Here, we report that DM induces the phosphorylation of Lck and the activation of other downstream mediators, including p59Fyn, Zap70, Rac1, and Vav in resting but not activated human T cells. DM treatment also augments CXCL12-mediated signaling in resting T cells through its cell surface receptor, CXCR4 resulting in the enhanced actin polymerization, Rac activation, and cell migration on ligand exposure. Lck was found to be a critical intermediate in these DM-induced signaling activities. Moreover, DM-mediated Lck phosphorylation in T cells was dependent on the presence of both the GCR and the CD45 molecule. Overall, these results elucidate additional nongenomic effects of DM and the GCR on resting human T cells, inducing Lck and downstream kinase activation and augmenting chemokine signaling and function