274 research outputs found

    From Motion to Emotion : Accelerometer Data Predict Subjective Experience of Music

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    Music is often discussed to be emotional because it reflects expressive movements in audible form. Thus, a valid approach to measure musical emotion could be to assess movement stimulated by music. In two experiments we evaluated the discriminative power of mobile-device generated acceleration data produced by free movement during music listening for the prediction of ratings on the Geneva Emotion Music Scales (GEMS-9). The quality of prediction for different dimensions of GEMS varied between experiments for tenderness (R12(first experiment) = 0.50, R22(second experiment) = 0.39), nostalgia (R12 = 0.42, R22 = 0.30), wonder (R12 = 0.25, R22 = 0.34), sadness (R12 = 0.24, R22 = 0.35), peacefulness (R12 = 0.20, R22 = 0.35) and joy (R12 = 0.19, R22 = 0.33) and transcendence (R12 = 0.14, R22 = 0.00). For others like power (R12 = 0.42, R22 = 0.49) and tension (R12 = 0.28, R22 = 0.27) results could be almost reproduced. Furthermore, we extracted two principle components from GEMS ratings, one representing arousal and the other one valence of the experienced feeling. Both qualities, arousal and valence, could be predicted by acceleration data, indicating, that they provide information on the quantity and quality of experience. On the one hand, these findings show how music-evoked movement patterns relate to music-evoked feelings. On the other hand, they contribute to integrate findings from the field of embodied music cognition into music recommender systems

    Expression of cell cycle proteins in male breast carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare, yet potentially aggressive disease. Although literature regarding female breast cancer (FBC) is extensive, little is known about the etiopathogenesis of male breast cancer. Studies from our laboratory show that MBCs have a distinct immunophenotypic profile, suggesting that the etiopathogenesis of MBC is different from FBCs. The aim of this study was to evaluate and correlate the immunohistochemical expression of cell cycle proteins in male breast carcinoma to significant clinico-biological endpoints.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>75 cases of MBC were identified using the records of the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency over 26 years (1970-1996). Cases were reviewed and analyzed for the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA, Ki67, p27, p16, p57, p21, cyclin-D1 and c-myc and correlated to clinico-biological endpoints of tumor size, node status, stage of the disease, and disease free survival (DFS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Decreased DFS was observed in the majority of tumors that overexpressed PCNA (98%, p = 0.004). The overexpression of PCNA was inversely correlated to the expression of Ki67 which was predominantly negative (78.3%). Cyclin D1 was overexpressed in 83.7% of cases. Cyclin D1 positive tumors were smaller than 2 cm (55.6%, p = 0.005), had a low incidence of lymph node metastasis (38.2%, p = 0.04) and were associated with increased DFS of >150 months (p = 0.04). Overexpression of c-myc (90%) was linked with a higher incidence of node negativity (58.3%, p = 0.006) and increased DFS (p = 0.04). p27 over expression was associated with decreased lymph node metastasis (p = 0.04). P21 and p57 positive tumors were related to decreased DFS (p = 0.04). Though p16 was overexpressed in 76.6%, this did not reach statistical significance with DFS (p = 0.06) or nodal status (p = 0.07).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Aberrant cell cycle protein expression supports our view that these are important pathways involved in the etiopathogenesis of MBC. Tumors with overexpression of Cyclin D1 and c-myc had better outcomes, in contrast to tumors with overexpression of p21, p57, and PCNA with significantly worse outcomes. P27 appears to be a predictive marker for lymph nodal status. Such observation strongly suggests that dysregulation of cell cycle proteins may play a unique role in the initiation and progression of disease in male breast cancer. Such findings open up new avenues for the treatment of MBC as a suitable candidate for novel CDK-based anticancer therapies in the future.</p

    Transport of Pb and Zn by carboxylate complexes in basinal ore fluids and related petroleum-field brines at 100°C: the influence of pH and oxygen fugacity

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    It is well established through field observations, experiments, and chemical models that oxidation (redox) state and pH exert a strong influence on the speciation of dissolved components and the solubility of minerals in hydrothermal fluids. log [Image: see text] –pH diagrams were used to depict the influence of oxygen fugacity and pH on monocarboxylate- and dicarboxylate-transport of Pb and Zn in low-temperature (100°C) hydrothermal ore fluids that are related to diagenetic processes in deep sedimentary basins, and allow a first-order comparison of Pb and Zn transport among proposed model fluids for Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) and red-bed related base metal (RBRBM) deposits in terms of their approximate pH and [Image: see text] conditions. To construct these diagrams, total Pb and Zn concentrations and Pb and Zn speciation were calculated as a function of log [Image: see text] and pH for a composite ore-brine with concentrations of major elements, total sulfur, and total carbonate that approximate the composition of MVT and RBRBM model ore fluids and modern basinal brines. In addition to acetate and malonate complexation, complexes involving the ligands Cl(-), HS(-), H(2)S, and OH(- )were included in the model of calculated total metal concentration and metal speciation. Also, in the model, Zn and Pb are competing with the common-rock forming metals Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, and Al for the same ligands. Calculated total Pb concentration and calculated total Zn concentration are constrained by galena and sphalerite solubility, respectively. Isopleths, in log [Image: see text] –pH space, of the concentration of Pb and concentration of Zn in carboxylate (acetate + malonate) complexes illustrate that the oxidized model fluids of T. H. Giordano (in Organic Acids in Geological Processes, ed. E. D. Pittman and M. D. Lewan, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, pp. 319–354) and G. M. Anderson (Econ. Geol., 1975, 70, 937–942) are capable of transporting sufficient amounts of Pb (up to 10 ppm) and Zn (up to 100 ppm) in the form of carboxylate complexes to form economic deposits of these metals. On the other hand, the reduced ore fluid models of D. A. Sverjensky (Econ. Geol., 1984, 79, 23–37) and T. H. Giordano and H. L. Barnes (Econ. Geol., 1981, 76, 2200–2211) can at best transport amounts of Pb and Zn, as carboxylate complexes, that are many orders of magnitude below the 1 to 10 ppm minimum required to form economic deposits. Lead and zinc speciation (mol% of total Pb or Zn) in the model ore fluid was calculated at specific log [Image: see text] –pH conditions along the 100, 0.01, and 0.001 ppm total Pb and total Zn isopleths. Along the 100 ppm isopleth conditions are oxidized (∑SO(4 )>> ∑H(2)S) with Pb and Zn predominantly in the form of chloride complexes under acid to mildly alkaline conditions (pH from 3 to approximately 7.5), while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under more alkaline conditions. Sulfide complexes are insignificant under these oxidized conditions. For more reduced conditions along the 0.01 and 0.001 ppm isopleths chloride complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation in the SO(4)(2- )field and near the SO(4)(2-)-reduced sulfur boundary from pH = 4 to approximately 7.5, while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under alkaline conditions above pH = 7.5 in the SO(4)(2- )field. In the most reduced fluids (∑H(2)S >> ∑SO(4)) along the 0.01 and 0.001 isopleths, sulfide complexes account for almost 100% of the Pb and Zn in the model fluid. Acetate (monocarboxylate) complexation is significant only under conditions of chloride and hydroxide complex dominance and its effect is maximized in the pH range 5 to 7, where it complexes 2 to 2.6% of the total Pb and 1 to 1.25% of the total Zn. Malonate (dicarboxylate) complexes are insignificant along all isopleths. The speciation results from this study show that deep formation waters characterized by temperatures near 100°C, high oxidation states and ∑H(2)S < 0.03 mg L(-1 )([Image: see text] < 10(-6)), high chlorinities (~ 100000 mg L(-1)), and high but reasonable concentrations of carboxylate anions can mobilize up to 3% of the total Pb and up to 1.3% of the total Zn as carboxylate complexes. Furthermore, these percentages, under the most favorable conditions, correspond to approximately 1 to 100 ppm of these metals in solution; concentrations that are adequate to form economic deposits of these metals. However, the field evidence suggests that all of these optimum conditions for carboxylate complexation are rarely met at the same time. A comparison of the composite ore fluid compositions from this study and modern brine data shows that the ore brines, corresponding to log [Image: see text] –pH conditions based on the Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) model fluids, are similar in many respects to modern, high trace-metal petroleum-field brines. The principal differences between modern high trace-metal brines and the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) relate to their carboxylate anion content. The reported concentrations of monocarboxylate anions (∑monocbx) and dicarboxylate anions (Edicbx) in high trace-metal petroleum-field brines (< 1 to 300 mg L(-1 )and < 1 mg L(-1), respectively) are significantly lower than the concentrations assumed in the modelled brines of this study (∑monocbx = 7 700 mg L(-1 )and ∑dicbx = 300 mg L(-1)). There are also major differences in the corresponding total chloride to carboxylate ratio (∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx)) and monocarboxylate to dicarboxylate ratio (∑m(monocbx)/∑m(dicbx)). Modern high trace-metal brines have much higher ∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx )values and, therefore, the contribution of carboxylate complexes to the total Pb and Zn content in these modern brines is likely to be significantly less than the 1 to 3 percent for the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994). The composite ore-brine based on the Giordano and Barnes (1981) MVT ore fluid is comparable to the high salinity (> 170 000 mg L(-1 )TDS) subset of modern brines characterized by low trace-metal content and high total reduced sulfur (∑H(2)S). A comparison of the Sverjensky (1984) composite ore-brine with modern petroleum-field brines in terms of ∑H(2)S and Zn content, reveals that this ore fluid corresponds to a "border-type" brine, between modern high trace-metal brines and those with low trace-metal content and high ∑H(2)S. A brine of this type is characterized by values of ∑H(2)S, ∑Zn, and/or ∑Pb within or near the 1 to 10 mg L(-1 )range. Based on brine-composition data from numerous references cited in this paper, border-type brines do exist but are rare. The model results and field evidence presented in this study are consistent with other chemical simulation studies of carboxylate complexation in modern petroleum-field brines. Thus, it appears that carboxylate complexation plays a minor, if not insignificant, role as a transport mechanism for Pb and Zn in high salinity Na–Cl and Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines and related ore fluids

    Neoadjuvant FOLFIRI+bevacizumab in patients with resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer: a phase 2 trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Preoperative treatment of resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and activity of bevacizumab plus FOLFIRI in this setting. METHODS: Patients aged 18-75 years, PS 0-1, with resectable liver-confined metastases from CRC were eligible. They received bevacizumab 5 mg kg(-1) followed by irinotecan 180 mg m(-)(2), leucovorin 200 mg m(-)(2), 5-fluorouracil 400 mg m(-)(2) bolus and 5-fluorouracil 2400 mg m(-)(2) 46-h infusion, biweekly, for 7 cycles. Bevacizumab was stopped at cycle 6. A single-stage, single-arm phase 2 study design was applied with 1-year progression-free rate as the primary end point, and 39 patients required. RESULTS: From October 2007 to December 2009, 39 patients were enrolled in a single institution. Objective response rate was 66.7% (95% exact CI: 49.8-80.9). Of these, 37 patients (94.9%) underwent surgery, with a R0 rate of 84.6%. Five patients had a pathological complete remission (14%). Out of 37 patients, 16 (43.2%) had at least one surgical complication (most frequently biloma). At 1 year of follow-up, 24 patients were alive and free from disease progression (61.6%, 95% CI: 44.6-76.6). Median PFS and OS were 14 (95% CI: 11-24) and 38 (95% CI: 28-NA) months, respectively. CONCLUSION: Preoperative treatment of patients with resectable liver metastases from CRC with bevacizumab plus FOLFIRI is feasible, but further studies are needed to define its clinical relevance

    Myocardial perfusion imaging with 99 mTc - tetrofosmin SPECT in breast cancer patients that received postoperative radiotherapy: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To evaluate the cardiac toxicity of radiotherapy (RT) in breast cancer (BC) patients employing myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) with Tc-99 m Tetrofosmin - single photon emission computer tomography (T-SPECT).</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>We studied 46 BC female patients (28 patients with left and 18 patients with right BC) treated with postoperative RT compared to a control group of 85 age-matched females. The median time of RT to SPECT was 40 months (6-263).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Abnormalities in the summed stress score (SSS) were found in 54% of left BC patients, 44.4% of right BC patients, and 32.9% of controls. In left BC patients there were significantly more SSS abnormalities compared to controls (4.0 ± 3.5 vs 2.6 ± 2.0, p = 0.05) and possible trend of increased abnormalities of right BC patients (3.7 ± 3.0 vs 2.6 ± 2.0, p = 0.14). Multiple regression analysis showed more abnormalities in the MPI of left BC patients compared to controls (SSS, p = 0.0001); Marginal toxicity was also noted in right BC patients (SSS, p = 0.045). No additional toxicity was found in patients that received adjuvant cardiotoxic chemotherapy. All T-SPECT abnormalities were clinically silent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study suggests that radiation therapy to BC patients result in MPI abnormalities but without apparent clinical consequences.</p

    Transformation and scattering activities of the receptor tyrosine kinase RON/Stk in rodent fibroblasts and lack of regulation by the jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus receptor, Hyal2

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    BACKGROUND: The envelope (Env) protein of jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) can transform cells in culture and is likely to be the main factor responsible for lung cancer induction by JSRV in animals. A recent report indicates that the epithelial-cell transforming activity of JSRV Env depends on activation of the cell-surface receptor tyrosine kinase Mst1r (called RON for the human and Stk for the rodent orthologs). In the immortalized line of human epithelial cells used (BEAS-2B cells), the virus receptor Hyal2 was found to bind to and suppress the activity of RON. When Env was expressed it bound to Hyal2 causing its degradation, release of RON activity from Hyal2 suppression, and activation of pathways resulting in cell transformation. METHODS: Due to difficulty with reproducibility of the transformation assay in BEAS-2B cells, we have used more tractable rodent fibroblast models to further study Hyal2 modulation of RON/Stk transforming activity and potential effects of Hyal2 on RON/Stk activation by its natural ligand, macrophage stimulating protein (MSP). RESULTS: We did not detect transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by plasmids expressing RON or Stk, but did detect transformation of 208F rat fibroblasts by these plasmids at a very low rate. We were able to isolate 208F cell clones that expressed RON or Stk and that showed changes in morphology indicative of transformation. The parental 208F cells did not respond to MSP but 208F cells expressing RON or Stk showed obvious increases in scattering/transformation in response to MSP. Human Hyal2 had no effect on the basal or MSP-induced phenotypes of RON-expressing 208F cells, and human, mouse or rat Hyal2 had no effect on the basal or MSP-induced phenotypes of Stk-expressing 208F cells. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that RON or Stk expression in 208F rat fibroblasts results in a transformed phenotype that is enhanced by addition of the natural ligand for these proteins, MSP. Hyal2 does not directly modulate the basal or MSP-induced RON/Stk activity, although it is possible that adaptor proteins might mediate such signaling in other cell types

    Observation of associated near-side and away-side long-range correlations in √sNN=5.02  TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    Two-particle correlations in relative azimuthal angle (Δϕ) and pseudorapidity (Δη) are measured in √sNN=5.02  TeV p+Pb collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using approximately 1  Όb-1 of data as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and the transverse energy (ÎŁETPb) summed over 3.1<η<4.9 in the direction of the Pb beam. The correlation function, constructed from charged particles, exhibits a long-range (2<|Δη|<5) “near-side” (Δϕ∌0) correlation that grows rapidly with increasing ÎŁETPb. A long-range “away-side” (Δϕ∌π) correlation, obtained by subtracting the expected contributions from recoiling dijets and other sources estimated using events with small ÎŁETPb, is found to match the near-side correlation in magnitude, shape (in Δη and Δϕ) and ÎŁETPb dependence. The resultant Δϕ correlation is approximately symmetric about π/2, and is consistent with a dominant cos⁥2Δϕ modulation for all ÎŁETPb ranges and particle pT

    Search for high-mass resonances decaying to dilepton final states in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to search for high-mass resonances decaying to an electron-positron pair or a muon-antimuon pair. The search is sensitive to heavy neutral Zâ€Č gauge bosons, Randall-Sundrum gravitons, Z * bosons, techni-mesons, Kaluza-Klein Z/Îł bosons, and bosons predicted by Torsion models. Results are presented based on an analysis of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb−1 in the e + e − channel and 5.0 fb−1 in the ÎŒ + ÎŒ −channel. A Z â€Č boson with Standard Model-like couplings is excluded at 95 % confidence level for masses below 2.22 TeV. A Randall-Sundrum graviton with coupling k/MPl=0.1 is excluded at 95 % confidence level for masses below 2.16 TeV. Limits on the other models are also presented, including Technicolor and Minimal Zâ€Č Models
