210 research outputs found

    Autumn in New York, take 1

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    Toute une semaine d’automne, dix-sept bibliothécaires du groupe Champagne-Ardenne ont découvert les grands réseaux de lecture publique de New York, soucieux de servir au plus près leurs usagers et d’une démesure tout à la fois attendue et surprenante. Après Seattle et Miami, ce feuilleton newyorkais s’étalera sur trois livraisons pour compléter notre tour d’horizon américain

    Le SCD de l’université de Reims Champagne- Ardenne

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    Entre évolution des usages et dématérialisation en cours, le SCD doit s’adapter à la nouvelle donne, concilier innovations et missions traditionnelles sans faillir à la fonction qui lui a été assignée de service commun. Un défi au quotidien

    On the Disruption of Star Clusters in a Hierarchical Interstellar Medium

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    The distribution of the number of clusters as a function of mass M and age T suggests that clusters get eroded or dispersed in a regular way over time, such that the cluster number decreases inversely as an approximate power law with T within each fixed interval of M. This power law is inconsistent with standard dispersal mechanisms such as cluster evaporation and cloud collisions. In the conventional interpretation, it requires the unlikely situation where diverse mechanisms stitch together over time in a way that is independent of environment or M. Here we consider another model in which the large scale distribution of gas in each star-forming region plays an important role. We note that star clusters form with positional and temporal correlations in giant cloud complexes, and suggest that these complexes dominate the tidal force and collisional influence on a cluster during its first several hundred million years. Because the cloud complex density decreases regularly with position from the cluster birth site, the harassment and collision rates between the cluster and the cloud pieces decrease regularly with age as the cluster drifts. This decrease is typically a power law of the form required to explain the mass-age distribution. We reproduce this distribution for a variety of cases, including rapid disruption, slow erosion, combinations of these two, cluster-cloud collisions, cluster disruption by hierarchical disassembly, and partial cluster disruption. We also consider apparent cluster mass loss by fading below the surface brightness limit of a survey. In all cases, the observed log M - \log T diagram can be reproduced under reasonable assumptions.Comment: ApJ vol. 712, March 20, 2010, 33 pages 15 figure

    Control of mitochondrial pH by uncoupling protein 4 in astrocytes promotes neuronal survival.

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    Brain activity is energetically costly and requires a steady and highly regulated flow of energy equivalents between neural cells. It is believed that a substantial share of cerebral glucose, the major source of energy of the brain, will preferentially be metabolized in astrocytes via aerobic glycolysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether uncoupling proteins (UCPs), located in the inner membrane of mitochondria, play a role in setting up the metabolic response pattern of astrocytes. UCPs are believed to mediate the transmembrane transfer of protons, resulting in the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation from ATP production. UCPs are therefore potentially important regulators of energy fluxes. The main UCP isoforms expressed in the brain are UCP2, UCP4, and UCP5. We examined in particular the role of UCP4 in neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling and measured a range of functional metabolic parameters including mitochondrial electrical potential and pH, reactive oxygen species production, NAD/NADH ratio, ATP/ADP ratio, CO2 and lactate production, and oxygen consumption rate. In brief, we found that UCP4 regulates the intramitochondrial pH of astrocytes, which acidifies as a consequence of glutamate uptake, with the main consequence of reducing efficiency of mitochondrial ATP production. The diminished ATP production is effectively compensated by enhancement of glycolysis. This nonoxidative production of energy is not associated with deleterious H2O2 production. We show that astrocytes expressing more UCP4 produced more lactate, which is used as an energy source by neurons, and had the ability to enhance neuronal survival

    Optimized testing strategy for the diagnosis of GAA-FGF14 ataxia/spinocerebellar ataxia 27B

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    Dominantly inherited GAA repeat expansions in FGF14 are a common cause of spinocerebellar ataxia (GAA-FGF14 ataxia; spinocerebellar ataxia 27B). Molecular confirmation of FGF14 GAA repeat expansions has thus far mostly relied on long-read sequencing, a technology that is not yet widely available in clinical laboratories. We developed and validated a strategy to detect FGF14 GAA repeat expansions using long-range PCR, bidirectional repeat-primed PCRs, and Sanger sequencing. We compared this strategy to targeted nanopore sequencing in a cohort of 22 French Canadian patients and next validated it in a cohort of 53 French index patients with unsolved ataxia. Method comparison showed that capillary electrophoresis of long-range PCR amplification products significantly underestimated expansion sizes compared to nanopore sequencing (slope, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.81 to 0.93]; intercept, 14.58 [95% CI, − 2.48 to 31.12]) and gel electrophoresis (slope, 0.84 [95% CI, 0.78 to 0.97]; intercept, 21.34 [95% CI, − 27.66 to 40.22]). The latter techniques yielded similar size estimates. Following calibration with internal controls, expansion size estimates were similar between capillary electrophoresis and nanopore sequencing (slope: 0.98 [95% CI, 0.92 to 1.04]; intercept: 10.62 [95% CI, − 7.49 to 27.71]), and gel electrophoresis (slope: 0.94 [95% CI, 0.88 to 1.09]; intercept: 18.81 [95% CI, − 41.93 to 39.15]). Diagnosis was accurately confirmed for all 22 French Canadian patients using this strategy. We also identified 9 French patients (9/53; 17%) and 2 of their relatives who carried an FGF14 (GAA)≥250 expansion. This novel strategy reliably detected and sized FGF14 GAA expansions, and compared favorably to long-read sequencing

    Metabolism within the tumor microenvironment and its implication on cancer progression: an ongoing therapeutic target

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    Since reprogramming energy metabolism is considered a new hallmark of cancer, tumor metabolism is again in the spotlight of cancer research. Many studies have been carried out and many possible therapies have been developed in the last years. However, tumor cells are not alone. A series of extracellular components and stromal cells, such as endothelial cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts, tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-infiltrating T cells, surround tumor cells in the so-called tumor microenvironment. Metabolic features of these cells are being studied in deep in order to find relationships between metabolism within the tumor microenvironment and tumor progression. Moreover, it cannot be forgotten that tumor growth is able to modulate host metabolism and homeostasis, so that tumor microenvironment is not the whole story. Importantly, the metabolic switch in cancer is just a consequence of the flexibility and adaptability of metabolism and should not be surprising. Treatments of cancer patients with combined therapies including anti-tumor agents with those targeting stromal cell metabolism, anti-angiogenic drugs and/or immunotherapy are being developed as promising therapeutics.Mª Carmen Ocaña is recipient of a predoctoral FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER), P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript

    Measuring root system traits of wheat in 2D images to parameterize 3D root architecture models

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    Background and aimsThe main difficulty in the use of 3D root architecture models is correct parameterization. We evaluated distributions of the root traits inter-branch distance, branching angle and axial root trajectories from contrasting experimental systems to improve model parameterization.MethodsWe analyzed 2D root images of different wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum) from three different sources using automatic root tracking. Model input parameters and common parameter patterns were identified from extracted root system coordinates. Simulation studies were used to (1) link observed axial root trajectories with model input parameters (2) evaluate errors due to the 2D (versus 3D) nature of image sources and (3) investigate the effect of model parameter distributions on root foraging performance.ResultsDistributions of inter-branch distances were approximated with lognormal functions. Branching angles showed mean values <90°. Gravitropism and tortuosity parameters were quantified in relation to downwards reorientation and segment angles of root axes. Root system projection in 2D increased the variance of branching angles. Root foraging performance was very sensitive to parameter distribution and variance.Conclusions2D image analysis can systematically and efficiently analyze root system architectures and parameterize 3D root architecture models. Effects of root system projection (2D from 3D) and deflection (at rhizotron face) on size and distribution of particular parameters are potentially significant

    Vascular β-amyloid and early astrocyte alterations impair cerebrovascular function and cerebral metabolism in transgenic arcAβ mice

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    Cerebrovascular lesions related to congophilic amyloid angiopathy (CAA) often accompany deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), leading to disturbed cerebral blood flow and cognitive dysfunction, posing the question how cerebrovascular pathology contributes to the pathology of AD. To address this question, we characterised the morphology, biochemistry and functionality of brain blood vessels in transgenic arctic β-amyloid (arcAβ) mice expressing human amyloid precursor protein (APP) with both the familial AD-causing Swedish and Arctic mutations; these mice are characterised by strong CAA pathology. Mice were analysed at early, mid and late-stage pathology. Expression of the glucose transporter GLUT1 at the blood–brain barrier (BBB) was significantly decreased and paralleled by impaired in vivo blood-to-brain glucose transport and reduced cerebral lactate release during neuronal activation from mid-stage pathology onwards. Reductions in astrocytic GLUT1 and lactate transporters, as well as retraction of astrocyte endfeet and swelling consistent with neurovascular uncoupling, preceded wide-spread β-amyloid plaque pathology. We show that CAA at later disease stages is accompanied by severe morphological alterations of brain blood vessels including stenoses, BBB leakages and the loss of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Together, our data establish that cerebrovascular and astrocytic pathology are paralleled by impaired cerebral metabolism in arcAβ mice, and that astrocyte alterations occur already at premature stages of pathology, suggesting that astrocyte dysfunction can contribute to early behavioural and cognitive impairments seen in these mice

    Cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea viruses (BVDV): emerging pestiviruses doomed to extinction

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    Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), a Flaviviridae pestivirus, is arguably one of the most widespread cattle pathogens worldwide. Each of its two genotypes has two biotypes, non-cytopathic (ncp) and cytopathic (cp). Only the ncp biotype of BVDV may establish persistent infection in the fetus when infecting a dam early in gestation, a time point which predates maturity of the adaptive immune system. Such fetuses may develop and be born healthy but remain infected for life. Due to this early initiation of fetal infection and to the expression of interferon antagonistic proteins, persistently infected (PI) animals remain immunotolerant to the infecting viral strain. Although only accounting for some 1% of all animals in regions where BVDV is endemic, PI animals ensure the viral persistence in the host population. These animals may, however, develop the fatal mucosal disease, which is characterized by widespread lesions in the gastrointestinal tract. Cp BVD virus, in addition to the persisting ncp biotype, can be isolated from such animals. The cp viruses are characterized by unrestrained genome replication, and their emergence from the persisting ncp ones is due to mutations that are unique in each virus analyzed. They include recombinations with host cell mRNA, gene translocations and duplications, and point mutations. Cytopathic BVD viruses fail to establish chains of infection and are unable to cause persistent infection. Hence, these viruses illustrate a case of “viral emergence to extinction” – irrelevant for BVDV evolution, but fatal for the PI host

    Fast Homeostatic Plasticity of Inhibition via Activity-Dependent Vesicular Filling

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    Synaptic activity in the central nervous system undergoes rapid state-dependent changes, requiring constant adaptation of the homeostasis between excitation and inhibition. The underlying mechanisms are, however, largely unclear. Chronic changes in network activity result in enhanced production of the inhibitory transmitter GABA, indicating that presynaptic GABA content is a variable parameter for homeostatic plasticity. Here we tested whether such changes in inhibitory transmitter content do also occur at the fast time scale required to ensure inhibition-excitation-homeostasis in dynamic cortical networks. We found that intense stimulation of afferent fibers in the CA1 region of mouse hippocampal slices yielded a rapid and lasting increase in quantal size of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents. This potentiation was mediated by the uptake of GABA and glutamate into presynaptic endings of inhibitory interneurons (the latter serving as precursor for the synthesis of GABA). Thus, enhanced release of inhibitory and excitatory transmitters from active networks leads to enhanced presynaptic GABA content. Thereby, inhibitory efficacy follows local neuronal activity, constituting a negative feedback loop and providing a mechanism for rapid homeostatic scaling in cortical circuits