965 research outputs found

    AuslÀndische Erfahrungen mit Modellen output-orientierter Steuerung - aus pÀdagogischer Perspektive am Beispiel Englands und Wales

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    Großbritannien hat im vergangenen Vierteljahrhundert einen tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel und Umbau seines Wohlfahrtsstaates erfahren. ... Auch der Bildungsbereich blieb von dieser Dynamik nicht ausgeschlossen, die ihren prononcierten Ausdruck in dem 1988 in Kraft getretenen Education Reform Act (ERA) und der damit eingeleiteten großen Bildungsreform fand, die 1998 abgeschlossen wurde. Der seither vollzogene Wandel reflektiert den Übergang von einem dezentralen System, in dem lokale Bildungsbehörden und Schulen ĂŒber große Freiheiten beispielsweise bei der Ausgestaltung der Curricula verfĂŒgten, zu einem stĂ€rker zentralisierten System mit Input-Steuerung in Gestalt eines nationalen Curriculums und Output- Steuerung in Form standardisierter LeistungsĂŒberprĂŒfungen und der EinfĂŒhrung des Marktprinzips unter den Schulen. In [dem] Beitrag werden gesellschaftpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und Erscheinungsformen dieses Entwicklungsprozesses dargestellt und aus pĂ€dagogischer Perspektive einer kritischen Reflexion unterzogen. Dies geschieht im Hinblick auf die EinfĂŒhrung und Effekte neuer Steuerungsinstrumentarien im Bildungswesen, die vor dem Hintergrund des Spannungsfelds von wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Modellen und Marktmodellen betrachtet werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    Konterkariert die europÀische Dimension im Bildungswesen die Aufgaben und Ziele der interkulturellen Bildung?

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    Does the European dimension in education counteract the tasks and aims of intercultural education? The European dimension in education, launched by the EU and her member states, is sought to be an integral part of the curriculum. But neither what nor how it is to be tought and learned is by no means yet clear: Is a eurocentric or a multicultural approach (to be) adopted? This is a central question in view of the EU\u27s growing influence in general education since Maastricht (1993) and considering the fact that the multiculturality of the students in the EU is not limited to those who have their ethnic origins within the member states, but also outside. During the past 30 years in order to "suit" this situation intercultural, multicultural or anti- racist education approaches are applied. Against this background the following article looks at initiatives launched under the two topics by the EU and her member states in general, paying special attention to the situation in Great Britain and Germany. Examples of secondeary schools in London and Frankfurt on the Main show how in practice both approaches are dealt with. (DIPF/Orig.

    Knowledge and Attitudes as Influencing Factors For Adopting Health Care Technology Among Medical Students in Germany

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    Telemedicine services are increasingly being tested in pilot projects and integrated into standard care. One of the primary reasons for the failure of such innovation processes is the lack of user acceptance. This will soon affect doctors who will have to use telemedicine but will be unfamiliar with it.  Knowledge and attitudes prevalent amongst medical students in Germany were surveyed and their perceived relevance for medical practice analysed. METHODS: In an online-based approach 524 medical students in Germany were interviewed. The participants (63.6% women, average age 25 years) were randomly selected. Correlations were tested within a linear regression model between the expressed expectations (independent variables) and the perceived importance of telemedicine for their future medical practice (dependent variable).RESULTS: The students surveyed showed great interest in telemedicine. The increasing mechanisation of care processes is generally viewed positively. The sooner medical students develop a positive attitude towards the impact of telemedicine for a given medical treatment (p=0.006), diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency (p=0.008) and public health-related costs (p=0.002), the more they tend to assign technology a high value for their future professional practice. There is, however, a lack of information about the potential use of technology. CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need to eliminate knowledge deficits in order to develop treatment-related telemedicine services. This would include more professional publications and furthering education, as well as training more physicians in telemedicine in Germany

    MultikulturalitÀt und Mehrsprachigkeit im \u27realen\u27 Europa und im \u27virtuellen\u27 Raum

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    While in the post World War II era autochthonous European ethnic groups were of main interest, since the 1960\u27s new, often socially- defined minorities like migrants, guest workers, emigrants returning from former colonies, refugees, evacuees and resettlers have moved into the focus. The European policy of the 1980\u27s and \u2790\u27s clearly votes for the protection of the cultural identity of all societal groups and in this context supports the evolution of a "European added value". But this process could be interrupted in the new millennium, where majority as well as minority groups are in danger of loosing their cultural autonomy. One indicator for this is the pressure to use standardized languages in a world marked by increased globalization - especially via the new media. This article looks at the chances and risks of the new media - mainly the Internet - for the pluricentric European society. (DIPF/orig.

    The German school system in the COVID-19 pandemic era

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    This article reviews findings to date on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the German school system and discusses selected topics, i.e., general conditions of teaching and learning, didactic design and methodology, and the effects on educational outcomes. Like many other countries, Germany had to close its schools several times and switch to distance or alternate-shift learning, although the measures implemented by the federal states in this respect differed by region. In what follows, we first identify seven phases in the chronological course the pandemic took in Germany across the various ‘LĂ€nder’, or federal states. Next, we turn to a discussion of the medium- to longterm development needs of the German school system, based on the empirical findings available to date. Here our focus will be on the following issues: Fostering students’ self-regulated learning, making up for students’ learning losses, with special attention to inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic, and digitalizing the school system. Lastly, we address the future development of concepts for linking synchronous and asynchronous (digital) forms of learning and their integration into classroom instruction. (DIPF/Orig.

    Transnationale BildungsrÀume im staatlichen Schulsystem

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    Die Autorin befasst sich fallorientiert in ihrem Beitrag mit der International Baccalaureate Organisation [IBO] und zeigt an dem Beispiel dieses Bildungsanbieters, wie im Wechselspiel von einem sich wandelnden VerstĂ€ndnis nationaler Bildungsverantwortung und wirtschaftlichen EinflĂŒssen ein transnationaler Bildungsraum entsteht, der in die nationalen BildungsrĂ€ume hineinwirkt. Besonders fokussiert wird diese Entwicklung mit Blick auf Deutschland und den hier sich zeigenden PhĂ€nomenen und Effekten des Transnationalen im nationalen Raum. (DIPF/Orig.)The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO), a non-profit educational foundation, offers to students aged 3 to 19 three non-national educational curricula and with the International Baccalaureate a non-national university entrance qualification for which the taker have to pay for privately. Traditionally, these educational opportunities have predominantly been offered by private international schools around the world, but today more than half of the schools offering them are state schools. In what follows, facts and figures on the IBO and students attending these educational opportunities worldwide are given, paying special attention to the situation in Germany. The neo-institutional world polity approach as it has been put forward by John W. Meyer et al. offers a theoretical frame for analyzing worldwide educational developments. Under this theoretical umbrella the nation state is regarded as the central driving force for isomorphism while the economic dimension is hardly considered. Due to this focus national border transcending dimensions in education such as those observed in the context of the IBO need to be looked at by broadening the point of reference. In this respect, it is suggested to draw on the concept of \u27transnational educational spaces\u27, as outlined by Adick (2005) and Hornberg (2010). The article closes by pointing to research questions arising in view of the IBO and the educational opportunities it provides for vis Ă  vis the nation state as the central driving force for national school systems worldwide and isomorphism. (DIPF/Orig.

    The link between computer use and job satisfaction: The mediating role of job tasks and task discretion

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    This study focuses on the consequences of the use of computerized work equipment (hereafter: computer use) on the content and quality of work. It investigates, first, the relationship between computer use and both job tasks and task discretion and, second, their mediating role for the relationship between computer use and job satisfaction. With our German-UK comparison, we contribute to the long-standing debate on the upskilling/de-skilling nature of the use of technology and its repercussions on the quality of work. We analyse data from the Skills and Employment Surveys for the UK and the BIBB/BAuA Employment Surveys for Germany using structural equation modelling. In line with the literature on routine-biased technological change, we show that computers are complementary to the performance of less routine and more abstract cognitive tasks and that this relationship is conducive to a higher level of task discretion and job satisfaction in both countries. Accounting for differences in job tasks performed, we find a negative direct effect of computer use on both task discretion and job satisfaction in the United Kingdom but not in Germany. Our results indicate that the ultimate effect of computer use on both task discretion and job satisfaction depends on the institutional contexts in which technology is introduced

    Gesundheitliche Folgen von Gewalt unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung von hĂ€uslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen

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    Hornberg C, Schröttle M, Bohne S, Khelaifat N, Pauli A. Gesundheitliche Folgen von Gewalt unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung von hĂ€uslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen. Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes. Vol 42. Berlin: Robert-Koch-Institut; 2008.Die hohe Betroffenheit von Frauen und Kindern, aber auch von MĂ€nnern durch Gewalt im privaten und öffentlichen Raum ist mit erheblichen gesundheitlichen Folgen verbunden, die in der Ă€rztlichen Diagnostik und gesundheitlichen PrĂ€vention zunehmend Beachtung finden sollten. Das Erkennen von Gewalt als Ursache physischer und psychischer BeeintrĂ€chtigungen kann zum Abbau von Über-, Unter- oder/und Fehlversorgung der Betroffenen beitragen. Institutionen des Gesundheitswesens haben daher als hĂ€ufig erste und einzige Anlaufstelle beim Vorliegen von akuten Verletzungen und gesundheitlichen Folgen von Gewalt eine SchlĂŒsselrolle bei der Intervention und PrĂ€vention weiterer Gewalt. In dem vorliegenden Themenheft werden - unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung von hĂ€uslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen - Ergebnisse der nationalen und internationalen Forschung zu gesundheitlichen Folgen von Gewalt prĂ€sentiert und Handlungsanleitungen sowie Best-Practice-AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr den Umgang mit Gewaltbetroffenen vorgestellt

    StadtGesundheit als Antwort auf Krisen im urbanen Raum

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