112 research outputs found

    Luminous environmental comfort in classrooms in Northeast Brazil

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    The objective of this article was to evaluate the light conditions in classrooms at a school in the northeast of Brazil and their influence on learning. The illuminance of the rooms was evaluated during solstices and equinoxes. We used NBR 15215-04 and measured light a 16 points using a digital lux meter. Also, perceptions of luminous comfort were ascertained through a questionnaire administered to teachers and students. Only 18% of the evaluated points were within the range of luminosity considered adequate according to the NBR, and the perceptions of teachers and students coincided with the technical results, as the light levels were considered unsatisfactory. According to the teachers, poor lighting affects school activities and the behavior of students, and we recorded complaints of visual discomfort and headaches. The lighting in the evaluated rooms was not adequate in terms of the comfort and quality of student learning. Low-cost strategies aimed at improving visual comfort—and, consequently, student learning—are suggested

    Putting episodic disability into context: a qualitative study exploring factors that influence disability experienced by adults living with HIV/AIDS

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An increasing number of individuals may be living with the health-related consequences of HIV and its associated treatments, a concept we term disability. However, the context in which disability is experienced from the HIV perspective is not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to describe the contextual factors that influence the experiences of disability from the perspective of adults living with HIV.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted four focus groups and 15 face-to-face interviews with 38 men and women living with HIV. We asked participants to describe their health-related challenges, the physical, social and psychological areas of their life affected, and the impact of these challenges on their overall health. We also conducted two validity check focus groups with seven returning participants. We analyzed data using grounded theory techniques to develop a conceptual framework of disability for adults living with HIV, called the Episodic Disability Framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Contextual factors that influenced disability were integral to participants' experiences and emerged as a key component of the framework. Extrinsic contextual factors included social support (support from friends, family, partners, pets and community, support from health care services and personnel, and programme and policy support) and stigma. Intrinsic contextual factors included living strategies (seeking social interaction with others, maintaining a sense of control over life and the illness, "blocking HIV out of the mind", and adopting attitudes and beliefs to help manage living with HIV) and personal attributes (gender and aging). These factors may exacerbate or alleviate dimensions of HIV disability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This framework is the first to consider the contextual factors that influence experiences of disability from the perspective of adults living with HIV. Extrinsic factors (level of social support and stigma) and intrinsic factors (living strategies and personal attributes) may exacerbate or alleviate episodes of HIV-related disability. These factors offer a broader understanding of the disability experience and may suggest ways to prevent or reduce disability for adults living with HIV.</p

    Jogo educacional para apoiar a aprendizagem de crianças com transtorno do Espectro Autista / Educational game to support the learning of children with Autistic Spectrum disorder

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    Cada vez mais tem crescido a quantidade de diagnósticos de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). Crianças com TEA apresentam, dentre outras dificuldades, aquelas relacionadas à aprendizagem da linguagem oral e da utilização correta das palavras, necessitando de maior apoio e de formas diversificadas, e mais intensas, de estímulos para que haja mudanças positivas. Neste contexto, tem havido também mais pesquisas voltadas à utilização de jogo digitais construídos especificamente para este público. Este trabalho desenvolveu foi desenvolvido um jogo digital educativo – Letrinhas, para a plataforma Android. O Letrinhas está embasado em mecânicas que de dois métodos já utilizados e consolidados por especialistas da área: o TEACCH e o PECS. O jogo está estruturado em duas modalidades de atividades: “Letras” para estimular a linguagem e ampliar o repertório de palavras e a segunda que é “Cartas” para estimular o raciocínio lógico a partir da associação entre objetos e ambientes. O jogo considerou as características das crianças com TEA tendo sido realizadas atividades de análise, modelagem (requisites e UML) de software e, em seu desenvolvimento utilizou-se o Unity 3D. Em sua concepção e validação participaram psicólogos que atuam com TEA, tendo sido obtidos resultados bastante satisfatórios em relação à contribuição do jogo para o processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo da linguagem oral deste público

    O uso da plataforma Scratch como ferramenta facilitadora durante o ensino de lógica de programação para alunos do ensino médio: The use of the Scratch platform as a facilitating tool during the teaching of programming logic for high school students

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    No século em que vivemos, a computação vem se apresentado como uma ferramenta de fundamental importância, seja nos meios de comunicação, industrial, bem como em processos educacionais. Dessa forma, não se deve restringir o Ensino da computação/Programação apenas em como usar o computador e seus sistemas operacionais e softwares, podemos também usufruir de seus diversos recursos no processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem, inclusive nas possibilidades de resolução de problemas do cotidiano. Diante disso, resolveu-se oportunizar os alunos a terem contato com a Lógica de Programação utilizando o software Scratch que possibilita o desenvolvimento de animações de games através de comandos conectados em blocos. Neste contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo sobre a análise da utilização do software Scratch no ambiente introdutório de Programação na disciplina de Robótica Aplicada. Procurou-se verificar se esta ferramenta foi uma facilitadora no processo de Ensino-aprendizagem de Lógica de Programação, onde utilizou-se de múltiplas técnicas para a coleta (questionários e observações), análise e sistematização de dados. Participaram desse estudo 100 alunos de turmas do Ensino Médio de uma Unidade Polo do IEMA, 60% dos alunos das turmas de primeiro ano letivo de 2021, voluntários e com idades variando entre 14 e 16 anos, participantes da disciplina de Robótica Aplicada. As aulas utilizando a Plataforma Scratch ocorreram entre os dias 06 de maio de 10 de junho do corrente ano, 5 encontros. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o uso da ferramenta trouxe resultados significativos para os alunos, uma vez que, verificou-se que pensamento criativo e a busca por soluções para os problemas durante a etapa de programação, demonstraram o protagonismo dos alunos, através de uma postura mais autônoma, crítica e colaborativa

    Whole-genome analyses reveal genetic instability of Acetobacter pasteurianus

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    Acetobacter species have been used for brewing traditional vinegar and are known to have genetic instability. To clarify the mutability, Acetobacter pasteurianus NBRC 3283, which forms a multi-phenotype cell complex, was subjected to genome DNA sequencing. The genome analysis revealed that there are more than 280 transposons and five genes with hyper-mutable tandem repeats as common features in the genome consisting of a 2.9-Mb chromosome and six plasmids. There were three single nucleotide mutations and five transposon insertions in 32 isolates from the cell complex. The A. pasteurianus hyper-mutability was applied for breeding a temperature-resistant strain grown at an unviable high-temperature (42°C). The genomic DNA sequence of a heritable mutant showing temperature resistance was analyzed by mutation mapping, illustrating that a 92-kb deletion and three single nucleotide mutations occurred in the genome during the adaptation. Alpha-proteobacteria including A. pasteurianus consists of many intracellular symbionts and parasites, and their genomes show increased evolution rates and intensive genome reduction. However, A. pasteurianus is assumed to be a free-living bacterium, it may have the potentiality to evolve to fit in natural niches of seasonal fruits and flowers with other organisms, such as yeasts and lactic acid bacteria

    Osteoimmunology of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases : Translational Applications Based on Biological Mechanisms

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    The maxillofacial skeleton is highly dynamic and requires a constant equilibrium between the bone resorption and bone formation. The field of osteoimmunology explores the interactions between bone metabolism and the immune response, providing a context to study the complex cellular and molecular networks involved in oro-maxillofacial osteolytic diseases. In this review, we present a framework for understanding the potential mechanisms underlying the immuno-pathobiology in etiologically-diverse diseases that affect the oral and maxillofacial region and share bone destruction as their common clinical outcome. These otherwise different pathologies share similar inflammatory pathways mediated by central cellular players, such as macrophages, T and B cells, that promote the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts, ineffective or insufficient bone apposition by osteoblasts, and the continuous production of osteoclastogenic signals by immune and local stromal cells. We also present the potential translational applications of this knowledge based on the biological mechanisms involved in the inflammation-induced bone destruction. Such applications can be the development of immune-based therapies that promote bone healing/regeneration, the identification of host-derived inflammatory/collagenolytic biomarkers as diagnostics tools, the assessment of links between oral and systemic diseases; and the characterization of genetic polymorphisms in immune or bone-related genes that will help diagnosis of susceptible individuals.Peer reviewe

    An exploration of hope as a concept for nursing

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    Background: Hope is identified as an important part of recovery and nurses are identified as having a crucial role in facilitating hope in patients and their families. Aims and objectives: This paper examines perceptions of hope in health care with a particular focus on: the nature of hope in nursing; the relationship of hope to other related concepts; the experience of hope in some contexts; and the contribution of nursing. Conclusions: A literature review was undertaken drawing on concept clarification and evaluation which identified hope as an emerging concept. Further research is required to explore hope within orthopaedic and trauma settings. Furthermore a thorough understanding of how staff and patients interact, experience hope; and what strategies facilitate therapeutic care in this area is required. Relevance to clinical practice: Hope is presented as a core concept for practice because it is inextricably linked to individual’s experience and recovery. However unless practical and useful ways of working with hope that benefit patients are identified; hope will remain an under utilised concept in healthcare

    Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis Sclater, 1882): relato de caso

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2011v24n4p135A anestesia epidural é uma das técnicas anestésicas mais utilizadas devido à boa margem de segurança, eficiência e rapidez na aplicação. Decorrente de sua importância faz-se necessário ter conhecimento preciso da topografia do cone medular das espécies. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis), com o propósito de fornecer dados anatômicos úteis para a prática de anestesias epidurais. Foi utilizado um exemplar jovem, macho, após morte natural, proveniente da Área de Mina Bauxita de Paragominas-PA, o qual foi fixado e armazenado em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. O animal Foi dissecado mediante afastamento da pele e da musculatura epiaxial, procedendo-se a secção e remoção dos arcos vertebrais favorecendo a visualização da medula espinhal. O Atelocynus microtis apresentou sete vértebras lombares e três sacrais. Após a individualização das estruturas anatômicas de interesse, foram tomadas as mensurações do cone medular com o auxílio de paquímetro. A intumescência lombar localizou-se entre as vértebras L3 e L6, o cone medular foi observado em nível da sétima vértebra lombar (L7) e seu ápice na terceira vértebra sacral (S3) totalizando um comprimento de 3,9 cm acompanhado pela cauda equina. Assim, sugerimos a região sacrocaudal como o local mais apropriado para realização de anestesia epidural no Atelocynus microtis