21 research outputs found

    Environmental effects of ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change : UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update 2017

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    Use of Infectious Molecular Clones of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus for Pathogenesis Studies

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    Three infectious molecular clones of SIVmac and one of HIV‐2 exhibit remarkable variation in their biological properties despite similarities in genome organization and sequence relatedness. Cloned viruses differed in their ability to grow in various cultured cells, in their ability to infect macaques, and in the location of the env stop codon. Sequences from the 3' end predict that at least three of the four clones do not have an intact, functional nef gene. All four cloned viruses yield infectious virus in HUT‐78 and all four cloned viruses are cytopathic

    The basalis of the primate endometrium: a bifunctional germinal compartment

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    Radioautographic analysis of epithelial and stromal cell proliferation in the primate endometrial functionalis and basalis (rhesus monkey) has identified horizontal zonal patterns of mitotic activation and inhibition during natural menstrual cycles. At 1 h after a single i.v. injection of [3H]thymidine, mitotic activity in endometrial biopsies (hysterotomy) was determined on 9 days from the late proliferative to the late luteal phase (-2 days to + 14 days relative to the estrogen [E2]peak). Labeling indices (LIs) were determined within glandular segments of the 4 horizontal endometrial zones: Transient functionalis Zone I (luminal epithelium) and Zone II (uppermost gland); Germinal basalis: Zone III (middle gland) and Zone IV (basal gland). The size of the dividing epithelial populations (LI) differed zonally. During E2 dominance (-2 days to +3 days), the epithelial LIs of functionalis I (10 +/- 0.3%) and II (9.8 +/- 1.0%) were greater than those of basalis III (5.8 +/- 0.2%) and basalis IV (3.7 +/- 0.8%). During progesterone (P) dominance (+5 days to +14 days), epithelial mitosis was strongly inhibited in functionalis I (4.3 +/- 1.9%), functionalis II (0.8 +/- 0.2%), and basalis III (1.4 +/- 0.5%). Thus germinal basalis III was linked functionally with transient functionalis I and II by periovulatory uniformity in epithelial proliferation and postovulatory mitotic inhibition. A unique mitotic pattern set basalis IV apart from other zones by a steady rise in LI from 1% (-2 days) to 11% (+10 days). The LIs for stromal fibroblasts remained quite uniform in basalis IV but varied in other zones. Thus the postovulatory primate basalis was a distinct bipartite compartment in which the mitotic rate in basalis IV glandular epithelium increased steadily whereas that of basalis III was strongly inhibited. The remarkable enhancement of epithelial mitotic activity in basalis IV may reflect expansion of the stem-progenitor cell population for gestational growth or for post-menstrual regeneration

    Use of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus for Vaccine Research

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    Rhesus monkeys were immunized with purified, disrupted, noninfectious simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in adjuvant induced SIV neutralizing antibodies. Two of six previously vaccinated macaques were protected against infection when challenged with 200–1,000 animal infectious doses of uncloned, pathogenic SIV and both have remained free of signs of virus infection for 19 and 30 months. Prior vaccination appeared to be of benefit in decreasing the virus load and in delaying the onset of AIDS in animals that became infected. Nonetheless, two of four previously vaccinated monkeys that became infected following challenge eventually developed AIDS and died 505 and 538 days after infection. Thus, for a vaccine to be truly effective against AIDS, it may have to protect absolutely against initial infection