38 research outputs found

    Mechanistic investigation of eukaryotic quality control factors RQT and Mbf1

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    Translation is a central cellular process and thus tightly regulated by quality control mechanisms. Monitoring the ribosome during translation is an elegant way to track the progress and to catch a variety of errors before they lead to detrimental effects in the cell. Recently, ribosomal collisions have emerged as a trigger for such quality control pathways, and various collision sensors have been identified. One of those pathways called ribosome associated quality control (RQC) deals with ribosomes stuck on an open reading frame (e.g. due to stable mRNA structures or inhibitory codons). Here, ubiquitination of ribosomal proteins serves as a signal for dissociation of the stuck ribosome by the RQC-trigger (RQT) complex. Subsequently the aberrant mRNA and the truncated nascent peptide are degraded and intact components such as ribosomal subunits or tRNAs can be recycled. Although this pathway has been studied in detail over the last years, the exact mechanism by which RQT leads to dissociation of stalled ribosomes remains unclear. This thesis aimed to elucidate the RQT-mediated dissociation mechanism by setting up an in vitro splitting system and subsequent cryo-EM analysis of the splitting reactions. To generate suitable substrates for the dissociation process, collisions were generated using known ribosome stalling sequences in a cell free in vitro translation system. Splitting assays showed that an in vitro ubiquitination step for collided ribosomes is crucial for splitting. Moreover, such assays revealed that efficient splitting is dependent on ATPase activity of the N-terminal helicase cassette of RQT component Slh1, on the presence of a neighboring ribosome and on availability of a 3’ mRNA overhang. Structural analysis of the ribosome-bound RQT complex divulged stable positioning of RQT on the lead ribosome of a collided ‘disome’ unit, as well as on 80S and 40S. The 80S-RQT complex was observed in two different states located in close proximity to the entry of the mRNA channel. Together with the observed requirement of available 3’mRNA and helicase activity of Slh1, this suggests that Slh1 can pull on the mRNA, leading to an initial model for ribosome dissociation. Ribosome stalling and subsequent collisions increase the probability of frameshifting and thus translation of an aberrant protein. Structural analysis of three collided ribosomes, so called trisomes, revealed the presence of multiprotein bridging factor (Mbf1), previously identified as a frameshift inhibitor. This small protein was found on the second and third colliding ribosomes, positioned between beak and body of the 40S subunit. Comparison with the human homolog EDF1, which was found to be recruited to emetine induced collisions, showed that those proteins bind in the exact same fashion. The position on the 40S subunit of the collided ribosomes suggests that both proteins interact directly with the mRNA to prevent frameshifting, probably in combination with preventing conformational changes required for translocation of the ribosome.   In conclusion, high resolution cryo-EM structures of both RQT and Mbf1 on ribosomes enabled detailed insights into the intricate quality control network targeting collisions in the cell. From this, molecular models for both a helicase driven dissociation mechanism by RQT and the frameshifting inhibition by Mbf1 could be derived. These results, together with the developed optimization strategies, provide the basis for future works, leading to a detailed understanding of these pathways

    EDF1 coordinates cellular responses to ribosome collisions

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    Translation of aberrant mRNAs induces ribosomal collisions, thereby triggering pathways for mRNA and nascent peptide degradation and ribosomal rescue. Here we use sucrose gradient fractionation combined with quantitative proteomics to systematically identify proteins associated with collided ribosomes. This approach identified Endothelial differentiation-related factor 1 (EDF1) as a novel protein recruited to collided ribosomes during translational distress. Cryo-electron microscopic analyses of EDF1 and its yeast homolog Mbf1 revealed a conserved 40S ribosomal subunit binding site at the mRNA entry channel near the collision interface. EDF1 recruits the translational repressors GIGYF2 and EIF4E2 to collided ribosomes to initiate a negative-feedback loop that prevents new ribosomes from translating defective mRNAs. Further, EDF1 regulates an immediate-early transcriptional response to ribosomal collisions. Our results uncover mechanisms through which EDF1 coordinates multiple responses of the ribosome-mediated quality control pathway and provide novel insights into the intersection of ribosome-mediated quality control with global transcriptional regulation

    Etravirine pharmacokinetics in HIV-infected pregnant women

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    __Background__ The study goal was to describe etravirine pharmacokinetics during pregnancy and postpartum in HIV-infected women. __Methods__ IMPAACT P1026s and PANNA are on-going, non-randomized, open-label, parallel-group, multi-center phase-IV prospective studies in HIV-infected pregnant women. Intensive steady-state 12-h pharmacokinetic profiles were performed from 2nd trimester through postpartum. Etravirine was measured at two labs using validated ultra performance liquid chromatography (detection limits: 0.020 and 0.026 mcg/mL). __Results__ Fifteen women took etravirine 200 mg twice-daily. Etravirine AUC0-12 was higher in the 3rd trimester compared to paired postpartum data by 34% (median 8.3 vs. 5.3 mcg*h/mL, p = 0.068). Etravirine apparent oral clearance was significantly lower in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy compared to paired postpartum data by 52% (median 24 vs. 38 L/h, p = 0.025). The median ratio of cord blood to maternal plasma concentration at delivery was 0.52 (range: 0.19-4.25) and no perinatal transmission occurred. __Conclusion__ Etravirine apparent oral clearance is reduced and exposure increased during the third trimester of pregnancy. Based on prior dose-ranging and safety data, no dose adjustment is necessary for maternal health but the effects of etravirine in utero are unknown. Maternal health and infant outcomes should be closely monitored until further infant safety data are available. __Clinical Trial registration:__ The IMPAACT protocol P1026s and PANNA study are registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under NCT00042289 and NCT00825929

    Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations

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    Precarious manhood beliefs portray manhood, relative to womanhood, as a social status that is hard to earn, easy to lose, and proven via public action. Here, we present cross-cultural data on a brief measure of precarious manhood beliefs (the Precarious Manhood Beliefs scale [PMB]) that covaries meaningfully with other cross-culturally validated gender ideologies and with country-level indices of gender equality and human development. Using data from university samples in 62 countries across 13 world regions (N = 33,417), we demonstrate: (1) the psychometric isomorphism of the PMB (i.e., its comparability in meaning and statistical properties across the individual and country levels); (2) the PMB’s distinctness from, and associations with, ambivalent sexism and ambivalence toward men; and (3) associations of the PMB with nation-level gender equality and human development. Findings are discussed in terms of their statistical and theoretical implications for understanding widely-held beliefs about the precariousness of the male gender role


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    „Mathe – kann ich“ – ein Satz, den die Mehrheit der Studierenden zu Beginn eines ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengangs sicher nicht mit sich in Verbindung bringt. Die Buchreihe „Mathe – kann ich“ zielt darauf ab, dies schnell und einfach zu ändern. Der erste Band der Reihe befasst sich mit Grundlagenstoff. Er umfasst 14 Kapitel, von Arithmetik, Algebra, Polynome, Funktionen, Folgen über Ableitung und Integrationsrechnung bis hin zu Beweisen und Mengen. Jedes Kapitel führt in das Thema kurz ein, die verwendeten Begriffe werden definiert. Viele einfache Abbildungen tragen zur Veranschaulichung bei. Ausformulierte Lernziele, die jeweils mit „Ich kann …“ beginnen, helfen, sich die benötigte Mathematik zu erschließen. Sie folgen dem aktuell gültigem Curriculum der Europäischen Gesellschaft für die Ingenieur-Ausbildung (SEFI). Jedes Kapitel bietet zusätzlich eine Vielzahl an Aufgaben und schließlich ausführlichen Lösungen. Zu jeder Aufgabe gibt es eine Zeitangabe, die den Studierenden bei der Auswahl zum Anfang hilft. Die Aufgaben selbst sind unterschiedlich, teils auf Anwendung bezogen, teils zum Rechnen, teils zur Klärung der Begrifflichkeiten. Das Arbeiten mit Kann-Listen macht den eigenen Lernerfolg für Studierende sichtbar: einfach Abhaken! Darüber hinaus verbindet es das zu Lernende mit der Meta-Ebene des Stoffs, was für nachhaltiges Erinnern entscheidend ist. Der innovative didaktische Ansatz hat sich in der Praxis bewährt. Zusatzmaterialien zum Buch, wie computerunterstützte Lösungen zu den Aufgaben oder einige der Visualisierungen, werden auf plus.hanser-fachbuch.de bereitgestellt

    Geometrie und Funktionen

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    Im Band 2 werden die Themen aus dem "Core Curriculum" der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Ingenieurausbildung (SEFI) fortgesetzt, in dem die wesentlichen Inhalte und Ziele der Mathematikausbildung für Ingenieure berücksichtigt werden: - Differentialrechnung, - Integralrechnung, - Differentialgleichungen, - Geometrie und Trigonometrie, - Diskrete Mathematik, - Vektoren, - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik. Jedes Kapitel führt in das Thema kurz ein, die verwendeten Begriffe werden definiert. Viele einfache Abbildungen tragen zur Veranschaulichung bei. Ausformulierte Lernziele, die jeweils mit "Ich kann ..." beginnen, helfen, sich die benötigte Mathematik zu erschließen. Das Arbeiten mit Kann-Listen macht den eigenen Lernerfolg für Studierende sichtbar: einfach Abhaken! Darüber hinaus verbindet es das zu Lernende mit der Meta-Ebene des Stoffs, was für nachhaltiges Erinnern entscheidend ist. Der innovative didaktische Ansatz hat sich in der Praxis bewährt. Jedes Kapitel bietet zusätzlich eine Vielzahl an Aufgaben und schließlich ausführlichen Lösungen. Zu jeder Aufgabe gibt es eine Zeitangabe, die den Studierenden bei der Auswahl zum Anfang hilft. Die Aufgaben selbst sind unterschiedlich, teils auf Anwendung bezogen, teils zum Rechnen, teils zur Klärung der Begrifflichkeiten