992 research outputs found

    Sum rules, plasma frequencies and Hall phenomenology in holographic plasmas

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    We study the AC optical and hall conductivities of Dp/Dq-branes intersections in the probe approximation and use sum-rules to study various associated transport coefficients. We determine that the presence of massive fundamental matter, as compared to massless fundamental matter described holographically by a theory with no dimensional defects, reduces the plasma frequency. We further show that this is not the case when the brane intersections include defects. We discuss in detail how to implement correctly the regularization of retarded Green's functions so that the dispersion relations are satisfied and the low energy behaviour of the system is physically realistic.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures. v2.minor changes, published versio

    New Light in Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies: The PMAS Integral Field View of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy Mrk 409

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    We present an integral field spectroscopic study of the central 2x2 kpc^2 of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 409, observed with the Potsdam MultiAperture Spectrophotometer. This study focuses on the morphology, two-dimensional chemical abundance pattern, excitation properties and kinematics of the ionized interstellar medium in the starburst component. We also investigate the nature of the extended ring of ionized gas emission surrounding the bright nuclear starburst region of Mrk 409. PMAS spectra of selected regions along the ring, interpreted with evolutionary and population synthesis models, indicate that their ionized emission is mainly due to a young stellar population with a total mass of ~1.5x10^6 M_sun, which started forming almost coevally ~10 Myr ago. This stellar component is likely confined to the collisional interface of a spherically expanding, starburst-driven super-bubble with denser, swept-up ambient gas, ~600 pc away from the central starburst nucleus. The spectroscopic properties of the latter imply a large extinction (C_H-beta>0.9), and the presence of an additional non-thermal ionization source, most likely a low-luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus. Mrk 409 shows a relatively large oxygen abundance (12+log(O/H)~8.4) and no chemical abundance gradients out to R~600 pc. The ionized gas kinematics displays an overall regular rotation on a northwest-southwest axis, with a maximum velocity of 60 km/s; the total mass inside the star-forming ring is about 1.4x10^9 M_sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The influence of perfusion solution on renal graft viability assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Kidneys from donors after cardiac or circulatory death are exposed to extended periods of both warm ischemia and intra-arterial cooling before organ recovery. Marshall’s hypertonic citrate (HOC) and Bretschneider’s histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK) preservation solutions are cheap, low viscosity preservation solutions used clinically for organ flushing. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of these two solutions both on parameters used in clinical practice to assess organ viability prior to transplantation and histological evidence of ischemic injury after reperfusion. METHODS: Rodent kidneys were exposed to post-mortem warm ischemia, extended intra-arterial cooling (IAC) (up to 2 h) with preservation solution and reperfusion with either Krebs-Hensleit or whole blood in a transplant model. Control kidneys were either reperfused directly after retrieval or stored in 0.9% saline. Biochemical, immunological and histological parameters were assessed using glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzymatic assays, polymerase chain reaction and mitochondrial electron microscopy respectively. Vascular function was assessed by supplementing the Krebs-Hensleit perfusion solution with phenylephrine to stimulate smooth muscle contraction followed by acetylcholine to trigger endothelial dependent relaxation. RESULTS: When compared with kidneys reperfused directly post mortem, 2 h of IAC significantly reduced smooth muscle contractile function, endothelial function and upregulated vascular cellular adhesion molecule type 1 (VCAM-1) independent of the preservation solution. However, GST release, vascular resistance, weight gain and histological mitochondrial injury were dependent on the preservation solution used. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that initial machine perfusion viability tests, including ischemic vascular resistance and GST, are dependent on the perfusion solution used during in situ cooling. HTK-perfused kidneys will be heavier, have higher GST readings and yet reduced mitochondrial ischemic injury when compared with HOC-perfused kidneys. Clinicians should be aware of this when deciding which kidneys to transplant or discard

    Inverse dispersion engineering in silicon waveguides

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    We present a numerical tool that searches an optimal cross section geometry of silicon-on-insulator waveguides given a target dispersion profile. The approach is a gradient-based multidimensional method whose efficiency resides on the simultaneous calculation of the propagation constant derivatives with respect to all geometrical parameters of the structure by using the waveguide mode distribution. The algorithm is compatible with regular mode solvers. As an illustrative example, using a silicon slot hybrid waveguide with 4 independent degrees of freedom, our approach finds ultra-flattened (either normal or anomalous) dispersion over 350 nm bandwidth in less than 10 iterations

    An ultraviolet-selected galaxy redshift survey - III: Multicolour imaging and non-uniform star formation histories

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    (abridged) We present panoramic u' and optical ground-based imaging observations of a complete sample of low-redshift (0<z<0.4) galaxies selected in the ultraviolet (UV) at 2000A using the balloon-borne FOCA instrument of Milliard et al. This survey is highly sensitive to newly-formed massive stars, and hence to actively star-forming galaxies. We use the new data to further investigate the stellar population and star formation properties of this sample. When combined with our earlier spectroscopic surveys, these new data allow us to compare star-formation measures derived from aperture-corrected Ha line fluxes, UV(2000A) and u'(3600A) continuum fluxes on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis. As expected from our earlier studies, we find broad correlations between the dust-corrected star-formation diagnostics, though the scatter is larger than that from observational errors, with significant offsets from trends expected according to simple star-formation history (SFH) models. Varying metallicities and/or initial mass functions seem unable to explain the observed discrepancies. We investigate the star-formation properties further by modelling the observed spectroscopic and photometric properties of the galaxies in our survey. Nearly half of the galaxies surveyed possess features that appear incompatible with simple constant or smoothly declining SFHs, favouring instead irregular or temporally-varying SFHs. We demonstrate how this can reconcile the majority of our observations, and determine empirical corrections to calculate intrinsic star formation rates from measures based on UV (or u') observations alone. We discuss the broader implications of our finding that a significant fraction of star-forming galaxies have complex SFHs, particularly in the context of recent determinations of the cosmic SFH.Comment: MNRAS; post-referee report version. 16 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized additive and fuzzy models in environmental flow assessment: A comparison employing the West Balkan trout (Salmo farioides; Karaman, 1938)

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    Human activities have altered flow regimes resulting in increased pressures and threats on river biota. Physical habitat simulation has been established as a standard approach among the methods for Environmental Flow Assessment (EFA). Traditionally, in EFA, univariate habitat suitability curves have been used to evaluate the habitat suitability at the microhabitat scale whereas Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) and fuzzy logic are considered the most common multivariate approaches to do so. The assessment of the habitat suitability for three size classes of the West Balkan trout (Salmo farioides; Karaman, 1938) inferred with these multivariate approaches was compared at three different levels. First the modelled patterns of habitat selection were compared by developing partial dependence plots. Then, the habitat assessment was spatially explicitly compared by calculating the fuzzy kappa statistic and finally, the habitat quantity and quality was compared broadly and at relevant flows under a hypothetical flow regulation, based on the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) vs. flow curves. The GAMs were slightly more accurate and the WUA-flow curves demonstrated that they were more optimistic in the habitat assessment with larger areas assessed with low to intermediate suitability (0.2 0.6). Nevertheless, both approaches coincided in the habitat assessment (the optimal areas were spatially coincident) and in the modelled patterns of habitat selection; large trout selected microhabitats with low flow velocity, large depth, coarse substrate and abundant cover. Medium sized trout selected microhabitats with low flow velocity, middle-to-large depth, any kind of substrate but bedrock and some elements of cover. Finally small trout selected microhabitats with low flow velocity, small depth, and light cover only avoiding bedrock substrate. Furthermore, both approaches also rendered similar WUA-flow curves and coincided in the predicted increases and decreases of the WUA under the hypothetical flow regulation. Although on an equal footing, GAMs performed slightly better, they do not automatically account for variables interactions. Conversely, fuzzy models do so and can be easily modified by experts to include new insights or to cover a wider range of environmental conditions. Therefore, as a consequence of the agreement between both approaches, we would advocate for combinations of GAMs and fuzzy models in fish-based EFA.This study was supported by the ECOFLOW project funded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology in the framework of the NSRF 2007-2013. We are grateful for field assistance of Dimitris Kommatas, Orfeas Triantafillou and Martin Palt and to Alcibiades N. Economou for assistance in discussions on trout biology and ecology.Muñoz Mas, R.; Papadaki, C.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Zogaris, S.; Ntoanidis, L.; Dimitriou, E. (2016). Generalized additive and fuzzy models in environmental flow assessment: A comparison employing the West Balkan trout (Salmo farioides; Karaman, 1938). Ecological Engineering. 91:365-377. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.03.009S3653779

    Intersecting D-branes in Type IIB Plane Wave Background

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    We study intersecting D-branes in a type IIB plane wave background using Green-Schwarz worldsheet formulation. We consider all possible D±D_\pm-branes intersecting at angles in the plane wave background and identify their residual supersymmetries. We find, in particular, that DD±D_\mp - D_\pm brane intersections preserve no supersymmetry. We also present the explicit worldsheet expressions of conserved supercharges and their supersymmetry algebras.Comment: 32 pages, 2 tables; Corrected typos, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    INTEGRAL observations of the field of the BL Lacertae object S5~0716+714

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    We have performed observations of the blazar S5 0716+714 with INTEGRAL on 2-6 April 2004. In the first months of 2004, the source had increased steadily in optical brightness and had undergone two outbursts. During the latter, occurred in March, it reached the extreme level of R = 12.1 mag, which triggered our INTEGRAL program. The target has been detected with IBIS/ISGRI up to 60 keV, with a flux of ~3 x 10e-11 erg/s/cm2 in the 30-60 keV interval, a factor of ~2 higher than observed by the BeppoSAX PDS in October 2000. In the field of S5 0716+714 we have also detected the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar S5 0836+710 and the two Seyfert galaxies Mkn 3 and Mkn 6. Their IBIS/ISGRI spectra are rather flat, albeit consistent with those measured by BeppoSAX. In the spectrum of Mkn 3 we find some evidence of a break between ~60 and ~100 keV, reminiscent of the high energy cut-offs observed in other Seyfert galaxies. This is the first report of INTEGRAL spectra of weak Active Galactic Nuclei.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, in press in A&

    Nurse-Initiated Treatment Reduces Costs for Acute Asthma in a Pediatric Emergency Department

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    Standardized emergency department (ED) pathways can improve care delivery to children with acute asthma, though their impact on hospitalization and costs is unclear. An Acute Asthma Care Pathway (AACP) that facilitates nurse initiation of treatment was implemented at a tertiary care pediatric ED using standard quality improvement methodology. The impact of implementation was assessed using process control methodology and multivariable time series analyses between pre- and post-implementation periods. Provision of a steroid within 30 minutes and 60 minutes of arrival increased by 21 and 22 percentage points respectively, IV magnesium sulfate administration increased by 30 percentage points, the proportion hospitalized decreased from 44.8% to 32.2%, and mean direct costs per patient decreased from 2,663to2,663 to 2,303 (13.5%). In multivariable analysis, these improvements remained significant. Implementation of the AACP improved timeliness of treatment, hospitalization, and direct costs of children receiving ED treatment for acute asthma