11 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Halos with Different Mass Ratios to the Overall Growth of Cluster-Sized Halos

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    We provide a new observational test for a key prediction of the \Lambda CDM cosmological model: the contributions of mergers with different halo-to-main-cluster mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. We perform this test by dynamically analyzing seven galaxy clusters, spanning the redshift range 0.13<zc<0.450.13 < z_c < 0.45 and caustic mass range 1015h0.73110^{15} h_{0.73}^{-1} M_{\odot}, with an average of 293 spectroscopically-confirmed bound galaxies to each cluster. The large radial coverage (a few virial radii), which covers the whole infall region, with a high number of spectroscopically identified galaxies enables this new study. For each cluster, we identify bound galaxies. Out of these galaxies, we identify infalling and accreted halos and estimate their masses and their dynamical states. Using the estimated masses, we derive the contribution of different mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. For mass ratios between ~0.2 and ~0.7, we find a ~1 σ\sigma agreement with \Lambda CDM expectations based on the Millennium simulations I and II. At low mass ratios, 0.2\lesssim 0.2, our derived contribution is underestimated since the detection efficiency decreases at low masses, 2×1014\sim 2 \times 10^{14} h0.731h_{0.73}^{-1} M_{\odot}. At large mass ratios, 0.7\gtrsim 0.7, we do not detect halos probably because our sample, which was chosen to be quite X-ray relaxed, is biased against large mass ratios. Therefore, at large mass ratios, the derived contribution is also underestimated.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables, 2 machine readable tables, accepted for publication in ApJ, updated acknowledgements and data table format modifications mad

    CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis

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    We derive an accurate mass distribution of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 (z=0.439) from a combined weak-lensing distortion, magnification, and strong-lensing analysis of wide-field Subaru BVRIz' imaging and our recent 16-band Hubble Space Telescope observations taken as part of the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) program. We find good agreement in the regions of overlap between several weak and strong lensing mass reconstructions using a wide variety of modeling methods, ensuring consistency. The Subaru data reveal the presence of a surrounding large scale structure with the major axis running approximately north-west south-east (NW-SE), aligned with the cluster and its brightest galaxy shapes, showing elongation with a \sim 2:1 axis ratio in the plane of the sky. Our full-lensing mass profile exhibits a shallow profile slope dln\Sigma/dlnR\sim -1 at cluster outskirts (R>1Mpc/h), whereas the mass distribution excluding the NW-SE excess regions steepens further out, well described by the Navarro-Frenk-White form. Assuming a spherical halo, we obtain a virial mass M_{vir}=(1.1\pm 0.2\pm 0.1)\times 10^{15} M_{sun}/h and a halo concentration c_{vir} = 6.9\pm 1.0\pm 1.2 (\sim 5.7 when the central 50kpc/h is excluded), which falls in the range 4 <7 of average c(M,z) predictions for relaxed clusters from recent Lambda cold dark matter simulations. Our full lensing results are found to be in agreement with X-ray mass measurements where the data overlap, and when combined with Chandra gas mass measurements, yield a cumulative gas mass fraction of 13.7^{+4.5}_{-3.0}% at 0.7Mpc/h (\approx 1.7r_{2500}), a typical value observed for high mass clusters.Comment: Accepted by ApJ (30 pages, 17 figures), one new figure (Figure 10) added, minor text changes; a version with high resolution figures available at http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/~keiichi/upfiles/MACS1206/ms_highreso.pd

    Systematic analysis of jellyfish galaxy candidates in Fornax, Antlia, and Hydra from the S-PLUS survey: A self-supervised visual identification aid

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/We study 51 jellyfish galaxy candidates in the Fornax, Antlia, and Hydra clusters. These candidates are identified using the JClass scheme based on the visual classification of wide-field, twelve-band optical images obtained from the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey. A comprehensive astrophysical analysis of the jellyfish (JClass > 0), non-jellyfish (JClass = 0), and independently organized control samples is undertaken. We develop a semi-automated pipeline using self-supervised learning and similarity search to detect jellyfish galaxies. The proposed framework is designed to assist visual classifiers by providing more reliable JClasses for galaxies. We find that jellyfish candidates exhibit a lower Gini coefficient, higher entropy, and a lower 2D Sérsic index as the jellyfish features in these galaxies become more pronounced. Jellyfish candidates show elevated star formation rates (including contributions from the main body and tails) by 1.75 dex, suggesting a significant increase in the SFR caused by the ram-pressure stripping phenomenon. Galaxies in the Antlia and Fornax clusters preferentially fall towards the cluster's centre, whereas only a mild preference is observed for Hydra galaxies. Our self-supervised pipeline, applied in visually challenging cases, offers two main advantages: it reduces human visual biases and scales effectively for large data sets. This versatile framework promises substantial enhancements in morphology studies for future galaxy image surveys.Peer reviewe

    JWST reveals a possible z11z \sim 11 galaxy merger in triply-lensed MACS0647-JD

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    MACS0647-JD is a triply-lensed z11z\sim11 galaxy originally discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope. Here we report new JWST imaging, which clearly resolves MACS0647-JD as having two components that are either merging galaxies or stellar complexes within a single galaxy. Both are very small, with stellar masses 108M\sim10^8\,M_\odot and radii r<100pcr<100\,\rm pc. The brighter larger component "A" is intrinsically very blue (β2.6\beta\sim-2.6), likely due to very recent star formation and no dust, and is spatially extended with an effective radius 70pc\sim70\,\rm pc. The smaller component "B" appears redder (β2\beta\sim-2), likely because it is older (100200Myr100-200\,\rm Myr) with mild dust extinction (AV0.1magA_V\sim0.1\,\rm mag), and a smaller radius 20pc\sim20\,\rm pc. We identify galaxies with similar colors in a high-redshift simulation, finding their star formation histories to be out of phase. With an estimated stellar mass ratio of roughly 2:1 and physical projected separation 400pc\sim400\,\rm pc, we may be witnessing a galaxy merger 400 million years after the Big Bang. We also identify a candidate companion galaxy C 3kpc\sim3\,{\rm kpc} away, likely destined to merge with galaxies A and B. The combined light from galaxies A+B is magnified by factors of \sim8, 5, and 2 in three lensed images JD1, 2, and 3 with F356W fluxes 322\sim322, 203203, 86nJy86\,\rm nJy (AB mag 25.1, 25.6, 26.6). MACS0647-JD is significantly brighter than other galaxies recently discovered at similar redshifts with JWST. Without magnification, it would have AB mag 27.3 (MUV=20.4M_{UV}=-20.4). With a high confidence level, we obtain a photometric redshift of z=10.6±0.3z=10.6\pm0.3 based on photometry measured in 6 NIRCam filters spanning 15μm1-5\rm\mu m, out to 4300A˚4300\,\r{A} rest-frame. JWST NIRSpec observations planned for January 2023 will deliver a spectroscopic redshift and a more detailed study of the physical properties of MACS0647-JD.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Natur

    Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH): An Overview

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    The Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) is a 524-orbit multi-cycle treasury program to use the gravitational lensing properties of 25 galaxy clusters to accurately constrain their mass distributions. The survey, described in detail in this paper, will definitively establish the degree of concentration of dark matter in the cluster cores, a key prediction of CDM. The CLASH cluster sample is larger and less biased than current samples of space-based imaging studies of clusters to similar depth, as we have minimized lensing-based selection that favors systems with overly dense cores. Specifically, twenty CLASH clusters are solely X-ray selected. The X-ray selected clusters are massive (kT > 5 keV; 5 - 30 x 10^14 M_solar) and, in most cases, dynamically relaxed. Five additional clusters are included for their lensing strength (Einstein radii > 35 arcsec at z_source = 2) to further quantify the lensing bias on concentration, to yield high resolution dark matter maps, and to optimize the likelihood of finding highly magnified high-redshift (z > 7) galaxies. The high magnification, in some cases, provides angular resolutions unobtainable with any current UVOIR facility and can yield z > 7 candidates bright enough for spectroscopic follow-up. A total of 16 broadband filters, spanning the near-UV to near-IR, are employed for each 20-orbit campaign on each cluster. These data are used to measure precise (sigma_phz < 0.02(1+z)) photometric redshifts for dozens of newly discovered multiply-lensed images per cluster. Observations of each cluster are spread over 8 epochs to enable a search, primarily in the parallel fields, for Type Ia supernovae at z > 1 to improve constraints on the time dependence of the dark energy equation of state and the evolution of such supernovae in an epoch when the universe is matter dominated.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 22 pages, 16 figures. Updated Tables 3,4,8 and figures 6 and 8 to reflect replacement of Abell 963 with Abell 1423 in CLASH survey. A963 cannot be observed with WFC3 due to the lack of usable guide star

    CLASH: accurate photometric redshifts with 14 HST bands in massive galaxy cluster cores

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    We present accurate photometric redshifts for galaxies observed by the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). CLASH observed 25 massive galaxy cluster cores with the Hubble Space Telescope in 16 filters spanning 0.2 - 1.7 μ\mum. Photometry in such crowded fields is challenging. Compared to our previously released catalogs, we make several improvements to the photometry, including smaller apertures, ICL subtraction, PSF matching, and empirically measured uncertainties. We further improve the Bayesian Photometric Redshift (BPZ) estimates by adding a redder elliptical template and by inflating the photometric uncertainties of the brightest galaxies. The resulting photometric redshift accuracies are dz/(1+z) \sim 0.8\%, 1.0\%, and 2.0\% for galaxies with I-band F814W AB magnitudes << 18, 20, and 23, respectively. These results are consistent with our expectations. They improve on our previously reported accuracies by a factor of 4 at the bright end and a factor of 2 at the faint end. Our new catalog includes 1257 spectroscopic redshifts, including 382 confirmed cluster members. We also provide stellar mass estimates. Finally, we include lensing magnification estimates of background galaxies based on our public lens models. Our new catalog of all 25 CLASH clusters is available via MAST. The analysis techniques developed here will be useful in other surveys of crowded fields, including the Frontier Fields and surveys carried out with J-PAS and JWST.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables. Photo-z Catalogues Available. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Contribution of Halos with Different Mass Ratios to the Overall Growth of Cluster-sized Halos

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    We provide a new observational test for a key prediction of the ΛCDM cosmological model: the contributions of mergers with different halo-to-main-cluster mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. We perform this test by dynamically analyzing 7 galaxy clusters, spanning the redshift range 0.13 < z c < 0.45 and caustic mass range 0.4-1.5 10^{15}\, h_{0.73}^{-1} M ⊙, with an average of 293 spectroscopically confirmed bound galaxies to each cluster. The large radial coverage (a few virial radii), which covers the whole infall region, with a high number of spectroscopically identified galaxies enables this new study. For each cluster, we identify bound galaxies. Out of these galaxies, we identify infalling and accreted halos and estimate their masses and their dynamical states. Using the estimated masses, we derive the contribution of different mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. For mass ratios between ~0.2 and ~0.7, we find a ~1σ agreement with ΛCDM expectations based on the Millennium simulations I and II. At low mass ratios, <~ 0.2, our derived contribution is underestimated since the detection efficiency decreases at low masses, ~2 × 1014 h_{0.73}^{-1} M ⊙. At large mass ratios, >~ 0.7, we do not detect halos probably because our sample, which was chosen to be quite X-ray relaxed, is biased against large mass ratios. Therefore, at large mass ratios, the derived contribution is also underestimated

    CLASH: Mass Distribution in and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis

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    We derive an accurate mass distribution of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 (z = 0.439) from a combined weak-lensing distortion, magnification, and strong-lensing analysis of wide-field Subaru BVR c I c z' imaging and our recent 16-band Hubble Space Telescope observations taken as part of the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble program. We find good agreement in the regions of overlap between several weak- and strong-lensing mass reconstructions using a wide variety of modeling methods, ensuring consistency. The Subaru data reveal the presence of a surrounding large-scale structure with the major axis running approximately northwest-southeast (NW-SE), aligned with the cluster and its brightest galaxy shapes, showing elongation with a ~2: 1 axis ratio in the plane of the sky. Our full-lensing mass profile exhibits a shallow profile slope dln Σ/dln R ~ -1 at cluster outskirts (R >~ 1 Mpc h -1), whereas the mass distribution excluding the NW-SE excess regions steepens farther out, well described by the Navarro-Frenk-White form. Assuming a spherical halo, we obtain a virial mass M vir = (1.1 ± 0.2 ± 0.1) × 1015 M ⊙ h -1 and a halo concentration c vir = 6.9 ± 1.0 ± 1.2 (c vir ~ 5.7 when the central 50 kpc h -1 is excluded), which falls in the range 4 <~ langcrang <~ 7 of average c(M, z) predictions for relaxed clusters from recent Λ cold dark matter simulations. Our full-lensing results are found to be in agreement with X-ray mass measurements where the data overlap, and when combined with Chandra gas mass measurements, they yield a cumulative gas mass fraction of 13.7+4.5 - 3.0% at 0.7 Mpc h -1(≈ 1.7 r 2500), a typical value observed for high-mass clusters. Based in part on data collected at the Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Society of Japan

    JWST Imaging of Earendel, the Extremely Magnified Star at Redshift z=6.2

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    The gravitationally lensed star WHL 0137-LS, nicknamed Earendel, was identified with a photometric redshift z (phot) = 6.2 +/- 0.1 based on images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Here we present James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Near Infrared Camera images of Earendel in eight filters spanning 0.8-5.0 mu m. In these higher-resolution images, Earendel remains a single unresolved point source on the lensing critical curve, increasing the lower limit on the lensing magnification to mu &gt; 4000 and restricting the source plane radius further to r &lt; 0.02 pc, or similar to 4000 au. These new observations strengthen the conclusion that Earendel is best explained by an individual star or multiple star system and support the previous photometric redshift estimate. Fitting grids of stellar spectra to our photometry yields a stellar temperature of T (eff) similar to 13,000-16,000 K, assuming the light is dominated by a single star. The delensed bolometric luminosity in this case ranges from log(L)=5.8 L-theta, which is in the range where one expects luminous blue variable stars. Follow-up observations, including JWST NIRSpec scheduled for late 2022, are needed to further unravel the nature of this object, which presents a unique opportunity to study massive stars in the first billion years of the universe