86 research outputs found

    The very faint X-ray binary IGR J17062-6143: a truncated disc, no pulsations, and a possible outflow

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    We present a comprehensive X-ray study of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary IGR J17062-6143, which has been accreting at low luminosities since its discovery in 2006. Analysing NuSTAR, XMM–Newton, and Swift observations, we investigate the very faint nature of this source through three approaches: modelling the relativistic reflection spectrum to constrain the accretion geometry, performing high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy to search for an outflow, and searching for the recently reported millisecond X-ray pulsations. We find a strongly truncated accretion disc at 77+22−18 gravitational radii (∼164 km) assuming a high inclination, although a low inclination and a disc extending to the neutron star cannot be excluded. The high-resolution spectroscopy reveals evidence for oxygen-rich circumbinary material, possibly resulting from a blueshifted, collisionally ionized outflow. Finally, we do not detect any pulsations. We discuss these results in the broader context of possible explanations for the persistent faint nature of weakly accreting neutron stars. The results are consistent with both an ultra-compact binary orbit and a magnetically truncated accretion flow, although both cannot be unambiguously inferred. We also discuss the nature of the donor star and conclude that it is likely a CO or O–Ne–Mg white dwarf, consistent with recent multiwavelength modelling

    Ecological and Physiological Studies of Gymnodinium catenatum in the Mexican Pacific: A Review

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    This review presents a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge of studies done in Mexico related to the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, a paralytic toxin producer. This species was first reported in the Gulf of California in 1939; since then most studies in Mexico have focused on local blooms and seasonal variations. G. catenatum is most abundant during March and April, usually associated with water temperatures between 18 and 25 ºC and an increase in nutrients. In vitro studies of G. catenatum strains from different bays along the Pacific coast of Mexico show that this species can grow in wide ranges of salinities, temperatures, and N:P ratios. Latitudinal differences are observed in the toxicity and toxin profile, but the presence of dcSTX, dcGTX2-3, C1, and C2 are usual components. A common characteristic of the toxin profile found in shellfish, when G. catenatum is present in the coastal environment, is the detection of dcGTX2-3, dcSTX, C1, and C2. Few bioassay studies have reported effects in mollusks and lethal effects in mice, and shrimp; however no adverse effects have been observed in the copepod Acartia clausi. Interestingly, genetic sequencing of D1-D2 LSU rDNA revealed that it differs only in one base pair, compared with strains from other regions

    Mid-UV studies of the transitional millisecond pulsars XSS J12270-4859 and PSR J1023+0038 during their radio pulsar states

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    We report mid-UV (MUV) observations taken with Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/WFC3, Swift/UVOT, and GALEX/NUV of the transitional millisecond pulsars XSS J12270−4859 and PSR J1023+0038 during their radio pulsar states. Both systems were detected in our images and showed MUV variability. At similar orbital phases, the MUV luminosities of both pulsars are comparable. This suggests that the emission processes involved in both objects are similar. We estimated limits on the mass ratio, companion's temperature, inclination, and distance to XSS J12270−4859 by using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to fit published folded optical light curves. Using the resulting parameters, we modelled MUV light curves in our HST filters. The resulting models failed to fit our MUV observations. Fixing the mass ratio of XSS J12270−4859 to the value reported in other studies, we obtained a distance of ∼3.2 kpc. This is larger than the one derived from dispersion measure (∼1.4 kpc). Assuming a uniform prior for the mass ratio, the distance is similar to that from radio measurements. However, it requires an undermassive companion (∼0.01M⊙). We conclude that a direct heating model alone cannot fully explain the observations in optical and MUV. Therefore, an additional radiation source is needed. The source could be an intrabinary shock which contributes to the MUV flux and likely to the optical one as well. During the radio pulsar state, the MUV orbital variations of PSR J1023+0038 detected with GALEX, suggest the presence of an asymmetric intrabinary shock.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The black hole X-ray transient Swift J1357.2-0933 as seen with Swift and NuSTAR during its 2017 outburst

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    We report on observations of black hole Swift J1357.2–0933, a member of the modest population of very faint X-ray transients. This source has previously shown intense dips in the optical light curve, a phenomena that has been linked to the existence of a ‘unique toroidal structure’ in the inner region of the disc, seen at a high inclination. Our observations, carried out by the Neil Gehrels Swift and NuSTAR X-ray observatories, do not show the presence of intense dips in the optical light curves. We find that the X-ray light curves do not show any features that would straightforwardly support an edge-on configuration or high inclination configuration of the orbit. This is similar to what was seen in the X-ray observations of the source during its 2011 outburst. Moreover, the broad-band spectra were well described with an absorbed power-law model without any signatures of cut-off at energies above 10 keV, or any reflection from the disc or the putative torus. Thus, the X-ray data do not support the unique ‘obscuring torus’ scenario proposed for J1357. We also performed a multiwavelength study using the data of X-ray telescope and Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope aboard Swift, taken during the ∼4.5 months duration of the 2017 outburst. This is consistent with what was previously inferred for this source. We found a correlation between the simultaneous X-ray and ultraviolet/optical data and our study suggests that most of the reprocessed flux must be coming out in the ultraviolet.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Multiwavelength characterization of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar and ultracompact binary IGR J17062-6143

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    IGR J17062–6143 is an ultracompact X-ray binary (UCXB) with an orbital period of 37.96 min. It harbours a millisecond X-ray pulsar that is spinning at 163 Hz and and has continuously been accreting from its companion star since 2006. Determining the composition of the accreted matter in UCXBs is of high interest for studies of binary evolution and thermonuclear burning on the surface of neutron stars. Here, we present a multiwavelength study of IGR J17062–6143 aimed to determine the detailed properties of its accretion disc and companion star. The multi-epoch photometric UV to near-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) is consistent with an accretion disc Fν ∝ ν1/3. The SED modelling of the accretion disc allowed us to estimate an outer disc radius of Rout=2.2+0.9−0.4×1010 cm and a mass-transfer rate of m˙=1.8+1.8−0.5×10−10 M⊙ yr−1. Comparing this with the estimated mass-accretion rate inferred from its X-ray emission suggests that ≳90 per cent of the transferred mass is lost from the system. Moreover, our SED modelling shows that the thermal emission component seen in the X-ray spectrum is highly unlikely from the accretion disc and must therefore represent emission from the surface of the neutron star. Our low-resolution optical spectrum revealed a blue continuum and no emission lines, i.e. lacking H and He features. Based on the current data we cannot conclusively identify the nature of the companion star, but we make recommendations for future study that can distinguish between the different possible evolution histories of this X-ray binary. Finally, we demonstrate how multiwavelength observations can be effectively used to find more UCXBs among the LMXBs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    BlackCAT: A catalogue of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray transients

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    During the last ~50 years, the population of black hole candidates in X-ray binaries has increased considerably with 59 Galactic objects detected in transient low-mass X-ray binaries, plus a few in persistent systems (including ~5 extragalactic binaries). We collect near-infrared, optical and X-ray information spread over hundreds of references in order to study the population of black holes in X-ray transients as a whole. We present the most updated catalogue of black hole transients, which contains X-ray, optical and near-infrared observations together with their astrometric and dynamical properties. It provides new useful information in both statistical and observational parameters providing a thorough and complete overview of the black hole population in the Milky Way. Analysing the distances and spatial distribution of the observed systems, we estimate a total population of ~1300 Galactic black hole transients. This means that we have already discovered less than ~5% of the total Galactic distribution. The complete version of this catalogue will be continuously updated online and in the Virtual Observatory, including finding charts and data in other wavelengths.Comment: http://www.astro.puc.cl/BlackCAT - Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 20 pages, 8 figures, 5 Table

    Furiously fast and red: sub-second optical flaring in V404 Cyg during the 2015 outburst peak

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    We present observations of rapid (sub-second) optical flux variability in V404 Cyg during its 2015 June outburst. Simultaneous three-band observations with the ULTRACAM fast imager on four nights show steep power spectra dominated by slow variations on ∼100–1000 s time-scales. Near the peak of the outburst on June 26, a dramatic change occurs and additional, persistent sub-second optical flaring appears close in time to giant radio and X-ray flaring. The flares reach peak optical luminosities of ∼ few × 1036 erg s−1. Some are unresolved down to a time resolution of 24 ms. Whereas the fast flares are stronger in the red, the slow variations are bluer when brighter. The redder slopes, emitted power and characteristic time-scales of the fast flares can be explained as optically thin synchrotron emission from a compact jet arising on size scales ∼140–500 Gravitational radii (with a possible additional contribution by a thermal particle distribution). The origin of the slower variations is unclear. The optical continuum spectral slopes are strongly affected by dereddening uncertainties and contamination by strong Hα emission, but the variations of these slopes follow relatively stable loci as a function of flux. Cross-correlating the slow variations between the different bands shows asymmetries on all nights consistent with a small red skew (i.e. red lag). X-ray reprocessing and non-thermal emission could both contribute to these. These data reveal a complex mix of components over five decades in time-scale during the outburst