249 research outputs found

    Grids of stellar models with rotation II. WR populations and supernovae/GRB progenitors at Z = 0.014

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    We used a recent grid of stellar models computed with and without rotation to make predictions concerning the WR populations and the frequency of different types of core-collapse SNe. Current rotating models were checked to provide good fits to the following features: solar luminosity and radius at the solar age, main-sequence width, red-giant and red-supergiant (RSG) positions in the HRD, surface abundances, and rotational velocities. Rotating stellar models predict that about half of the observed WR stars and at least half of the type Ibc SNe may be produced through the single-star evolution channel. Rotation increases the duration of the WNL and WNC phases, while reducing those of the WNE and WC phases, as was already shown in previous works. Rotation increases the frequency of type Ic SNe. The upper mass limit for type II-P SNe is \sim 19.0 MSun for the non rotating models and \sim 16.8 MSun for the rotating ones. Both values agree with observations. Moreover, present rotating models provide a very good fit to the progenitor of SN 2008ax. We discuss future directions of research for further improving the agreement between the models and the observations. We conclude that the mass-loss rates in the WNL and RSG phases are probably underestimated at present. We show that up to an initial mass of 40 M\odot, a surface magnetic field inferior to about 200 G may be sufficient to produce some braking. Much lower values are needed at the red supergiant stage. We suggest that the presence/absence of any magnetic braking effect may play a key role in questions regarding rotation rates of young pulsars and the evolution leading to LGRBs.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Searching for hidden Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galactic Plane - 15 new Wolf-Rayet stars

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    We report the discovery of fifteen previously unknown Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars found as part of an infrared broad-band study of candidate WR stars in the Galaxy. We have derived an empirically-based selection algorithm which has selected ~5000 WR candidate stars located within the Galactic Plane drawn from the GLIMPSE (mid-infrared) and 2MASS (near-infrared) catalogues. Spectroscopic follow-up of 184 of these reveals eleven WN and four WC-type WR stars. Early WC subtypes are absent from our sample and none show evidence for circumstellar dust emission. Of the candidates which are not WR stars, ~120 displayed hydrogen emission line features in their spectra. Spectral features suggest that the majority of these are in fact B supergiants/hypergiants, ~40 of these are identified Be/B[e] candidates. Here, we present the optical spectra for six of the newly-detected WR stars, and the near-infrared spectra for the remaining nine of our sample. With a WR yield rate of ~7% and a massive star detection rate of ~65%, initial results suggest that this method is one of the most successful means for locating evolved, massive stars in the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Figures degraded in quality, full version available by anonymous ftp (ftp:astro1.shef.ac.uk, /pub/lh/hadfield.ps.gz

    Effectiveness of different databases in identifying studies for systematic reviews: experience from the WHO systematic review of maternal morbidity and mortality

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    BACKGROUND: Failure to be comprehensive can distort the results of a systematic review. Conversely, extensive searches may yield unmanageable number of citations of which only few may be relevant. Knowledge of usefulness of each source of information may help to tailor search strategies in systematic reviews. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of prevalence/incidence of maternal mortality and morbidities from 1997 to 2002. The search strategy included electronic databases, hand searching, screening of reference lists, congress abstract books, contacting experts active in the field and web sites from less developed countries. We evaluated the effectiveness of each source of data and discuss limitations and implications for future research on this topic. RESULTS: Electronic databases identified 64098 different citations of which 2093 were included. Additionally 487 citations were included from other sources. MEDLINE had the highest yield identifying about 62% of the included citations. BIOSIS was the most precise with 13.2% of screened citations included. Considering electronic citations alone (2093), almost 20% were identified uniquely by MEDLINE (400), 7.4% uniquely by EMBASE (154), and 5.6% uniquely by LILACS (117). About 60% of the electronic citations included were identified by two or more databases. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis confirms the need for extending the search to other sources beyond well-known electronic databases in systematic reviews of maternal mortality and morbidity prevalence/incidence. These include regional databases such as LILACS and other topic specific sources such as hand searching of relevant journals not indexed in electronic databases. Guidelines for search strategies for prevalence/incidence studies need to be developed

    Prospects for Advancing Tuberculosis Control Efforts through Novel Therapies

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    BACKGROUND: Development of new, effective, and affordable tuberculosis (TB) therapies has been identified as a critical priority for global TB control. As new candidates emerge from the global TB drug pipeline, the potential impacts of novel, shorter regimens on TB incidence and mortality have not yet been examined. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used a mathematical model of TB to evaluate the expected benefits of shortening the duration of effective chemotherapy for active pulmonary TB. First, we considered general relationships between treatment duration and TB dynamics. Next, as a specific example, we calibrated the model to reflect the current situation in the South-East Asia region. We found that even with continued and rapid progress in scaling up the World Health Organization's DOTS strategy of directly observed, short-course chemotherapy, the benefits of reducing treatment duration would be substantial. Compared to a baseline of continuing DOTS coverage at current levels, and with currently available tools, a 2-mo regimen introduced by 2012 could prevent around 20% (range 13%–28%) of new cases and 25% (range 19%–29%) of TB deaths in South-East Asia between 2012 and 2030. If effective treatment with existing drugs expands rapidly, overall incremental benefits of shorter regimens would be lower, but would remain considerable (13% [range 8%–19%] and 19% [range 15%–23%] reductions in incidence and mortality, respectively, between 2012 and 2030). A ten-year delay in the introduction of new drugs would erase nearly three-fourths of the total expected benefits in this region through 2030. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of new, shorter treatment regimens could dramatically accelerate the reductions in TB incidence and mortality that are expected under current regimens—with up to 2- or 3-fold increases in rates of decline if shorter regimens are accompanied by enhanced case detection. Continued progress in reducing the global TB burden will require a balanced approach to pursuing new technologies while promoting wider implementation of proven strategies

    The spectra of WC9 stars: evolution and dust formation

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    We present analyses of new optical spectra of three WC9 stars, WR 88, WR 92 and WR 103 to test the suggestion that they exemplify an evolutionary sequence amongst the WC9 stars. The spectrum of WR 88 shows conspicuous lines of N III and N IV, leading to classification as a transitional WN8o/WC9 star. The three stars show a sequence of increasing O II and O III line strengths, confirming and extending earlier studies. The spectra were analysed using CMFGEN models, finding greater abundances of oxygen and carbon in WR 103 than in WR 92 and, especially, in WR 88. Of the three stars, only WR 103 makes circumstellar dust. We suggest that oxygen itself does not enhance this process but that it is its higher carbon abundance that allows WR 103 to make dust

    A scanning electron microscopic study of hypercementosis

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate morphological characteristics of teeth with hypercementosis that are relevant to endodontic practice. Twenty-eight extracted teeth with hypercementosis had their root apexes analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The teeth were divided according to tooth groups and type of hypercementosis. The following aspects were examined under SEM: the contour and regularity of the root surface; presence of resorption; presence and number of apical foramina, and the diameter of the main foramen. The progression of club shape hypercementosis was directly associated with the presence of foramina and apical foramen obstruction. Cases of focal hypercementosis presented foramina on the surface, even when sidelong located in the root. Circular cementum hyperplasia form was present in 2 out of 3 residual roots, which was the highest proportion among the tooth types. The detection of a large number of foramina in the apical third of teeth with hypercementosis or even the possible existence of apical foramen obliteration contributes to understand the difficulties faced during endodontic treatment of these cases

    Perspectives of informal caregivers who support people following hip fracture surgery: a qualitative study embedded within the HIP HELPER feasibility trial

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    Objectives: To illuminate the perspectives of informal caregivers who support people following hip fracture surgery. Design: A qualitative study embedded within a now completed multi-centre, feasibility randomised controlled trial (HIP HELPER). Setting: Five English National Health Service (NHS) hospitals. Participants: We interviewed 20 participants (10 informal caregivers; 10 people with hip fracture), following hip fracture surgery. This included one male and nine females who experienced a hip fracture; and seven male and three female informal caregivers. The median age was 72.5 years (range: 65 to 96 years), 71.0 years (range: 43 to 81 years) for people with hip fracture and informal caregivers, respectively. Methods: Semi-structured, virtual interviews were undertaken between November 2021 and March 2022, with caregiver dyads (person with hip fracture and their informal caregiver). Data were analysed thematically. Findings: We identified two main themes: expectations of the informal caregiver role, and reality of being an informal caregiver; and sub-themes: expectations of care and services; responsibility and advocacy; profile of people with hip fracture; decision to be a caregiver; transition from hospital to home. Conclusion: Findings suggest informal caregivers do not feel empowered to advocate for a person’s recovery or navigate the care system, leading to increased and unnecessary stress, anxiety and frustration when supporting the person with hip fracture. We suggest that a tailored information-giving on the recovery pathway, which is responsive to the caregiving population (i.e., considering the needs of male, younger, and more active informal caregivers and people with hip fracture) would smooth the transition from hospital to home

    Palliative radiotherapy in addition to self-expanding metal stent for improving dysphagia and survival in advanced oesophageal cancer (ROCS: Radiotherapy after Oesophageal Cancer Stenting):study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The single most distressing symptom for patients with advanced esophageal cancer is dysphagia. Amongst the more effective treatments for relief of dysphagia is insertion of a self-expanding metal stent (SEMS). It is possible that the addition of a palliative dose of external beam radiotherapy may prolong the relief of dysphagia and provide additional survival benefit. The ROCS trial will assess the effect of adding palliative radiotherapy after esophageal stent insertion. Methods/Design: The study is a randomized multicenter phase III trial, with an internal pilot phase, comparing stent alone versus stent plus palliative radiotherapy in patients with incurable esophageal cancer. Eligible participants are those with advanced esophageal cancer who are in need of stent insertion for primary management of dysphagia. Radiotherapy will be administered as 20 Gray (Gy) in five fractions over one week or 30 Gy in 10 fractions over two weeks, within four weeks of stent insertion. The internal pilot will assess rates and methods of recruitment; pre-agreed criteria will determine progression to the main trial. In total, 496 patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio with follow up until death. The primary outcome is time to progression of patient-reported dysphagia. Secondary outcomes include survival, toxicity, health resource utilization, and quality of life. An embedded qualitative study will explore the feasibility of patient recruitment by examining patients’ motivations for involvement and their experiences of consent and recruitment, including reasons for not consenting. It will also explore patients’ experiences of each trial arm. Discussion: The ROCS study will be a challenging trial studying palliation in patients with a poor prognosis. The internal pilot design will optimize methods for recruitment and data collection to ensure that the main trial is completed on time. As a pragmatic trial, study strengths include collection of all follow-up data in the usual place of care, and a focus on patient-reported, rather than disease-orientated, outcomes. Exploration of patient experience and health economic analyses will be integral to the assessment of benefit for patients and the NHS