47 research outputs found

    Vekstfaktorer frigitt fra mesenchymale stamceller og sårtilheling

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    Background: In light of current research, it may seem that the biggest part of stem cells effect on wound healing is because of the growth factors the stem cells secretes. The mechanisms and effects conditioned medium from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have on wound healing are extensively studied on bone marrow derived MSC. More studies on this area are necessary to get a greater understanding of the effect of growth factor from MSC from different sources. Aim: This study was aimed to compare the effect of conditioned medium from MSC from bone marrow (hBMSC-CM) or adipose tissue (hAMSC-CM) from the same donor on wound healing in a damaged bone cell layer. Material and methods: An experimental in vitro design for scratch-wound assay was used to study the aim. A cell layer with osteosarcoma cell line (Saos-2) was scraped with a sterile pipette which resulted in an area without cells. Furthermore, we observed this area to see if the cells migrated into the field and thus closed the wound after adding conditioned medium from MSC with different sources compared to a positive control. Results: In this experiment we found that there was a significant closure of the scratch-wound area in the Saos-2 cells that were in the positive control. There was a small tendency for closure of the scracth-wound with hBMSC-CM and a slightly bigger closure with the scratch-wound with hAMSC-CM. The difference in closure between hBMSC-CM and hAMSC-CM was significant at 12 hours, and in the graph we can se a general tendency which implies that the scratches with hAMSC-CM have closed more than the scratches with hBMSC-CM. Conclusion: Conditioned medium collected from hAD-MSC has a superior effect on wound healing compared to the condition medium collected from hBM-MSC.Bakgrunn: Aktuell forskning har antydet at den største delen av stamcellers effekt på sårtilheling kan skyldes utskillelsen av vekstfaktorer. Mekanismene og effekten som kondisjonert medium fra Mesenchymale stamceller (MSC) har på sårtilheling er grundig studert hos de beinmargsderiverte MSC. Flere studier er nødvendige på dette området for å kunne få en større forståelse av effekten av vekstfaktorer fra MSC fra forskjellige kilder. Mål: I dette forsøket ville vi sammenligne effekten av kondisjonert medium (CM) med humane MSC fra beinmarg (hBMSC-CM) og fra fettvev (hAMSC-CM) på sårtilheling av et beincellelag der det ble påført en skade. Material og metode: Et in vitro eksperiment ble designet som et scratch-wound assay for å undersøke om hBMSC-CM og hAMSC-CM fra samme donor ga ulik effekt på sårtilheling. Et cellelag med en osteosarkom cellelinje (Saos-2) ble skrapt med en steril pipette slik at det resulterte i et sår, eller et område uten celler. Videre observerte vi området for å se om cellene migrerte inn i området uten celler slik at såret lukket seg. Det ble tilsatt kondisjonert medium fra hMSC fra fett og beinmarg, og disse ble sammenlignet med en positiv kontroll. Resultat: Vi fant en tydelig lukking av skrapet laget i Saos-2-cellene som var tilsatt positiv kontroll. Det var en liten tendens til lukking av skrapene med hBMSC-CM og en større lukking av skrapene tilsatt hAMSC-CM. Forskjellen mellom lukkingsgrad av hBMSC-CM og hAMSC-CM var signifikant ved 12 timer, og på grafen ser vi en generell tendens som antyder at skrapene med hAMSC-CM har lukket seg noe mer enn hBMSC-CM. Konklusjon: Kondisjonert medium samlet fra hAD-MSC har en økt effect på sårtilheling sammenlignet med kondisjonert medium samlet fra hBM-MSC.Prosjektoppgave / Integrert masteroppgaveOD3PROS

    Kraften bak viljestyrke - Mobilisering av viljestyrke for å ta lederskap

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    Dagens samfunn er i stadig utvikling og globaliseringen fører til et tøffere marked for selskapene. Dette fører til at lederyrket blir svært krevende, og spriket mellom gode og dårlige ledere blir mer synlig. Hva er det egentlig som gjør at noen lykkes og andre ikke? Det er forsket mye på hvilke egenskaper som er viktige for ledere å besitte og om disse egenskapene kan læres, og det viser seg at er vanskelig å komme med en fasit. I dag har vi alle typer ledere, alt fra Helge Lund til Petter Stordalen. Begge har gjort stor suksess som ledere, men de fremstår som to vidt forskjellige ledertyper i media. Har de likevel noen sammenfallende egenskaper? Er det en egenskap man bør ha som leder? Tom Karp er en av de som har forsket mye på ledelse og hva som gjør at noen evner å ta lederskap. Han har kommet frem til svært interessante funn som viser at viljestyrke er en viktig egenskap hos ledere og at de bruker den for å ta lederskap. I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å se på hva som mobiliserer viljestyrke hos ledere når de tar lederskap. Det blir tatt utgangpunkt i fire teorier som belyser fenomenene viljestyrke og lederskap. Gjennom kvalitative dybdeintervjuer av erfarne ledere ønsker vi å få en dypere forståelse av fenomenene

    Sources and Determinants of Vitamin D Intake in Danish Pregnant Women

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    Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has been associated with the development of several adverse health outcomes, e.g., pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, preterm delivery, low birth weight, birth length, and bone mineral content. The aims of the present study were to estimate the intake and sources of vitamin D in Danish pregnant women and to examine potential determinants of vitamin D intake of the recommended level (10 µg per day). In 68,447 Danish pregnant women the mean ± SD for vitamin D intake was 9.23 ± 5.60 µg per day (diet: 3.56 ± 2.05 µg per day, supplements: 5.67 ± 5.20 µg per day). 67.6% of the women reported use of vitamin D supplements but only 36.9% reported use of vitamin D supplements of at least 10 µg. Supplements were the primary source of vitamin D for the two higher quartiles of total vitamin D intake, with diet being the primary source for the two lower quartiles. Determinants of sufficient total vitamin D intake were: high maternal age, nulliparity, non-smoking, and filling out of the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) during summer or fall. We propose that clinicians encourage vitamin D supplementation among pregnant women, with special focus on vulnerable groups such as the young, smokers and multiparous women, in order to improve maternal and fetal health both during and after pregnancy

    A short food frequency questionnaire to assess intake of seafood and n-3 supplements: validation with biomarkers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Seafood intake is associated with beneficial effects for human health. Seafood provides a number of nutrients beyond the traditionally known long chain marine n-3 fatty acids EPA, DPA and DHA, such as protein, vitamin D, iodine, selenium and vitamin B<sub>12</sub>. Valid assessment of dietary seafood and n-3 supplement intakes are becoming increasingly crucial when giving recommendations to populations as seafood consumption is regarded as an important part of a healthy and balanced diet.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The aim was to validate a short FFQ developed for assessment of dietary intake of seafood and n-3 supplements using the biomarkers marine n-3 fatty acids in erythrocytes and 25(OH)D in serum.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-three healthy Norwegians aged 30-64 years with a mean BMI of 25 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>were compliant with the study protocol. 70% reported eating seafood for dinner one to two times per week, and 45% reported to eat seafood as spread, in salads or as snack meal three to five times or more per week. The FFQ correlated significantly with both the levels of marine n-3 fatty acids (r = 0.73, p < 0.0001) and with 25(OH)D (r = 0.37, p < 0.01). Mean level of marine n-3 and of 25(OH)D were 232 ± 65 μg/g erythrocytes and 73 ± 33 nmol/L serum, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present short FFQ predicted strongly the levels of marine n-3 fatty acids in erythrocytes, and predicted fairly good the level of serum 25(OH)D and may therefore be a valid method for assessment of seafood and n-3 supplements intake among adults.</p

    Fetal Growth versus Birthweight: The Role of Placenta versus Other Determinants

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    in utero. We aimed to study the effects of maternal characteristics on both birthweight and fetal growth in third trimester and introduce placental weight as a possible determinant of both birthweight and fetal growth in third trimester.The STORK study is a prospective cohort study including 1031 healthy pregnant women of Scandinavian heritage with singleton pregnancies. Maternal determinants (age, parity, body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain and fasting plasma glucose) of birthweight and fetal growth estimated by biometric ultrasound measures were explored by linear regression models. Two models were fitted, one with only maternal characteristics and one which included placental weight.Placental weight was a significant determinant of birthweight. Parity, BMI, weight gain and fasting glucose remained significant when adjusted for placental weight. Introducing placental weight as a covariate reduced the effect estimate of the other variables in the model by 62% for BMI, 40% for weight gain, 33% for glucose and 22% for parity. Determinants of fetal growth were parity, BMI and weight gain, but not fasting glucose. Placental weight was significant as an independent variable. Parity, BMI and weight gain remained significant when adjusted for placental weight. Introducing placental weight reduced the effect of BMI on fetal growth by 23%, weight gain by 14% and parity by 17%.In conclusion, we find that placental weight is an important determinant of both birthweight and fetal growth. Our findings indicate that placental weight markedly modifies the effect of maternal determinants of both birthweight and fetal growth. The differential effect of third trimester glucose on birthweight and growth parameters illustrates that birthweight and fetal growth are not identical entities

    Structure and Mode-of-Action of the Two-Peptide (Class-IIb) Bacteriocins

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    This review focuses on the structure and mode-of-action of the two-peptide (class-IIb) bacteriocins that consist of two different peptides whose genes are next to each other in the same operon. Optimal antibacterial activity requires the presence of both peptides in about equal amounts. The two peptides are synthesized as preforms that contain a 15–30 residue double-glycine-type N-terminal leader sequence that is cleaved off at the C-terminal side of two glycine residues by a dedicated ABC-transporter that concomitantly transfers the bacteriocin peptides across cell membranes. Two-peptide bacteriocins render the membrane of sensitive bacteria permeable to a selected group of ions, indicating that the bacteriocins form or induce the formation of pores that display specificity with respect to the transport of molecules. Based on structure–function studies, it has been proposed that the two peptides of two-peptide bacteriocins form a membrane-penetrating helix–helix structure involving helix–helix-interacting GxxxG-motifs that are present in all characterized two-peptide bacteriocins. It has also been suggested that the membrane-penetrating helix–helix structure interacts with an integrated membrane protein, thereby triggering a conformational alteration in the protein, which in turn causes membrane-leakage. This proposed mode-of-action is similar to the mode-of-action of the pediocin-like (class-IIa) bacteriocins and lactococcin A (a class-IId bacteriocin), which bind to a membrane-embedded part of the mannose phosphotransferase permease in a manner that causes membrane-leakage and cell death

    Integration of oncology and palliative care : a Lancet Oncology Commission

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    Full integration of oncology and palliative care relies on the specific knowledge and skills of two modes of care: the tumour-directed approach, the main focus of which is on treating the disease; and the host-directed approach, which focuses on the patient with the disease. This Commission addresses how to combine these two paradigms to achieve the best outcome of patient care. Randomised clinical trials on integration of oncology and palliative care point to health gains: improved survival and symptom control, less anxiety and depression, reduced use of futile chemotherapy at the end of life, improved family satisfaction and quality of life, and improved use of health-care resources. Early delivery of patient-directed care by specialist palliative care teams alongside tumour-directed treatment promotes patient-centred care. Systematic assessment and use of patient-reported outcomes and active patient involvement in the decisions about cancer care result in better symptom control, improved physical and mental health, and better use of health-care resources. The absence of international agreements on the content and standards of the organisation, education, and research of palliative care in oncology are major barriers to successful integration. Other barriers include the common misconception that palliative care is end-of-life care only, stigmatisation of death and dying, and insufficient infrastructure and funding. The absence of established priorities might also hinder integration more widely. This Commission proposes the use of standardised care pathways and multidisciplinary teams to promote integration of oncology and palliative care, and calls for changes at the system level to coordinate the activities of professionals, and for the development and implementation of new and improved education programmes, with the overall goal of improving patient care. Integration raises new research questions, all of which contribute to improved clinical care. When and how should palliative care be delivered? What is the optimal model for integrated care? What is the biological and clinical effect of living with advanced cancer for years after diagnosis? Successful integration must challenge the dualistic perspective of either the tumour or the host, and instead focus on a merged approach that places the patient's perspective at the centre. To succeed, integration must be anchored by management and policy makers at all levels of health care, followed by adequate resource allocation, a willingness to prioritise goals and needs, and sustained enthusiasm to help generate support for better integration. This integrated model must be reflected in international and national cancer plans, and be followed by developments of new care models, education and research programmes, all of which should be adapted to the specific cultural contexts within which they are situated. Patient-centred care should be an integrated part of oncology care independent of patient prognosis and treatment intention. To achieve this goal it must be based on changes in professional cultures and priorities in health care

    Å få historier frem i lyset

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    Siden samfunnet og verden er i stadig endring, er det viktig å tenke på å endre tanker og fremgangsmåter rundt ulike ting for å henge med i utviklingen. Endringer skjer i stadig raskere tempo, og det kan være en utfordring å klare å følge med på alt. Globalisering, klimaendringer og migrasjon er blant annet noen av årsakene til at verden endrer seg i så raskt tempo, og fører til at planeten vår blir et stadig mer mangfoldig sted å bo på. Det er flere ulike måter man kan ivareta mangfold på, og i dette eksemplet skal vi se hvordan Migratie Museum Migration i Molenbeek i Brussel tar sikte på å bevare og formidle migranters personlige historier ved bruk av narrative utstillingsmetoder. Historien blir derfor selve hoved-objektet, forsterket ved bruk av personlige gjenstander og minner. Det denne oppgaven har tenkt å ta for seg er musealiseringsprosesser. Den skal diskutere og problematisere hva det er som faktisk skjer med personlige historier når de gjennomgår en musealiseringsprosess og deretter blir til en museumsgjenstand. Hvilke prosesser er det historiene gjennomgår, hva bør man ta hensyn til i forhold til det museumsfaglige, og kan man ta lærdom av disse prosessene? Problemstillingen tar spesifikt for seg MMM, hvordan de jobber, og hvilke utfordringer de møter. Den skal også se på hvordan deres bruk av midlertidige kunstutstillinger kan knyttes opp mot formidling av personlige historier. Ved hjelp av intervjuer med engasjerte ansatte fra ulike museum, interessante perspektiver fra fagområdet gjennom litteratur fra blant annet Anthony Shelton og Cajsa Lagerkvist, samt et foredrag i opptak av den kjente kunstneren Fred Wilson skal de ulike musealiseringsprosessene diskuteres fra ulike perspektiv. Begreper og teori er forsøkt forklart på en grundig og gjennomført måte, slik at man som leser lett kan forstå bakgrunnen uten å nødvendigvis ha så mye inngående kunnskap om museumsfagfeltet på forhånd. Kildene er plukket nøye ut på bakgrunn av sine gode forklaringer og tilnærmingsmetoder, det gjør vinklingen interessant at man kan få nye perspektiver og tanker ved å få sett saken fra flere sider. Ved å benytte seg av ulike intervjuobjekt fra ulike museum, men innenfor den samme tematikken, har denne oppgaven gjort et forsøk på å belyse problematikken og utfordringene som kan oppstå i dag i den globaliserte verden vi lever i når det kommer til musealisering. I tillegg er fagartiklene og Fred Wilsons tanker med på å gi nye innfallsvinkler til utfordringene man kan møte på i slike prosesser. På denne måten er det forsøkt å skape en godt sammensatt og nyansert gjennomgang av problemstillingen og de ulike perspektivene