173 research outputs found

    Distinguished Historian’s Address: The Last Ten Years in British Labour Historiography

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    Tout en soulignant l'importance de la présence marxiste dans l'historiographie britannique, l'auteur trace ici un tableau de ce qui s'est fait dans la dernière décennie tant en histoire sociale qu'en histoire du travail dans le Royaume-Uni. Avant 1960, de dire l'auteur, l'historiographie britannique était, pour une large part, le travail de trois illustres associations : celles des Webb, des Hammond et des Cole. Cependant, il existait également une camaraderie dont la grande importance ne devint entièrement apparente qu'après sa dissolution en 1956, soit celle du groupe des historiens du Parti communiste.Selon lui, cette camaraderie constitue un point de repère crucial si l'on veut comprendre l'ascendance singulière du marxisme en Grande-Bretagne — un marxisme qui toutefois ne peut d'aucune façon définir sa propre identité —; de plus, c'est également un point de départ tout indiqué si l'on veut saisir toute la question du professionnalisme et de l'anti-professionnalisme qui préoccupe les historiens de l'histoire sociale et du mouvement ouvrier depuis les années 1970 — une question qui soulève des problèmes fondamentaux quant à la nature de la vocation de l'historien

    Continent elevation, mountains, and erosion : freeboard implications

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 114 (2009): B05410, doi:10.1029/2008JB006176.To the simplest approximation, Earth's continental crust is a floating aggregate on the planet's surface that is first attracted to subduction zones and, upon arrival, thickened by mountain building (then producing some extension). Thickened regions are thinned again by erosion. A comparison between 65 Ma and the present shows that the modern state is significantly more mountainous. An estimated average continental elevation increase relative to average ocean floor depth of about 54 m and sea level decrease relative to the ocean floor of about 102 m add up to a 156-m increase of continent elevation over sea level since 65 Ma. Both are affected most strongly by the roughly 1.7% continent surface area decrease caused by Cenozoic mountain building. This includes contributions from erosion. Volumes of sediments in deltas and submarine fans indicate an average thickness of 371 m deposited globally in the ocean basins since 65 Ma. This relatively large change of continent area over a short span of Earth history has significant consequences. Extrapolating, if continent area change exceeded 5% in the past, either severe erosion or flooded continents occurred. If continent elevation (freeboard) remains at the present value of a few hundred meters, the past continent-ocean area ratio might have been quite different, depending on earlier volumes of continental crust and water. We conclude that, along with the ages of ocean basins, continental crustal thickening exerts a first-order control on the global sea level over hundreds of million years

    Evolution of the Kangmar Dome, southern Tibet: Structural, petrologic, and thermochronologic constraints

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    Structural, thermobarometric, and thermochronologic investigations of the Kangmar Dome, southern Tibet, suggest that both extensional and contractional deformational histories are preserved within the dome. The dome is cored by an orthogneiss which is mantled by staurolite + kyanite zone metasedimentary rocks; metamorphic grade dies out up section and is defined by a series of concentric kyanite-in, staurolite-in, garnet-in, and chloritoid-in isograds. Three major deformational events, two older penetrative events and a younger doming event, are preserved. The oldest event, D1, resulted in approximately E-W trending tight to isoclinal folds of bedding with an associated moderately to steeply north dipping axial planar foliation, S1. The second event, D2, resulted in a high strain mylonitic foliation, S2, which defines the domal structure, and an associated approximately N-S trending stretching and mineral alignment lineation. Shear sense during formation of S2 varied from dominantly top S shear on the south dipping flank of the dome to top N shear on the north dipping flank. The central part of the dome exhibits either opposing shear sense indicators or symmetric fabrics. Microtextural relations indicate that peak metamorphism occurred post-D1 and pre- to early D2 deformation. Quantitative thermobarometry yields peak metamorphic conditions of ∼445°C and 370 MPa in garnet zone rocks, increasing to 625°C and 860 MPa in staurolite + kyanite zone rocks. Pressures and temperatures increase with depth and northward within a single structural horizon across the dome and the apparent gradient in pressure is ∼20% of the expected gradient, suggesting that the rocks were subvertically shortened after the pressure gradient was frozen in. Mica 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology yields 15.24 ± 0.05 to 10.94 ± 0.30 Ma cooling ages that increase with depth and young northward within a single structural horizon across the dome. Diffusion modeling of potassium feldspar 40Ar/39Ar spectra yield rapid cooling rates (∼10–30°C/Myr) between ∼11.5 and 10 Ma and apatite fission track ages range from 7.9 ± 3.0 to 4.1 ± 1.9 Ma, with a mean age of ∼5.5 Ma. Both data sets show symmetric cooling across the dome between ∼11 and 5.5 Ma. The S2 mylonitic foliation, peak metamorphic isobars and isotherms, and mica 40Ar/39Ar isochrons are domed, whereas potassium feldspar 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track isochrons are not, suggesting that doming occurred at ∼11 Ma. Our data do not support simple, end-member metamorphic core complex-type extension, diapirism, or duplex models for gneiss dome formation. Rather, we suggest that the formation of extensional fabrics occurred within a zone of coaxial strain in the root zone of the Southern Tibetan Detachment System (STDS), implying that normal slip along the STDS and extensional fabrics within the Kangmar Dome were the result of gravitational collapse of overthickened crust. Subsequent doming during the middle Miocene is attributed to thrusting upward and southward over a north dipping ramp above cold Tethyan sediments. Middle Miocene thrust faulting in the Kangmar Dome region is synchronous with continued normal slip along the STDS and thrust motion along the Renbu Zedong thrust fault, suggesting that extension and contraction was occurring simultaneously within southern Tibet

    Why ‘the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau’ is a myth?

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    The often-used phrase ‘the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau’ implies a flat-surfaced Tibet rose as a coherent entity, and that uplift was driven entirely by the collision and northward movement of India. Here, we argue that these are misconceptions derived in large part from simplistic geodynamic and climate modeling, as well as proxy misinterpretation. The growth of Tibet was a complex process involving mostly Mesozoic collisions of several Gondwanan terranes with Asia, thickening the crust and generating complex relief before the arrival of India. In this review, Earth system modeling, paleoaltimetry proxies and fossil finds contribute to a new synthetic view of the topographic evolution of Tibet. A notable feature overlooked in previous models of plateau formation was the persistence through much of the Cenozoic of a wide east–west orientated deep central valley, and the formation of a plateau occurred only in the late Neogene through compression and internal sedimentation

    Plio-Pleistocene exhumation of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its domal ‘pop-up’

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    The eastern termination of the Himalayan orogen forms a structural syntaxis that is characterised by young (from 10 to < 1 Ma) mineral growth and cooling ages that document Late Miocene to Pleistocene structural, metamorphic, igneous and exhumation events. This region is a steep antiformal and in part domal structure that folds the suture zone between the Indian and Asian plates. It is dissected by the Yarlung Tsangpo, one of the major rivers of the eastern Himalayan–Tibet region, which becomes the Brahmaputra River in the Indian foreland basin before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. Exceptionally high relief and one of the deepest gorges on Earth have developed where the river's tortuous route crosses the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif (> 7 km in elevation) in the core of the syntaxis. Very high erosion rates documented in sediment downstream of the gorge at the foot of the Himalaya contribute ~ 50% of total detritus to the sediment load of the Brahmaputra. The initiation of very high rates of exhumation has been attributed either to the extreme erosive power of a river flowing across a deforming indentor corner and the associated positive feedback, or to the geometry of the Indian plate indentor, with the corner being thrust beneath the Asian plate resulting in buckling which accommodates shortening; both processes may be important. The northern third of the syntaxis corresponds to a steep domal ‘pop-up’ structure bounded by the India–Asia suture on three sides and a thrust zone to the south. Within the dome, Greater Himalaya rocks equilibrated at ~ 800 °C and 25–30 km depth during the Miocene, with these conditions potentially persisting into the latest Miocene and possibly the Pliocene, with modest decompression prior to ~ 4 Ma. This domal ‘pop-up’ corresponds to the area of youngest bedrock ages on a wide variety of thermochronometers and geochronometers. In this paper we review the extensive scientific literature that has focused on the eastern syntaxis and provide new chronological data on its bedrock and erosion products to constrain the age of inception of the very rapid uplift and erosion. We then discuss its cause, with the ultimate aim to reconstruct the exhumation history of the syntaxis and discuss the tectonic context for its genesis. We use zircon and rutile U–Pb, white mica Ar–Ar and zircon fission track dating methods to extract age data from bedrock, Brahmaputra modern sediments (including an extensive compilation of modern detrital chronometry from the eastern Himalaya) and Neogene palaeo-Brahmaputra deposits of the Surma Basin (Bangladesh). Numerical modelling of heat flow and erosion is also used to model the path of rocks from peak metamorphic conditions of ~ 800 °C to < 250 °C. Our new data include U–Pb bedrock rutile ages as young as 1.4 Ma from the Namche Barwa massif and 0.4 Ma from the river downstream of the syntaxis. Combined with existing data, our new data and heat flow modelling show that: i) the detrital age signature of the modern syntaxis is unique within the eastern Himalayan region; ii) the rocks within the domal pop-up were > 575 ± 75 °C only 1–2 Myr ago; iii) the Neogene Surma Basin does not record evidence of the rise and erosion of the domal pop-up until latest Pliocene–Pleistocene time; iv) Pleistocene exhumation of the north-easternmost part of the syntaxis took place at rates of at least 4 km/Myr, with bedrock erosion of 12–21 km during the last 3 Ma; v) the inception of rapid syntaxial exhumation may have started as early as 7 Ma or as late as 3 Ma; and vi) the Yarlung Tsangpo is antecedent and subsequently distorted by the developing antiform. Together our data and modelling demonstrate that the domal pop-up with its exceptional erosion and topographic relief is likely a Pleistocene feature that overprinted earlier structural and metamorphic events typical of Himalayan evolution. Keywords: Eastern Himalayan syntaxis; Namche Barwa; Surma Basin; Yarlung Tsangpo–Brahmaputra; U–Pb rutile dating; Thermal modellin

    Late Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene deformation in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau margin: pre-Cenozoic thickened crust?

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    This study presents structural and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data from the southern part of the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt that forms the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Investigations focused on hinterland ductile top-to-the-WNW shear deformation, which has been linked previously to late Cenozoic lower crustal flow. Consistent with previous studies, the sense of deformation is mapped as top-to-the-WNW in the Longmen Shan hinterland. The timing of the deformation is constrained by 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data of recrystallized minerals aligned along the shear foliation as Late Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene, thus predating the inferred late Cenozoic crustal flow. This deformation is contemporaneous with SE verging thrusting and loading along the Longmen Shan front, which formed a coeval ~2–3 km thick foredeep sequence along the southwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin. In the context of the regional geology, this tectonic configuration could result from either extrusion of a crustal wedge or back thrust in a duplex. Compared to other orogens, where similar crustal configurations have been reported, it is speculated that the eastern Tibetan Plateau margin acquired thickened crust and highly elevated topography in Late Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene time

    Restoration of Cenozoic deformation in Asia and the size of Greater India

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