51 research outputs found

    Updated Guidance Regarding The Risk ofAllergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines and Recommended Evaluation and Management: A GRADE Assessment, and International Consensus Approach

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    This guidance updates 2021 GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) recommendations regarding immediate allergic reactions following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines and addresses revaccinating individuals with first-dose allergic reactions and allergy testing to determine revaccination outcomes. Recent meta-analyses assessed the incidence of severe allergic reactions to initial COVID-19 vaccination, risk of mRNA-COVID-19 revaccination after an initial reaction, and diagnostic accuracy of COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine excipient testing in predicting reactions. GRADE methods informed rating the certainty of evidence and strength of recommendations. A modified Delphi panel consisting of experts in allergy, anaphylaxis, vaccinology, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, and primary care from Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States formed the recommendations. We recommend vaccination for persons without COVID-19 vaccine excipient allergy and revaccination after a prior immediate allergic reaction. We suggest against \u3e 15-minute postvaccination observation. We recommend against mRNA vaccine or excipient skin testing to predict outcomes. We suggest revaccination of persons with an immediate allergic reaction to the mRNA vaccine or excipients be performed by a person with vaccine allergy expertise in a properly equipped setting. We suggest against premedication, split-dosing, or special precautions because of a comorbid allergic history

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Technological elites, the meritocracy, and postracial myths in Silicon Valley

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    Entre as modernas elites tecnológicas digitais, os mitos da meritocracia e da façanha intelectual são usados como marcadores de raça e gênero por uma supremacia branca masculina que consolida recursos de forma desproporcional em relação a pessoas não brancas, principalmente negros, latinos e indígenas. Os investimentos em mitos meritocráticos suprimem os questionamentos de racismo e discriminação, mesmo quando os produtos das elites digitais são infundidos com marcadores de raça, classe e gênero. As lutas históricas por inclusão social, política e econômica de negros, mulheres e outras classes desprotegidas têm implicado no reconhecimento da exclusão sistêmica, do trabalho forçado e da privação de direitos estruturais, além de compromissos com políticas públicas dos EUA, como as ações afirmativas, que foram igualmente fundamentais para reformas políticas voltadas para participação e oportunidades econômicas. A ascensão da tecnocracia digital tem sido, em muitos aspectos, antitética a esses esforços no sentido de reconhecer raça e gênero como fatores cruciais para inclusão e oportunidades tecnocráticas. Este artigo explora algumas das formas pelas quais os discursos das elites tecnocráticas do Vale do Silício reforçam os investimentos no pós racialismo como um pretexto para a re-consolidação do capital em oposição às políticas públicas que prometem acabar com práticas discriminatórias no mundo do trabalho. Por meio de uma análise cuidadosa do surgimento de empresas de tecnologias digitais e de uma discussão sobre como as elites tecnológicas trabalham para mascarar tudo, como inscrições algorítmicas e genéticas de raça incorporadas em seus produtos, mostramos como as elites digitais omitem a sua responsabilidade por suas reinscrições pós raciais de (in)visibilidades raciais. A partir do uso de análise histórica e crítica do discurso, o artigo revela como os mitos de uma meritocracia digital baseados em um “daltonismo racial” tecnocrático emergem como chave para a manutenção de exclusões de gênero e raça.Palavras-chave: Tecnologia. Raça. Gênero.Among modern digital technology elites, myths of meritocracy and intellectual prowess are used as racial and gender markers of white male supremacy that disproportionately consolidate resources away from people of color, particularly African Americans, Latino/as and Native Americans. Investments in meritocratic myths suppress interrogations of racism and discrimination even as the products of digital elites are infused with racial, class, and gender markers. Longstanding struggles for social, political, and economic inclusion for African Americans, women, and other legally protected classes have been predicated upon the recognition of systemic exclusion, forced labor, and structural disenfranchisement, and commitments to US public policies like affirmative action have, likewise, been fundamental to political reforms geared to economic opportunity and participation. The rise of the digital technocracy has, in many ways, been antithetical to these sustained efforts to recognize race and gender as salient factors structuring technocratic opportunity and inclusion. This paper explores some of the ways in which discourses of Silicon Valley technocratic elites bolster investments in post-racialism as a pretext for re-consolidations of capital, in opposition to public policy commitments to end discriminatory labor practices. Through a careful analysis of the rise of digital technology companies, and a discussion of how technology elites work to mask everything from algorithmic to genetic inscriptions of race embedded in their products, we show how digital elites elide responsibility for their post-racial re-inscriptions of racial visibilities (and invisibilities). Using historical and critical discourse analysis, the paper reveals how myths of a digital meritocracy premised on a technocratic colorblindness emerge key to perpetuating gender and racial exclusions.Keywords: Technology. Race. Gender

    Understanding the Error in Psychopathology: Notable Intraindividual Differences in Neural Variability of Performance Monitoring

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    Background: Abnormal performance monitoring is a possible transdiagnostic marker common across psychopathology. Most research on neural indices of performance monitoring, including the error-related negativity (ERN), has examined group and interindividual (between-person) differences in mean/average scores. Intraindividual (within-person) variability in neural activity captures the capacity to dynamically adjust from moment to moment, and excessive neural variability appears maladaptive. Intraindividual variability in ERN represents a unique and largely unexplored dimension that might impact functioning. We tested whether psychopathology group differences (major depressive disorder [MDD], generalized anxiety disorder [GAD], obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD]) or corresponding psychiatric symptoms account for intraindividual variability in single-trial ERN scores. Methods: ERN was recorded in 51 participants with MDD, 44 participants with GAD, 31 participants with OCD, and 56 psychiatrically-healthy control participants. Multilevel location-scale models were used to simultaneously examine interindividual and intraindividual differences in ERN amplitude. Results: Analyses indicated considerable intraindividual variability in ERN that was common across all groups. However, we did not find strong evidence to support clinical differences in ERN when examining traditional diagnostic categories or relationships with transdiagnostic symptoms. Conclusions: These findings point to important methodological implications for studies of performance monitoring in healthy and clinical populations—the common assumption of fixed intraindividual variability (i.e., residual variance) is inappropriate for ERN studies in clinical or healthy populations. Implementation of multilevel location-scale models in future research can leverage between-person differences in intraindividual variability in performance monitoring to gain a rich understanding of the trial-to-trial dynamics of performance monitoring


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    Tasks and Measures

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    Stimulus presentation materials and information on self-report measure

    Flavors of Flanker: A Multi-Site Study of Event-Related Potentials Recorded During Variations of the Flanker Task

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    Error-related negativity is a widely used measure of error monitoring, and many projects are independently moving ERN recorded during a flanker task towards standardization, optimization, and eventual clinical application. However, each project uses a different version of the flanker task and tacitly assumes ERN is functionally equivalent across each version. The routine neglect of a rigorous test of this assumption undermines efforts to integrate ERN findings across tasks, optimize and standardize ERN assessment, and widely apply ERN in clinical trials. The purpose of this registered report was to determine whether ERN shows similar experimental effects (correct vs. error trials) and data quality (intraindividual variability) during three commonly-used versions of a flanker task. ERN was recorded from 172 participants during three versions of a flanker task across two study sites. ERN scores showed numerical differences between tasks, raising questions about the comparability of ERN findings across studies and tasks. Although ERN scores from all three versions of the flanker task yielded high data quality and internal consistency, one version did outperform the other two in terms of the size of experimental effects and the data quality. Exploratory analyses of the error positivity (Pe) provided tentative support for the other two versions of the task over the paradigm that appeared optimal for ERN. The present study provides a roadmap for how to statistically compare psychometric characteristics of ERP scores across paradigms and gives preliminary recommendations for flanker tasks to use for ERN- and Pe-focused studies


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    Standard operating procedures and protocol