216 research outputs found

    Searching for binary central stars of planetary nebulae with Kepler

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    The Kepler Observatory offers unprecedented photometric precision (<1 mmag) and cadence for monitoring the central stars of planetary nebulae, allowing the detection of tiny periodic light curve variations, a possible signature of binarity. With this precision free from the observational gaps dictated by weather and lunar cycles, we are able to detect companions at much larger separations and with much smaller radii than ever before. We have been awarded observing time to obtain light-curves of the central stars of the six confirmed and possible planetary nebulae in the Kepler field, including the newly discovered object Kn 61, at cadences of both 30 min and 1 min. Of these six objects, we could confirm for three a periodic variability consistent with binarity. Two others are variables, but the initial data set presents only weak periodicities. For the central star of Kn 61, Kepler data will be available in the near future

    Searching for Faint Planetary Nebulae Using the Digital Sky Survey

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    Recent Halpha surveys such as SHS and IPHAS have improved the completeness of the Galactic planetary nebula (PN) census. We now know of ~3,000 PNe in the Galaxy, but this is far short of most estimates, typically ~25,000 or more for the total population. The size of the Galactic PN population is required to derive an accurate estimate of the chemical enrichment rates of nitrogen, carbon, and helium. In addition, a high PN count (~20,000) is strong evidence that most 1-8 Msun main sequence stars will go through a PN phase, while a low count (<10,000) argues that special conditions (e.g., a close binary interaction) are required to form a PN. We describe a technique for finding hundreds more PNe using the existing data collections of the digital sky surveys, thereby improving the census of Galactic PNe.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA), full resolution paper available at http://www.wiyn.org/jacoby_pasa.pd

    A New Approach to Non-Commutative U(N) Gauge Fields

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    Based on the recently introduced model of arXiv:0912.2634 for non-commutative U(1) gauge fields, a generalized version of that action for U(N) gauge fields is put forward. In this approach to non-commutative gauge field theories, UV/IR mixing effects are circumvented by introducing additional 'soft breaking' terms in the action which implement an IR damping mechanism. The techniques used are similar to those of the well-known Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD.Comment: 11 pages; v2 minor correction

    A SINFONI view of flies in the Spiderweb: a galaxy cluster in the making

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    The environment of the high-z radio galaxy PKS 1138-262 at z~2.2 is a prime example of a forming galaxy cluster. We use deep SINFONI data to perform a detailed study of the kinematics of the galaxies within 60 kpc of the radio core and we link this to the kinematics of the protocluster on the megaparsec scale. Identification of optical emission lines shows that 11 galaxies are at the redshift of the protocluster. The density of line emitters is more than an order of magnitude higher in the core of the protocluster than the larger scale environment. This implies a matter overdensity in the core of delta_m~70 which is similar to the outskirts of local galaxy clusters. The velocity distribution of the confirmed satellite galaxies shows a broad, double-peaked velocity structure with sigma=1360+/-206 km/s. A similar broad, double-peaked distribution was found in a previous study targeting the large scale protocluster structure, indicating that a common process is acting on both small and large scales. Including all spectroscopically confirmed protocluster galaxies, a velocity dispersion of 1013+/-87 km/s is found. We show that the protocluster has likely decoupled from the Hubble flow and is a dynamically evolved structure. Comparison to the Millenium simulation indicates that the protocluster velocity distribution is consistent with that of the most massive haloes at z~2, but we rule out that the protocluster is a fully virialized structure based on dynamical arguments and its X-ray luminosity. Comparison to merging haloes in the Millennium simulation shows that the structure as observed in and around the Spiderweb galaxy is best interpreted as being the result of a merger between two massive haloes. We propose that this merger can result in an increase in star formation and AGN activity in the protocluster core and is possibly an important stage in the evolution of massive cD galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Commutative limit of a renormalizable noncommutative model

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    Renormalizable ϕ44\phi^{\star 4}_4 models on Moyal space have been obtained by modifying the commutative propagator. But these models have a divergent "naive" commutative limit. We explain here how to obtain a coherent such commutative limit for a recently proposed translation-invariant model. The mechanism relies on the analysis of the uv/ir mixing in general Feynman graphs.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, minor misprints being correcte

    Globules and pillars seen in the [CII] 158 micron line with SOFIA

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    Molecular globules and pillars are spectacular features, found only in the interface region between a molecular cloud and an HII-region. Impacting Far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation creates photon dominated regions (PDRs) on their surfaces that can be traced by typical cooling lines. With the GREAT receiver onboard SOFIA we mapped and spectrally resolved the [CII] 158 micron atomic fine-structure line and the highly excited 12CO J=11-10 molecular line from three objects in Cygnus X (a pillar, a globule, and a strong IRAS source). We focus here on the globule and compare our data with existing Spitzer data and recent Herschel Open-Time PACS data. Extended [CII] emission and more compact CO-emission was found in the globule. We ascribe this emission mainly to an internal PDR, created by a possibly embedded star-cluster with at least one early B-star. However, external PDR emission caused by the excitation by the Cyg OB2 association cannot be fully excluded. The velocity-resolved [CII] emission traces the emission of PDR surfaces, possible rotation of the globule, and high-velocity outflowing gas. The globule shows a velocity shift of ~2 km/s with respect to the expanding HII-region, which can be understood as the residual turbulence of the molecular cloud from which the globule arose. This scenario is compatible with recent numerical simulations that emphazise the effect of turbulence. It is remarkable that an isolated globule shows these strong dynamical features traced by the [CII]-line, but it demands more observational studies to verify if there is indeed an embedded cluster of B-stars.Comment: Letter accepted by A&A (SOFIA special issue

    The impact of a major cluster merger on galaxy evolution in MACS\,J0025.4-1225

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    We present results of an extensive morphological, spectroscopic, and photometric study of the galaxy population of MACS J0025.4-1225 (z=0.586), a major cluster merger with clear segregation of dark and luminous matter, to examine the impact of mergers on galaxy evolution. Based on 436 galaxy spectra obtained with Keck DEIMOS, we identified 212 cluster members within 4 Mpc of the cluster centre, and classified them using three spectroscopic types; we find 111 absorption-line, 90 emission-line (including 23 e(a) and 11 e(b)), and 6 E+A galaxies. The fraction of absorption(emission)-line galaxies is a monotonically increasing(decreasing) function of both projected galaxy density and radial distance to the cluster center. More importantly, the 6 observed E+A cluster members are all located between the dark-matter peaks of the cluster and within ~0.3Mpc radius of the X-ray flux peak, unlike the E+A galaxies in other intermediate-redshift clusters which are usually found to avoid the core region. In addition, we use Hubble Space Telescope imaging to classify cluster members according to morphological type. We find the global fraction of spiral and lenticular galaxies in MACS J0025 to be among the highest observed to date in clusters at z>0.5. The observed E+A galaxies are found to be of lenticular type with Sersic indices of ~2, boosting the local fraction of S0 to 70 per cent between the dark-matter peaks. Combing the results of our analysis of the spatial distribution, morphology, and spectroscopic features of the galaxy population, we propose that the starburst phase of these E+A galaxies was both initiated and terminated during the first core-passage about 0.5--1Gyr ago, and that their morphology has already been transformed into S0 due to ram pressure and/or tidal forces near the cluster core. By contrast, ongoing starbursts are observed predominantly in infalling galaxies, and thus appears to be unrelated to the cluster merger.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRA

    NTT follow-up observations of star cluster candidates from the FSR catalogue

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    We are conducting a large program to classify newly discovered Milky Way star cluster candidates from the list of Froebrich, Scholz & Raftery (2007). Here we present deep NIR follow-up observations from ESO/NTT of 14 star cluster candidates. We show that the combined analysis of star density maps and colour-colour/magnitude diagrams derived from deep near-infrared imaging is a viable tool to reliably classify new stellar clusters. This allowed us to identify two young clusters with massive stars, three intermediate age open clusters, and two globular cluster candidates among our targets. The remaining seven objects are unlikely to be stellar clusters. Among them is the object FSR1767 which has previously been identified as a globular cluster using 2MASS data by Bonatto et al. (2007). Our new analysis shows that FSR1767 is not a star cluster. We also summarise the currently available follow-up analysis of the FSR candidates and conclude that this catalogue may contain a large number of new stellar clusters, probably dominated by old open clusters.Comment: 24pages, 3tables, 40figures, Accepted for publication by MNRAS, A version with higher resolution figures can be found at http://astro.kent.ac.uk/~df

    Translation-invariant models for non-commutative gauge fields

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    Motivated by the recent construction of a translation-invariant renormalizable non-commutative model for a scalar field (see arXiv:0802.0791 [math-ph]), we introduce models for non-commutative U(1) gauge fields along the same lines. More precisely, we include some extra terms into the action with the aim of getting rid of the UV/IR mixing.Comment: 9 page