94 research outputs found

    Harrach. Familienangelegenheiten

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    Die mikrohistorisch orientierte Untersuchung über Familienbeziehungen im Hause Harrach des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts soll im Rahmen der historischen Aufarbeitung beitragen, das Forschungsdefizit in der österreichischen Adelsforschung weiter zu minimieren. Die Fallgeschichte erlaubt zusammenhängende Einblicke in den familiären Raum, wobei verschiedene Lebenssituationen beleuchtet und die Vielfalt an Wahrnehmungen der einzelnen Akteure aufgezeigt wird. Aufgabe und Ziel der Studie ist es Beziehungskonstellationen wie Verhaltensweisen zu rekonstruieren und Befindlichkeiten oder auch Handlungsräume zu dokumentieren. Einleitend wird ein allgemeiner Überblick über die Briefkultur, insbesondere im europäischen Raum des 19. Jahrhunderts, skizziert. Die Interaktion im Briefwechsel Harrach wird hinsichtlich der Einhaltung von Konventionsregeln analysiert und interpretiert. Zudem werden verwendete Archivalien, die für die Arbeit von Relevanz sind, auf Plausibilität- und Reliabilität geprüft und bewertet. Briefquellen dienen als Basis für den Hauptteil, wobei an Beispielen von Familienangelegenheiten im Zeitraum 1870 bis 1943 die Beziehungskonstellationen, der innerfamiliäre Umgang wie auch das emotionale Verhalten in gewissen Situationen verdeutlicht wird. Die Exempel die zur Bebilderung der Alltagswirklichkeit, der Lebensformen und Beziehungsverhältnisse dienen, haben unterschiedliche Zugänge, wodurch ein Gesamteindruck über das Familienmodell vermittelt werden soll. Der Fokus des Forschungsinteresses richtet sich demnach auf Aktionen und Reaktionen der handelnden Personen im jeweiligen Milieu. Die Rekonstruktion der Krankheit von Marie Margarethe, Gattin von Johann Nepomuk Graf Harrach, dokumentiert nicht nur die Beziehungsebene der Eheleute sondern auch die damit verbundene Umsicht, Sorge und Fürsorge der Familie. Behandlungsmodelle, die letzlich zu keinem Erfolg führten und die intensive Betreuung werden ebenso vorgestellt, wie die verzweifelten Anstrengungen Johann Nepomuks, Hilfestellung zu bieten. Besondere Berücksichtigung findet die Trauer und Trauerbewältigung, hier vornehmlich die ihres Gatten, nach deren Tod 1870. Ein Exkurs über die zweite Gattin Marie Therese, letzte Obersthofmeisterin der Kaiserin Elisabeth, verweist auf eine unglückliche, konfliktreiche Ehe, zeigt konventionelle Anpassungszwänge und standesspezifische Ehr- und Ordnungsvorstellungen auf. Des Weiteren wird das Lebensfeld des geisteskranken Erbgrafen Carl beleuchtet. Vor allem der Umgang mit dem Kranken, die Pflege, Umsorgung und Versorgung. Aber auch Anzeichen der Krankheit und deren Auswirkungen, Diagnose und Behandlung sind zusätzliche Facetten, auf die explizit eingegangen wird. Das rollenspezifische Verhalten des Gesellschafters von Carl, dessen versuchte Einflussnahme und den damit in Zusammenhang zu bringenden Differenzen mit den Familienmitgliedern, legen Einstellung und Verhaltensweise der Bezugspersonen offen. Zur Verdichtung des Konzeptes trägt der letzte Teil bei: Familiäre Beziehungskonflikte begleiten das Konkursverfahren von Franz Prinz zu Windisch-Graetz, Gatte von Harrachs jüngster Tochter Marga. Dem finanziellen Ruin, der massiven Verschuldung und vor allem der öffentlichen Schande standen die Familien Harrach und Windisch-Graetz mit Kritik und Unverständnis gegenüber. Dokumentiert wird der Diskurs unter den Familienangehörigen, der von Verdächtigungen, Misstrauen, Schuldzuweisungen und Verteidigung dominiert war. Die Familienräson erforderte eine Bündelung rigeroser Sanktionen für Franz, dessen härteste der Neuaufbau einer Existenz im Exil darstellte, wenngleich diese versuchte Etablierung letztendlich misslang. Beschrieben werden die Lebenssituation Margas und der Kinder und die Loyalität zu ihrem Ehemann. Ein Exkurs über die erneute Verschuldung nach der Rückkehr aus dem Exil, speziell später in den 1930er Jahren, zeigt die Wahrnehmung und Besorgnis, aber auch die Bemühung der Harrach auf, Lösungsmodelle dafür zu erarbeiten. Einen gesonderten Aspekt erfährt das Familienverhältnis durch die Erbschaftsstreitigkeiten bis 1927, die scheinbar durch die erneuerte Gesetzeslage fundiert, nach jahrelangen Kontroversen, die Harrach zu Zahlungen an Marga und deren Familie verpflichtete. Konversationen wurden zwar aufrecht gehalten, dennoch werden Brüche im Familiensystem sichtbar. Die Studie gibt Einblick in innerfamiliäre Gefühls- und Versorgungsstrukturen und festigt die These einer von emotionalen Bindungen bestimmten, verantwortungsorientierten Familienpolitik.In the context of historical reappraisal, a micro-historical investigation of familial relationships in the House of Harrach in the 19th and 20th centuries will play a part in addressing the dearth of research into the Austrian nobility. As a case history, such a study offers coherent insights into the familial domain, casting light on the many and varied life situations and perceptions of individual protagonists. The task and the objective of the study is to reconstruct patterns of relationships and behaviour whilst documenting emotional states and spheres of activity. The introductory section provides a broad overview of the culture of letter writing that prevailed in European circles especially in the 19th century. Interaction through correspondence in the House of Harrach is analysed for compliance with conventions and interpreted; archival materials of relevance to the study are examined and evaluated to gauge their plausibility and reliability. Letter sources provide the foundation for the main section, which clarifies relationship patterns, inter-family associations and emotional conduct in specific situations on the basis of examples of family affairs during the period 1870 to 1943. By taking differing approaches, examples that serve to illustrate day-to-day realities, ways of life and relationships aim to impart a general impression of the family structure. Accordingly, the research is focused on the actions and reactions of the relevant personages in the various strata. The reconstruction of the illness of Marie Margarethe (wife of Count Johann Nepomuk of Harrach) charts not only the relational status of the couple, but also the discretion, anxiety and care subsequently exhibited by the family. Types of treatment that ultimately failed to remedy the situation are portrayed, along with the closeness of support and the frantic efforts of Johann Nepomuk to render assistance. Special attention is paid to the mourning and bereavement process, particularly as experienced by her husband, upon her death in 1870. A digression into his second wife Marie Therese, the last Mistress of the Robes to the Empress Elisabeth, exposes an unhappy marriage characterised by conflict as well as conventional pressure to adjust and notions of honour and rank linked to social standing. The life of the mentally ill hereditary Count Carl is also examined. The focus is on the ways in which the patient was cared for, looked after and sustained, although explicit reference is also made to aspects such as symptoms and their repercussions, diagnosis and treatment. The role-related conduct of the companions of Carl, their attempts to exert influence and the concurrent differences with family members, reveal the attitudes and conduct of these attachment figures. This theme is taken up in the final section, with conflict entering into the familial relationships as Franz, Prince of Windisch-Graetz and husband to the youngest Harrach daughter Marga, encounters bankruptcy. The Harrach and Windisch-Graetz families found themselves the subjects of criticism and incredulity as financial ruin and massive debts were followed most damagingly of all by public disgrace. Discourse between members of the family – dominated by suspicion, mistrust, blame and defensiveness – is documented. The family moved to impose a package of strict penalties on Franz, the most severe of which envisaged the establishment of a new life in exile (which ultimately did not take root). The situations of Marga and the children and her loyalty to her husband are portrayed. Another aside into the repeated accumulation of debt following the return from exile (especially in the later period of the 1930s) records perceptions and anxieties in the House of Harrach as well as its efforts to develop possible answers. Another factor with a bearing on family relations was the inheritance disputes that lasted until 1927: following years of wrangling, it was apparently changes in the legal situation that finally obliged Harrach to render payments to Marga and her family. Although communication was maintained, fissures in the family system had become evident. The study delivers insights into the emotional and support structures that existed within the family, consolidating its hypothesis of a family policy determined by emotional attachments and responsibilities

    Need for the Intercultural Awareness in Erasmus Mobility -Administrative point of view

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    Abstract. In recent years, mobility has become one of the most important goals inside the European Union (EU). Different projects and programs support the mobility of students, teachers and other employed persons. From program to program and project to project, goals are different. Through employment, companies have the need for different experts or the need to work with international teams. They can also offer jobs for placements and for young experts for their first employment (like the Leonardo da Vinci program), while for students and teachers, the main goals of mobility are learning and teaching in different environments (like the Erasmus program) as well as learning languages and benefiting from cross-cultural experiences. Both students and teachers come from different cultural environments and the host organisation has to take care of intercultural awareness in all levels of activities, from administration up to teaching and passing exams

    Privacy-Aware Authentication in the Internet of Things

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    Besides the opportunities o ered by the all-embracing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it also poses a tremendous threat to the privacy of the carriers of these devices. In this work, we build upon the idea of an RFID-based IoT realized by means of standardized and well-established Internet protocols. In particular, we demonstrate how the Internet Protocol Security protocol suite (IPsec) can be applied in a privacy-aware manner. Therefore, we introduce a privacy-aware mutual authentication protocol compatible with restrictions imposed by the IPsec standard and analyze its privacy and security properties. In order do so, we revisit and adapt the RFID privacy model (HPVP) of Hermans et al. (ESORICS\u2711). With this work, we show that privacy in the IoT can be achieved without relying on proprietary protocols and on the basis of existing Internet standards

    The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?

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    Security of wireless connections

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    Physical properties of the intermetallic catalyst compound ZnPd

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    Kataliza se uporablja v znanosti in tehnologiji za spreminjanje poteka kemijskih reakcij preko znižanja aktivacijske energije, ki je potrebna za reakcijo. Najpreprostejši katalizator dobimo, če vzamemo kovinski element brez podlage. Slabost take izbire je zelo omejeno število elementov, ki so katalitsko aktivni za dano kemijsko reakcijo. Alternativni materiali za heterogeno katalizo so strukturno urejene intermetalne spojine. Gre za spojine iz dveh ali več kovinskih elementov, ki se nahajajo levo ali v okolici Zintlove črte v periodnem sistemu elementov. Njihova struktura je popolnoma ali delno urejena in se razlikuje od strukture elementov, ki tvorijo spojino. Stabilnost intermetalnih spojin med kemijsko reakcijo je povezana z njihovo elektronsko in geometrijsko strukturo. Prednost uporabe intermetalnih spojin za katalizo je možnost izbire elektronske in geometrijske strukture. Intermetalne spojine lahko razpadejo pred ali med katalizo, tako da iz njih nastane katalizator z veliko aktivno površino. Intermetalne spojine lahko nastanejo tudi med kemijsko reakcijo pri reakciji med aktivno kovino in podlago ali med različnimi materiali s podlago. V izogib tem težavam je bil nedavno sprejet pristop, da se kot stabilne katalizatorje brez podlage uporablja intermetalne spojine z urejeno kristalno strukturo. V Magistrskem delu smo opravili karakterizacijo vzorca ZnPd s pomočjo mikroskopije SEM, ki je bila izvedena na Kemijskem institutu v Ljubljani. Ostale meritve so bile izvedene na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« v Ljubljani. Z napravo PPMS (angl. Physical Property Measurement System) proizvajalca Quantum Design smo izmerili fizikalne lastnosti ZnPd. Pri določanju magnetnega stanja vzorca pa smo uporabili magnetometer MPMS (angl. Magnetic Property Measurement System) XL-5 proizvajalca Quantum Design. V Magistrskem delu smo prav tako dopolnili nedavne študije fizikalnih lastnostih intermetalnih katalizatorjev GaPd in InPd.Catalysis is used in science and technology to change the path of chemical reactions by modifying their activation energies. The simplest catalyst is an unsupported metal element. The downside of such choice is a very limited number of elements that are catalytically active for a specific chemical reaction. Alternative materials for heterogeneous catalysis are structurally ordered intermetallic alloys. Intermetallic alloys are composed of two or more metallic elements. The completely or partially ordered structure of intermetallic alloys is different form the structure of individual elements that form the alloy. Stability of intermetallic alloys during chemical reactions depends on their electronic and geometrical structure. The great advantage of intermetallic alloys is the possibility to choose their electronic and geometric structure before use. Intermetallic alloys can decompose before or during catalysis. They form catalysts with large active surfaces. Intermetallic alloys can also form during the chemical reaction between active metal and supporting material or between different supporting materials. To avoid difficulties, an approach to use intermetallic alloys with ordered crystal structure as stable unsupported catalysts has recently been accepted. In this Master\u27s thesis, we characterized a ZnPd sample using SEM microscope at the Chemistry Institute in Ljubljana. Physical properties of the sample were measured at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. With the Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) we measured specific heat and electrical resistivity. To determine the magnetic state of the sample we used the Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS XL-5). We have also supplemented recent studies of physical properties of intermetallic catalysts GaPd and InPd

    Inference attacks and control on database structures

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    Today’s databases store information with sensitivity levels that range from public to highly sensitive, hence ensuring confidentiality can be highly important, but also requires costly control. This paper focuses on the inference problem on different database structures. It presents possible treats on privacy with relation to the inference, and control methods for mitigating these treats. The paper shows that using only access control, without any inference control is inadequate, since these models are unable to protect against indirect data access. Furthermore, it covers new inference problems which rise from the dimensions of new technologies like XML, semantics, etc
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