116 research outputs found

    Les lieux superposés de Richard McGuire

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    La fabrique de la bande dessinée

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    Au confluent de la littĂ©rature et des arts visuels, la bande dessinĂ©e est tantĂŽt l’Ɠuvre d’un auteur unique, tantĂŽt le rĂ©sultat d’une collaboration entre un spĂ©cialiste du texte et un spĂ©cialiste de l’image. De l’écriture du scĂ©nario Ă  sa mise en dessin, le processus de rĂ©alisation d’une Ɠuvre suit un protocole qui connaĂźt de nombreuses variantes et peut s’incarner dans des documents d’étape de formes multiples. Il est difficile d’en trouver un qui corresponde Ă  la dĂ©finition du manuscrit autographe de l’écrivain. La planche originale est l’objet le plus emblĂ©matique de ce processus, et celui qui a acquis, depuis une vingtaine d’annĂ©es, une valeur marchande sur le marchĂ© de l’art. Mais une gĂ©nĂ©tique de la bande dessinĂ©e doit s’intĂ©resser Ă  tout ce qui se dĂ©roule en amont de l’exĂ©cution de la planche, aussi bien qu’à ce qui peut se produire en aval : ajouts, repentirs, modifications au grĂ© des changements de support ou des rĂ©Ă©ditions.A meeting place of literature and the visual arts, the comic strip is either the work of a single author or the result of a collaboration between a text specialist and an image specialist. From the writing of the scenario to its illustration, the process of making a work follows a protocol that has many variants and can be materialized in several kinds of documents for each stage. It is difficult to find one that matches the definition of the writer’s autograph manuscript. The original plate is the most emblematic object of this process and the one that in the past twenty years has acquired a sales value on the art market. But a genetic study of comic strips has to examine all that happens before the plate is drawn, as well as what can happen afterward: additions, corrections, modifications that vary according to medium changes or re-editions.Im Verschmelzen von Literatur und visuellen KĂŒnsten ist der Comic mal das Werk eines einzelnen Autors, mal das Resultat einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen einem Text-Spezialisten und einem Bild-Spezialisten. Vom Schreiben des Szenarios bis zur Umsetzung in einer Zeichnung verlĂ€uft der Prozess der Realisierung eines Werks nach einem Protokoll, das zahlreiche Varianten kennt und in den vorlĂ€ufigen Dokumenten vielfĂ€ltige Formen annehmen kann. Es ist schwierig, darunter ein Dokument zu finden, welches dem handschriftlichen Manuskript eines Schriftstellers entspricht. Die ursprĂŒngliche Bildtafel ist das symboltrĂ€chtigste Objekt in diesem Prozess, und auch jenes, welches seit etwas zwanzig Jahren, einen kommerziellen Wert auf dem Kunstmarkt erworben hat. Aber eine Genese des Comics muss sich fĂŒr all das interessieren, was sich vor der AusfĂŒhrung der Bildtafel abspielt, ebenso fĂŒr all jenes, was danach ablĂ€uft: HinzufĂŒgungen, AbĂ€nderungen, Umgestaltungen je nach TrĂ€gersubstanz oder bei Neuauflagen.En la confluencia de la literatura y de las artes visuales, la historieta puede ser tanto la obra de un solo autor, como el resultado de una colaboraciĂłn entre un especialista del texto y un especialista de la imagen. De la escritura del guiĂłn hasta su realizaciĂłn grĂĄfica, el proceso de construcciĂłn de una obra sigue un protocolo que comporta numerosas variantes y puede encarnarse en documentos de etapa de diversas formas. Resulta difĂ­cil encontrar entre ellos uno que corresponda a la definiciĂłn del manuscrito autĂłgrafo de escritor. La lĂĄmina original es el objeto mĂĄs emblemĂĄtico de este proceso y ha adquirido, en los Ășltimos veinte años, un valor mercantil en el mercado del arte. Pero una genĂ©tica de la historieta tiene que interesarse tanto en lo que precede la realizaciĂłn de la lĂĄmina como en lo que puede producirse despuĂ©s: añadidos, arrepentimientos, modificaciones ligadas a los cambios de soporte o a las reediciones.Na confluĂȘncia da literatura e das artes visuais, a banda desenhada tanto pode ser obra de um autor Ășnico, como resultado de colaboração entre especialistas do texto e da imagem. Da redação do roteiro atĂ© Ă  sua passagem ao desenho, a produção da obra segue um protocolo com inĂșmeras variaçÔes e diversas etapas. Mas Ă© difĂ­cil encontrar uma correspondĂȘncia para a definição do manuscrito autĂłgrafo do escritor. A chapa original Ă© o objeto mais emblemĂĄtico do processo, e adquiriu, desde hĂĄ vinte anos, valor comercial no mercado de arte. Mas a genĂ©tica da banda desenhada deve interessar-se tambĂ©m por tudo o que estĂĄ antes, bem como por tudo o que vem depois: adiçÔes, alteraçÔes, mudanças no suporte ou reediçÔes.Al crocevia tra letteratura e arti visive, il fumetto Ăš talvolta l’opera di un unico autore, talvolta il risultato di una collaborazione tra uno specialista del testo e uno specialista dell’immagine. Dalla scrittura del testo al suo disegno, il processo di realizzazione di un’opera segue un protocollo che subisce numerose varianti e puĂČ incarnarsi in documenti transitori di forme differenti. È difficile trovarne uno che corrisponda alla definizione di “manoscritto autografo” dello scrittore. La tavola originale Ăš l’oggetto piĂč emblematico di questo processo ed Ăš quello che ha acquistato, da una ventina d’anni, un valore commerciale sul mercato dell’arte. Ma una genetica del fumetto deve interessarsi a tutto ciĂČ che si sviluppa sia a monte dell’esecuzione della tavola, sia a valle: aggiunte, ripensamenti, modifiche, in seguito ai cambiamenti di supporto o alle riedizioni

    Jacques Tardi ou le parti pris de la continuité

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    Premier roman graphique dessinĂ© par Jacques Tardi, Ici MĂȘme (scĂ©nario : Jean-Claude Forest) Ă©tait divisĂ© en chapitres, tĂ©moignant de la sĂ©rialisation dans le mensuel (A Suivre). Par la suite, en revanche, et jusqu'Ă  Moi, RenĂ© Tardi, prisonnier de guerre au Stalag IIB, Tardi, Ă  rebours de l'usage qui tend Ă  se rĂ©pandre pour les Ɠuvres de bande dessinĂ©e d'une certaine ampleur, se dĂ©robera autant que possible au principe du chapitrage, prĂ©fĂ©rant immerger son lecteur dans une continuitĂ© narrative, un flux ininterrompu. Des traces de pĂ©riodisation du rĂ©cit peuvent nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre repĂ©rĂ©es dans C'Ă©tait la guerre des tranchĂ©es et, plus explicitement, dans Jeux pour mourir.Ici MĂȘme, the first graphic novel drawn by Jacques Tardi (on a script by Jean-Claude Forest), was divided in chapters, indicating the serialization in the monthly magazine (A Suivre). In his later works, however, including Moi, RenĂ© Tardi, prisonnier de guerre au Stalag IIB, Tardi, against the practice that becomes common for the comic narratives of a certain length, will refuse as much as possible the principle of chapters, prefering to submerging his readers in a continuity, an uninterrupted flow. Nevertheless, certain evidences of distinct sections can be observed in C'Ă©tait la guerre des tranchĂ©es and, more obviously, in Jeux pour mourir

    Historia de la revista Phenix

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    Articulo que repasa la trayectoria de la revista Phenix, una revista fundamental históricamente para la critica de comics. Es un texto historico de 1985, cuya traducción se publica por primera vez en español

    Dieter Roth’ Solo Scenes and the Comics Art World

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    <span>Damon Herd offers a discussion of Dieter Roth’s Solo Scenes, a multimedia presentation that echoes the form of a comic. In his discussion, Herd compares Roth’s work to autobiographical comics, raising the evocative question of whether a work created outside of the comics world can still be considered a comic.</span

    Reading Without Words: Eye Movements in the Comprehension of Comic Strips

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    The study of attention in pictures is mostly limited to individual images. When we ‘read’ a visual narrative (e.g., a comic strip), the pictures have a coherent sequence, but it is not known how this affects attention. In two experiments, we eyetracked participants in order to investigate how disrupting the visual sequence of a comic strip would affect attention. Both when panels were presented one at a time (Experiment 1) and when a sequence was presented all together (Experiment 2), pictures were understood more quickly and with fewer fixations when in their original order. When order was randomised, the same pictures required more attention and additional ‘regressions’. Fixation distributions also differed when the narrative was intact, showing that context affects where we look. This reveals the role of top-down structures when we attend to pictorial information, as well as providing a springboard for applied research into attention within image sequences

    Teaching People to Read Comics: The Impact of a Visual Literacy Intervention on Comprehension of Educational Comics

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    Evidence suggests that children’s abilities to comprehend information can vary, which may lead to miscommunication and impact on future life outcomes. Previous research suggests that visual literacy interventions may be helpful for children who need to interpret visual sources of information. Recently there has been renewed interest in the potential of comics as assistive tools in pedagogical settings, which are a highly visual medium. However, no research has yet investigated whether a visual literacy intervention can assist children in their comprehension of comics. The current experiment set out to determine if a visual literacy intervention constructed around comics would improve comprehension of educational comics in primary school children. The study consisted of a pre- and post-intervention procedure. Previous comic reading experience was included as a variable. In each session, comprehension and inferential understanding was assessed. Both comprehension and inferential understanding improved following the comics literacy intervention. These results demonstrate that visual literacy instruction can enhance comprehension of educational comics. Findings can be applied to educational settings and have potential for improving educational outcomes

    Drawing-writing culture: the truth-fiction spectrum of an ethno-graphic novel on the Sri Lankan civil war and migration

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    With our focus on an “ethno‐graphic novel” on the Sri Lankan civil war and the forcible displacement and migration of Tamil survivors, we make two main propositions while reflecting on the “graphic narrative turn” that has emerged in anthropology in recent years. First, we inscribe drawing into the “writing of cultures” where words have held a superior status in ethnographic representations. Rather than seeing drawings as perceptive tools for recording scenes in fieldwork alone, we extend them to a representational practice where they can have a deep, intricate, and equivalent entanglement with words to create synchronous affective intensities among a larger audience. Our second proposal follows Jean Rouch on cinĂ©ma vĂ©ritĂ© to interrogate assumptions about truth and fiction as portrayed by film representations. We propose a theory and practice for graphic novel production that we have termed vĂ©ritĂ©s graphiques (literally, graphic realities). This describes the collaborative and interactive engagement with people's contributions and views, and their distillation and fictionalization through the ethno‐graphic form. We diverge from cinĂ©ma vĂ©ritĂ©, however, by highlighting a truth‐fiction spectrum that further challenges the presumed objectivity of what is seen, experienced, co‐created, and revealed
