89 research outputs found

    Rapid obtention of stable, bioluminescent tumor cell lines using a tCD2-luciferase chimeric construct

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bioluminescent tumor cell lines are experimental tools of major importance for cancer investigation, especially imaging of tumors in xenografted animals. Stable expression of exogenous luciferase in tumor cells combined to systemic injection of luciferin provides an excellent signal/background ratio for external optical imaging. Therefore, there is a need to rationalize and speed up the production of luciferase-positive tumor cell lines representative of multiple tumor phenotypes. For this aim we have designed a fusion gene linking the luciferase 2 protein to the c-terminus of a truncated form of the rat CD2 protein (<it>tCD2-luc2</it>). To allow simultaneous assessment of the wild-type luciferase 2 in a context of tCD2 co-expression, we have made a bicistronic construct for concomitant but separate expression of these two proteins (<it>luc2-IRES-tCD2</it>). Both the mono- and bi-cistronic constructs were transduced in lymphoid and epithelial cells using lentiviral vectors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tCD2-luc2 chimera behaves as a type I membrane protein with surface presentation of CD2 epitopes. One of these epitopes reacts with the OX34, a widely spread, high affinity monoclonal antibody. Stably transfected cells are sorted by flow cytometry on the basis of OX34 staining. <it>In vitro</it> and, moreover, in xenografted tumors, the tCD2-luc2 chimera retains a substantial and stable luciferase activity, although not as high as the wild-type luciferase expressed from the <it>luc2-IRES-tCD2</it> construct. Expression of the tCD2-luc2 chimera does not harm cell and tumor growth.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Lentiviral transduction of the chimeric <it>tCD2-luc2 </it>fusion gene allows selection of cell clones with stable luciferase expression in less than seven days without antibiotic selection. We believe that it will be helpful to increase the number of tumor cell lines available for <it>in vivo </it>imaging and assessment of novel therapeutic modalities. On a longer term, the tCD2-luc2 chimera has the potential to be expressed from multi-cassette vectors in combination with various inserts of interest.</p

    La CJUE rejette la présomption de consentement au placement des cookies

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    À l’ùre de l’expansion du numĂ©rique, l’heure est au renforcement de la protection des donnĂ©es. L’entrĂ©e en vigueur du rĂšglement gĂ©nĂ©ral sur la protection des donnĂ©es (RGPD) a donnĂ© du grain Ă  moudre Ă  la Cour de justice de l’Union europĂ©enne (CJUE). Cette derniĂšre a rĂ©cemment eu l’occasion de prĂ©ciser l’étendue du droit au dĂ©rĂ©fĂ©rencement et a considĂ©rĂ© que le « droit Ă  l’oubli » n’avait pas de portĂ©e mondiale. Les dĂ©bats autour de la sauvegarde des droits et libertĂ©s fondamentales des internautes sont donc en plein dĂ©veloppement. 

    Les mesures locales d’aggravation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire

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    Par delĂ  les mesures prises au niveau national pour faire face Ă  l’épidĂ©mie de Covid19, la prĂ©sente lettre observe les mesures prises au niveau local ; seule l’analyse cumulĂ©e des deux permet de se faire une idĂ©e de l’étendue et de l’intensitĂ© des restrictions aux libertĂ©s dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire. Prenant appui sur le recensement exhaustif des mesures prises Ă  l’échelle de chacun des 101 dĂ©partements français -soit, plus de 1200 arrĂȘtĂ©s prĂ©fectoraux-, nous proposons ici une analyse qui rappelle le cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral d’articulation entre les diffĂ©rents pouvoirs de police administrative (nationale / locale ; gĂ©nĂ©rale / spĂ©ciale), prĂ©sente la physionomie gĂ©nĂ©rale du corpus de 1200 arrĂȘtĂ©s prĂ©fectoraux, dans sa diversitĂ© et son originalitĂ©, et propose in fine un regard spĂ©cifique sur la gestion de la pandĂ©mie en outremer.

    Poly(I:C) induces intense expression of c-IAP2 and cooperates with an IAP inhibitor in induction of apoptosis in cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is increasing evidence that the toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) is an interesting target for anti-cancer therapy. Unfortunately, most laboratory investigations about the impact of TLR3 stimulation on human malignant cells have been performed with very high concentrations - 5 to 100 ÎŒg/ml - of the prototype TLR3 ligand, poly(I:C). In a previous study focused on a specific type of human carcinoma - nasopharyngeal carcinoma - we have shown that concentrations of poly(I:C) as low as 100 ng/ml are sufficient to induce apoptosis of malignant cells when combined to a pharmacological antagonist of the IAP family based on Smac mimicry.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This observation prompted us to investigate the contribution of the IAP family in cell response to poly(I:C) in a variety of human malignant cell types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report a rapid, intense and selective increase in c-IAP2 protein expression observed under stimulation by poly(I:C)(500 ng/ml) in all types of human malignant cells. In most cell types, this change in protein expression is underlain by an increase in c-IAP2 transcripts and dependent on the TLR3/TRIF pathway. When poly(I:C) is combined to the IAP inhibitor RMT 5265, a cooperative effect in apoptosis induction and/or inhibition of clonogenic growth is obtained in a large fraction of carcinoma and melanoma cell lines.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Currently, IAP inhibitors like RMT 5265 and poly(I:C) are the subject of separate therapeutic trials. In light of our observations, combined use of both types of compounds should be considered for treatment of human malignancies including carcinomas and melanomas.</p

    The use of murine models for studying mechanistic insights of genomic instability in multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a B-cell malignancy characterized by the accumulation of clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow. In normal plasma cell development, cells undergo programmed DNA breaks and translocations, a process necessary for generation of a wide repertoire of antigen-specific antibodies. This process also makes them vulnerable for the acquisition of chromosomal defects. Well-known examples of these aberrations, already seen at time of MM diagnosis, are hyperdiploidy or the translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy chain. Over the recent years, however, novel aspects concerning genomic instability and its role in tumor development, disease progression and nascence of refractory disease were identified. As such, genomic instability is becoming a very relevant research topic with the potential identification of novel disease pathways. In this review, we aim to describe recent studies involving murine MM models focusing on the deregulation of processes implicated in genomic instability and their clinical impact. More specifically, we will discuss chromosomal instability, DNA damage and repair responses, development of drug resistance, and recent insights into the study of clonal hierarchy using different murine MM models. Lastly, we will discuss the importance and the use of murine MM models in the pre-clinical evaluation of promising novel therapeutic agents

    Extracellular vesicles and their nucleic acids for biomarker discovery

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogenous population of vesicles originate from cells. EVs are found in different biofluids and carry different macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, providing a snap shot of the parental cells at the time of release. EVs have the ability to transfer molecular cargoes to other cells and can initiate different physiological and pathological processes. Mounting lines of evidence demonstrated that EVs' cargo and machinery is affected in disease states, positioning EVs as potential sources for the discovery of novel biomarkers. In this review, we demonstrate a conceptual overview of the EV field with particular focus on their nucleic acid cargoes. Current knowledge of EV subtypes, nucleic acid cargo and pathophysiological roles are outlined, with emphasis placed on advantages against competing analytes. We review the utility of EVs and their nucleic acid cargoes as biomarkers and critically assess the newly available advances in the field of EV biomarkers and high throughput technologies. Challenges to achieving the diagnostic potential of EVs, including sample handling, EV isolation, methodological considerations, and bioassay reproducibility are discussed. Future implementation of ‘omics-based technologies and integration of systems biology approaches for the development of EV-based biomarkers and personalized medicine are also considered

    LibĂ©ration extra-cellulaire de microARN et de complexes nuclĂ©o-protĂ©iques par les cellules infectĂ©es par EBV : rĂŽle des exosomes et d’autres transporteurs

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    The study of tumoral microenvironment should take into account different modes of intercellular communications: direct contacts between extracellular membranes, secretion and uptake of cytokines and finally emission and uptake of complex biological objects like exosomes and microvesicles.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with several human malignancies of epithelial origin (Nasopharyngeal carcinoma or NPC) or of lymphoĂŻd origin (post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder or PTLD). In these tumors, malignant cells are latently infected by EBV and release exosomes and microvesicles containing viral nucleic acids and proteins. Studying them will enable a better understanding of tumor-host interactions and the discovery of new markers which could be useful for early diagnostic and the follow-up of the disease under treatment.The first aim of this thesis was to study the release by malignant cells of EBV microRNAs belonging to the BART family and their blood diffusion in patients bearing NPC tumors. For the first time, I’ve shown that exosomes released by NPC cells in vitro contain EBV miR-BART microRNAs. Moreover, ebv-miR-BART7 can be detected in the plasma of NPC patients. Unlike what is observed in vitro, circulating BART microRNAs are not carried by exosomes. Recent data from studies in xenografted mice show that they are carried by extra-cellular complexes which can be immunoprecipitated by anti-Ago2 antibodies. We are currently trying to confirm these data in plasma from NPC patients. This work will ease the use of miR-BARTs as potential biomarkers.The second aim was to study the proteome modifications induced by the EBV Latent Membrane Protein 1 protein (LMP1). I’ve shown that LMP1 expression in lymphoid or epithelial cells infected or not by EBV induces the release of PARP1 in the extra-cellular space. This extra-cellular PARP1 is not carried by exosomes or microvesicles but is embedded in non-vesicular nano-objects containing histones and DNA. We have called these objects “DNA-proteins complexes”. We don’t know how they are produced and released by cells. We think that they are not only secreted by apoptotic cells. Recent data show that this release of extra-cellular PARP1 is associated with PARP1 activation by LMP1 oncoprotein expression. We are trying to prove this hypothesis using cell lines expressing wild type or mutated LMP1. The release and the activation of PARP1 induced by LMP1 expression will help to understand the mechanisms of EBV-associated oncogenesis and auto-immunity.En pathologie tumorale, l’étude du micro-environnement tumoral doit prendre en compte diffĂ©rents modes de communication cellulaire : contacts directs entre membranes plasmiques, Ă©mission et rĂ©ception de cytokines et enfin Ă©mission et internalisation d’objets biologiques plus complexes comme les microvĂ©sicules et les exosomes qui peuvent ĂȘtre assimilĂ©s Ă  de vĂ©ritables organites extra-cellulaires. Le virus d’Epstein-Barr (EBV) participe Ă  l’oncogenĂšse de plusieurs affections malignes humaines d’origine Ă©pithĂ©liale (carcinomes nasopharyngĂ©s ou NPC) ou lymphocytaire (lymphomes post-transplantation). Dans ces tumeurs, les cellules malignes qui sont infectĂ©es de façon latente par EBV libĂšrent des exosomes et des microvĂ©sicules qui contiennent des protĂ©ines et des acides nuclĂ©iques d’origine virale. L’étude de ces Ă©lĂ©ments doit permettre de mieux comprendre les interactions hĂŽte-tumeur et de mettre en Ă©vidence de nouveaux biomarqueurs utiles pour le diagnostic prĂ©coce et la surveillance de la maladie sous traitement. Le premier objectif de ma thĂšse consistait Ă  Ă©tudier la sĂ©crĂ©tion par les cellules malignes d’une famille de microARN viraux appelĂ©s miR-BART et leur diffusion dans le sang pĂ©riphĂ©rique chez les sujets porteurs de tumeurs associĂ©es Ă  EBV. Pour la premiĂšre fois j’ai mis en Ă©vidence une sĂ©crĂ©tion d’exosomes porteurs de miR-BART par les cellules de NPC en culture in vitro. J’ai Ă©galement montrĂ© que les miR-BART, particuliĂšrement miR-BART7, sont dĂ©tectables dans le plasma de sujets porteurs de NPC. Contrairement Ă  ce qui se passe in vitro les miR-BART plasmatiques ne sont pas transportĂ©s par des exosomes. Des donnĂ©es obtenues chez la souris montrent qu’ils peuvent ĂȘtre transportĂ©s par des complexes extra-cellulaires que l’on peut prĂ©cipiter au moyen d’anticorps anti-ago2. Nous cherchons Ă  confirmer ces donnĂ©es sur des Ă©chantillons de plasma provenant de patients porteurs de NPC. Ces donnĂ©es pourront guider Ă  l’avenir l’utilisation des miR-BART circulants comme source de biomarqueurs.Le deuxiĂšme volet de ma thĂšse avait pour but d’étudier les modifications du protĂ©ome des exosomes induites par une oncoprotĂ©ine du virus d’Epstein-Barr appelĂ©e LMP1 (latent membrane protein 1). J’ai montrĂ© que la LMP1, lorsqu’elle est exprimĂ©e dans les cellules lymphocytaires ou Ă©pithĂ©liales, infectĂ©es ou non par EBV, induit la libĂ©ration de la protĂ©ine PARP1 dans le milieu extra-cellulaire. Cette PARP1 extra-cellulaire n’est pas associĂ©e aux exosomes ni aux microvĂ©sicules mais Ă  des nano-objets non-vĂ©siculaires contenant notamment des histones et de l’ADN. Nous avons dĂ©signĂ©s ces objets sous le terme de complexes ADN-protĂ©ines extra-cellulaires. Nous ne savons presque rien de la biogenĂšse de ces complexes ; nous pensons qu’ils ne proviennent pas uniquement de cellules en apoptose. En revanche, des expĂ©riences prĂ©liminaires suggĂšrent que la prĂ©sence de PARP1 dans ces complexes coĂŻncide avec une activation permanente de la PARP1 induite dans les cellules productrices par l’expression de l’oncoprotĂ©ine LMP1. Cette hypothĂšse est en cours de vĂ©rification grĂące Ă  des expĂ©riences menĂ©es sur des lignĂ©es cellulaires exprimant diffĂ©rentes formes sauvages ou mutĂ©es de la LMP1. Ces donnĂ©es sur l’activation de la PARP1 et sur sa sĂ©crĂ©tion induite par la LMP1 auront des retombĂ©es intĂ©ressantes pour notre comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes d’oncogenĂšse et d’auto-immunitĂ© liĂ©s Ă  l’infection par le virus d’Epstein-Barr
