145 research outputs found

    Expression divergence of the AGL6 MADS domain transcription factor lineage after a core eudicot duplication suggests functional diversification

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    Background: Because of their known role as transcriptional regulators of key plant developmental processes, the diversification of MADS-box gene function is thought to be a major driving force in the developmental evolution of plants. Yet the function of some MADS-box gene subfamilies has remained elusive thus far. One such lineage, AGL6, has now been functionally characterized in three angiosperm species, but a phylogenetic framework for comparison of AGL6 gene function is currently missing.status: publishe

    Cold Induced Antisense Transcription of FLOWERING LOCUS C in Distant Grasses

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    Functional conservation of RNAs between different species is a key argument for their importance. While few long non-coding RNAs are conserved at the sequence level, many long non-coding RNAs have been identified that only share a position relative to other genes. It remains largely unknown whether and how these lncRNAs are conserved beyond their position. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the lncRNA COOLAIR is transcribed antisense from FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) in response to cold. Despite relatively low sequence similarity, the COOLAIR expression pattern and in vitro RNA secondary structure are highly conserved across the family Brassicaceae, which originated some 50 mya. It is unclear, however, whether COOLAIR functions in distantly related species such as monocots, which diverged some 150 mya. Here, we identified antisense lncRNAs from FLC homologs in various monocot species that share no sequence similarity with A. thaliana COOLAIR. Yet similar to COOLAIR, we found that BdODDSOC1 antisense (BdCOOLAIR1) and BdODDSOC2 antisense (BdCOOLAIR2) are induced by cold in a Brachypodium distachyon winter accession. Across B. distachyon accessions, the sequences of BdCOOLAIR1 and BdCOOLAIR2 are less conserved than exons but more conserved than flanking regions, suggesting a function for the transcript itself. Knock down of the BdODDSOC2 non-overlapping BdCOOLAIR2 transcript did not show a morphological phenotype, but did result in significantly higher BdODDSOC2 expression during cold, indicating that BdCOOLAIR2 performs a role in cis in the rate of BdODDSOC2 silencing. This functional similarity between eudicot and monocot species reveals ancient conservation or convergent evolution of FLC antisense transcription. Either scenario supports its functional importance

    Extensive gene content variation in the <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i> pan-genome correlates with population structure

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    13 Pags.- 6 Figs. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holderWhile prokaryotic pan-genomes have been shown to contain many more genes than any individual organism, the prevalence and functional significance of differentially present genes in eukaryotes remains poorly understood. Whole-genome de novo assembly and annotation of 54 lines of the grass Brachypodium distachyon yield a pan-genome containing nearly twice the number of genes found in any individual genome. Genes present in all lines are enriched for essential biological functions, while genes present in only some lines are enriched for conditionally beneficial functions (e.g., defense and development), display faster evolutionary rates, lie closer to transposable elements and are less likely to be syntenic with orthologous genes in other grasses. Our data suggest that differentially present genes contribute substantially to phenotypic variation within a eukaryote species, these genes have a major influence in population genetics, and transposable elements play a key role in pan-genome evolution.The work conducted by the US DOE Joint Genome Institute is supported by the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. D.P. W. and R.A. were funded in part by the National Science Foundation (grant no. IOS–1258126), and the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (Department of Energy Biological and Environmental Research Office of Science grant no. DE– FCO2–07ER64494). TEJ and DLDM were supported by NSF PGRP grant IOS-0922457. P.C. and B.C.M. were funded by Spanish MINECO (CGL2012-39953-C02-01 and CGL2016-79790-P). B.C.M. was partially funded by DGA—Obra Social La Caixa (grant number GA-LC-059-2011) and Spanish MINECO (AGL2013-48756-R, CSIC13-4E-2490). PC was partially funded by Spanish Aragon Government-European Social Fund (Bioflora).Peer reviewe

    Balanced gene losses, duplications and intensive rearrangements led to an unusual regularly sized genome in Arbutus unedo chloroplasts

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    Completely sequenced plastomes provide a valuable source of information about the duplication, loss, and transfer events of chloroplast genes and phylogenetic data for resolving relationships among major groups of plants. Moreover, they can also be useful for exploiting chloroplast genetic engineering technology. Ericales account for approximately six per cent of eudicot diversity with 11,545 species from which only three complete plastome sequences are currently available. With the aim of increasing the number of ericalean complete plastome sequences, and to open new perspectives in understanding Mediterranean plant adaptations, a genomic study on the basis of the complete chloroplast genome sequencing of Arbutus unedo and an updated phylogenomic analysis of Asteridae was implemented. The chloroplast genome of A. unedo shows extensive rearrangements but a medium size (150,897 nt) in comparison to most of angiosperms. A number of remarkable distinct features characterize the plastome of A. unedo: five-fold dismissing of the SSC region in relation to most angiosperms; complete loss or pseudogenization of a number of essential genes; duplication of the ndhH-D operon and its location within the two IRs; presence of large tandem repeats located near highly re-arranged regions and pseudogenes. All these features outline the primary evolutionary split between Ericaceae and other ericalean families. The newly sequenced plastome of A. unedo with the available asterid sequences allowed the resolution of some uncertainties in previous phylogenies of Asteridae

    Hybrid capture data unravel a rapid radiation of pimpliform parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimpliformes)

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    The parasitoid wasp family Ichneumonidae is among the most diverse groups of organisms, with conservative estimates suggesting that it contains more species than all vertebrates together. However, ichneumonids are also among the most severely understudied groups, and our understanding of their evolution is hampered by the lack of a robust higher‐level phylogeny of this group. Based on newly generated transcriptome sequence data, which were filtered according to several criteria of phylogenetic informativeness, we developed target DNA enrichment baits to capture 93 genes across species of Ichneumonidae. The baits were applied to DNA of 55 ichneumonids, with a focus on Pimpliformes, an informal group containing nine subfamilies. Phylogenetic trees were inferred under maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches, at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels. We found maximum support for the monophyly of Pimpliformes but low resolution and very short branches close to its base, strongly suggesting a rapid radiation. Two genera and one genus‐group were consistently recovered in unexpected parts of the tree, prompting changes in their higher‐level classification: Pseudorhyssa Merrill, currently classified in the subfamily Poemeniinae, is transferred to the tribe Delomeristini within Pimplinae, and Hemiphanes Förster is moved from Orthocentrinae to Cryptinae. Likewise, the tribe Theroniini is resurrected for the Theronia group of genera (stat. rev.). Phylogenetic analyses, in which we gradually increased the numbers of genes, revealed that the initially steep increase in mean clade support slows down at around 40 genes, and consideration of up to 93 genes still left various nodes in the inferred phylogenetic tree poorly resolved. It remains to be shown whether more extensive gene or taxon sampling can resolve the early evolution of the pimpliform subfamilies.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Klopfstein, S., Langille, B., Spasojevic, T., Broad, G.R., Cooper, S.J.B., Austin, A.D. and Niehuis, O. (2019), Hybrid capture data unravel a rapid radiation of pimpliform parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimpliformes). Syst Entomol, 44: 361-383. , which has been published in final form at doi:10.1111/syen.12333. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving The attached document is the authors’ submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Role of transcriptional regulation in the evolution of plant phenotype: A dynamic systems approach

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    © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. A growing body of evidence suggests that alterations in transcriptional regulation of genes involved in modulating development are an important part of phenotypic evolution, and this can be documented among species and within populations. While the effects of differential transcriptional regulation in organismal development have been preferentially studied in animal systems, this phenomenon has also been addressed in plants. In this review, we summarize evidence for cis-regulatory mutations, trans-regulatory changes and epigenetic modifications as molecular events underlying important phenotypic alterations, and thus shaping the evolution of plant development. We postulate that a mechanistic understanding of why such molecular alterations have a key role in development, morphology and evolution will have to rely on dynamic models of complex regulatory networks that consider the concerted action of genetic and nongenetic components, and that also incorporate the restrictions underlying the genotype to phenotype mapping process.CONACyT 180098, 180380, 167705, 152649 and PAPIIT UNAM IN203214-3, IN203113-3, IN203814-3. BFU2012–34821 (MINECO) to C.G. and an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Aceres to CBMSOPeer Reviewe