200 research outputs found

    Colloquium: Time-reversal violation with quantum-entangled B mesons

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    Symmetry transformations have been proven a bedrock tool for understanding the nature of particle interactions, formulating, and testing fundamental theories. Based on the up to now unbroken CPT symmetry, the violation of the CP symmetry between matter and antimatter by weak interactions, discovered in the decay of kaons in 1964 and observed more recently in 2001 in B mesons, strongly suggests that the behavior of these particles under weak interactions must also be asymmetric under time reversal T. However, until recent years there has not been a direct detection of the expected time-reversal violation in the time evolution of any system. This Colloquium examines the field of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the fundamental laws of physics. For transitions, its observation requires an asymmetry with exchange of initial and final states. A discussion is given of the conceptual basis for such an exchange with unstable particles, using the quantum properties of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement available at B meson factories combined with the decay as a filtering measurement. The method allows a clear-cut separation of different transitions between flavor and CP eigenstates in the decay of neutral B mesons. These ideas have been implemented for the experiment by the BABAR Collaboration at SLAC's B factory. The results, presented in 2012, prove beyond any doubt the violation of time-reversal invariance in the time evolution between these two states of the neutral B meson

    La Música a la Col·legiata de Xàtiva en el segle XIX

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    [ES] La tesis estudia cómo evolucionó la capilla musical de la Seo de Xàtiva desde 1814 hasta 1909, un momento de gran complejidad surgido por los procesos de cambio en el tránsito hacia la Edad contemporánea, y donde el declive de las instituciones religiosas ha condicionado los estudios de la música religiosa en el siglo XIX, generando discursos que describen unívocamente un ocaso. Este trabajo propone una revisión de esta visión que, sin negar el hecho del declive, tenga más en cuenta las dinámicas concretas con las que la iglesia de Xàtiva ¿clero y miembros laicos¿ logró la tarea de garantizar el decoro de las ceremonias religiosas en una situación desfavorable y cambiante. La nueva información aportada nos ha permitido fijar un punto de observación no sólo sobre las dinámicas institucionales sino también sobre las personas. En este sentido, buena parte de este trabajo de investigación está dedicada a las personas que ocuparon puestos dentro de la estructura musical de la colegiata de Santa María -reducida a parroquia más tarde- de Xàtiva: maestros de capilla, organistas, músicos de voz, niños y otros jóvenes en formación, ministriles y unos nuevos actores que se introducen en el tejido urbano, los músicos de las bandas de la ciudad, muchos de ellos desconocidos hoy en día por la historiografía de la música. El estudio realizado sobre la producción musical en el seno de la Seu de Xàtiva a lo largo de casi cien años nos ha permitido extraer una visión general que, con su propia idiosincracia, nos permite reconocer tres fases: la continuidad, el declive y el resurgir. Esta diversidad nos ha permitido interpretar de forma rica y matizada la realidad de la capilla de música de Xàtiva, más allá de un concepto simple y generalizado de "decadencia".[CA] La tesi estudia com va evolucionar la capella musical de la Seu de Xàtiva des de 1814 fins 1909, un moment de gran complexitat sorgit pels processos de canvi en el trànsit cap a l'Edat contemporània, i on el declivi de les institucions religioses ha condicionat els estudis de la música religiosa en el segle XIX, generant discursos que descriuen unívocament un ocàs. Aquest treball proposa una revisió d'aquesta visió que, sense negar el fet del declivi, tinga més en compte les dinàmiques concretes amb les quals l'esglèsia de Xàtiva "clergat i membres laics" va assolir la tasca de garantir el decòrum de les cerimònies religioses en una situació desfavorable i canviant. La informació nova aportada ens ha permès fixar un punt d'observació no només sobre les dinàmiques institucionals sinó també sobre les persones. En aquest sentit, una bona part d'aquest treball d'investigació està dedicada a les persones que ocuparen llocs dins l'estructura musical de la col·legiata de Santa Maria -reduïda a parròquia més tard- de Xàtiva: mestres de capella, organistes, músics de veu, xiquets i altres joves en formació, ministrers i uns nous actors que s'introdueixen en el teixit urbà, els músics de les bandes de la ciutat, molts d'ells desconeguts avui dia per la historiografia de la música. L'estudi realitzat sobre la producció musical al si de la Seu de Xàtiva al llarg de gairebé cent anys ens ha permès extraure una visió general que, amb la seva pròpia idiosincràcia, ens permet reconéixer tres fases: la continuïtat, el declivi i el ressorgir. Aquesta diversitat ens permet interpretar d'una forma rica i matisada la realitat de la capella de música de Xàtiva, més enllà d'un concepte simple i generalitzat de "decadència".[EN] The thesis studies how the musical chapel of the Seo de Xàtiva evolved from 1814 to 1909, a moment of great complexity arising from the processes of change in traffic towards the contemporary Age, and where the decline of religious institutions has conditioned studies of religious music in the 19th century, generating discourses that unequivocally describe a sunset. This work proposes a review of this vision that, without denying the fact of decline, takes into account the concrete dynamics with which the church of Xàtiva ¿clergy and lay members¿ achieved the task of guaranteeing the decorum of religious ceremonies in a unfavorable and changing situation. The new information provided has allowed us to set a point of observation not only on institutional dynamics but also on people. In this sense, a large part of this research work is dedicated to the people who held positions within the musical structure of the collegiate church of Santa María -later reduced to a parish church- in Xàtiva: chapel masters, organists, voice musicians, children and other young people in training, minstrels and some new actors who are introduced into the urban soundscape, the musicians of the city bands, many of them unknown today by the historiography of music. The study carried out on musical production within the Seo de Xàtiva over almost a hundred years has allowed us to extract a general vision that, with its own idiosyncrasy, allows us to recognize three phases: continuity, decline and resurgence. This diversity has allowed to interpret the reality of the Xàtiva music chapel in a rich and nuanced way, beyond a simple and generalized concept of decadence.Martínez Alberola, F. (2022). La Música a la Col·legiata de Xàtiva en el segle XIX [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186188TESI

    Caracterización genómica del microalga Trebouxia sp. TR9 aislada del liquen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. mediante secuenciación masiva

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    Los líquenes son complejas entidades simbióticas originadas por asociaciones cíclicas e interacciones positivas de organismos muy diferentes, un hongo heterotrófico y uno o varios “fotobiontes” autótrofos fotosintéticos, tanto algas verdes unicelulares, como cianobaterias o ambos. Además, comunidades específicas de bacterias aparecen como simbiontes obligados de líquenes. En todos los talos del liquen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., coexisten las dos mismas especies de algas Trebouxia (T. jamesii -TR1- y Trebouxia sp. TR9). Esta forma de asociación simbiótica específica y selectiva es interesante como modelo de la coexistencia de dos especies diferentes de Trebouxia dentro de un mismo talo liquénico. Esta coexistencia es probable que sea promovida por diferentes contextos fisiológicos. Trebouxia sp. TR9 muestra respuestas originales que se inducen frente al estrés abiótico y tiene un mejor rendimiento fisiológico que T. jamesii. Estas características pueden ser el reflejo de su mayor capacidad para llevar a cabo ajustes metabólicos clave. Para investigar la base genética de la plasticidad de esta especie de microalga, se ha generado un estudio de las secuencias genómicas de Trebouxia sp. TR9 utilizando NGS. El ADN total obtenido de cultivos de Trebouxia sp. TR9 aislados del liquen Ramalina farinacea fue secuenciado con las tecnologías 454 y Solexa con objeto de analizar su estructura genómica e investigar nuevas secuencias de genes mediante la comparación con las bases de datos existentes de genomas de algas verdes. Como resultado, se han obtenido las secuencias de los genomas cloroplástico, mitocondrial y nuclear de Trebouxia sp. TR9. Los genomas mitocondriales y cloroplásticos han sido anotados de forma manual y se han identificado en ellos un total de 61 y 108 genes, respectivamente. El genoma mitocondrial es de naturaleza circular y tiene un tamaño de 70.070 nt. en algunos de los genes anotados se han localizado 9 intrones de tipo I, algunos de los cuales contienen ORFs que codifican “Homing endonucleases” de la familia LAGLIDADG. El genoma cloroplástico de Trebouxia sp. TR9 es también de naturaleza circular y posee la estructura cuatripartita típica de los cloroplastos de plantas vasculares, las regiones repetidas invertidas o IR incluyen un único gen, el rbcL. El tamaño final del genoma cloroplástico obtenido ha sido de 303.323 nt siendo uno de los mayores tamaños conocidos en el contexto de las algas verdes de la división Chlorophyta. En algunos genes, se han identificado 12 intrones de tipo I, 6 de ellos con ORFs que podrían codificar “Homing endonucleasas” de la familia LAGLIDADG. El genoma nuclear de Trebouxia sp. TR9 ha sido ensamblado con el programa Velvet utilizando diferentes tamaños de K-mer (21-133). El ensamblaje más óptimo del genoma nuclear abarcaba 2.626 "contigs" que tenían una longitud total de 59.121.427 nt junto a un tamaño de “contig” N50 y N95 de 142.866 nt y 21.727 nt, respectivamente. Para comprobar la continuidad del ensamblaje nuclear se ha utilizado el espacio génico calculado con la herramienta CEGMA. El genoma nuclear comprendía un 91 y 97 % del conjunto de 248 CEGs de forma completa y parcial, respectivamente. La anotación del genoma nuclear se basó en la predicción de genes “ab initio” con el programa AUGUSTUS entrenado con los modelos obtenidos anteriormente con el programa CEGMA. Como resultado, se obtuvieron 9.499 posibles modelos génicos, 6.364 fueron anotados con al menos un término de Gene Ontology (GO) y de ellos, 2.249 mostraron un número enzimático asociado. Se han encontrado elementos móviles en el genoma nuclear, la mayoría de ellos son retrotransposones con repeticiones terminales largas (LTR), de los cuales, los más abundantes son de tipo Gypsy/DIRS1 y Ty1/Copia. Se han detectado un total de 10.922 dominios proteicos PFAM presentes en 6.544 modelos proteicos de los que 2.147 y 2.979 son compartidos por todas o por, al menos, una de las especies de microalgas verdes con las que se ha comparado este genoma (Asterochloris sp., Chlorella variabilis, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea y Chlamydomonas reindhartii), respectivamente. Además, se han encontrado 19 motivos PFAM específicos de la división Chlorophyta, 6 motivos propios de las algas liquénicas Trebouxia sp. TR9 y Asterochloris sp y 23 motivos propios de Trebouxia sp. TR9. La identificación de proteínas relacionadas con la asimilación de carbono sugiere que Trebouxia sp. TR9 puede tener mecanismos de concentración de carbono de tipo C3 y C4/CAM. El estudio de enzimas relacionadas con el metabolismo de carbohidratos presentes en los modelos proteicos de Trebouxia sp. TR9 y otras algas de la clase Trebouxiophyceae indica que, entre el 11 y el 12 % de las proteínas totales de estas algas, pertenecían al menos a un clan de las familias de la base de datos “Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Database” (CAZy). Además, las anotaciones de genes revelaron la existencia de proteínas relacionadas con virus. Los datos obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral no sugieren una reducción dramática del genoma de Trebouxia sp. TR9 que pueda relacionarse a su forma de vida simbiótica. Este trabajo ofrece una visión general de los tres genomas del microalga Trebouxia sp. TR9 y de sus principales características y estructuras, que aportan datos inéditos y relevantes para el análisis de las tendencias evolutivas de las Trebouxiophyceae. Así, p. ej., respecto a otras filogenias realizadas en base a genes cloroplásticos, la realizada aquí con las secuencias de las proteínas codificadas por siete genes del genoma mitocondrial de Trebouxia sp. TR9 y los de 25 especies de algas verdes, han puesto de manifiesto dos nuevas diferencias fundamentales: (i) la monofilia de la clase Trebouxiophyceae y (ii) la posición de la clase Pedinophyceae más relacionada con las Chlorophyceae y Ulvophyceae.Lichens are complex symbiotic entities originated by cyclical associations and positive interactions of very different organisms, a heterotrophic fungus and one or several photosynthetic autotrophs "photobionts", either unicellular green algae, cyanobacteria or both. Also, specific bacterial communities remain obligate lichen symbionts. In the lichen thalli of Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., the same two algal Trebouxia species coexist in every thallus (T. jamesii -TR1- and Trebouxia sp. TR9). This specific and selective form of symbiotic association is interesting as a model of the coexistence of two different Trebouxia species within the same lichen thallus. Such coexistence is likely to be promoted by different physiological backgrounds. Trebouxia sp. TR9 shows novel inducible responses against abiotic stress and seems to have a better physiological performance than T. jamesii. These features may reflect its greater capacity to undertake key metabolic adjustments. To investigate the genetic basis of the physiological plasticity of this microalgal species, a survey of the genomic sequences of Trebouxia sp. TR9 by NGS has been generated. The total DNA obtained from cultures of Trebouxia sp. TR9, isolated from the lichen Ramalina farinacea, was sequenced by 454 and Solexa technologies in order to analyze its genome structure as well as to explore new gene sequences by comparing it with available green algae genome databases. As a result, the sequences of the chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of Trebouxia sp. TR9 were produced. Mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes were annotated manually and a total of 61 and 108 genes, respectively, have been identified. The mitochondrial genome is circular and its size is 70,070 bp, 9 type I introns have been detected in several genes; somo of them contains ORFs codifying “Homing endonucleases” of the LAGLIDADG family. The chloroplast genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 is also circular and shows the typical quadripartite structure of land plant chloroplasts and the IR, or inverted repeat regions, include a single gene, rbcL. The final size of the chloroplast genome was 303,323 pb, this being one of the largest known in the Chlorophyta green algae context. 12 type I introns have been detected; six of them contain ORFs codifying Homing endonucleases of the LAGLIDADG family. The nuclear genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 has been assembled with Velvet software using different K-mer sizes (21-133). The most optimal assembly comprise 2,626 "contigs" with a total length of 59,121,427 bp, N50 and N95 "contig" length of 142,866 bp and 21,727 bp, respectively. To check the continuity of the nuclear assembly the CEGMA gene space was calculated. The nuclear genome comprised 91% and 97% of the total of 248 complete and incomplete CEGs, respectively. The "ab initio" annotation gene prediction was based on AUGUSTUS software trained with the models previously obtained with CEGMA. 9,499 possible gene models were obtained, 6,364 were annotated showing at least one term of Gene Ontology (GO), and of those 2,249 were associated with an enzyme number. We also found mobile elements in the nuclear genome; most of them were retrotransposons with long terminal repeats (LTR), of which the most abundant were Gypsy / DIRS1 and Ty1 / Copia types. A total of 10,922 PFAM protein domains were present in 6,544 protein models and of those 2,147 and 2,979 were shared by all or at least one of the additional microalgae genomes analyzed (Asterochloris sp., Chlorella variabilis, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea and Chlamydomonas reindhartii), respectively. In addition, 19 Chlorophyta specific PFAM motifs, 6 specific motifs of Trebouxia sp. TR9 and Asterochloris sp lichen algae, and 23 specific motifs of Trebouxia sp. TR9 were found. The identification of proteins involved in carbon uptake suggests that Trebouxia sp. TR9 may possess carbon concentration mechanisms similar to C3 and C4/CAM. The study of carbohydrate metabolism in the protein enzymes models of Trebouxia sp. TR9, and other Trebouxiophyceae algae, point out that between 11% and 12% of the total proteins of these algae fitted to at least one clan of the families of the "Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes" (CAZy) database. Furthermore, gene annotations showed virus-related proteins. No dramatic reductions in the genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 associated with its symbiotic way of life are suggested by our data. This work provides a first glimpse into the three genomes of the microalga Trebouxia sp. TR9 and a general overview of their main features and structures which may shed light on the evolutionary trends of the Trebouxiophyceae. For instance, the phylogeny obtained using the sequences codified by seven genes of the mitochondrial genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 and additional ones from 25 species of green algae, revealed two new differences in relation with those obtained using only chloroplast genes: (i) The Trebouxiophyceae are monophyletic and (ii) the Pedinophyceae are more related to Chlorophyceae and Ulvophyceae

    Predictores de la calidad de vida en personas mayores europeas: un modelo multigrupo basado en SHARE

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    The objective of this research is to analyze several predictors of quality of life in aging people in different European regions. This is a cross-sectional study with the sixth wave of the SHARE project (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe). Several sociodemographic and economic indicators were utilized, as well as the CASP-12 (QoL), EURO-D (depressive symptoms) and SPHEU (self-perceived health). Analysis were performed by structural equation modelling techniques. Ten multigroup models were estimated. Results showed significative difference in the predictive capacity in all variables except for chronic diseases. The best predictor of quality of life in all European regions was absence of depression, followed by income, and self-perceived health. No significative differences among the predictive capacity of the number of chronic diseases was found among the assessed groups, although, perceiving ones’ health as good and being able to make ends meet were heavy predictors of quality of life.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los predictores de la calidad de vida en personas mayores en diferentes regiones europeas. Se trata de un estudio transversal con la sexta olea del proyecto SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe). Se utilizaron varios indicadores sociodemográficos y económicos, así como el CASP- 12 (QoL), EURO-D (síntomas depresivos) y SPHEU (salud autopercibida). Los análisis se realizaron mediante técnicas de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales. Se estimaron diez modelos multimuestra. Los resultados mostraron diferencia significativa en la capacidad predictiva en todas las variables excepto en las enfermedades crónicas. El mejor predictor de la calidad de vida en todas las regiones europeas fue la ausencia de depresión, seguido de los ingresos y la salud autopercibida. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la capacidad predictiva del número de enfermedades crónicas entre los grupos evaluados, aunque tener una buena salud se muestra como un factor importante para la calidad de vida. Nuestros resultados sugieren que, aunque la calidad de vida podría predecirse de manera desigual por diferentes factores en las cuatro regiones europeas, todos coinciden en estos tres factores principales: ausencia de depresión, ingresos y salud autopercibida. Estos hallazgos podrían ser útiles para desarrollar políticas personalizadas dirigidas a los principales factores para la mejora de la calidad de vida con el fin de promover un envejecimiento exitoso.

    Physical Education Teachers’ Perceived Digital Competences: Are They Prepared for the Challenges of the New Digital Age?

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    The development of information and communication technologies impose great changes that require teachers to be constantly updated. Therefore, it is interesting to analyze the Digital Competence perceived by teachers and their ability to use digital devices in the classroom. The aim of this study is to investigate the technological resources and difficulties that Physical Education teachers have in schools, in addition to the training and methodological strategies required to adequately teach Physical Education classes in present times. For this, through a previously validated survey, we will observe the Digital Competence of teachers and whether there are differences between genders, according to age and teaching experience. A survey has been undertaken by 50 Physical Education teachers of secondary school students. The results show statistically significant differences according to teaching experience and age. In addition, younger teachers have a better perception of their ability to apply Digital Competence in the Physical Education classroom setting.Educació

    Pasarela metálica sobre el Río Magro en Algemesi/España

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    The footbridge, that was built as access way to the new School of HH. MM. of Algemesi, is a triangulated girder steel structure, of one sole span and isostatic. The pentagonal section selected has similar edges in the two main directions, relatively mild sloping sides, making the most use of interior part with possibility of covering it without any additional structure being required. This footbridge was awarded at Sercometal-1981.La pasarela peatonal, construida para dar acceso al nuevo Colegio de HH.MM. de Algemesú es una obra metálica de vigas trianguladas, de un solo vano e isostática. La sección escogida, pentagonal, posee cantos similares en las dos direcciones principales, caras laterales relativamente poco inclinadas, aprovechamiento interior óptimo y la posibilidad de cubrirla sin estructura adicional. Esta pasarela obtuvo el premio de Sercometal-198

    Sirolimus enhances the protection achieved by a DNA vaccine against Leishmania infantum

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    Background Leishmaniases are a group of neglected tropical parasitic diseases, mainly affecting vulnerable populations of countries with poor socioeconomic status. Development of efficient vaccines is a priority due to the increasing incidence of drug resistance and toxicity to current treatments. In the search for a safe and efficient protective vaccine for human and dog visceral leishmaniases, we analyzed the suitability of the immunomodulatory drug sirolimus (SIR) to boost a preventive DNA vaccine against leishmaniasis. SIR is an already marketed drug that has been described to boost immune protection against different disease models and has also emerged as a promising therapeutic drug against L. major. Methods Syrian hamsters were treated with SIR concomitantly with the administration of a DNA vaccine formulation consisting in four plasmids carrying the Leishmania genes LACK, TRYP, PAPLE22 and KMPII, respectively. Two weeks after the last vaccination, the animals were infected intraperitoneally with L. infantum parasites. Five weeks post-infection the parasite load was measured by real-time PCR in target tissues and immune response was evaluated by determining anti-Leishmania specific antibodies in combination with cytokine expression in the spleen. Results Our results show that the DNA vaccine itself efficiently reduced the burden of parasites in the skin (P = 0.0004) and lymph nodes (P = 0.0452). SIR administration also enhanced the protection by reducing the parasite load in the spleen (P = 0.0004). Vaccinated animals with or without SIR co-treatment showed lower IFN-γ expression levels than those found in the spleen of control animals. mRNA expression levels of NOS2 and IL-10 were found to be significantly higher in the vaccinated plus SIR treated group. Conclusions Co-administration of SIR enhances a DNA vaccination regimen against L. infantum, improving the reduction of parasite load in skin, lymph node and spleen. The analysis of immune markers in the spleen after challenge suggests that the trend to recover naïve levels of IFN-γ and IL-10, and the concurrent higher expression of NOS2, may be responsible for the protection induced by our vaccine co-administered with SIR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new set of DNA macrochips for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: features and uses

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely used for the implementation of DNA chip technologies. For this reason and due to the extensive use of this organism for basic and applied studies, yeast DNA chips are being used by many laboratories for expression or genomic analyses. While membrane arrays (macroarrays) offer several advantages, for many laboratories they are not affordable. Here we report that a cluster of four Spanish molecular-biology yeast laboratories, with relatively small budgets, have developed a complete set of probes for the genome of S. cerevisiae. These have been used to produce a new type of macroarray on a nylon surface. The macroarrays have been evaluated and protocols for their use have been optimized. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(3):199-206

    A new set of DNA macrochips for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: features and uses

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely used for the implementation of DNA chip technologies. For this reason and due to the extensive use of this organism for basic and applied studies, yeast DNA chips are being used by many laboratories for expression or genomic analyses. While membrane arrays (macroarrays) offer several advantages, for many laboratories they are not affordable. Here we report that a cluster of four Spanish molecular-biology yeast laboratories, with relatively small budgets, have developed a complete set of probes for the genome of S. cerevisiae. These have been used to produce a new type of macroarray on a nylon surface. The macroarrays have been evaluated and protocols for their use have been [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]