339 research outputs found

    Architecture and Design Methodology of Self-Optimizing Mechatronic Systems

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    The conceivable development of information and communication technology will enable mechatronic systems with inherent partial intelligence. We refer to this by using the term \"self-optimization\". Self-Optimizing systems react autonomously and flexibly on changing operation conditions. They are able to learn and optimize their behavior at runtime. The development of mechatronic and especially self-optimizing systems is still a challenge. A significant milestone within the development is the principle solution. It determines the basic structure as well as the operation mode of the system and is the result of the conceptual design. Additionally it is the basis for the concretization of the system which involves experts from several domains, such as mechanics, electrical engineering/electronics, control engineering and software engineering. This contribution presents a new specification technique for the conceptual design of mechatronic and self-optimizing systems. It also uses the railway technology as a complex example, to demonstrate how to use this specification technique and in which way it profits for the development of future mechanical engineering systems. Keywords Design Methodology, Mechatronics, Self-Optimization, Principle Solution, Conceptual Design, Domain-Spanning Specificatio

    Pathways for sustainable technology development : The case of bicycle mobility in Berlin

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    Sustainability requires that quality of life and resource consumption are harmonized. The use of sustainable technologies fosters their harmonization. A scenario based method has been developed for identifying sustainable technology systems on different levels of development and in different areas of human living. The developed method consists of four elements: the surrounding field scenarios, technology pool, sustainability assessment and system creation. They can be applied in various paths with different starting points. The two technology induced paths, emanating from either a system or a system element, enable the transformation of technological potentials into useful applications. The problem induced path, emanating from future framework conditions of an observed field, allows human needs to be satisfied trough technological potentials. The application shown in this paper illustrates the usage of the method's problem induced path in mobility as one area of human living. Based on three surrounding field scenarios for bicycle mobility in Berlin, technology systems for bicycle design, operation and their repair in self-help workshops are illustrated

    Integrative Konzipierung von Produkt und Produktionssystem als Basis für eine erfolgreiche Produktentstehung

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    Aus der Einleitung: "Maschinenbauliche Systeme beruhen heute vielfach auf einem engen Zusammenwirken von Mechanik, Elektrotechnik/Elektronik, Regelungstechnik und Softwaretechnik. Über die Mechatronik hinausgehend werden sie eine inhärente Intelligenz aufweisen und damit Produktfunktionen ermöglichen, die bislang nur von biologischen Systemen bekannt sind. Begriffe wie Intelligente Objekte, Cyber-Physical Systems und Selbstoptimierung charakterisieren diese Perspektive (acatech 2009, 2011, Broy & Geisberg 2012, Adelt et al. 2009). Sie werden sich selbstständig und flexibel an wechselnde Betriebs- bzw. Umgebungsbedingungen anpassen können. Die Entwicklung derartiger Systeme kann nicht aus dem Blickwinkel einer Disziplin allein vorgenommen werden. Das gilt sowohl für mechatronische als auch für intelligente technische Systeme. Daher ist schon frühzeitig ein fachdisziplinübergreifendes Konzept zu erarbeiten, das den grundsätzlichen Aufbau und die Wirkungsweise des Systems beschreibt und die Grundlage für die etablierten Ansätze der Entwurfs- und Ausarbeitungsphase bildet, wie z.B. die VDI-Richtlinie 2221 (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 1993) oder das Y-Modell der Schaltungstechnik (Bleck et al. 1996).

    Manual de procedimentos de referência e pesquisa dos serviços de atendimento da Biblioteca Acadêmico Luiz Viana Filho, do Senado Federal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Curso de Graduação em Biblioteconomia, 2018.O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar/atualizar o Manual dos processos realizados pela área de Atendimento ao Usuário, pertencente a Biblioteca Acadêmico Luiz Viana Filho do Senado Federal, que engloba os setores de Serviço de Empréstimo e Devolução de Material Bibliográfico (SEEMP), Serviço de Pesquisa e Recuperação de Informações Bibliográficas (SEPRIB), Serviço de Manutenção e Conservação de Acervo (SEMACO) e o Serviço de Pesquisa Parlamentar (SEPESP). O manual proporciona o registro das atividades realizadas diariamente, pelos setores mencionados, direcionadas para senadores, servidores do senado e usuários externos que são seu público alvo. Fez-se necessário a descrição de rotinas, para a orientação de como funcionam os processos, tanto para os servidores que os realizam, quanto para os futuros funcionários da instituição, além de servir como base para melhorias nos serviços prestados pelo setor. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados a pesquisa participante, a análise documental e entrevista com profissionais dos setores. Utiliza como procedimentos metodológicos a abordagem qualitativa descritiva e a pesquisa participante.The objective of this work is to prepare a Manual of the processes performed by the Customer Service area, belonging to the Luiz Viana Filho Academic Library of the Federal Senate, which encompasses the Service of Loan and Return of Bibliographic Material (SEEMP), Research and Recovery of Bibliographic Information (SEPRIB), Service of Maintenance and Preservation of the Collection (SEMACO) and the Service of Parliamentary Research (SEPESP). The purpose of the manual is to provide a record of activities performed daily by the sectors mentioned above, directed at senators, senate servers and external users who are your target audience. It was necessary to describe routines, to guide how the processes work, both for the servers that perform them and for the future employees of the institution, as well as serve as a basis for improvements in the services provided by the sector. To collect data were used the participant research, the documentary analysis and interview with professionals of the sectors. It uses as methodological procedures the qualitative descriptive approach and the participant research

    Scenario-Driven Supply Chain Charaterization Using a Multi-Dimensional Approach

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    Extreme disruptive events, such as the volcano eruption in Iceland, the Japanese tsunami, and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as constant changes in customers’ needs and expectations, have forced supply chains to continuously adapt to new environments. Consequently, it is paramount to understand the supply chain characteristics for possible future scenarios, in order to know how to respond to threats and take advantage of the opportunities that the next years will bring. This chapter focuses on describing the characteristics of the supply chain in each of the six macro-scenarios presented in Sardesai et al. (2020b), as final stage of the scenario building methodology. Supply chains for each scenario are characterized in eight dimensions: Products and Services, Supply Chain Paradigm, Sourcing and Distribution, Technology Level, Supply Chain Configuration, Manufacturing Systems, Sales Channel, and Sustainability

    Technologies of contraception and abortion

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    Soon to turn 60, the oral contraceptive pill still dominates histories of technology in the ‘sexual revolution’ and after. ‘The pill’ was revolutionary for many, though by no means all, women in the west, but there have always been alternatives, and looking globally yields a different picture. The condom, intrauterine device (IUD), surgical sterilization (male and female) and abortion were all transformed in the twentieth century, some more than once. Today, female sterilization (tubal ligation) and IUDs are the world's most commonly used technologies of contraception. The pill is in third place, followed closely by the condom. Long-acting hormonal injections are most frequently used in parts of Africa, male sterilization by vasectomy is unusually prevalent in Britain, and about one in five pregnancies worldwide ends in induced abortion. Though contraceptive use has generally increased in recent decades, the disparity between rich and poor countries is striking: the former tend to use condoms and pills, the latter sterilization and IUDs. Contraception, a term dating from the late nineteenth century and since then often conflated with abortion, has existed in many forms, and techniques have changed and proliferated over time. Diverse local cultures have embraced new technologies while maintaining older practices. Focusing on Britain and the United States, with excursions to India, China and France, this chapter shows how the patterns observed today were established and stabilized, often despite persistent criticism and reform efforts. By examining past innovation, and the distribution and use of a variety of tools and techniques, it reconsiders some widely held assumptions about what counts as revolutionary and for whom. Analytically, it takes up and reflects on one of the main issues raised by feminists and social historians: the agency of users as patients and consumers faced with choice and coercion. By examining practices of contraception alongside those of abortion, it revisits the knotty question of technology in the sexual revolution and the related themes of medical, legal, religious and political forms of control

    Function Orientation beyond Development – Use Cases in the Late Phases of the Product Life Cycle

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThe importance of a function driven way of working in the field of Electric/Electronic-systems (E/E) is increasing. However, the existing methods are focusing on the development phase. In contrast to this, we performed a comprehensive use case analysis concentrating on the late phases of the product life cycle. In this paper we describe the results of this analysis by illustrating the main use cases identified. For each use case we present a solution of how to exploit potential of function orientation. Based on this we will be able to define a concept of a function-oriented representation.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan
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