1,606 research outputs found

    Cooling NZ: institutional drivers behind the growth in air-conditioning

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    Cooling by air-conditioning in buildings has been claimed to be addictive to the occupants. But for every addict there is ‘pusher’ who has introduced and supplies the product. This paper examines the motives of the institutional pushers that promote air-conditioning in the built environment in New Zealand. Compared to many countries, New Zealand has lagged behind in the growth of air-conditioning in the built environment. This makes it an ideal place to observe how various institutions and organisations are either deliberately or unselfconsciously promoting cooling to a population that has, until recently, survived well without it. The paper does not address the air-conditioning industry, as it is self-evident that it will promote its own products. Instead it focuses on those institutions that may ultimately suffer from their own actions. Central government, local government, the electricity supply industry, the Green Building Council, the Property Council, the New Zealand Institute of Architects and others are all ‘pushing’ air-conditioning, even though some may not be aware of it. Behind this is the assumption that there is a never-ending supply of energy and that the narrow band of comfort resulting from air-conditioning is healthy, promotes productivity, reduces complaints, enhances architectural style and is energy efficient. This paper will review the role that each of these institutions plays in the promotion of air-conditioning and discusses the ultimate demise of any building that relies on an uninterrupted supply of grid supplied energy in order to remain habitable. This research into the understanding of how these institutions operate to promote air-conditioning may eventually assist in reversing the process

    Analisis Swot Pada Credit Union Mura Kopa Di Balai Karangan

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    This study aims to observe the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that theCredit Union (CU) of Mura Kopa of Balai Karangan faces. All these essential elements willhelp the CU to take a right decision, to set up an operational strategy, and to reach anobjective goal in the future. This descriptive study collected data by means of observation,interviews, and document study. Data processing was done by scoring the elements ofopportunities, threats, strength, and weaknesses. All these components were analyzed bySWOT Matrix in order to find out rational strategies that can be categorized into fourperspectives, i.e., financial, client or member satisfaction, internal business process, andlearning and growth perspectives. The result of this research is that CU of Mura Kopa'strength can make the profit of the good opportunities, but a series of weaknesses andthreats need to be overcome. All board, superintendent, and managers need to apply astrategy that supports the policy of growth oriented by taking some initiatives of strategicaction

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer terhadap Kreativitas Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Tik Siswa Kelas IX di SMPN 2 Kayangan

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    Minimnya model atau metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan didalam kelas sehingga proses pembelajaran monoton pada cara-cara lama, sehingga pengembangan kreativitas belajar siswa sangat minim. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini “apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer terhadap kreativitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran TIK siswa kelas IX di SMP Negeri 2 Kayangan Kabupaten Lombok Utara”.Tujuan Penelitian ini “ingin mengetahui pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer terhadap kreativitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran TIK siswa kelas IX di SMP Negeri 2 Kayangan Kabupaten Lombok Utara Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017”.Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah Post Experimen-Control Design. JumlahPopulasi 48 orang.Dengan teknik pengambilan sampel random sampling.Adapun sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas IX.1 yakni kelas eksperimen yang diberikan perlakuan dan kelas IX.2 merupakan kelas kontrol sebagai kelas pembanding.Untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini, maka digunakan metode angket sebagai metode utama dan metode dokumentasi merupakan metode pendukung.Teknik analisis data menggunakan t-test. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diketahui nilai “t” diperoleh sebesar6,596 Selanjutnya nilai tersebut yang dikonsultasikan pada taraf signifikansi 5% dengan N = 24 ternyata batas angka penerimaan atau penolakan hipotesis nol (H0) yang diajukan pada table distribusi t adalah sebesar 2,069. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan nilai thitunglebih besar dari angka penolakan hipotesis nol (H0) antara nilai thitung sebesar 6,596 lebih besar dari ttabelsebesar 2,069 (thitung 6,596 > ttabel 2,069). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 di tolak sedangkan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian hipotesis (Ha) berbunyi: Ada Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer Terhadap Kreativitas Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran TIK Siswa Kelas IX di SMP Negeri 2 Kayangan Kabupaten Lombok Utara Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 diterima

    Genetic Engineering of Membrane Lipid Composition in E. Coli

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    High school computing curriculum

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    Quadrature Method for an Autonomous Ordinary Differential Equation

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    A quadrature method is used to obtain uniqueness results for an autonomous nonlinear ordinary differential equation. This method enables us to give a necessary and sufficient condition for a unique solution when the nonlinearity is convex. The technique is then used to determine supremum of the spectrum for the problem with convex nonlinearity

    Modernizing the madrasa curriculum in Singapore

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    The madrasa curriculum in Singapore continues to modernize to keep up with the times. At the beginning of its establishment, the madrasa curriculum in Singapore was focused on learning the Qur'an and Islamic sciences. However, as time progressed, the madrasa curriculum began to undergo changes. This article aims to explain the process of curriculum modernization in Singapore madrasas as a large part of Singapore's national education goals, and what changes have occurred in relation to curriculum design. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a combined research model between library research and field studies. Data and information from the field were collected from Al-Ma'rif Al-Islamiah Madrasa, one of the madrasas in eastern Singapore. The type of research to be carried out is included in the form of descriptive qualitative, which is a form of research that aims to collect and compile data and try to analyze with interpretation or interpretation of these data. Furthermore, in analyzing the data, the author uses two methods, namely the content analysis method (content analysis) and the descriptive analysis method, especially educational analysis. The results showed that modernization in the curriculum in Singapore Madrasas occurred due to several policies set by the Singapore Ministry of Education with the aim that graduates of madrassa students could be useful not only for the Muslim community, but also for the nation. From the madrasa used as data sources, it can be seen that the curriculum changes in Madrasah Al-Ma'rif was only in the learning system and curriculum materials. Al-Ma'rif Al-Islamiah Madrasah maintains ukhrawi (religious) materials as the main curriculum material, and only adds some secular (academic) materials. While the curriculum model of the madrasa still uses the academic subject model with a separated subject curriculum approach. Abstrak Kurikulum madrasah di Singapura terus mengalami modernisasi untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Di awal pendiriannya, kurikulum madrasah di Singapura difokuskan untuk mempelajari Al-Qur’an dan ilmu-ilmu Islam. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, kurikulum madrasah mulai mengalami perubahan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses modernisasi kurikulum di madrasah Singapura sebagai bagian besar dari tujuan pendidikan nasional Singapura, dan apa saja perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi terkait dengan desain kurikulumnya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model penelitian gabungan antara library research (penelitian kepustakaan) dan studi lapangan. Data dan informasi dari lapangan dikumpulkan dari Madrasah Al-Ma’rif Al-Islamiah, salah satu madrasah yang ada di kawasan timur Singapura. Jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan termasuk dalam bentuk deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu bentuk penelitian yang bertujuan mengumpulkan dan menyusun data serta mengusahakan dengan analisis secara interpretasi atau penafsiran terhadap data-data tersebut. Selanjutnya dalam menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode analisis isi (content analisys) dan metode deskriptif analisis, khususnya analisis kependidikan. Hasilnya didapat bahwa modernisasi dalam kurikulum di madrasah Singapura terjadi karena beberapa kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementrian Pendidikan Singapura dengan tujuan agar para lulusan siswa madrasah bisa bermanfaat tidak saja untuk komunitas muslim, tapi juga untuk nasional. Dari madrasah yang dijadikan sumber data terlihat bahwa perubahan kurikulum hanya terjadi pada sistem pembelajaran dan materi kurikulumnya, yaitu tetap mempertahankan materi-materi ukhrawi (agama) sebagai materi utama kurikulumnya, dan hanya menambahkan beberapa materi-materi sekular (akademik) saja. Sedangkan model kurikulum madrasah masih tetap menggunakan model subyek akademik dengan pendekatan kurikulum terpisah (separated subject curriculum)

    Transport, installation and commissioning of power transformers

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    Whilst much attention is quite rightly given to power transformer design, manufacturing and factory acceptance testing, the final stages of the supply chain are equally important, namely transport, installation and commissioning. The health of the transformer is critically dependent on safe and careful handling during transport and unloading where sudden impacts or shocks can lead to damage of critical components. Of equal importance are the processes and practices used at site during assembly, vacuum processing and addition of the insulating fluid. Commissioning tests ensure that the transformer has not been damaged during handling, that active component connections are correct and that the transformer protection and monitoring systems are operational. This paper will address these issues and provide guidance on world’s best practices to ensure a positive outcome for the supplier and the end customer