47 research outputs found

    CFD Modellierung einer partikelbelasteten Kühlmittelströmung im Sumpf und in der Kondensationskammer

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    Der Bericht beschreibt die Arbeiten zur CFD-Modellentwicklung zur Beschreibung des Fasertransportes in einer Wasserströmung, die im Unterauftrag der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz erfolgten. Während die experimentellen Arbeiten zu dieser Thematik in Zittau durchgeführt wurden, lag der Schwerpunkt der theoretischen Arbeiten in Rossendorf. Im Arbeitspunkt EZ 1 des Projektantrages ist die Erweiterung der Einzeleffektuntersuchungen vorgesehen. Die entsprechenden Modellansätze zum Partikeltransport sind im Kapitel 3.1. beschrieben. Die Modellanpassung und Validierung ist in 3.2 und 3.3 dargestellt. Der Fasertransport in einer Wasserströmung wird durch Jet-Phänomene bestimmt. Untersuchungen dazu sind im EZ3.1 des Projektantrages: „3D-Phänomene infolge Blasenmitriss“ vorgesehen und die Modellansätze und der Vergleich zu Experimenten in den Kapiteln 4.1 bis 4.3 dargestellt. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss auf den Ausgleich der Temperatur für den Fall untersucht, dass der Jet kälter als die Wasservorlage im Tank ist. Dieser Abschnitt entspricht damit der EZ3.2 des Antrages: „3D-Phänomene infolge Temperaturdifferenzen. Im Kapitel 4.4 wird auf die Strömungsvorgänge in der Zittauer Strömungswanne eingegangen und damit der Punkt EZ4 des Antrages: Integraluntersuchungen bearbeitet. Kapitel 5 beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Sieb-Modells, das die Faser-Kompaktierung berücksichtigt und auf der Darcy-Gleichung basiert. Die Modellparameter werden an Experimenten in Zittau justiert. Diese Experimente wurden für verschiedene Materialien durchgeführt und mit deren Hilfe ein Koeffizientenkatalog erstellt. Das Modell wurde in den CFD-Code CFX implementiert und anhand einiger Anwendungsbeispiele demonstriert

    Fibre agglomerate transport in a horizontal flow

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    An experimental and theoretical study of the transport of mineral wool fibre agglomerates in nuclear power plant containment sumps is being performed. A racetrack channel was devised to provide data for the validation of numerical models, which are intended to model the transport of fibre agglomerates. The racetrack channel provides near uniform and steady conditions that lead to either the sedimentation or suspension of the agglomerates. Various experimental techniques were used to determine the velocity conditions and the distribution of the fibre agglomerates in the channel. The fibre agglomerates are modelled as fluid particles in the Eulerian reference frame. Simulations of pure sedimentation of a known mass and volume of agglomerations show that the transport of the fibre agglomerates can be replicated. The suspension of the fibres is also replicated in the simulations; however, the definition of the fibre agglomerate phase is strongly dependent on the selected density and diameter. Detailed information on the morphology of the fibre agglomerates is lacking for the suspension conditions, as the fibre agglomerates may undergo breakage and erosion. Therefore, ongoing work, which is described here, is being pursued to improve the experimental characterisation of the suspended transport of the fibre agglomerates

    Review of Available Data for Validation of Nuresim Two-Phase CFD Software Applied to CHF Investigations

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    The NURESIM Project of the 6th European Framework Program initiated the development of a new-generation common European Standard Software Platform for nuclear reactor simulation. The thermal-hydraulic subproject aims at improving the understanding and the predictive capabilities of the simulation tools for key two-phase flow thermal-hydraulic processes such as the critical heat flux (CHF). As part of a multi-scale analysis of reactor thermal-hydraulics, a two-phase CFD tool is developed to allow zooming on local processes. Current industrial methods for CHF mainly use the sub-channel analysis and empirical CHF correlations based on large scale experiments having the real geometry of a reactor assembly. Two-phase CFD is used here for understanding some boiling flow processes, for helping new fuel assembly design, and for developing better CHF predictions in both PWR and BWR. This paper presents a review of experimental data which can be used for validation of the two-phase CFD application to CHF investigations. The phenomenology of DNB and Dry-Out are detailed identifying all basic flow processes which require a specific modeling in CFD tool. The resulting modeling program of work is given and the current state-of-the-art of the modeling within the NURESIM project is presented

    Experiments performed with bubbly flow in vertical pipes at different flow conditions covering the transition region: Simulation by coupling Eulerian, Lagrangian and 3D random walks models

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    [EN] Two phase flow experiments with different superficial velocities of gas and water were performed in a vertical upward isothermal cocurrent air-water flow column with conditions ranging from bubbly flow, with very low void fraction, to transition flow with some cap and slug bubbles and void fractions around 25%. The superficial velocities of the liquid and the gas phases were varied from 0.5 to 3 m/s and from 0 to 0.6 m/s, respectively. Also to check the effect of changing the surface tension on the previous experiments small amounts of 1-butanol were added to the water. These amounts range from 9 to 75 ppm and change the surface tension. This study is interesting because in real cases the surface tension of the water diminishes with temperature, and with this kind of experiments we can study indirectly the effect of changing the temperature on the void fraction distribution. The following axial and radial distributions were measured in all these experiments: void fraction, interfacial area concentration, interfacial velocity, Sauter mean diameter and turbulence intensity. The range of values of the gas superficial velocities in these experiments covered the range from bubbly flow to the transition to cap/slug flow. Also with transition flow conditions we distinguish two groups of bubbles in the experiments, the small spherical bubbles and the cap/slug bubbles. Special interest was devoted to the transition region from bubbly to cap/slug flow; the goal was to understand the physical phenomena that take place during this transition A set of numerical simulations of some of these experiments for bubbly flow conditions has been performed by coupling a Lagrangian code, that tracks the three dimensional motion of the individual bubbles in cylindrical coordinates inside the field of the carrier liquid, to an Eulerian model that computes the magnitudes of continuous phase and to a 3D random walk model that takes on account the fluctuation in the velocity field of the carrier fluid that are seen by the bubbles due to turbulence fluctuations. Also we have included in the model the deformation that suffers the bubble when it touches the wall and it is compressed by the forces that pushes it toward the wall, provoking that the bubble rebound like a ball.The authors of this paper are indebted to the National Plan of I+D by the support of the coordinated projects REMOD-ERN ENE2010-21368-C02-01/CON and ENE2010-21368-C02-02/CON to perform the experiments.Muñoz-Cobo, JL.; Chiva, S.; Ali Abdelaziz Essa, M.; Mendez, S. (2012). Experiments performed with bubbly flow in vertical pipes at different flow conditions covering the transition region: Simulation by coupling Eulerian, Lagrangian and 3D random walks models. Archives of Thermodynamics. 33(1):3-39. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10173-012-0001-4S33933

    A CFD-DEM solver to model bubbly flow. Part I: Model development and assessment in upward vertical pipes

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    [EN] In the computational modeling of two-phase flow, many uncertainties are usually faced in simulations and validations with experiments. This has traditionally made it difficult to provide a general method to predict the two-phase flow characteristics for any geometry and condition, even for bubbly flow regimes. Thus, we focus our research on studying in depth the bubbly flow modeling and validation from a critical point of view. The conditions are intentionally limited to scenarios where coalescence and breakup can be neglected, to concentrate on the study of bubble dynamics and its interaction with the main fluid. This study required the development of a solver for bubbly flow with higher resolution level than TFM and a new methodology to obtain the data from the simulation. Part I shows the development of a solver based on the CFD-DEM formulation. The motion of each bubble is computed individually with this solver and aspects as inhomogeneity, nonlinearity of the interfacial forces, bubble-wall interactions and turbulence effects in interfacial forces are taken into account. To develop the solver, several features that are not usually required for traditional CFD-DEM simulations but are relevant for bubbly flow in pipes, have been included. Models for the assignment of void fraction into the grid, seeding of bubbles at the inlet, pressure change influence on the bubble size and turbulence effects on both phases have been assessed and compared with experiments for an upward vertical pipe scenario. Finally, the bubble path for bubbles of different size have been investigated and the interfacial forces analyzed. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors sincerely thank the ''Plan Nacional de I + D+ i" for funding the project MODEXFLAT ENE2013-48565-C2-1-P and ENE2013-48565-C2-2-P.Peña-Monferrer, C.; Monrós Andreu, G.; Chiva Vicent, S.; Martinez-Cuenca, R.; Muñoz-Cobo, JL. (2018). A CFD-DEM solver to model bubbly flow. Part I: Model development and assessment in upward vertical pipes. Chemical Engineering Science. 176:524-545. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2017.11.005S52454517

    Modelling bubbly-cap flows using two-group averaged bubble Number Density

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    The basic concept of two-group average bubble number density equations along with three-fluid model has been demonstrated for vertical gas-liquid flow. Specifically, the current study focused on: (i) classification of bubble interaction between spherical bubbles (Group-1) and cap bubbles (Group- 2), (ii) preliminary consideration of source and sink terms in the averaged bubble number density equations via the model of Hibiki and Ishii [1] and (iii) assessment by means of experimental data sets at bubbly-to-cap flow transition. Reasonable agreement was achieved between measured and predicted distributions of void fraction, interfacial area concentration (IAC) and volume equivalent bubble diameter