38 research outputs found


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    It is shown how in the beginning the researchers correctly identified the urgency of the chosen direction, the wording threads object, and the subject of research and other methodological characteristics of scientific work. The concept of “scientific problem” cannot be identified with the concept of “the issue”, as is sometimes done. Relevance of the topic determined by the need of practice, the novelty and significance of the results of the study. The wording should reflect the theme of its relevance, rather than the direction of the study. It should be deleted in the title of the research topic the banal words “study”, “improvement”, etc., which provides a priori features of scientific activity and focuses on the completeness of the work, both in scientific and practical terms. Do not set a clear object; the researcher can prevent rough methodological errors that lead to errors in acquiring new knowledge and the development of research results in practice. By category of research on agricultural mechanization subject of study is the identification of patterns of unknown relationships, dependencies interaction of working bodies of art.Показано, как в начале пути исследователям правильно определиться с актуальностью выбранного направления, формулировками темы, объекта, предмета исследования и другими методологическими характеристиками научной работы. Понятие «научной проблемы» нельзя отожествлять с понятием «вопрос», как это иногда делается. Актуальность темы определяется потребностью практики, новизной и значимостью получаемых результатов исследования. Формулировка темы должна отражать её актуальность, а не направления исследования. Необходимо исключить в названии темы исследования наличие банальных слов «исследование», «совершенствование» и т. п., что априори предусматривается особенностями научной деятельности и не ориентирует на законченность работы, как в научном, так и практическом плане. Не установив четко объект, исследователь может допустить грубые методологические ошибки, которые приведут к ошибкам в получении новых знаний и освоении результатов исследования в практике. По тематике исследований по механизации сельского хозяйства предметом исследования является выявление закономерностей, неизвестных связей, зависимостей взаимодействия рабочих органов техники

    Обоснование разработки технологического паспорта зерноуборочных комбайнов

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    Dynamics of grain crops productivity in the main grain growing regions of Siberian Federal District is presented. Major factors shoud be considered at justification of a class of combine harvesters for their effective operation in various climatic and working conditions. loading efficiency of a combine thresher depends on productivity and operating width of windrowers or headers at straight-cutting and windrowing. A tailings maintenance in the threshed grain heap influences on the harvester capacity. Certificate capacity of combines of a class of 5-12 kg/s at the 1.5 percent admissible level of losses behind a combine thresher is depending on the tailings maintenance in the threshed grain heap. In accordance to analysis the capacity of combines of any class of the classical design increases by 1.45 times at reduction of a straw content from 1.5 to 0.7 relative to standard indicators, and decreases by 1.16 times at increase of this parameter to 2.3. The combine of a class of 7 kg/s is completely loaded when pickup threshing by harvesters with a operating width of 20; 16 and 12 m at a speed of movement 7.2; 9.0 and 12.0 km/h respectively. The combine of a class of 10 kg/s at crop productivity of 1.8 t/ha will be completely loaded when pickup threshing if the operating width is 20 m and the speed equals 12 km/h, and at the width of 16 m speed has to make 13 km/h. The content of the technological certificate by the example of use of combines of a class of 7 kg/s (GS-07) and 10 kg/s (GS-10) is proved. The algorithm of determination of the movement speed is presented. Its use provides certificate loading of a thresher when threshing of grain crops with different productivity at straight-cutting and windrowing.Представлена динамика урожайности зерновых культур в основных зернопроизводящих регионах Сибирского федерального округа. Выявлены основные факторы, которые необходимо учитывать при обосновании класса зерноуборочных комбайнов, чтобы их применение было эффективным в различных природно-климатических и производственных условиях. Определена степень загрузки молотилки комбайнов в зависимости от урожайности и ширины захвата валковых жаток и хедеров при раздельной и прямой уборке. Выявлено влияние содержания незерновой части в обмолачиваемой хлебной массе на пропускную способность комбайнов. Показаны изменения паспортной пропускной способности комбайнов класса 5-12 кг/с при допустимом уровне потерь за молотилкой комбайна 1,5 процента в зависимости от содержания незерновой части в составе обмолачиваемой хлебной массы. Согласно рассчетам, при уменьшении соломистости с 1,5 до 0,7 нормативного показателя пропускная способность комбайнов любого класса классической схемы возрастает в 1,45 раза, а при увеличении соломистости до 2,3 нормативного показателя этот параметр снижается в 1,16 раза. Комбайн класса 7 кг/с полностью загружается на обмолоте валков, скошенных жатками с рабочей шириной захвата 20, 16 и 12 м при скорости движения соответственно 7,2; 9,0 и 12,0 км/ч. Комбайн класса 10 кг/с при урожайности 18 ц/га полностью будет загружен при обмолоте валков, скошенных при ширине захвата 20 м и скорости 12 км/ч, а при ширине захвата 16 м скорость должна составлять 13 км/ч. Обосновано содержание технологического паспорта на примере использования комбайнов класса 7 кг/с (GS-07) и 10 кг/с (GS-10). Представлен алгоритм определения скорости движения, обеспечивающей паспортную загрузку молотилки на обмолоте зерновых культур разной урожайности прямым или раздельным способом уборки

    Mechanisms governing interannual variability of upper-ocean temperature in a global ocean hindcast simulation

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 37 (2007): 1918-1938, doi:10.1175/jpo3089.1.The interannual variability in upper-ocean (0–400 m) temperature and governing mechanisms for the period 1968–97 are quantified from a global ocean hindcast simulation driven by atmospheric reanalysis and satellite data products. The unconstrained simulation exhibits considerable skill in replicating the observed interannual variability in vertically integrated heat content estimated from hydrographic data and monthly satellite sea surface temperature and sea surface height data. Globally, the most significant interannual variability modes arise from El Niño–Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean zonal mode, with substantial extension beyond the Tropics into the midlatitudes. In the well-stratified Tropics and subtropics, net annual heat storage variability is driven predominately by the convergence of the advective heat transport, mostly reflecting velocity anomalies times the mean temperature field. Vertical velocity variability is caused by remote wind forcing, and subsurface temperature anomalies are governed mostly by isopycnal displacements (heave). The dynamics at mid- to high latitudes are qualitatively different and vary regionally. Interannual temperature variability is more coherent with depth because of deep winter mixing and variations in western boundary currents and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current that span the upper thermocline. Net annual heat storage variability is forced by a mixture of local air–sea heat fluxes and the convergence of the advective heat transport, the latter resulting from both velocity and temperature anomalies. Also, density-compensated temperature changes on isopycnal surfaces (spice) are quantitatively significant.This work was supported in part from NOAA Office of Global Programs ACCP Grant NA86GP0290, NSF Grant OCE96-33681, and the WHOI Ocean and Climate Change Institute

    The Ocean Reanalyses Intercom parison Project (ORA - IP)

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    Uncertainty in ocean analysis methods and deficiencies in the observing system are major obstacles for the reliable reconstruction of the past ocean climate. The variety of existing ocean reanalyses is exploited in a multi-reanalysis ensemble to improve the ocean state estimation and to gauge uncertainty levels. The ensemble-based analysis of signal-to-noise ratio allows the identification of ocean characteristics for which the estimation is robust (such as tropical mixed-layer-depth,upper ocean heat content), and where large uncertainty exists (deep ocean, Southern Ocean, sea-ice thickness, salinity), providing guidance for future enhancement of the observing and data assimilation systems

    Climate fluctuations of tropical coupled system: The role of ocean dynamics

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    The tropical oceans have long been recognized as the most important region for large-scale ocean–atmosphere interactions, giving rise to coupled climate variations on several time scales. During the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) decade, the focus of much tropical ocean research was on understanding El Niño–related processes and on development of tropical ocean models capable of simulating and predicting El Niño. These studies led to an appreciation of the vital role the ocean plays in providing the memory for predicting El Niño and thus making seasonal climate prediction feasible. With the end of TOGA and the beginning of Climate Variability and Prediction (CLIVAR), the scope of climate variability and predictability studies has expanded from the tropical Pacific and ENSO-centric basis to the global domain. In this paper the progress that has been made in tropical ocean climate studies during the early years of CLIVAR is discussed. The discussion is divided geographically into three tropical ocean basins with an emphasis on the dynamical processes that are most relevant to the coupling between the atmosphere and oceans. For the tropical Pacific, the continuing effort to improve understanding of large- and small-scale dynamics for the purpose of extending the skill of ENSO prediction is assessed. This paper then goes beyond the time and space scales of El Niño and discusses recent research activities on the fundamental issue of the processes maintaining the tropical thermocline. This includes the study of subtropical cells (STCs) and ventilated thermocline processes, which are potentially important to the understanding of the low-frequency modulation of El Niño. For the tropical Atlantic, the dominant oceanic processes that interact with regional atmospheric feedbacks are examined as well as the remote influence from both the Pacific El Niño and extratropical climate fluctuations giving rise to multiple patterns of variability distinguished by season and location. The potential impact of Atlantic thermohaline circulation on tropical Atlantic variability (TAV) is also discussed. For the tropical Indian Ocean, local and remote mechanisms governing low-frequency sea surface temperature variations are examined. After reviewing the recent rapid progress in the understanding of coupled dynamics in the region, this study focuses on the active role of ocean dynamics in a seasonally locked east–west internal mode of variability, known as the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD). Influences of the IOD on climatic conditions in Asia, Australia, East Africa, and Europe are discussed. While the attempt throughout is to give a comprehensive overview of what is known about the role of the tropical oceans in climate, the fact of the matter is that much remains to be understood and explained. The complex nature of the tropical coupled phenomena and the interaction among them argue strongly for coordinated and sustained observations, as well as additional careful modeling investigations in order to further advance the current understanding of the role of tropical oceans in climate

    Operational features of batteries used in aviation equipment

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    The basic characteristics of aviation batteries both acid and alkaline are described. Their operational features are considered