106 research outputs found

    The Importance of Flight Dispatching in Air Transportation

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    Messenger RNA coding for only the alpha subunit of the rat brain Na channel is sufficient for expression of functional channels in Xenopus oocytes

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    Several cDNA clones coding for the high molecular weight (alpha) subunit of the voltage-sensitive Na channel have been selected by immunoscreening a rat brain cDNA library constructed in the expression vector lambda gt11. As will be reported elsewhere, the amino acid sequence translated from the DNA sequence shows considerable homology to that reported for the Electrophorus electricus electroplax Na channel. Several of the cDNA inserts hybridized with a low-abundance 9-kilobase RNA species from rat brain, muscle, and heart. Sucrose-gradient fractionation of rat brain poly(A) RNA yielded a high molecular weight fraction containing this mRNA, which resulted in functional Na channels when injected into oocytes. This fraction contained undetectable amounts of low molecular weight RNA. The high molecular weight Na channel RNA was selected from rat brain poly(A) RNA by hybridization to a single-strand antisense cDNA clone. Translation of this RNA in Xenopus oocytes resulted in the appearance of tetrodotoxin-sensitive voltage-sensitive Na channels in the oocyte membrane. These results demonstrate that mRNA encoding the alpha subunit of the rat brain Na channel, in the absence of any beta-subunit mRNA, is sufficient for translation to give functional channels in oocytes

    Topoisomerase II alpha gene copy loss has adverse prognostic significance in ERBB2-amplified breast cancer: a retrospective study of paraffin-embedded tumor specimens and medical charts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amplification of the <it>ERBB2 </it>(<it>Her-2/neu</it>) oncogene, which occurs in approximately 25% of breast carcinomas, is a known negative prognostic factor. Available data indicate that a variable number of nearby genes on chromosome 17q may be co-amplified or deleted, forming a continuous amplicon of variable size. In approximately 25% of these patients, the amplicon extends to the gene for <it>topoisomerase II alpha </it>(<it>TOP2A</it>), a target for anthracyclines. We sought to understand the significance of these associated genomic changes for breast cancer prognosis and predicting response to therapy.</p> <p>Methods and patients</p> <p>Archival tissue samples from 63 breast cancer patients with <it>ERBB2 </it>amplification, stages 0–IV, were previously analyzed with FISH probes for genes located near <it>ERBB2</it>. In the present study, the clinical outcome data were determined for all patients presenting at stages I–III for whom adequate clinical follow up was available.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four amplicon patterns (Classes) were identified. These were significantly associated with the clinical outcome, specifically, recurrence of breast cancer. The Amplicon class IV with deleted <it>TOP2A </it>had 67% (6/9) cases with recurrence, whereas the other three classes combined had only 12% (3/25) cases (p-value = 0.004) at the time of last follow-up. <it>TOP2A </it>deletion was also significantly associated with time to recurrence (p-value = 0.0002). After adjusting for age in Cox regression analysis, the association between <it>TOP2A </it>deletion and time to recurrence remains strongly significant (p-value = 0.002) whereas the association with survival is marginally significant (p-value = 0.06).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>TOP2A </it>deletion is associated with poor prognosis in <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified breast carcinomas. Clarification of the mechanism of this association will require additional study.</p

    Economic Analysis of Knowledge: The History of Thought and the Central Themes

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    Following the development of knowledge economies, there has been a rapid expansion of economic analysis of knowledge, both in the context of technological knowledge in particular and the decision theory in general. This paper surveys this literature by identifying the main themes and contributions and outlines the future prospects of the discipline. The wide scope of knowledge related questions in terms of applicability and alternative approaches has led to the fragmentation of research. Nevertheless, one can identify a continuing tradition which analyses various aspects of the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge in the economy

    Behavioral Corporate Finance: An Updated Survey

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    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Age at first birth in women is genetically associated with increased risk of schizophrenia

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    Prof. Paunio on PGC:n jÀsenPrevious studies have shown an increased risk for mental health problems in children born to both younger and older parents compared to children of average-aged parents. We previously used a novel design to reveal a latent mechanism of genetic association between schizophrenia and age at first birth in women (AFB). Here, we use independent data from the UK Biobank (N = 38,892) to replicate the finding of an association between predicted genetic risk of schizophrenia and AFB in women, and to estimate the genetic correlation between schizophrenia and AFB in women stratified into younger and older groups. We find evidence for an association between predicted genetic risk of schizophrenia and AFB in women (P-value = 1.12E-05), and we show genetic heterogeneity between younger and older AFB groups (P-value = 3.45E-03). The genetic correlation between schizophrenia and AFB in the younger AFB group is -0.16 (SE = 0.04) while that between schizophrenia and AFB in the older AFB group is 0.14 (SE = 0.08). Our results suggest that early, and perhaps also late, age at first birth in women is associated with increased genetic risk for schizophrenia in the UK Biobank sample. These findings contribute new insights into factors contributing to the complex bio-social risk architecture underpinning the association between parental age and offspring mental health.Peer reviewe

    Legitimacy intermediation in the multilevel European polity and its collapse in the euro crisis

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    This essay re-examines the dual – republican and liberal – foundations of democratic legitimacy in the Western traditions of normative political theory. Considered in isolation, the European Union conforms to liberal standards but cannot satisfy republican criteria. Given these conflicting standards, debates on the alleged European democratic deficit have remained inconclusive. Moreover, they have failed to pay sufficient attention to the multilevel character of the European polity and to the normative potential of legitimacy intermediation in its two-step compliance and legitimating relationships. I argue, however, that the capacity of democratic member states to legitimate the exercise of European governing functions is being destroyed in the present euro crisis, and I briefly discuss the implications of this new constellation.In der westlichen Tradition der normativen politischen Theorie beruht demokratische LegitimitĂ€t auf der doppelten Grundlage republikanischer und liberaler Prinzipien. FĂŒr sich betrachtet entspricht die EuropĂ€ische Union zwar liberalen Kriterien, aber eben nicht den republikanischen Anforderungen. Angesichts so unterschiedlicher Kriterien konnte es auch im Streit ĂŒber das angebliche europĂ€ische Demokratiedefizit keine Einigung geben. Überdies ignorierte diese Diskussion den Mehrebenen-Charakter der europĂ€ischen Politik und das normative Potenzial der Legitimationsvermittlung zwischen Union und BĂŒrgern durch die demokratisch verfassten Mitgliedstaaten. Die gegenwĂ€rtige Eurokrise allerdings zerstört die FĂ€higkeit demokratischer Mitgliedstaaten, die AusĂŒbung europĂ€ischer Herrschaftsfunktionen zu legitimieren. Der Aufsatz erörtert die Implikationen dieser neuen Konstellation.1 Introduction 2 Legitimacy discourses The republican discourse The liberal discourse Differences 3 Constitutional democracies – and the European Union? 4 Legitimacy intermediation in the multilevel European polity 5 The end of legitimacy intermediation in the euro crisis Monetary Union and the failure of output legitimacy Rescuing the euro through supranational intervention 6 Legitimate supranational government? Input-oriented European legitimacy? 7 Reducing the burden on European legitimacy Reference
