273 research outputs found

    «Merkevarens betydning for valg av kaffebar»

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    Kaffebarer er et fenomen som har eksistert i nærmere 500 år. De siste tiårene har det vært en høy ekspansjon, og Oslo som fikk sin første kaffebar i 1959 har siden den tid hatt en voldsom vekst i antall kaffebarer. Denne oppgaven tar for seg merkevarer og kaffebarer, med det overordnede forskningsspørsmålet: ”Hvilken betydning har merkevare for valg av kaffebar?” Fokuset er lagt til å omhandle Oslo. Hensikten med oppgaven har vært å få en dypere forståelse av hvordan merkevarer påvirker forbrukerne i valg av kaffebar i Oslo. Dette ble gjort ved hjelp av merkevare- og forbrukeratferdsteori. Hovedsakelig er Kellers merkepyramide brukt, for å systematisk undersøke ulike deler av merkevaren opp mot forbrukernes beslutninger. Undersøkelsene ble knyttet opp mot de fem store kaffebarene i Oslo; Starbucks, Kaffebrenneriet, Waynes Coffee, Stockfleths og Espresso House. Oppgaven baserer seg hovedsakelig på en kvantitativ tilnærming for å besvare problemstillingen. Utvalget i analysen er utelukkende personer som har besøkt kaffebarer i Oslo flere ganger i løpet av det siste året og er bosatt i Oslo og omegn. For en bedre innsikt og en mer presis utarbeidelse av den kvantitative metoden, ble det gjennomført observasjoner ved flere kaffebarkjeder i Oslo. En spørreundersøkelse ble benyttet for å innhente data til å besvare problemstillingen og vi innhentet et totalt antall av 191 gyldige besvarelser. Innhentet materiell ble brukt og analysert gjennom en statistisk analyse og sett opp mot utvalgte teorier. Våre resultater viste at kaffebarer i Oslo hovedsakelig var en sosial arena, i tillegg til at arbeid og studier utmerket seg som en viktig grunn til kaffebarbesøk for mange. Som teorien tilsier er det en positiv sammenheng mellom merkevare og forbrukervalg. Det viser seg å være en sterk sammenheng mellom kjennskap, spesielt top-of-mind, og valg av kaffebar. De sterke kaffebarmerkene synes å være best likt og det eksisterer en positiv holdning til valgt kaffebar. Det fremgår likevel av våre resultater at det er en faktor utenfor merkevaren som er vel så viktig, nemlig beliggenhet. Selv om det viser seg at forbrukerne har preferanser når det kommer til valg av kaffebar, og fortrinnsvis foretrekker sterke merkevarer, er det liten grad av lojalitet og kunde-merkerelasjon

    Ontologies for Models and Algorithms in Applied Mathematics and Related Disciplines

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    In applied mathematics and related disciplines, the modeling-simulation-optimization workflow is a prominent scheme, with mathematical models and numerical algorithms playing a crucial role. For these types of mathematical research data, the Mathematical Research Data Initiative has developed, merged and implemented ontologies and knowledge graphs. This contributes to making mathematical research data FAIR by introducing semantic technology and documenting the mathematical foundations accordingly. Using the concrete example of microfracture analysis of porous media, it is shown how the knowledge of the underlying mathematical model and the corresponding numerical algorithms for its solution can be represented by the ontologies.Comment: Preprint of a Conference Paper to appear in the Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Researc

    A flagellin-conjugate protein induces dual NLRC4- and NLRP3-inflammasome activation which modulates inflammatory cytokine secretion from macrophages

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    BackgroundA recombinant fusion protein combining the adjuvant and TLR5-ligand flagellin with the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 (rFlaA:Betv1) has been suggested to prevent the manifestation of birch allergy. Noteworthy, rFlaA:Betv1 induced both pro- and anti-inflammatory responses which were differentially regulated. However, the mechanism by which flagellin fusion proteins modulate allergen-specific immune responses, especially the mechanisms underlying IL-1β secretion and their contribution to the overall immune responses remains elusive.ObjectiveTo investigate the mechanisms underlying the production of IL-1β from rFlaA:Betv1 stimulated macrophages.MethodsMacrophages were derived from mouse peritoneal-, human buffy-coat-, and PMA-differentiated THP-1 (wild type or lacking either ASC, NLRP3, or NLRC4) cells. Macrophages were stimulated with non-modified rFlaA:Betv1, mutant variants lacking either the flagellin DC0 domain or a sequence motif formerly described to mediate TLR5-activation, and respective controls in the presence or absence of inhibitors interfering with MAPK- and NFκB-signaling. Cytokine secretion was analyzed by ELISA and intracellular signaling by Western Blot. To study the contribution of IL-1β to the overall immune responses, IL1R-deficient mouse peritoneal macrophages were used.ResultsrFlaA:Betv1 consistently activated all types of investigated macrophages, inducing higher IL-1β secretion compared with the equimolar mixture of both proteins. rFlaA:Betv1-induced activation of THP-1 macrophages was shown to be independent of either the TLR5-activating sequence motif or the flagellin DC0 domain but depended on both NLRP3- and NLRC4-inflammasomes. In addition, NFκB and SAP/JNK MAP kinases regulated rFlaA:Betv1-induced inflammasome activation and cytokine secretion by modulating pro-Caspase-1- and pro-IL-1β-expression in THP-1 macrophages. Finally, lack of IL-1β positive feedback via the IL1R strongly diminished the rFlaA:Betv1-induced secretion of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α from peritoneal macrophages.ConclusionThe mechanisms contributing to rFlaA:Betv1-induced IL-1β secretion from macrophages were shown to be complex, involving both NLRC4- and NLRP3-inflammsomes, as well as NFκB- and SAP/JNK MAP kinase-signaling. Better understanding the mechanisms regulating the activation of immune cells by novel therapeutic candidates like the rFlaA:Betv1 fusion protein will allow us to further improve and develop new treatment strategies when using flagellin as an adjuvant

    Die „tiefe Internationalisierung“ der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft?: Eine Evaluation der Personal- und Forschungsstrukturen sowie der Lehrprogramme deutscher Hochschulen

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    Der Beitrag präsentiert und diskutiert die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Befragung und mehrerer Dokumentenanalysen zu Personal-und Forschungsstrukturen sowie Lehrprogrammen in der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft im Hinblick auf deren „tiefe Internationalisierung“ bzw. kosmopolitische Ausrichtung. Darunter verstehen wir eine umfassende Anerkennung und Einbindung globaler Vielfalt in die Wissensproduktion und messen dies entlang der Inhalts-und Raumdimension des Forschungs-und Lehroutputs der Professuren und der mit ihnen verbundenen Stellenstrukturen. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die deutsche Kommunikationswissenschaft einen großen Nachholbedarf hat, was eine kosmopolitische Wissensproduktion angeht. Vor dem Hintergrund der Relevanz globaler Werte, globalen Wissens und Global Governance werden aber auch Potentiale aufgezeigt sowie hochschulpolitische Maßnahmen diskutiert, die eine inhaltliche Internationalisierung der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft vorantreiben können.This paper presents and discusses the results of a comprehensive survey and several document analyses on personnel and research structures as well as teaching programs in German communication studies regarding their “deep internationalization” or cosmopolitan orientation. By this, we mean a comprehensive recognition and integration of global diversity into knowledge production. We measure this through the content and spatial dimension of the research and teaching output of professors, as well as the teaching and research staff linked tothem. The findings show that German communication studies is lagging a truly cosmopolitan knowledge production. Against the backdrop of the relevance of global values, global knowledge, and global governance, however, the study also points out potentials and discusses higher education policy measures that could advance the internationalization of German communication studies

    Novel Serial Positive Enrichment Technology Enables Clinical Multiparameter Cell Sorting

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    A general obstacle for clinical cell preparations is limited purity, which causes variability in the quality and potency of cell products and might be responsible for negative side effects due to unwanted contaminants. Highly pure populations can be obtained best using positive selection techniques. However, in many cases target cell populations need to be segregated from other cells by combinations of multiple markers, which is still difficult to achieve – especially for clinical cell products. Therefore, we have generated low-affinity antibody-derived Fab-fragments, which stain like parental antibodies when multimerized via Strep-tag and Strep-Tactin, but can subsequently be removed entirely from the target cell population. Such reagents can be generated for virtually any antigen and can be used for sequential positive enrichment steps via paramagnetic beads. First protocols for multiparameter enrichment of two clinically relevant cell populations, CD4high/CD25high/CD45RAhigh ‘regulatory T cells’ and CD8high/CD62Lhigh/CD45RAneg ‘central memory T cells’, have been established to determine quality and efficacy parameters of this novel technology, which should have broad applicability for clinical cell sorting as well as basic research

    Coenzyme A-transferase-independent butyrate re-assimilation in Clostridium acetobutylicum - evidence from a mathematical model

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    The hetero-dimeric CoA-transferase CtfA/B is believed to be crucial for the metabolic transition from acidogenesis to solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum as part of the industrial-relevant acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation. Here, the enzyme is assumed to mediate re-assimilation of acetate and butyrate during a pH-induced metabolic shift and to faciliate the first step of acetone formation from acetoacetyl-CoA. However, recent investigations using phosphate-limited continuous cultures have questioned this common dogma. To address the emerging experimental discrepancies, we investigated the mutant strain Cac-ctfA398s::CT using chemostat cultures. As a consequence of this mutation, the cells are unable to express functional ctfA and are thus lacking CoA-transferase activity. A mathematical model of the pH-induced metabolic shift, which was recently developed for the wild type, is used to analyse the observed behaviour of the mutant strain with a focus on re-assimilation activities for the two produced acids. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the ctfA mutant still re-assimilates butyrate, but not acetate. Based upon this finding, we conclude that C. acetobutylicum possesses a CoA-tranferase-independent butyrate uptake mechanism that is activated by decreasing pH levels. Furthermore, we observe that butanol formation is not inhibited under our experimental conditions, as suggested by previous batch culture experiments. In concordance with recent batch experiments, acetone formation is abolished in chemostat cultures using the ctfa mutant

    Combinations of Host Biomarkers Predict Mortality among Ugandan Children with Severe Malaria: A Retrospective Case-Control Study

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    Background: Severe malaria is a leading cause of childhood mortality in Africa. However, at presentation, it is difficult to predict which children with severe malaria are at greatest risk of death. Dysregulated host inflammatory responses and endothelial activation play central roles in severe malaria pathogenesis. We hypothesized that biomarkers of these processes would accurately predict outcome among children with severe malaria. Methodology/Findings: Plasma was obtained from children with uncomplicated malaria (n = 53), cerebral malaria (n = 44) and severe malarial anemia (n = 59) at time of presentation to hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Levels of angiopoietin-2, von Willebrand Factor (vWF), vWF propeptide, soluble P-selectin, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), soluble endoglin, soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 (Flt-1), soluble Tie-2, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, 10 kDa interferon gamma-induced protein (IP-10), and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) were determined by ELISA. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to assess predictive accuracy of individual biomarkers. Six biomarkers (angiopoietin-2, soluble ICAM-1, soluble Flt-1, procalcitonin, IP-10, soluble TREM-1) discriminated well between children who survived severe malaria infection and those who subsequently died (area under ROC curve>0.7). Combinational approaches were applied in an attempt to improve accuracy. A biomarker score was developed based on dichotomization and summation of the six biomarkers, resulting in 95.7% (95% CI: 78.1-99.9) sensitivity and 88.8% (79.7-94.7) specificity for predicting death. Similar predictive accuracy was achieved with models comprised of 3 biomarkers. Classification tree analysis generated a 3-marker model with 100% sensitivity and 92.5% specificity (cross-validated misclassification rate: 15.4%, standard error 4.9%). Conclusions: We identified novel host biomarkers of pediatric severe and fatal malaria (soluble TREM-1 and soluble Flt-1) and generated simple biomarker combinations that accurately predicted death in an African pediatric population. While requiring validation in further studies, these results suggest the utility of combinatorial biomarker strategies as prognostic tests for severe malaria

    Titin-truncating variants affect heart function in disease cohorts and the general population

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    Titin-truncating variants (TTNtv) commonly cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). TTNtv are also encountered in ~1% of the general population, where they may be silent, perhaps reflecting allelic factors. To better understand TTNtv, we integrated TTN allelic series, cardiac imaging and genomic data in humans and studied rat models with disparate TTNtv. In patients with DCM, TTNtv throughout titin were significantly associated with DCM. Ribosomal profiling in rat showed the translational footprint of premature stop codons in Ttn, TTNtv-position-independent nonsense-mediated degradation of the mutant allele and a signature of perturbed cardiac metabolism. Heart physiology in rats with TTNtv was unremarkable at baseline but became impaired during cardiac stress. In healthy humans, machine-learning-based analysis of high-resolution cardiac imaging showed TTNtv to be associated with eccentric cardiac remodeling. These data show that TTNtv have molecular and physiological effects on the heart across species, with a continuum of expressivity in health and disease

    Stratospheric aerosol - Observations, processes, and impact on climate

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    Interest in stratospheric aerosol and its role in climate have increased over the last decade due to the observed increase in stratospheric aerosol since 2000 and the potential for changes in the sulfur cycle induced by climate change. This review provides an overview about the advances in stratospheric aerosol research since the last comprehensive assessment of stratospheric aerosol was published in 2006. A crucial development since 2006 is the substantial improvement in the agreement between in situ and space-based inferences of stratospheric aerosol properties during volcanically quiescent periods. Furthermore, new measurement systems and techniques, both in situ and space based, have been developed for measuring physical aerosol properties with greater accuracy and for characterizing aerosol composition. However, these changes induce challenges to constructing a long-term stratospheric aerosol climatology. Currently, changes in stratospheric aerosol levels less than 20% cannot be confidently quantified. The volcanic signals tend to mask any nonvolcanically driven change, making them difficult to understand. While the role of carbonyl sulfide as a substantial and relatively constant source of stratospheric sulfur has been confirmed by new observations and model simulations, large uncertainties remain with respect to the contribution from anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions. New evidence has been provided that stratospheric aerosol can also contain small amounts of nonsulfate matter such as black carbon and organics. Chemistry-climate models have substantially increased in quantity and sophistication. In many models the implementation of stratospheric aerosol processes is coupled to radiation and/or stratospheric chemistry modules to account for relevant feedback processes