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    893 research outputs found

    Exploring the Influencing Factors on User Experience in Robot-Assisted Health Monitoring Systems Combining Subjective and Objective Health Data

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    As the population ages, the demand for care for older adults is increasing. To maintain their independence and autonomy, even with declining health, assistive technologies such as connected medical devices or social robots can be useful. In previous work, we introduced a novel health monitoring system that combines commercially available products with apps designed specifically for older adults. The system is intended for the long-term collection of subjective and objective health data. In this work, we present an exploratory user experience (UX) and usability study we conducted with older adults as the target group of the system and with younger expert users who tested our msystem. All participants interacted with a social robot conducting a health assessment and tested sensing devices and an app for data visualization. The UX and usability of the individual components of the system were rated highly in questionnaires in all sessions. All participants also said they would use such a system in their everyday lives, demonstrating the potential of these systems for self-managing users’ health. Finally, we found factors such as previous experience with social robots and technological expertise to have an influence on the reported UX of the users

    Modellieren der Beziehungen zwischen IT-Compliance Anforderungen, internen Security-Maßnahmen und deren Umsetzung in einer Graph-Datenbank

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    In dieser Arbeit wird ein System zur Modellierung von IT-Compliance-Anforderun-gen in einer Graph-Datenbank entwickelt. Dabei werden organisationsinterne Com-pliance-Maßnahmen, ihre Umsetzungsdokumentation und die zwischen ihnen entstehenden Beziehungen berücksichtigt. Anschließend werden die Stärken und Schwächen des Systems anhand einer Erprobung mit Anforderungen an ein fiktives IT-Projekt der deutschen Versicherungsbranche herausgestellt und so die Praxistauglichkeit bewertet. Es wird unter anderem aufgezeigt, wie Compliance- Daten in die Datenbank aufgenommen werden können und welche Unterschiede es zu bisher verbreiteten Prozessen in diesem Gebiet gibt

    Scholarly Communication over a Decade of Publications

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    Ten years after the journal’s first publication, we are taking a closer look at the knowledge flows of the output of the journal Publications. We analyzed the papers, topics, their authors and countries to assess the development of scholarly communication within Publications. Our bibliometric analyses show the research journal’s community, where the knowledge of this community is coming from, where it is going, and how diverse the community is based on its internationality and multidisciplinarity. We compare these findings with the scopes and topical goals the journal specifies. We aim at informing the editors and editorial board about the journal’s development to advance the journal’s role in scholarly communication. The results show that regarding topical diversity and internationality, the journal has remarkably developed. Moreover, the journal tends towards the field of library and information science, but strengthens its multidisciplinary status via its topics and author backgrounds

    Information behaviour of people with type 1 diabetes in Germany

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    In recent years there have been numerous technical innovations such as CGM systems or insulin pumps that have made life easier for people with type 1 diabetes. However, this also means that more and more information is available. The aim of the present study is to find out more about the daily handling of information. The following research question was asked: What information do people with type 1 diabetes use? To answer this research question, a quantitative online survey of people with type 1 diabetes was conducted by Prof. Dr. Matthias Fank at the Technical University of Cologne. The online survey mainly consisted of 25 closed questions, which were asked on a scale from 0 to 10. The responses of 1,025 people who are at least 18 years old were included in the evaluation. The most important information for type 1 diabetics is the "current value". 67.5% have this on Place 1 placed. Current glucose levels are provided by CGM systems used by 94.2% of people with type 1 diabetes. Quarterly visits to the diabetologist are important and provide important information. 30.8% “completely” agree with this statement on a scale from 0 to 10. Only 2.2% of people with type 1 diabetes are satisfied with their current diabetes management apps. There is a desire for a manufacturer-independent app. The strongest agreement with a value of 10 was chosen by almost a quarter (24.6%) of the people with type 1 diabetes. The study provides an insight into diabetes therapy and shows the need for action

    Status Quo der Dynamic-Capabilities-Forschung

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    This work is intended to make it easier for companies to increase their dynamic capabilities in agile market environments. For this purpose, the areas of a company that are relevant for dynamic capabili-ties are presented and weighted in a clear model. In addition, a direction is proposed for the expansion of dynamic capabilities regarding the order in which the areas of a company should be considered. The work is based on a literature analysis that provides an approach to bring together the various re-search approaches. For this purpose, the state of research on the topic of dynamic capabilities was developed using an extensive methodology and related to the value chain model according to Porter and the St. Gallen management model, two models valued in practice, in order to identify the relevant areas for dynamic capabilities. The research relates to a broad publication period and a large number of papers. In this way, the various development steps of Dynamic Capabilities over the years could be presented by means of a systematic analysis in which different approaches are summarized. Further-more, these areas were compared and evaluated in terms of relevance in three analysis steps. The findings of the analysis of many individual approaches were summarized in a new model and consider the entire corporate function. Dieser Beitrag fasst den bisherigen Entwicklungsstand der Dynamic Capabilitiy Forschung systematisch zusammen und schafft ein Konzept zur Übertragbarkeit der Forschungsergebnisse in die praktische Anwendung. Es werden die für die dynamischen Fähigkeiten relevanten Bereiche eines Unternehmens in einem übersichtlichen Modell dargestellt und gewichtet. Darüber hinaus wird eine Richtung für den Ausbau der dynamischen Fähigkeiten vorgeschlagen, in welcher Reihenfolge die Bereiche eines Unternehmens berücksichtigt werden sollten. Die Arbeit basiert auf einer systematischen Literaturanalyse, die einen Ansatz bietet, die verschiede-nen Forschungsansätze zusammenzuführen. Es wurden die Forschungsergebnisse zu Dynamic Cap-abilities mit dem Wertschöpfungskettenmodell nach Porter und dem St. Galler Managementmodell, zwei in der Praxis etablierte Ansätze, verknüpft, um die relevanten Handlungsfelder für Dynamic Cap-abilities zu identifizieren. Die Untersuchung bezieht sich auf einen breiten Publikationszeitraum und eine große Anzahl relevanter Veröffentlichungen. Durch die übergeordnete Betrachtungsanalyse wird der Beitrag den vielfältigen Forschungsströmungen zu Dynamic Capabilities gerecht. Auf dieser Basis wurde ein funktionaler Gestaltungsansatz für die Praxis entwickelt

    Positive Impact of Red Soil on Albedo and the Annual Yield of Bifacial Photovoltaic Systems in Ghana

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    The annual yield of bifacial photovoltaic systems is highly dependent on the albedo of the underlying soil. There are currently no published data about the albedo of red soil in western Africa. In this study, the impact of the albedo of red soil in Ghana on the energy yield of bifacial photovoltaic systems is analysed. A bifacial photovoltaic simulation model is created by combining the optical view factor matrix with an electrical output simulation. For an exact simulation, the albedo of red soil at three different locations in Ghana is measured for the first time. The average albedo of every red soil is clearly determined, as well as the measurement span including instrumentation uncertainty; values between 0.175 and 0.335 were measured. Considering these data, a state-of-the-art bifacial photovoltaic system with an average of 19.8% efficient modules in northern Ghana can achieve an annual energy yield of 508.8 kWh/m2 and a bifacial gain of up to 18.3% in comparison with monofacial photovoltaic panels. To summarise, red soil in two out of three locations in Ghana shows higher albedo values than most natural ground surfaces and therefore positively impacts the annual yield of bifacial photovoltaic systems

    ESG – Herausforderungen bei der Rückversicherung von erneuerbaren Energien

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    Die IEA prognostiziert einen Anstieg des globalen Anteils erneuerbarer Energien am Energiemix von 22,8% in 2015 auf 38,1% in 2027, begleitet von verstärktem (Rück-) Versicherungsbedarf. Sechs Herausforderungen in der Rückversicherung erneuerbarer Energien werden skizziert, darunter komplexe Underwriting-Anforderungen, zunehmende Integration von ESG-Faktoren, Bewertung der Zeichnungspolitik der Zedenten, Mangel an Schadenerfahrung, Naturkatastrophenexposition und die Anpassung von Rückversicherungsformen an die spezifischen Bedürfnisse. Die Zukunft erfordert den Aufbau von Expertise für erneuerbare Energien und eine ganzheitliche Bewertung von Schadensszenarien. Besonders im Offshore Wind Geschäft bleibt ein Druck auf Preise und Bedingungen bestehen

    Evaluacion de reservorios potenciales de carbono azul en el Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador

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    Mangrove forests have been studied broadly in the recent three decades for their outstanding ability to sequester carbon in the beneath soil and other beneficial ecosystem services. Endeavors to conserve and regenerate mangrove cover are still increasing worldwide as a mechanism to include them in NDCs and carbon markets. Therefore, decision-makers in the private and public sectors require identify possible areas for conservation and restoration prior to blue carbon project investment. Thus, an integral assessment of potential mangrove carbon reservoirs in a landscape scale, considering environmental and socioeconomic factors was performed. This study was aimed to determine areas with the highest blue carbon sequestration potential in the Gulf of Guayaquil through the construction of a Blue Carbon Potential Index (BCPI) based on Spatial Multicriteria Analysis (SMCA). A narrative integrative literature review was employed to select indicators of mangrove carbon sequestration gains and losses. These indicators were pondered following the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the judgments of two experts and reclassified in four potential categories based on their thresholds. Since no consensus was achieved in the indicator importance hierarchization, a comparative of equal weighting method and AHP weighting was implemented. The linear combination rule was used to integrate these factors into a unique-scaled index supported by a geographic Information System (GIS). The results showed that 15.82% and 16.21% of the study area belonged to high and moderate potential of blue carbon sequestration respectively. Moreover, no significant differences were found between the two weighting methods applied. The BCPI provides a comprehensive understanding of spatial distribution of blue carbon potential reservoirs and grants a quantification of this potential to prioritize conservation and restoration areas.Los manglares se han estudiado ampliamente en las tres últimas décadas por su extraordinaria capacidad para secuestrar carbono en el subsuelo y otros servicios ecosistémicos beneficiosos. Los esfuerzos por conservar y regenerar la cobertura de manglares siguen incrementando mundialmente como mecanismo para incluirlos en las NDC y los mercados de carbono. Por lo tanto, los responsables de la toma de decisiones en los sectores público y privado requieren identificar posibles áreas para la conservación y restauración previo a la inversión en proyectos de carbono azul. Por ello, se realizó una evaluación integral de potenciales reservorios de carbono en manglares a escala de paisaje, considerando factores ambientales y socioeconómicos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las áreas con mayor potencial de secuestro de carbono azul en el Golfo de Guayaquil a través de la construcción de un Índice de Potencial de Carbono Azul (BCPI) basado en el Análisis Espacial Multicriterio (AEMC). Se empleó una revisión bibliográfica narrativa integradora para seleccionar los indicadores de las ganancias y pérdidas en el secuestro de carbono de los ecosistemas de manglar. Estos indicadores se ponderaron siguiendo el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (PAJ) con los juicios de dos expertos y se reclasificaron en cuatro categorías potenciales basadas en sus umbrales. Dado que no se alcanzó un consenso en la jerarquización de la importancia de los indicadores, se realizó una comparativa entre el índice con ponderación igual y el índice con ponderación a través de PAJ. Se utilizó la regla de combinación lineal para integrar estos factores en un único índice escalado apoyado en un SIG. Los resultados mostraron que el 15,82% y el 16,21% del área de estudio pertenecían a un potencial alto y moderado de secuestro de carbono azul, respectivamente. Además, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos métodos de ponderación aplicados. El BCPI proporciona una comprensión y cuantificación de la distribución espacial de los reservorios potenciales de carbono azul para priorizar las áreas de conservación y restauración

    Peacebuilding in areas deforested by illicit coca crops in Catatumbo, Colombia: an environmental governance approach

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    The internal armed conflict in Colombia has been closely linked to the illegal exploitation of natural resources and the appropriation of territories, including the planting of illicit coca crops. This activity has led to deforestation and the degradation of natural ecosystems, aggravating the problems associated with violence and drug trafficking. Regions with little state presence, such as Catatumbo, were particularly affected. Following the signing of the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016, a post-agreement scenario emerged that highlighted the need to address complex socio-environmental conflicts in affected regions. This research aims to identify the potential of environmental governance to contribute to peacebuilding and the reduction of deforestation associated with illicit coca cultivation. A qualitative methodological approach was used in this study, which seeks to integrate research methods and techniques such as: documentary review, participant observation, semi-structured and in-depth interviews, and mapping of the current reality through the Theory U 3D mapping tool. The results include the socio-environmental context of the territory of analysis, describing the origins of the conflict of deforestation for illicit crops, where the growing dynamics of transformation of the sowing of illicit crops are related, as well as the dynamics of deforestation in the territory of analysis. Tthe identification and analysis of the most relevant actors that have historically participated in the processes of deforestation for illicit crops, their characterization according to the relations of power, interest and legitimisation legitimization. The forms of participation and conflict resolution in the management of natural resources. Considering as a contextual axis two important processes at a socio-political level in Colombia and the territory under analysis, which correspond to the consolidation of the Comprehensive Rural Reform after the peace agreement and the post-agreement context. Several intervention proposals were proposed from the perspective of environmental governance related to the reconstruction of the social fabric, the reconversion of productive systems, and the resignification of new dynamics of natural resource management. In this sense, the potential of environmental governance is discussed as a useful framework for establishing new relationships based on horizontality in which the actors possess sovereignty over the territory, participation and representativeness in the management of natural resources. Key words: Deforestation, illicit coca crops, environmental governance, forest management, peacebuilding

    Katastrophenversicherung ohne Prämienzahlung – Das Konzept der Eventualverpflichtung in der Schweiz

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    Seit den Starkniederschlägen 2021 wird in Deutschland über die Einführung einer Pflichtversicherung für Naturgefahren diskutiert. In der Schweiz besteht bereits eine Pflichtversicherung, ausgenommen für Erdbeben. Ein neuer Vorstoß plant eine "Eventualverpflichtung" für Erdbeben, bei der keine laufende Prämienzahlung erforderlich ist. Im Schadensfall tragen alle Gebäudeeigentümer zur Deckung bei. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, 99,5 Prozent der Gebäude gegen Erdbeben zu versichern. Der Plan sieht eine Prämienrate von 0,7%, Selbstbehalt von 5%, und eine Deckung von Schäden, die nur alle 500 Jahre auftreten. Während das Konzept Vorteile bietet, wie breite Abdeckung und staatsunabhängige Finanzierung, gibt es auch Bedenken hinsichtlich finanzieller Mittel und individueller Risikobetrachtung


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