8 research outputs found

    Epidemiological study of dental pathology in a group of 6–7 years old children

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    Rezumat. Scopul lucrării este evaluarea afectării odontale la un lot de copii de 6‑7 ani din municipiul Feteşti, România. Material şi metode: Studiu clinic transversal pe 121 copii (61 băieţi;vârsta medie = 7,32 ±0,36 ani). S‑au înregistrat leziunile carioase şi anomaliile de dezvoltare de tip hipomineralizare de cauză generală de la nivelul primilor molari permanenţi şi a incisivilor permanenţi (MIH). S‑au calculat: indicele de prevalenţă al cariei (Ip), indicii: dmft/s, DMFT/S şi SiC. De asemenea s‑au calculat indicii de prevalenţă pentru MIH (IpMIH), procentul de molari (nM) şi de incisivi (nI) cu MIH din numărul total de molari şi incisivi erupţi şi numărul mediu de molari (nMA) şi incisivi (nIA) cu MIH/ copil cu MIH. Rezultatele au fost prelucrate statistic. Rezultate. Ip= 91,74 %, dmft=5,56±3,25, SiC= 9,19 ±1,39, dmfs=12,79±9,84; DMFT=0,46±0,90, SiC=1,56±1,03, DMFS=0,60±1,23. Statusul primilor molari permanenţi: fără carii=70,39%, cariaţi=13,05%, marmoraţi=15,15%, obturaţi=0%, sigilaţi=1,39%. IpMIH= 4,96%. nM=5,21%, nI= 2,04%, nMA= 3,67 şi nIA= 1,83. Concluzii. Studiul subliniază necesitatea instituirii unor programe preventive locale care să se adreseze încă din primul an de şcoală elevilor si care sa contribuie la scăderea prevalenţei şi gravităţii cariei la dinţii permanenţi, în special la primii molari si la prevenirea complicaţiilor leziunilor MIH prezente în momentul erupţiei.Summary. To evaluate the dental status of 6‑7 years children from Fetesti, Romania. Material and methods. A cross‑sectional study was conducted on 121 children (61 boys, mean age 7.32±0.36 years). The carious lesions and the presence of developmental dental anomalies (hypomineralisation lesions) due to general factos on first permanent molars and permanent incisors (MIH) were recorded. There were determined: prevalence index (Ip), dmft/s, DMFT/S, SiC Index. There were also calculated: the prevalence index for MIH (IpMIH), the average number of affected molars (nAM) and incisors (nAI) per child with MIH, the percentage of affected molars (nM) and incisors (nI) within the total number of erupted molars and incisors. Data was analyzed using dedicated software. Results. Ip= 91.74 %, dmft=5.56±3.25, SiC= 9.19±1.39, dmfs=12.79±9.84; DMFT=0.46±0.90, SiC=1.56±1.03, DMFS=0.60±1.23. First permanent molars dental status: caries‑free =70.39%, decayed=13.05%, stained=15.15%, filled=0%, sealed=1.39%. IpMIH= 4.96%. nM=5.21%, nI= 2.04%, nAM= 3.67 şi nAI= 1.83. Conclusions. The study points out that prevention local programs are needed addressing schoolchildren from the first grade, in order to help decrea‑ sing caries prevalence and caries severity in permanent dentition, especially on first permanent molars and to prevent MIH lesions complications


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    Most of the teeth that require endodontic treatment have been affected by extensive caries. These weakened them, increasing their risk of fracture and making their restoration much more difficult for the dento-maxillary function to restore. Modern dentistry offers various possibilities for restoring endodontically treated teeth. The best option is selected by the clinician according to the clinical case particularities. This article is a summary of the modern methods used for restoring a lateral tooth with an endodontic treatment


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    National Health Information Systems are a widely accepted concept as a step forward for improving health services. In their simplest form, Health Information Systems are represented through Electronic Health Records (EHR) and offer a standardized storage and retrieval environment for patient information including personal data, case history, diagnostics and treatments. Such a system needs to be easy to access and use, sure, stable and standardized. Accessibility can be enhanced by using the internet to provide connectivity from anywhere and from any environment to the central database; ease of use is created by the intuitive and simplified interface. Security and stability are provided by the implementation of internationally accepted security protocols and the choice of a non-vulnerable database and operating system. Standardization is created by introducing international systems design standards, as well as diagnostic and treatment codes. Used nationally (and in the nearby future, internationally), the systems may contribute to research and development of new treatments and standardizing current practices

    Combined solid-state NMR, FT-IR and computational studies on layered and porous materials

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