42 research outputs found

    Responding to COVID‐19 through Surveys of Public Servants

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    Responding to COVID‐19 presents unprecedented challenges for public sector practitioners. Addressing those challenges requires knowledge about the problems that public sector workers face. This Viewpoint essay argues that timely, up‐to‐date surveys of public sector workers are essential tools for identifying problems, resolving bottlenecks, and enabling public sector workers to operate effectively during and in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. This essay presents the COVID‐19 Survey of Public Servants, which is currently being rolled out in several countries by the Global Survey of Public Servants Consortium to assist governments in strategically compiling evidence to operate effectively during the COVID‐19 pandemic

    On-surface self-organization of a robust metal-organic cluster based on copper(i) with chloride and organosulphur ligands

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    Direct sublimation of a Cu4Cl4 metal-organic cluster on Cu(110) under ultra-high vacuum allows the formation of ultra-large well-organized metal-organic supramolecular wires. Our results show that the large monomers assemble with each other by π-π interactions connecting dipyrimidine units and are stabilized by the surfaceWe thank Spanish MINECO (Grants: MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, MAT2013-47878-C2-1-R and MAT2011-26534) for financial support. JIM acknowledges a CSIC-JaeDoc fellowship, cofunded by ES

    Break-taking behaviour pattern of long-distance freight vehicles based on GPS trajectory data

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    This paper focuses on the break-taking behaviour pattern of long-distance freight vehicles, providing a new perspective on the study of behaviour patterns and simultaneously providing a reference for transport management departments and related enterprises. Based on Global Positioning System (GPS) trajectory data, we select stopping points as break-taking sites of long-distance freight vehicles and then classify the stopping points into three different classes based on the break-taking duration. We then explore the relationship of the distribution of the break-taking frequency between the three single classifications and their combinations, on the basis of the break-taking duration distribution. We find that the combination is a Gaussian distribution when each of the three individual classes is a Gaussian distribution, contrasting with the power-law distribution of the break-taking duration. Then we experimental analysis the distribution of the break-taking durations and frequencies, and find that, for the durations, the three single classifications can be fitted individually by an Exponential distribution and together by a Power-law distribution, for the frequencies, both the three single classifications and together can be fitted by a Gaussian distribution,so that can validate the above theoretical analysis. Key words: break-taking behaviour, long-distance freight vehicle, statistical analysi

    Revealing Repton: bringing landscape to life at Sheringham Park

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    The year 2012 marked 200 years since Humphry Repton (1752–1818) produced his design for Sheringham Park in north Norfolk, bound as one of his Red Books. On paper, Repton is England’s best-known and most influential landscape gardener. On the ground, his work is much harder to identify, focused as it was on light touches that equated more to landscape makeover than the landscape making of his predecessor Lancelot “Capability” Brown. This paper documents and evaluates a project that celebrated this bicentenary through a temporary exhibition within the visitor centre of Sheringham Park, whilst also making reference to the commemoration of his work in other places and on paper. In attempting to reveal Repton at Sheringham, we explore the context of the 1812 commission and the longer landscape history of the site, as well as the different methods of representing Repton on site that are open to site owners and managers

    How land use/land cover changes can affect water, flooding and sedimentation in a tropical watershed: a case study using distributed modeling in the Upper Citarum watershed, Indonesia

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    [EN] Human activity has produced severe LULC changes within the Upper Citarum watershed and these changes are predicted to continue in the future. With an increase in population parallel to a 141% increment in urban areas, a reduction of rice fields and the replacement of forests with cultivations have been found in the past. Accordingly, LCM model was used to forecast the LULC in 2029. A distributed model called TETIS was implemented in the Upper Citarum watershed to assess the impact of the different historical and future LULC scenarios on its water and sediment cycles. This model was calibrated and validated with different LULCs. For the implementation of the sediment sub-model, it was crucial to use the bathymetric information of the reservoir located at the catchment's outlet. Deforestation and urbanization have been shown to be the most influential factors affecting the alteration of the hydrological and sedimentological processes in the Upper Citarum watershed. The change of LULC decreases evapotranspiration and as a direct consequence, the water yield increased by 15% and 40% during the periods 1994-2014 and 2014-2029, respectively. These increments are caused by the rise of three components in the runoff: overland flow, interflow and base flow. Apart from that, these changes in LULC increased the area of non-tolerable erosion from 412 km(2) in 1994 to 499 km(2) in 2029. The mean sediment yield increased from 3.1 Mton -yr(-1) in the 1994 LULC scenario to 6.7 Mton-yr(-1) in the 2029 LULC scenario. An increment of this magnitude will be catastrophic for the operation of the Saguling Dam.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the research projects TETISMED (CGL2014-58,127-C3-3-R) and TETISCHANGE (RTI2018-093717-B-I00). The authors are also thankful to the Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia (DIKTI) for the Ph.D. funding of the first author.Siswanto, SY.; Francés, F. (2019). How land use/land cover changes can affect water, flooding and sedimentation in a tropical watershed: a case study using distributed modeling in the Upper Citarum watershed, Indonesia. Environmental Earth Sciences. 78(17):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8561-0S115781

    Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research

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    Research gaps in understanding flood changes at the catchment scale caused by changes in forest management, agricultural practices, artificial drainage and terracing are identified. Potential strategies in addressing these gaps are proposed, such as complex systems approaches to link processes across time scales, long-term experiments on physical-chemical-biological process interactions, and a focus on connectivity and patterns across spatial scales. It is suggested that these strategies will stimulate new research that coherently addresses the issues across hydrology, soil and agricultural sciences, forest engineering, forest ecology and geomorphology

    Inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Lambayeque, PerĂș). Mayo-junio de 2010.

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    Background. Emotional intelligence provides a practical way the differences in the degree to which individuals use emotional information and integrate it into their thinking, which may have important effects on performance in medical school, although few studies have been conducted so far. Objectives. To know the level of emotional intelligence to undergraduate students of Human Medicine of the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University. Results. There were scores of 242 students, of which 46,3% had adequate levels of attention, 52,5% of comprehension and 60,3% of regulation. There were differences by age, sex and year of study. Conclusions. This study provides information which indicates that there are adequate levels of IE in most medical students, also establishes differences variables such as age, sex and year of study.Antecedentes. La inteligencia emocional de manera prĂĄctica establece las diferencias en el grado en que los individuos usan la informaciĂłn afectiva y la integran en su pensamiento; esto puede tener importantes efectos en el rendimiento en la escuela mĂ©dica, aunque se han realizado pocos estudios hasta ahora. Objetivos. Conocer el nivel de inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de pregrado de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (UNPRG). MĂ©todo. Todos los estudiantes de medicina de la UNPRG fueron invitados a desarrollar la TMMS-24, un indicador de los niveles de inteligencia emocional. Resultados. Se obtuvieron resultados de 242 estudiantes; de los que el 46,3% presentĂł niveles adecuados de percepciĂłn, el 52,5% de comprensiĂłn y el 60,3% de regulaciĂłn. Se encontraron diferencias segĂșn edad, sexo y año de estudios. Conclusiones. Este estudio proporciona informaciĂłn que indica que existen niveles adecuados de IE en la mayorĂ­a de estudiantes de medicina; ademĂĄs establece diferencias segĂșn variables como la edad, el sexo y el año de estudios

    EmpatĂ­a en estudiantes de medicina humana de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo. Mayo- Junio del 2011

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    Objective: To compare the mean scores of empathy in medicine students from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, according to sex, age, year of study and medical especialty to follow. Methods: Cross- sectional descriptive study done in 183 medicine students from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo. The Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale was used to measure empathy, and data analysis was done using SPSS 19.0. Results: Greater empathy scores were obtained in men than in women. When comparing age groups, students <25 years obtained greater scores than those . 25years. According to the year of study, we found greater empathy scores in third year students compared to fourth and sixth year students. Specialties linked to the patient obtained greater scores than those who weren't linked to the patient. Besides, 60 men (75 %) and 66 students (82.5 %) of the age group < 25 years reached adequate levels of empathy. Likewise, 32 students (50.8 %) of third year and 43 (53.8 %) ofspecialties linked to the patient obtained adequate levels of empathy. Conclusions: There are greater empathy scores in male students, of the age group <25 years, that are currently in third year and who chose a specialty linked to the patient, with no statistical significance found. Besides, being a man, having <25 years, being in third year and choosing specialties linked to the patient, may be a protective factor for developing adequate levels of empathy, with no confidence intervals found.Comparar los promedios de las puntuaciones de empatia en estudiantes de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, segun sexo, edad, ano de estudios y especialidad medica a seguir. Material y Metodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 183 estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo. Se utilizo la Escala de Empatia Medica de Jefferson para medir la empatia; se realizo el analisis de datos con SPSS 19.0. Resultados: Se obtuvieron mayores puntuaciones de empatia en los hombres que en las mujeres. Al comparar los grupos de edad, estudiantes <25 anos obtuvieron mayores puntuaciones que aquellos .25 anos. Segun el ano de estudio, se encontraron mayores puntuaciones de empatia en los estudiantes de tercer ano con relacion a los de cuarto ano y de sexto ano. Especialidades ïżœgvinculadas al pacienteïżœh obtuvieron mayores puntuaciones que aquellas ïżœgno vinculadas al pacienteïżœh. Ademas, 60 hombres (75%) y 66 estudiantes (82,5%) del grupo de edad <25 anos alcanzaron niveles adecuados de empatia. Asi mismo, 32 estudiantes (50,8%) de 3o ano y 43 (53,8%) de especialidades ïżœgvinculadas al pacienteïżœh obtuvieron niveles adecuados de empatia. Conclusiones: Existen mayores puntuaciones de empatia en estudiantes varones, del grupo de edad <25 anos, que cursan el 3o ano y que eligieron especialidad ïżœgvinculadas al pacienteïżœh, no hallandose significacion estadistica. Ademas, ser hombre, tener <25 anos, cursar el 3o ano y elegir especialidades ïżœgvinculadas al pacienteïżœh, podria ser factor protector para desarrollar niveles adecuados de empatia, no hallandose intervalos de confianza significativos

    Agriculture and Food System

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    Our vision for the food system is to supply all people living in Switzerland with healthy food meeting their demands for nutrients and well-being in a sustainable way. The latter must allow the following generations to produce enough food for them with the same intensity. It is a food system in which producers get recognition for their important work, have a fulfilling job with a good income. Consumers have access to food but also education about nutrition, the way food is produced and processed and best also about how it is handled and experienced in a cultural context. A sustainable and healthy diet is the focus of all policy measures proposed. These changes are part of a policy framework which supports climate friendly production practices, shifts subsidies in the direction of a plant-based diet and allows us to get away from the dependence on highly polluting methods. Its aim is to enable a sustainable food production considering the evident complexity of the issue and the relations and interactions between agriculture, the environment, society and the economy. It is essential that the issues are addressed in all the proposed fields at the same time. If we omit one of these points, or concentrate only on certain, we run the risk that it can negatively compensate all the efforts in the other fields. A sustainable diet consists of a much larger share of plant based products, compared to today’s consumption patterns. Animal products in the diet will be reduced to one third compared to the present situation. Luxury and unhealthy food items like alcohol, sweets, chocolate, cocoa will have a much lower share in our diet and thus reduce fatalities due to illness caused by malnutrition. Switzerland will further use grasslands for animal production. Ruminant production in Switzerland will be regulated by the amount of grassland available and fodder imports or domestic fodder production will be cut to zero. Greenhouses in Switzerland are only heated by waste energy from industrial processes or if really needed by renewable local energy. Agricultural practice will follow guidelines for an optimized production from an environmental point of view while considering global food security and social justice and not to optimize profit rates. The ecosystem boundaries shall be at the basis of decision making with technical, social and economic aspects adjusted accordingly. The integration and common long-term vision of a sustainable food system must be shared by all stakeholders namely farmers, the processing industry, retailers, consumers and politicians. Future development shall be characterized by a common understanding and a common will for sustainable solutions