48 research outputs found

    Inclusi贸n de docentes con discapacidad en el sistema educativo ecuatoriano. Una revisi贸n sistem谩tica

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    The objective of this article was to analyze under what circumstances the inclusion of teachers with disabilities in the Ecuadorian educational system has occurred, being pertinent for this from a systematic review to identify the key points and challenges that these teachers have faced in their training process and as professionals. The methodology of this article was directed from a non-experimental design of basic level; As for the modality of the research, it was documentary, taking into consideration that it was worth a systematic review to contrast what has happened on the inclusion of teachers with disabilities; Regarding the scope of the study, it was descriptive, taking into consideration that an in-depth investigation of the object of study was required, being pertinent to evaluate contributions made by other authors at the international, regional and local levels; No less important, the focus of the study was qualitative, which allowed the results to be presented in detail. The results obtained reflected that the limitations towards teachers with disabilities are several both in the region and worldwide, given that it is still common to identify dynamics of discrimination and ableism. It is concluded that given the lack of research in the Ecuadorian context on the inclusion of teachers with disabilities, it is not possible to list the challenges that these teachers face in their previous process (teacher training) and when exercising their profession, which generates uncertainty if contrasted with the challenges, limitations, gaps and discrimination El objetivo de este art铆culo se direccion贸 a analizar bajo qu茅 circunstancias se ha dado la inclusi贸n de docentes con discapacidad en el sistema educativo ecuatoriano, siendo pertinente para esto a partir de una revisi贸n sistem谩tica para identificar los puntos clave y desaf铆os que han afrontado estos maestros en su proceso de formaci贸n y como profesionales. La metodolog铆a del presente art铆culo se direccion贸 desde un dise帽o no experimental de nivel b谩sico; en cuanto a la modalidad de la investigaci贸n fue de tipo documental, teniendo en consideraci贸n que se preci贸 de una revisi贸n sistem谩tica para efectuar el contraste de lo que ha acontecido sobre la inclusi贸n de docentes con discapacidad; respecto al alcance de estudio fue descriptivo, teniendo en consideraci贸n que se precis贸 de una indagaci贸n a profundidad sobre el objeto de estudio, siendo pertinente evaluar aportes realizados desde otros autores a nivel internacional, regional y local; no menos importante el enfoque del estudio fue cualitativo, lo cual permiti贸 exponer los resultados de manera detallada. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron que las limitaciones hacia los docentes con discapacidad son varios tanto en la regi贸n como a nivel mundial, dado a que es com煤n a煤n identificar din谩micas de discriminaci贸n y capacitismo. Se concluye que dado a la carencia de investigaciones en el contexto ecuatoriano sobre la inclusi贸n de docentes con discapacidad, no es posible enlistar los desaf铆os que estos maestros enfrentan su proceso previo (formaci贸n como docentes)    &nbsp

    App de Entretenimiento Interactivo - LOUD

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n muestra un modelo de negocio innovador y escalable, el cual consiste en una aplicaci贸n m贸vil de entretenimiento interactivo a trav茅s de videollamadas denominada LOUD App. Esta app posee funcionalidades diferentes a las aplicaciones convencionales que existen en el mercado, ya que cuenta con opciones como karaoke, m煤sica compartida, juegos en l铆nea y conciertos en vivo que buscan entretener al p煤blico objetivo. El segmento de clientes al que se dirige est谩 compuesto por personas pertenecientes al NSE A, B y C, entre los 20 y 39 a帽os que residan en Lima y posean celulares con conexi贸n a internet. Esta idea de negocio naci贸 en la 茅poca de pandemia por la COVID-19 debido a que se detect贸 un problema referido a las limitadas opciones de entretenimiento interactivo online. Este modelo de negocio ha sido validado en el mercado gracias a experimentos como Mockups, entrevistas, concierge de todas las funcionalidades de la app, entre otros. Asimismo, se ha elaborado la planificaci贸n y desarrollo de diversos aspectos como ventas, recursos humanos, operaciones, marketing, financiero y responsabilidad social empresarial que son requeridos para poner en marcha un negocio. En este sentido, a trav茅s de la elaboraci贸n de este proyecto, se ha podido comprobar que LOUD es un modelo de negocio rentable y que posee una ventaja competitiva diferenciadora en el mercado.This research work shows an innovative and scalable business model, which consists of a mobile application for interactive entertainment through video calls called LOUD App. This app has different functionalities than conventional applications that exist in the market, since it has with options such as karaoke, shared music, online games and live concerts that seek to entertain the target audience. The customer segment it is aimed at is made up of people belonging to NSE A, B and C, between 20 and 39 years old who reside in Lima and have cell phones with internet connection. This business idea was born at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic because a problem was detected regarding the limited options for interactive online entertainment. This business model has been validated in the market thanks to experiments such as mockups, interviews, concierge of all the functionalities of the app, among others. Likewise, the planning and development of various aspects such as sales, human resources, operations, marketing, financial and corporate social responsibility that are required to start a business have been prepared. In this sense, through the elaboration of this project, it has been possible to verify that LOUD is a profitable business model and that it has a differentiating competitive advantage in the market.Trabajo de investigaci贸

    Shampoo S贸lido: Eko Care

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    El presente proyecto tiene como creaci贸n a la idea de negocio llamada Eko-Care con la finalidad de ofrecer un producto innovador y ecoamigable. El shampoo s贸lido ser谩 un producto diferenciado en nuestro mercado objetivo, ya que queremos promover un estilo de vida y cuidado personal sostenible. Se considera que el mercado objetivo son mujeres entre 18 y 39 a帽os de edad de Lima metropolitana pertenecientes a los sectores econ贸micos A y B con afinidad ecol贸gica y cuidado personal, porque creemos que cuentan con la disposici贸n de pago al valor agregado que tiene nuestros shampoos s贸lidos. Asimismo, Ekocare cuenta con tres tipos de shampoo: Tinturado, Todo Tipo y Anticaspa y Antica铆da con dos presentaciones; simple y box. El plan de marketing que Ekocare empleara a sus clientes potenciales son campa帽as y promociones mensuales mediante ventas online de todas las redes sociales y ferias. Asimismo, se busca el posicionamiento de la marca y el cumplimiento de los objetivos. El plan de operaciones se estableci贸 en el macroproceso diversas actividades claves enfocados en cumplir con nuestros clientes manteniendo una adecuada relaci贸n con los proveedores y la calidad del producto. En el plan financiero, la inversi贸n inicial ser谩 S/26 000 soles donde el 70% aportado por los socios del negocio y el 30% por el nuevo inversor para Eko-care.The present project has as its creation the business idea called Eko-Care in order to offer an innovative and eco-friendly product. The solid shampoo will be a differentiated product in our target market, since we want to promote a sustainable lifestyle and personal care. The target market is considered to be women between 18 and 39 years of age in metropolitan Lima belonging to economic sectors A and B with ecological affinity and personal care, because we believe that they have the provision of payment to the added value that our solid shampoos have . Likewise, Ekocare has three types of shampoo: Dyeing, All Kinds and Anti-Dandruff and Fall Protection with two presentations; simple and box. The marketing plan that Ekocare will employ its potential clients are monthly campaigns and promotions through online sales of all social networks and fairs. Likewise, the positioning of the brand and the fulfillment of the objectives are sought. The operations plan was established in the macroprocess several key activities focused on meeting our customers maintaining an adequate relationship with suppliers and product quality. In the financial plan, the initial investment will be S / 26,000 soles where 70% contributed by the business partners and 30% by the new investor for Eko-care.Trabajo de investigaci贸

    Educaci贸n inclusiva en la educaci贸n superior

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    The objective of the article is aimed at analyzing how inclusive education is in higher education, being possible to make a contrast at the local level that is, Ecuador, the region and the world on how it has been managing this right towards a segment of the population that for many years was neglected and lacking opportunities for social insertion. At the methodological level, this systematic review was under a non-experimental design, scope of this descriptive research, modality of documentary study, and a qualitative approach; Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to identify the articles that are most related to the focus of this systematic review, so we worked on the analysis of four investigations in which the subject is addressed from a local, national, regional and international perspective. The results reflect that there are still challenges such as ableism that is generated from society, where the capabilities and abilities of this segment of people are questioned. It was concluded that there are still many aspects that must be improved in legislative, institutional and societal matters, these taking into consideration that there are important challenges that must be taken into consideration to generate a change of perspective in which the capabilities of these people are not questioned or underestimated,  I am given that there are already policy proposals, as well as educational curricula to meet the diversity of students, only in this way, would it be possible to have a more inclusive educational system.El objetivo del art铆culo va encaminado a analizar c贸mo es la educaci贸n inclusiva en la educaci贸n superior, siendo posible efectuar un contraste a nivel local es decir Ecuador, la regi贸n y el mundo sobre como ha venido gestionando este derecho hacia un segmento de la poblaci贸n que durante muchos a帽os qued贸 desatendido y con carencia de oportunidades de inserci贸n social. A nivel metodol贸gico, esta revisi贸n sistem谩tica fue bajo un dise帽o no experimental, alcance de esta investigaci贸n descriptivo, modalidad de estudio documental, y un enfoque cualitativo; se aplicaron criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n para identificar los art铆culos que tengan mayor relaci贸n con el enfoque del presente an谩lisis sistem谩tico, por lo que se trabaj贸 en el an谩lisis de cuatro investigaciones en las que se aborda la tem谩tica desde una perspectiva local, nacional, regional e internacional. Los resultados reflejan que, a煤n existen retos como por ejemplo el capacitismo que se genera desde la sociedad, donde se pone en tela de duda las capacidades y habilidades de este segmento de personas. Se concluy贸 que a煤n se perciben tambi茅n muchos aspectos que deben mejorarse en materia legislativa, institucional y a nivel de la sociedad, estos teniendo en consideraci贸n que existes desaf铆os importantes que se tienen que tener en consideraci贸n para generar un cambio de perspectiva en el que no se cuestione o subestimen las capacidades de estas personas, estoy dado a que ya existen las propuestas de pol铆ticas, as铆 como curr铆culos educativos para atender a la diversidad de estudiantes, solo de esta manera, se lograr铆a tener un sistema educativo m谩s inclusivo

    Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones

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    River ecosystems receive and process vast quantities of terrestrial organic carbon, the fate of which depends strongly on microbial activity. Variation in and controls of processing rates, however, are poorly characterized at the global scale. In response, we used a peer-sourced research network and a highly standardized carbon processing assay to conduct a global-scale field experiment in greater than 1000 river and riparian sites. We found that Earth's biomes have distinct carbon processing signatures. Slow processing is evident across latitudes, whereas rapid rates are restricted to lower latitudes. Both the mean rate and variability decline with latitude, suggesting temperature constraints toward the poles and greater roles for other environmental drivers (e.g., nutrient loading) toward the equator. These results and data set the stage for unprecedented "next-generation biomonitoring" by establishing baselines to help quantify environmental impacts to the functioning of ecosystems at a global scale.peerReviewe

    Prevalence of urinary tract infections according to type, age, clinical manifestations by stages of pregnancy in the Regional Hospital of Ica

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    El estudio fue prevalencia de infecciones del tracto urinario seg煤n tipo, edad y manifestaciones cl铆nicas por etapas de embarazo en el hospital regional de Ica 2018 - 2020. Metodolog铆a: estudio epidemiol贸gico, descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal y no experimental. fue 1616 gestantes. Resultados: mayor prevalencia 2017 cistitis tercer trimestre. En 2018 y 2019 la B.A tercer trimestre, 2020 la B.A en el segundo trimestre. Tipo de ITU y edad de gestantes 2017 cistitis 18 a 29 a帽os, 2018 - 2020 B.A 18 a 29 a帽os. Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas, 2017, la disuria, polaquiuria, tenesmo vesical, 2018 y 2020 la disuria tercer trimestre. En 2019 disuria y polaquiuria tercer trimestre. Conclusi贸n, mayor prevalencia cistitis en el tercer trimestre. El Tipo de ITU y edad de fue B.A entre las edades de 18 a 19 a帽os. Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas fue disuria y polaquiuriaThe study was prevalence of urinary tract infections according to type, age and clinical manifestations by stages of pregnancy in the regional hospital of Ica 2018 - 2020. Methodology: epidemiological, descriptive, retrospective, retrospective, cross-sectional and non-experimental study. was 1616 pregnant women. Results: higher prevalence 2017 third trimester cystitis. In 2018 and 2019 the B.A third trimester, 2020 the B.A in the second trimester. Type of UTI and age of pregnant women 2017 cystitis 18 to 29 years, 2018 - 2020 B.A 18 to 29 years. Clinical manifestations, 2017, dysuria, pollakiuria, bladder urgency, 2018 and 2020 dysuria third trimester. In 2019 dysuria and pollakiuria third trimester. Conclusion, higher prevalence cystitis in the third trimester. The Type of UTI and age of was B.A between the ages of 18 to 19 years. The clinical manifestations were dysuria and pollakiuri

    Prevalence of urinary tract infections according to type, age, clinical manifestations by stages of pregnancy in the Regional Hospital of Ica

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    El estudio fue prevalencia de infecciones del tracto urinario seg煤n tipo, edad y manifestaciones cl铆nicas por etapas de embarazo en el hospital regional de Ica 2018 - 2020. Metodolog铆a: estudio epidemiol贸gico, descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal y no experimental. fue 1616 gestantes. Resultados: mayor prevalencia 2017 cistitis tercer trimestre. En 2018 y 2019 la B.A tercer trimestre, 2020 la B.A en el segundo trimestre. Tipo de ITU y edad de gestantes 2017 cistitis 18 a 29 a帽os, 2018 - 2020 B.A 18 a 29 a帽os. Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas, 2017, la disuria, polaquiuria, tenesmo vesical, 2018 y 2020 la disuria tercer trimestre. En 2019 disuria y polaquiuria tercer trimestre. Conclusi贸n, mayor prevalencia cistitis en el tercer trimestre. El Tipo de ITU y edad de fue B.A entre las edades de 18 a 19 a帽os. Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas fue disuria y polaquiuriaThe study was prevalence of urinary tract infections according to type, age and clinical manifestations by stages of pregnancy in the regional hospital of Ica 2018 - 2020. Methodology: epidemiological, descriptive, retrospective, retrospective, cross-sectional and non-experimental study. was 1616 pregnant women. Results: higher prevalence 2017 third trimester cystitis. In 2018 and 2019 the B.A third trimester, 2020 the B.A in the second trimester. Type of UTI and age of pregnant women 2017 cystitis 18 to 29 years, 2018 - 2020 B.A 18 to 29 years. Clinical manifestations, 2017, dysuria, pollakiuria, bladder urgency, 2018 and 2020 dysuria third trimester. In 2019 dysuria and pollakiuria third trimester. Conclusion, higher prevalence cystitis in the third trimester. The Type of UTI and age of was B.A between the ages of 18 to 19 years. The clinical manifestations were dysuria and pollakiuri