152 research outputs found
Att åstadkomma inriktning och samordning - 7 analyser utifrån hanteringen av skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014
I antologin får du ta del av sju olika analyser av det utmanande arbetet med att åstadkomma inriktning och samordning av samhällets resurser i samband med skogsbranden. Publikationen är ett utvecklingsbidrag och är tänkt att ge vägledning till förbättrad förmåga att hantera framtidens samhällsstörningar. Bakom texterna står sju olika författare som utgått från ambitionen att publicera ett transparant resonemang där slutsatserna är välgrundade och tillämpliga, såväl ur ett praktiskt som ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv. Arbetet utgår från vetenskaplig metodik och grundas bland annat i ett stort antal intervjuer. Flera av författarna var dessutom närvarande under den akuta hanteringen och kunde på detta sätt samla in värdefull data. Målgruppen för materialet är alla de som på olika sätt är intresserade av utvecklingsfrågor inom området ledning och samverkan
Deaths Among Adult Patients with Hypopituitarism: Hypocortisolism During Acute Stress, and De Novo Malignant Brain Tumors Contribute to an Increased Mortality.
Context:Patients with hypopituitarism have an increased standardized mortality rate. The basis for this has not been fully clarified.Objective:To investigate in detail the cause of death in a large cohort of patients with hypopituitarism subjected to long-term follow-up.Design and Methods:All-cause and cause-specific mortality in 1286 Swedish patients with hypopituitarism prospectively monitored in KIMS (Pfizer International Metabolic Database) 1995-2009 were compared to general population data in the Swedish National Cause of Death Registry. In addition, events reported in KIMS, medical records, and postmortem reports were reviewed.Main Outcome Measures:Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) were calculated, with stratification for gender, attained age, and calendar year during follow-up.Results:An excess mortality was found, 120 deaths vs 84.3 expected, SMR 1.42 (95% confidence interval: 1.18-1.70). Infections, brain cancer, and sudden death were associated with significantly increased SMRs (6.32, 9.40, and 4.10, respectively). Fifteen patients, all ACTH-deficient, died from infections. Eight of these patients were considered to be in a state of adrenal crisis in connection with death (medical reports and post-mortem examinations). Another 8 patients died from de novo malignant brain tumors, 6 of which had had a benign pituitary lesion at baseline. Six of these 8 subjects had received prior radiation therapy.Conclusion:Two important causes of excess mortality were identified: first, adrenal crisis in response to acute stress and intercurrent illness; second, increased risk of a late appearance of de novo malignant brain tumors in patients who previously received radiotherapy. Both of these causes may be in part preventable by changes in the management of pituitary disease
Outbreak of Pneumonia in the Setting of Fatal Pneumococcal Meningitis among US Army Trainees: Potential Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Compared to the civilian population, military trainees are often at increased risk for respiratory infections. We investigated an outbreak of radiologically-confirmed pneumonia that was recognized after 2 fatal cases of serotype 7F pneumococcal meningitis were reported in a 303-person military trainee company (Alpha Company).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We reviewed surveillance data on pneumonia and febrile respiratory illness at the training facility; conducted chart reviews for cases of radiologically-confirmed pneumonia; and administered surveys and collected nasopharyngeal swabs from trainees in the outbreak battalion (Alpha and Hotel Companies), associated training staff, and trainees newly joining the battalion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among Alpha and Hotel Company trainees, the average weekly attack rates of radiologically-confirmed pneumonia were 1.4% and 1.2% (most other companies at FLW: 0-0.4%). The pneumococcal carriage rate among all Alpha Company trainees was 15% with a predominance of serotypes 7F and 3. <it>Chlamydia pneumoniae </it>was identified from 31% of specimens collected from Alpha Company trainees with respiratory symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the etiology of the outbreak remains unclear, the identification of both <it>S. pneumoniae </it>and <it>C. pneumoniae </it>among trainees suggests that both pathogens may have contributed either independently or as cofactors to the observed increased incidence of pneumonia in the outbreak battalion and should be considered as possible etiologies in outbreaks of pneumonia in the military population.</p
The partial element equivalent circuit method : modeling and experimental verification of PCB structures
To help products comply with international Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)regulations or as a help in a design process numerical simulation of electromagnetic (EM) characteristics are a valuable tool. With the development of high-speed computers the complexity of EM simulation programs and the systems they can simulate has increased considerable. But still, problems must be partitioned due to computer resource and/or EM simulation technique limitations. In this thesis, four different EM simulation techniques are described and the nature of these are discussed. The focus is on the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method for which the following improvements and investigations have been proposed in the enclosed papers. First, a recent proposed formulation for the direct simulation of the radiated electric field from a device is compared against traditional post-processing equations and measurements. The results show that the proposed direct method, the electric field sensor, is unreliable for arbitrarily implementations since the length of the sensor strongly affects the results. Second, a technique to obtain simplified PEEC models are presented. The first step is to use a discretisation procedure where partial elements with small effect on the complete PEEC model are excluded. Then, instead of using numerical integration, closed-form equations are used to calculate the partial elements. The obtained simplified PEEC models are shown to comply well against measurements. Third, an introductory paper to the PEEC method is presented. The international interest for the method has been gaining rapidly for the past years resulting in considerable progress for the technique. But, in the Nordic countries the research effort has been low. The paper presents the technique using simple antenna examples, both printed and free space, and illustrations. For verification, simulations have been compared against analytical solutions and measurements.Godkänd; 2001; 20070314 (ysko
Electromagnetic simulations using the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) approach
Godkänd; 2003; Bibliografisk uppgift: Titel på proceedings: Proceedings of PIERS; 20061022 (ysko
Electromagnetic modeling using the partial element equivalent circuit method
This thesis presents contributions within the field of numerical simulations of electromagnetic properties using the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) method. Numerical simulations of electromagnetic properties are of high industrial interest. The two major fields of use are to ensure compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations and to verify functionality in electronic designs. International EMC regulations bounds companies that develop or assemble electric products to market products that are electromagnetic compatible with other products in their environment. Failure to comply with regulations can result in products withdrawal and fines. To avoid incompatibility, numerical simulations can be used to improve EMC characteristics in the development and assembly stage in a cost efficient way. Functionality of today's compact high-performance electronic systems can be affected by unwanted internal electromagnetic effects. The result can be degradation of performance, malfunction, and product damage. Numerical simulations are used to predict electromagnetic effects at the design phase, thus minimizing the need for post-production actions delaying product releases and increasing product cost. At the Embedded Internet System Laboratory (EISLAB), Luleå University of Technology, a project concerning numerical simulations of electromagnetic properties in electric systems using the PEEC method is in progress. This thesis focuses on the development of the PEEC method for practical use, thus demanding optimal performance of the basic sections within a PEEC based electromagnetic solver in terms of speed and accuracy. In the PEEC method, the two most demanding sections are the partial element calculations and the solution of the final equation system. The latter problem is a pure mathematical problem with continuous progress while the partial coefficient calculations require further research. This thesis proposes several techniques for efficient partial element calculations. First, a discretization strategy is used for one-layer structures to enable the use of fast analytic formulas and the resulting simplified PEEC models are solved using a freeware version of SPICE, exemplifying the accessibility of the PEEC method. Second, a fast multi- function method is proposed in which different order of numerical integration is used, in the calculation of the partial elements, depending on a predefined coupling factor. Third, the fast multi-function method is further developed and compared to a fast multipole method applied to partial element calculations. Fourth, the calculation of the three- dimensional node coefficients of potential is addressed and three novel approaches are presented and evaluated in terms of speed and accuracy. The thesis includes a paper dealing with nonorthogonal PEEC models. This model extension allows the use of nonorthogonal volume and surface cells in the discretization of objects. This facilitates the modeling of realistic complex structures, improves accuracy by reducing the use of staircase- approximations, and reduces the number of cells in the PEEC model discretizations. The nonorthogonal formulation excludes the use of analytical formulas thus make topical the use of fast multi-function- and multipole-methods. The fundamentals of the PEEC method makes free-space radiation analysis computationally efficient. Radiated field characterization is important in EMC processes and therefore of great interest. One paper in this thesis explore different possibilities to use PEEC model simulations to determine the electric field emissions from objects.Godkänd; 2003; 20061022 (ysko
Electromagnetic simulations using the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) approach
Godkänd; 2003; Bibliografisk uppgift: Titel på proceedings: Proceedings of PIERS; 20061022 (ysko
Katakri 2020 auditointityökalun osa-alue I:n hyödyntäminen arvioitaessa yrityksen teknistä tietoturvallisuutta
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutustua Katakri osa-alue I:n asettamiin turvallisuusvaatimuksiin, ja tuottaa näihin vaatimuksiin perustuvan käytännön ohjeen uusille työntekijöille. Toimeksiantaja KPMG oli ottamassa käyttöön uusinta versiota Katakrista, ja varsinaista käyttöohjetta työkalulle ei ollut. Käyttöohje koettiin tarpeelliseksi, niin uusien työntekijöiden perehdyttämiseen, kuin yhtenäisten prosessien varmistamiseksi.
Opinnäytetyössä katsottiin Katakria yleisesti ja osa-alue I:n sisältämiä vaatimuksia tarkemmin. Näiden lisäksi katettiin tietojen turvallisuusluokittelua, arviointimenetelmiä, sekä perehdyttiin teoriaan käyttöohjeen kirjoittamisesta. Työn merkittävimpinä lähteinä toimi Ulkoministeriön ja Liikenne- ja Viestintäviraston tuottama materiaali.
Kehittämistehtävässä tutustuttiin Katakri 2020 – työkaluun kirjallisen materiaalin, osallistuvan havainnoinnin, sekä haastatteluiden avulla. Kattavan perehtymisen jälkeen suunniteltiin käyttöohjeen rakenne, huomioiden kaikki tarpeelliset ja tärkeimmät näkökulmat ja toimenpiteet.
Käyttöohjeen sisällön kirjoittaminen osoittautui arvioitua pidemmäksi prosessiksi. Vaikka käyttöohjeen sisältö ei täysin valmistunut opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana, suunniteltiin rakenne ja hankittiin kattavasti taustamateriaalia käyttöohjeen viimeistelyyn. Käyttöohje tulee täyttämään työlle asetetut tavoitteet ja on hyödyllinen toimeksiantajalle. Ennen kaikkea kehittämistyö on auttanut opinnäytetyön kirjoittajaa perehtymään aiheeseen, tuoden varmuutta juuri alkaneeseen työsuhteeseen
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