263 research outputs found

    Visual Cells Remember Earlier Applied Target: Plasticity of Orientation Selectivity

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    BACKGROUND: A canonical proposition states that, in mature brain, neurons responsive to sensory stimuli are tuned to specific properties installed shortly after birth. It is amply demonstrated that that neurons in adult visual cortex of cats are orientation-selective that is they respond with the highest firing rates to preferred oriented stimuli. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In anesthetized cats, prepared in a conventional fashion for single cell recordings, the present investigation shows that presenting a stimulus uninterruptedly at a non-preferred orientation for twelve minutes induces changes in orientation preference. Across all conditions orientation tuning curves were investigated using a trial by trial method. Contrary to what has been previously reported with shorter adaptation duration, twelve minutes of adaptation induces mostly attractive shifts, i.e. toward the adapter. After a recovery period allowing neurons to restore their original orientation tuning curves, we carried out a second adaptation which produced three major results: (1) more frequent attractive shifts, (2) an increase of their magnitude, and (3) an additional enhancement of responses at the new or acquired preferred orientation. Additionally, we also show that the direction of shifts depends on the duration of the adaptation: shorter adaptation in most cases produces repulsive shifts, whereas adaptation exceeding nine minutes results in attractive shifts, in the same unit. Consequently, shifts in preferred orientation depend on the duration of adaptation. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The supplementary response improvements indicate that neurons in area 17 keep a memory trace of the previous stimulus properties, thereby upgrading cellular performance. It also highlights the dynamic nature of basic neuronal properties in adult cortex since repeated adaptations modified both the orientation tuning selectivity and the response strength to the preferred orientation. These enhanced neuronal responses suggest that the range of neuronal plasticity available to the visual system is broader than anticipated

    Factor Varieties and Symbolic Computation

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    We propose an algebraization of classical and non-classical logics, based on factor varieties and decomposition operators. In particular, we provide a new method for determining whether a propositional formula is a tautology or a contradiction. This method can be autom-atized by defining a term rewriting system that enjoys confluence and strong normalization. This also suggests an original notion of logical gate and circuit, where propositional variables becomes logical gates and logical operations are implemented by substitution. Concerning formulas with quantifiers, we present a simple algorithm based on factor varieties for reducing first-order classical logic to equational logic. We achieve a completeness result for first-order classical logic without requiring any additional structure

    Invariant computations in local cortical networks with balanced excitation and inhibition

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    [Abstract] Cortical computations critically involve local neuronal circuits. The computations are often invariant across a cortical area yet are carried out by networks that can vary widely within an area according to its functional architecture. Here we demonstrate a mechanism by which orientation selectivity is computed invariantly in cat primary visual cortex across an orientation preference map that provides a wide diversity of local circuits. Visually evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances are balanced exquisitely in cortical neurons and thus keep the spike response sharply tuned at all map locations. This functional balance derives from spatially isotropic local connectivity of both excitatory and inhibitory cells. Modeling results demonstrate that such covariation is a signature of recurrent rather than purely feed-forward processing and that the observed isotropic local circuit is sufficient to generate invariant spike tuning

    Adaptive Filtering Enhances Information Transmission in Visual Cortex

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    Sensory neuroscience seeks to understand how the brain encodes natural environments. However, neural coding has largely been studied using simplified stimuli. In order to assess whether the brain's coding strategy depend on the stimulus ensemble, we apply a new information-theoretic method that allows unbiased calculation of neural filters (receptive fields) from responses to natural scenes or other complex signals with strong multipoint correlations. In the cat primary visual cortex we compare responses to natural inputs with those to noise inputs matched for luminance and contrast. We find that neural filters adaptively change with the input ensemble so as to increase the information carried by the neural response about the filtered stimulus. Adaptation affects the spatial frequency composition of the filter, enhancing sensitivity to under-represented frequencies in agreement with optimal encoding arguments. Adaptation occurs over 40 s to many minutes, longer than most previously reported forms of adaptation.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, includes supplementary informatio

    A custom-made electronic dynamometer for evaluation of peak ankle torque after COVID-19

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    The negative effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the musculoskeletal system include symptoms of fatigue and sarcopenia. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of COVID-19 on foot muscle strength and evaluate the reproducibility of peak ankle torque measurements in time by using a custom-made electronic dynamometer. In this observational cohort study, we compare two groups of four participants, one exposed to COVID-19 throughout measurements and one unexposed. Peak ankle torque was measured using a portable custom-made electronic dynamometer. Ankle plantar flexor and dorsiflexor muscle strength was captured for both feet at different ankle angles prior and post COVID-19. Average peak torque demonstrated no significant statistical differences between initial and final moment for both groups (p = 0.945). An increase of 4.8%, p = 0.746 was obtained in the group with COVID-19 and a decrease of 1.3%, p = 0.953 was obtained in the group without COVID-19. Multivariate analysis demonstrated no significant differences between the two groups (p = 0.797). There was a very good test–retest reproducibility between the measurements in initial and final moments (ICC = 0.78, p < 0.001). In conclusion, peak torque variability is similar in both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 groups and the custom-made electronic dynamometer is a reproducible method for repetitive ankle peak torque measurements

    Reprogramming of orientation columns in visual cortex : a domino effect

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    Abstract : Cortical organization rests upon the fundamental principle that neurons sharing similar properties are co-located. In the visual cortex, neurons are organized into orientation columns. In a column, most neurons respond optimally to the same axis of an oriented edge, that is, the preferred orientation. This orientation selectivity is believed to be absolute in adulthood. However, in a fully mature brain, it has been established that neurons change their selectivity following sensory experience or visual adaptation. Here, we show that after applying an adapter away from the tested cells, neurons whose receptive fields were located remotely from the adapted site also exhibit a novel selectivity in spite of the fact that they were not adapted. These results indicate a robust reconfiguration and remapping of the orientation domains with respect to each other thus removing the possibility of an orientation hole in the new hypercolumn. These data suggest that orientation columns transcend anatomy, and are almost strictly functionally dynamic

    Integrating incremental learning and episodic memory models of the hippocampal region.

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    By integrating previous computational models of corticohippocampal function, the authors develop and test a unified theory of the neural substrates of familiarity, recollection, and classical conditioning. This approach integrates models from 2 traditions of hippocampal modeling, those of episodic memory and incremental learning, by drawing on an earlier mathematical model of conditioning, SOP (A. Wagner, 1981). The model describes how a familiarity signal may arise from parahippocampal cortices, giving a novel explanation for the finding that the neural response to a stimulus in these regions decreases with increasing stimulus familiarity. Recollection is ascribed to the hippocampus proper. It is shown how the properties of episodic representations in the neocortex, parahippocampal gyrus, and hippocampus proper may explain phenomena in classical conditioning. The model reproduces the effects of hippocampal, septal, and broad hippocampal region lesions on contextual modulation of classical conditioning, blocking, learned irrelevance, and latent inhibition

    TiViPE Simulation of a Cortical Crossing Cell Model

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    Abstract. Many cells in cat and monkey visual cortex (area V1 and area 17) respond to gratings and bar patterns of different orientation between center and surround [18]. It has been shown that these cells respond on average 3.3 times stronger to a crossing pattern than to a single bar [16]. In this paper a computational model for a group of neurons that respond solely to crossing patterns is proposed, and has been implemented in visual programming environment TiViPE [10]. Simulations show that the operator responds very accurately to crossing patterns that have an angular difference between 2 bars of 40 degrees or more, the operator responds appropriately to bar widths that are bound by 50 to 200 percent of the preferred bar width and is insensitive to non-uniform illumination conditions, which appear to be consistent with the experimental results.

    Neural network model of the primary visual cortex: From functional architecture to lateral connectivity and back

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    The role of intrinsic cortical dynamics is a debatable issue. A recent optical imaging study (Kenet et al., 2003) found that activity patterns similar to orientation maps (OMs), emerge in the primary visual cortex (V1) even in the absence of sensory input, suggesting an intrinsic mechanism of OM activation. To better understand these results and shed light on the intrinsic V1 processing, we suggest a neural network model in which OMs are encoded by the intrinsic lateral connections. The proposed connectivity pattern depends on the preferred orientation and, unlike previous models, on the degree of orientation selectivity of the interconnected neurons. We prove that the network has a ring attractor composed of an approximated version of the OMs. Consequently, OMs emerge spontaneously when the network is presented with an unstructured noisy input. Simulations show that the model can be applied to experimental data and generate realistic OMs. We study a variation of the model with spatially restricted connections, and show that it gives rise to states composed of several OMs. We hypothesize that these states can represent local properties of the visual scene