35 research outputs found

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Ribonuclease Activity of Dis3 Is Required for Mitotic Progression and Provides a Possible Link between Heterochromatin and Kinetochore Function

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    BACKGROUND: Cellular RNA metabolism has a broad range of functional aspects in cell growth and division, but its role in chromosome segregation during mitosis is only poorly understood. The Dis3 ribonuclease is a key component of the RNA-processing exosome complex. Previous isolation of the dis3-54 cold-sensitive mutant of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe suggested that Dis3 is also required for correct chromosome segregation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show here that the progression of mitosis is arrested in dis3-54, and that segregation of the chromosomes is blocked by activation of the mitotic checkpoint control. This block is dependent on the Mad2 checkpoint protein. Double mutant and inhibitor analyses revealed that Dis3 is required for correct kinetochore formation and function, and that this activity is monitored by the Mad2 checkpoint. Dis3 is a member of the highly conserved RNase II family and is known to be an essential subunit of the exosome complex. The dis3-54 mutation was found to alter the RNaseII domain of Dis3, which caused a reduction in ribonuclease activity in vitro. This was associated with loss of silencing of an ura4(+) reporter gene inserted into the outer repeats (otr) and central core (cnt and imr) regions of the centromere. On the other hand, centromeric siRNA maturation and formation of the RITS RNAi effector complex was normal in the dis3-54 mutant. Micrococcal nuclease assay also suggested the overall chromatin structure of the centromere was not affected in dis3-54 mutant. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: RNase activity of Dis3, a core subunit of exosome, was found to be required for proper kinetochore formation and establishment of kinetochore-microtubule interactions. Moreover, Dis3 was suggested to contribute to kinetochore formation through an involvement in heterochromatic silencing at both outer centromeric repeats and within the central core region. This activity is likely monitored by the mitotic checkpoint, and distinct from that of RNAi-mediated heterochromatin formation directly targeting outer centromeric repeats

    Distinct and Overlapping Effector Functions of Expanded Human CD4+, CD8α+ and CD4-CD8α- Invariant Natural Killer T Cells

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    CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells have diverse immune stimulatory/regulatory activities through their ability to release cytokines and to kill or transactivate other cells. Activation of iNKT cells can protect against multiple diseases in mice but clinical trials in humans have had limited impact. Clinical studies to date have targeted polyclonal mixtures of iNKT cells and we proposed that their subset compositions will influence therapeutic outcomes. We sorted and expanded iNKT cells from healthy donors and compared the phenotypes, cytotoxic activities and cytokine profiles of the CD4+, CD8α+ and CD4−CD8α− double-negative (DN) subsets. CD4+ iNKT cells expanded more readily than CD8α+ and DN iNKT cells upon mitogen stimulation. CD8α+ and DN iNKT cells most frequently expressed CD56, CD161 and NKG2D and most potently killed CD1d+ cell lines and primary leukemia cells. All iNKT subsets released Th1 (IFN-γ and TNF-α) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13) cytokines. Relative amounts followed a CD8α>DN>CD4 pattern for Th1 and CD4>DN>CD8α for Th2. All iNKT subsets could simultaneously produce IFN-γ and IL-4, but single-positivity for IFN-γ or IL-4 was strikingly rare in CD4+ and CD8α+ fractions, respectively. Only CD4+ iNKT cells produced IL-9 and IL-10; DN cells released IL-17; and none produced IL-22. All iNKT subsets upregulated CD40L upon glycolipid stimulation and induced IL-10 and IL-12 secretion by dendritic cells. Thus, subset composition of iNKT cells is a major determinant of function. Use of enriched CD8α+, DN or CD4+ iNKT cells may optimally harness the immunoregulatory properties of iNKT cells for treatment of disease

    Novel targets and future strategies for acute cardioprotection: Position Paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart

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    Ischaemic heart disease and the heart failure that often results, remain the leading causes of death and disability in Europe and worldwide. As such, in order to prevent heart failure and improve clinical outcomes in patients presenting with an acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, novel therapies are required to protect the heart against the detrimental effects of acute ischaemia/reperfusion injury. During the last three decades, a wide variety of ischaemic conditioning strategies and pharmacological treatments have been tested in the clinic - however, their translation from experimental to clinical studies for improving patient outcomes has been both challenging and disappointing. Therefore, in this Position Paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart, we critically analyse the current state of ischaemic conditioning in both the experimental and clinical settings, provide recommendations for improving its translation into the clinical setting, and highlight novel therapeutic targets and new treatment strategies for reducing acute myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury

    Control of endoreduplication of trichome by RPT2a, a subunit of the 19S proteasome in Arabidopsis

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    The ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway plays a central role in the degradation of short-lived regulatory proteins to control many cellular events. The Arabidopsis knockout mutant rpt2a, which contains a defect in the AtRPT2a subunit of the 26S proteasome regulatory particle, showed enlarged leaves caused by increased cell size that correlated with increased ploidy caused by extended endoreduplication. To clarify the role of RPT2a in endoreduplication control, trichome development was genetically examined in further detail. RHL1 and GL3 encode proteins that have a role in the positive regulation of endocycle progression in trichomes. The rhl1 mutants are stalled at 8C and have trichomes with only a single branch. The rpt2a mutation did not alter the rhl1 mutant phenotype, and trichomes of double rpt2a rhl1 mutants resembled that of single rhl1 mutants. On the other hand, the rpt2a mutation suppressed the gl3 phenotype (stalled at 16C, two trichome branches), and trichomes of the double rpt2a gl3 mutant resembled that of the WT plants. Together, these data suggest that RPT2a functions to negatively regulate endocycle progression following completion of the third endoreduplication step mediated by RHL1 (8C to 16C)

    Storage Proteins

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    Plants accumulate storage substances such as starch, lipids and proteins in certain phases of development. Storage proteins accumulate in both vegetative and reproductive tissues and serve as a reservoir to be used in later stages of plant development. The accumulation of storage protein is thus beneficial for the survival of plants. Storage proteins are also an important source of dietary plant proteins. Here, we summarize the genome organization and regulation of gene expression of storage protein genes in Arabidopsis

    S-Adenosyl-l-methionine Induces Compaction of Nascent Peptide Chain inside the Ribosomal Exit Tunnel upon Translation Arrest in the Arabidopsis CGS1 Gene*♦

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    Expression of the Arabidopsis CGS1 gene, encoding the first committed enzyme of methionine biosynthesis, is feedback-regulated in response to S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) at the mRNA level. This regulation is first preceded by temporal arrest of CGS1 translation elongation at the Ser-94 codon. AdoMet is specifically required for this translation arrest, although the mechanism by which AdoMet acts with the CGS1 nascent peptide remained elusive. We report here that the nascent peptide of CGS1 is induced to form a compact conformation within the exit tunnel of the arrested ribosome in an AdoMet-dependent manner. Cysteine residues introduced into CGS1 nascent peptide showed reduced ability to react with polyethyleneglycol maleimide in the presence of AdoMet, consistent with a shift into the ribosomal exit tunnel. Methylation protection and UV cross-link assays of 28 S rRNA revealed that induced compaction of nascent peptide is associated with specific changes in methylation protection and UV cross-link patterns in the exit tunnel wall. A 14-residue stretch of amino acid sequence, termed the MTO1 region, has been shown to act in cis for CGS1 translation arrest and mRNA degradation. This regulation is lost in the presence of mto1 mutations, which cause single amino acid alterations within MTO1. In this study, both the induced peptide compaction and exit tunnel change were found to be disrupted by mto1 mutations. These results suggest that the MTO1 region participates in the AdoMet-induced arrest of CGS1 translation by mediating changes of the nascent peptide and the exit tunnel wall

    Mapping epigenetic mutations in fission yeast using whole-genome next-generation sequencing

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    Fission yeast is an important model for epigenetic studies due to the ease with which genetic mutants can be isolated. However, it can be difficult to complement epigenetic phenotypes with genomic libraries in order to identify the genes responsible. This is because epigenetic phenotypes are typically unstable, and can prohibit complementation if silencing cannot be reestablished. Here we have resequenced the fission yeast genome following mutagenesis to readily identify a novel mutant involved in heterochromatic silencing. Candidate genes were identified as functional single base changes linked to the mutation, which were then reconstituted in a wild-type strain to recapitulate the mutant phenotype. By this procedure we identified a weak allele of ubc4, which encodes an essential E2 ubiquitin ligase, as responsible for the swi*603 mutant phenotype. In combination with a large collection of mutants and suppressor plasmids, next-generation genomic resequencing promises to dramatically enhance the power of yeast genetics, permitting the isolation of subtle alleles of essential genes, alleles with quantitative effects, and enhancers and suppressors of heterochromatic silencing