571 research outputs found

    Sensor/Actuator Selection for the Constrained Variance Control Problem

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    The problem of designing a linear controller for systems subject to inequality variance constraints is considered. A quadratic penalty function approach is used to yield a linear controller. Both the weights in the quadratic penalty function and the locations of sensors and actuators are selected by successive approximations to obtain an optimal design which satisfies the input/output variance constraints. The method is applied to NASA's 64 meter Hoop-Column Space Antenna for satellite communications. In addition the solution for the control law, the main feature of these results is the systematic determination of actuator design requirements which allow the given input/output performance constraints to be satisfied

    Wireless, in-vessel neutron monitor for initial core-loading of advanced breeder reactors

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    An experimental wireless, in-vessel neutron monitor was developed to measure the reactivity of an advanced breeder reactor as the core is loaded for the first time to preclude an accidental critically incident. The environment is liquid sodium at a temperature of approx. 220 C, with negligible gamma or neutron radiation. With ultrasonic transmission of neutron data, no fundamental limitation was observed after tests at 230 C for 2000 h. The neutron sensitivity was approx. 1 count/s-nv, and the potential data transmission rate was approx. 10,000 counts/s

    A Single-Cell Analysis of the Transmission of Enzyme-Forming Capacity in Yeast

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    I calanchi di Aliano (Matera, Basilicata) come laboratorio naturalistico per bambini in età scolare

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    Chi è nato ad Aliano spesso percorre ciecamente le sue strade, quei vicoli stretti e ricchi di silenzio del paese vecchio e spesso, altrettanto ciecamente, osserva i romantici scorci paesaggistici offerti dai calanchi. Di certo ciò accade non per mancanza di sensibilità o di capacità di osservazione, ma forse piuttosto per abitudine. Capita di non accorgersi della magia del posto in cui si vive, finché non ci si sofferma ad osservare intensamente la realtà che ci circonda. Ciò accade probabilmente perché, come ci insegnano gli studi antropologici, bisogna guardare le cose in cui si è immersi con uno “sguardo da lontano” per coglierne la vera essenza. I visitatori, infatti, vedendo Aliano restano affascinati e completamente rapiti dal paesaggio calanchivo, da quelle argille levigate dal vento per millenni e millenni che a guardarle attentamente sembrano raffigurare delle figure ben definite, scolpite nell’argilla dalla mano del più grande artista di tutte le ere geologiche: il vento. Credo sia importante educare le nuove generazioni, fin dalla scuola dell’infanzia ad amare e apprezzare la realtà in cui si vive

    Anti-epileptic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides by inhibition of intracellular calcium accumulation and stimulation of expression of CaMKII a in epileptic hippocampal neurons

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    Purpose: To investigate the mechanism of the anti-epileptic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides (GLP), the changes of intracellular calcium and CaMK II a expression in a model of epileptic neurons were investigated. Method: Primary hippocampal neurons were divided into: 1) Control group, neurons were cultured with Neurobasal medium, for 3 hours; 2) Model group I: neurons were incubated with Mg2+ free medium for 3 hours; 3) Model group II: neurons were incubated with Mg2+ free medium for 3 hours then cultured with the normal medium for a further 3 hours; 4) GLP group I: neurons were incubated with Mg2+ free medium containing GLP (0.375 mg/ml) for 3 hours; 5) GLP group II: neurons were incubated with Mg2+ free medium for 3 hours then cultured with a normal culture medium containing GLP for a further 3 hours. The CaMK II a protein expression was assessed by Western-blot. Ca2+ turnover in neurons was assessed using Fluo-3/AM which was added into the replacement medium and Ca2+ turnover was observed under a laser scanning confocal microscope. Results: The CaMK II a expression in the model groups was less than in the control groups, however, in the GLP groups, it was higher than that observed in the model group. Ca2+ fluorescence intensity in GLP group I was significantly lower than that in model group I after 30 seconds, while in GLP group II, it was reduced significantly compared to model group II after 5 minutes. Conclusion: GLP may inhibit calcium overload and promote CaMK II a expression to protect epileptic neuron

    Distribution and potential bioeffects of atrazine in coastal waters

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    Estuaries provide critical nursery habitat for many commercially and recreationally important fish and shellfish species. These productive, diverse ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to pollution because they serve as repositories for non–point-source contaminants from upland sources, such as pesticide runoff. Atrazine, among the most widely used pesticides in the United States, has also been one of the most extensively studied. There has not, however, been a specific assessment of atrazine in marine and estuarine ecosystems. This document characterizes the presence and transformation of atrazine in coastal waters, and the effects of atrazine on marine organisms. Review of marine and estuarine monitoring data indicate that atrazine is chronically present in U.S. coastal waters at relatively low concentrations. The concentrations detected have typically been below acute biological effects levels, and below the U.S. EPA proposed water quality criteria for atrazine. While direct risk of atrazine impacts are low, uncertainty remains regarding the effects of long-term low levels of atrazine in mixture with other contaminants. It is recommended that best management practices, such as the use of vegetative buffers and public education about pesticide use, be encouraged in the coastal zone to minimize runoff of atrazine into marine and estuarine waters

    The ocean sampling day consortium

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    Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits