3,540 research outputs found

    A forming disk at z~0.6: Collapse of a gaseous disk or major merger remnant?

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    [Abridged] We present and analyze observations of J033241.88-274853.9 at z=0.6679, using multi-wavelength photometry and imaging with FLAMES/GIRAFFE 3D spectroscopy. J033241.88-274853.9 is found to be a blue, young (~320Myr) stellar disk embedded in a very gas-rich (fgas=73-82% with log(Mstellar/Mo)=9.45) and turbulent phase that is found to be rotating on large spatial scales. We identified two unusual properties of J033241.88-274853.9. (1) The spatial distributions of the ionized gaseous and young stars show a strong decoupling; while almost no stars can be detected in the southern part down to the very deep detection limit of ACS/UDF images, significant emission from the [OII] ionized gas is detected. (2) We detect an excess of velocity dispersion in the southern part of J033241.88-274853.9 in comparison to expectations from a rotating disk model. We considered two disk formation scenarios, depending on the gaseous phase geometry. In the first one, we examined whether J033241.88-274853.9 could be a young rotating disk that has been recently collapsed from a pre-existing, very gas-rich rotating disk. This scenario requires two (unknown) additional assumptions to explain the decoupling between the distribution of stars and gas and the excess of velocity dispersion in the same region. In a second scenario, we examine whether J033241.88-274853.9 could be a merger remnant of two gas-rich disks. In this case, the asymmetry observed between the gas and star distributions, as well as the excess of velocity dispersion, find a common explanation. Shocks produced during the merger in this region can be ionized easily and heat the gas while preventing star formation. This makes this scenario more satisfactory than the collapse of a pre-existing, gas-rich rotating disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 8 pages & 5 figure

    IMAGES I. Strong evolution of galaxy kinematics since z=1

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    (abbreviated) We present the first results of the ESO large program, ``IMAGES'' which aims at obtaining robust measurements of the kinematics of distant galaxies using the multi-IFU mode of GIRAFFE on the VLT. 3D spectroscopy is essential to robustly measure the often distorted kinematics of distant galaxies (e.g., Flores et al. 2006). We derive the velocity fields and σ\sigma-maps of 36 galaxies at 0.4<z<0.75 from the kinematics of the [OII] emission line doublet, and generate a robust technique to identify the nature of the velocity fields based on the pixels of the highest signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). We have gathered a unique sample of 63 velocity fields of emission line galaxies (W0([OII]) > 15 A) at z=0.4-0.75, which are a representative subsample of the population of M_stellar>1.5x10^{10} M_sun emission line galaxies in this redshift range, and are largely unaffected by cosmic variance. Taking into account all galaxies -with or without emission lines- in that redshift range, we find that at least 41+/-7% of them have anomalous kinematics, i.e., they are not dynamically relaxed. This includes 26+/-7% of distant galaxies with complex kinematics, i.e., they are not simply pressure or rotationally supported. Our result implies that galaxy kinematics are among the most rapidly evolving properties, because locally, only a few percent of the galaxies in this mass range have complex kinematics.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A&

    Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis

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    Large graphs are natural mathematical models for describing the structure of the data in a wide variety of fields, such as web mining, social networks, information retrieval, biological networks, etc. For all these applications, automatic tools are required to get a synthetic view of the graph and to reach a good understanding of the underlying problem. In particular, discovering groups of tightly connected vertices and understanding the relations between those groups is very important in practice. This paper shows how a kernel version of the batch Self Organizing Map can be used to achieve these goals via kernels derived from the Laplacian matrix of the graph, especially when it is used in conjunction with more classical methods based on the spectral analysis of the graph. The proposed method is used to explore the structure of a medieval social network modeled through a weighted graph that has been directly built from a large corpus of agrarian contracts

    IMAGES-III: The evolution of the Near-Infrared Tully-Fisher relation over the last 6 Gyr

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    Using the multi-integral field spectrograph GIRAFFE at VLT, we have derived the K-band Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) at z~0.6 for a representative sample of 65 galaxies with emission lines. We confirm that the scatter in the z~0.6 TFR is caused by galaxies with anomalous kinematics, and find a positive and strong correlation between the complexity of the kinematics and the scatter that they contribute to the TFR. Considering only relaxed-rotating disks, the scatter, and possibly also the slope of the TFR, do not appear to evolve with z. We detect an evolution of the K-band TFR zero point between z~0.6 and z=0, which, if interpreted as an evolution of the K-band luminosity of rotating disks, would imply that a brightening of 0.66+/-0.14 mag occurs between z~0.6 and z=0. Any disagreement with the results of Flores et al. (2006) are attributed to both an improvement of the local TFR and the more detailed accurate measurement of the rotation velocities in the distant sample. Most of the uncertainty can be explained by the relatively coarse spatial-resolution of the kinematical data. Because most rotating disks at z~0.6 are unlikely to experience further merging events, one may assume that their rotational velocity does not evolve dramatically. If true, our result implies that rotating disks observed at z~0.6 are rapidly transforming their gas into stars, to be able to double their stellar masses and be observed on the TFR at z=0. The rotating disks observed are indeed emission-line galaxies that are either starbursts or LIRGs, which implies that they are forming stars at a high rate. Thus, a significant fraction of the rotating disks are forming the bulk of their stars within 6 to 8 Gyr, in good agreement with former studies of the evolution of the M-Z relation.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. v2 taking into account comments from language edito

    Clumpy galaxies at z~0.6: kinematics, stability, and comparison with analogs at other redshifts

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    Distant clumpy galaxies are thought to be Jeans-unstable disks, and an important channel for the formation of local galaxies, as suggested by recent spatially-resolved kinematic observations of z~2 galaxies. I study the kinematics of clumpy galaxies at z~0.6, and compare their properties with those of counterparts at higher and lower redshifts. I selected a sample of 11 clumpy galaxies at z~0.6 from the representative sample of emission line, intermediate-mass galaxies IMAGES. Selection was based on rest-frame UV morphology from HST/ACS images, mimicking the selection criteria commonly used at higher redshifts. Their spatially-resolved kinematics were derived in the frame of the IMAGES survey, using the VLT/FLAMES-GIRAFFE multi-integral field spectrograph. For those showing large-scale rotation, I derived the Toomre Q parameter, which characterizes the stability of their gaseous and stellar phases. I find that the fraction of UV-selected clumpy galaxies at z~0.6 is 20+/-12%. Roughly half of them (45+/-30%) have complex kinematics inconsistent with Jeans-unstable disks, while those in the remaining half (55+/-30%) show large-scale rotations. The latter reveal a stable gaseous phase, but the contribution of their stellar phase makes them globally unstable to clump formation. Clumpy galaxies appear to be less unstable at z~0.6 than at z~2, which could explain why the UV clumps tend to vanish in rest-frame optical images of z~0.6 clumpy galaxies, conversely to z~2 clumpy galaxies, in which the stellar phase can substantially fragment. This suggests that the former correspond to patchy star-formation regions superimposed on a smoother mass distribution. A possible and widespread scenario for driving clump formation relies on instabilities by cold streams penetrating the dark matter halos where clumpy galaxies inhabit. While such a gas accretion process is predicted to be significant in massive, z~2 haloes, it is also predicted to be strongly suppressed in similar, z~0.6 haloes, which could explain why lowest-z clumpy galaxies appear to be driven by a different mechanism. Instead, I found that interactions are probably the dominant driver leading to the formation of clumpy galaxies at z1 clumpy galaxies remains more uncertain. While cold flows could be an important driver at z~2, I also argue that the observed and cumulative merger fraction between z=2 and z=3 is large enough so that every z~2 galaxy might be the result of a merger that occurred within their past 1 Gyr. I conclude that it is premature to rule out mergers as a universal driver for galaxy evolution from z~2 down to z=0.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 2 figures

    531 new spectroscopic redshifts from the CDFS and a test on the cosmological relevance of the GOODS-South field

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    (Abbrev.) This paper prepares a series of papers analysing the Intermediate MAss Galaxy Evolution Sequence (IMAGES) up to z=1. Intermediate mass galaxies (MJ <=-20.3) are selected from the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) for which we identify a serious lack of spectroscopically determined redshifts..... We have spectroscopically identified 691 objects including 580 gal., 7 QSOs, and 104 stars. This study provides 531 new redshifts in the CDFS. It confirms the presence of several large scale structures in the CDFS. To test the impact of these structures in the GOODS-South field, we ... compare the evolution of rest-frame U, B, V and K galaxy luminosity densities to that derived from the CFRS. The CDFS field shows a significant excess of luminosity densities in the z=0.5-0.75 range, which increases with the wavelength, reaching up to 0.5 dex at 2.1 um. Stellar mass and specific star formation evolutions might be significantly affected by the presence of the peculiar large scale structures at z= 0.668 and at z= 0.735, that contain a significant excess of evolved, massive galaxies when compared to other fields. This leads to a clear warning to results based on the CDFS/GOODS South fields, especially those related to the evolution of red luminosity densities, i.e. stellar mass density and specific star formation rate. Photometric redshift techniques, when applied to that field, are producing quantities which are apparently less affected by cosmic variance (0.25 dex at 2.1 um), however at the cost of the difficulty in disentangling between evolutionary and cosmic variance effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 19 pages, 13 figure

    Images IV: Strong evolution of the oxygen abundance in gaseous phases of intermediate mass galaxies since z=0.8

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    Intermediate mass galaxies (logM(Msun)>10) at z~0.6 are the likeliest progenitors of the present-day numerous population of spirals. There is growing evidence that they have evolved rapidly since the last 6 to 8 Gyr ago, and likely have formed a significant fraction of their stellar mass, often showing perturbed morphologies and kinematics. We have gathered a representative sample of 88 such galaxies and have provided robust estimates of their gas phase metallicity. For doing so, we have used moderate spectral resolution spectroscopy at VLT/FORS2 with unprecedented high S/N allowing to remove biases coming from interstellar absorption lines and extinction to establish robust values of R23=([OII]3727 + [OIII]4959,5007)/Hbeta. We definitively confirm that the predominant population of z~0.6 starbursts and luminous IR galaxies (LIRGs) are on average, two times less metal rich than the local galaxies at a given stellar mass. We do find that the metal abundance of the gaseous phase of galaxies is evolving linearly with time, from z=1 to z=0 and after comparing with other studies, from z=3 to z=0. Combining our results with the reported evolution of the Tully Fisher relation, we do find that such an evolution requires that ~30% of the stellar mass of local galaxies have been formed through an external supply of gas, thus excluding the close box model. Distant starbursts & LIRGs have properties (metal abundance, star formation efficiency & morphologies) similar to those of local LIRGs. Their underlying physics is likely dominated by gas infall probably through merging or interactions. Our study further supports the rapid evolution of z~0.4-1 galaxies. Gas exchanges between galaxies is likely the main cause of this evolution.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, A&A, In pres

    Molecular transport calculations with Wannier functions

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    We present a scheme for calculating coherent electron transport in atomic-scale contacts. The method combines a formally exact Green's function formalism with a mean-field description of the electronic structure based on the Kohn-Sham scheme of density functional theory. We use an accurate plane-wave electronic structure method to calculate the eigenstates which are subsequently transformed into a set of localized Wannier functions (WFs). The WFs provide a highly efficient basis set which at the same time is well suited for analysis due to the chemical information contained in the WFs. The method is applied to a hydrogen molecule in an infinite Pt wire and a benzene-dithiol (BDT) molecule between Au(111) surfaces. We show that the transmission function of BDT in a wide energy window around the Fermi level can be completely accounted for by only two molecular orbitals.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Chemical Physic

    IMAGES II. A surprisingly low fraction of undisturbed rotating spiral disks at z~0.6: The morpho-kinematical relation 6 Gyrs ago

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    We present a first combined analysis of the morphological and dynamical properties for the Intermediate MAss Galaxy Evolution Sequence (IMAGES) sample. It is a representative sample of 52 z~0.6 galaxies with Mstell from 1.5 to 15 10^10Msun and possessing 3D resolved kinematics and HST deep imaging in at least two broad band filters. We aim at evaluate robustly the evolution of rotating spirals since z~0.6, as well as to test the different schemes for classifying galaxies morphologically. We used all the information provided by multi-band images, color maps and 2 dimensional light fitting to assign to each object a morphological class. We divided our sample between spiral disks, peculiar objects, compact objects and mergers. Using our morphological classification scheme, 4/5 of identified spirals are rotating disks and more than 4/5 of identified peculiar galaxies show complex kinematics, while automatic classification methods such as Concentration-Asymmetry and GINI-M20 severely overestimate the fraction of relaxed disk galaxies. Using this methodology, we find that the fraction of rotating spirals has increased by a factor ~ 2 during the last 6 Gyrs, a much higher fraction that found previously based on morphologies alone. These rotating spiral disks are forming stars very rapidly, doubling their stellar masses over the last 6 Gyrs, while most of their stars have been formed few Gyrs earlier, which reveals the presence of a large gas supply. Because they are likely the progenitors of local spirals, we can conjecture how their properties are evolving. Their disks show some evidence for an inside-out growth and the gas supply/accretion is not made randomly as the disk need to be stable in order to match the local disk properties.Comment: Typos corrected, reference adde