8 research outputs found

    Análisis de las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la efectividad que tienen las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016. Dicho trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque naturista o cualitativo, es una vía de transformación social, a través de la cual el ser humano descubre la realidad que le rodea, determina los medios y procedimientos para actuar sobre ella y transformarla de acuerdo a una intensión social. Los procesos de investigación cualitativa, tienen como finalidad primordial la generación y construcción de conocimientos que contribuyen al desarrollo social y personal de cada uno de los miembros de una comunidad. La fase de recolección de los datos de la investigación desarrollada, se realizó de dos formas: una información que se recogió mediante la observación directa del comportamiento de los informantes claves y una información que se obtuvo mediante la interrogación de algunos informantes claves. Para ello, primeramente el investigador realizo una inmersión en el campo de trabajo, con el propósito de identificar los lugares adecuados para recoger y producir la información necesaria y requerid

    An unusual presentation of sclerosing mesenteritis as pneumoperitoneum: Case report with a review of the literature

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    Sclerosing mesenteritis is a rare condition that involves the small or large bowel mesentery. An unusual presentation of this condition, which led to difficult preoperative assessment and diagnosis, is described. This report is followed by a comprehensive review of the literature

    Computational and NMR studies of RNA duplexes with an internal pseudouridine-adenosine base pair

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    Pseudouridine (Ψ) is the most common chemical modification present in RNA. In general, Ψ increases the thermodynamic stability of RNA. However, the degree of stabilization depends on the sequence and structural context. To explain experimentally observed sequence dependence of the effect of Ψ on the thermodynamic stability of RNA duplexes, we investigated the structure, dynamics and hydration of RNA duplexes with an internal Ψ-A base pair in different nearest-neighbor sequence contexts. The structures of two RNA duplexes containing 5′-GΨC/3′-CAG and 5′-CΨG/3′-GAC motifs were determined using NMR spectroscopy. To gain insight into the effect of Ψ on duplex dynamics and hydration, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of RNA duplexes with 5′-GΨC/3′-CAG, 5′-CΨG/3′-GAC, 5′-AΨU/3′-UAA and 5′-UΨA/3′-AAU motifs and their unmodified counterparts. Our results showed a subtle impact from Ψ modification on the structure and dynamics of the RNA duplexes studied. The MD simulations confirmed the change in hydration pattern when U is replaced with Ψ. Quantum chemical calculations showed that the replacement of U with Ψ affected the intrinsic stacking energies at the base pair steps depending on the sequence context. The calculated intrinsic stacking energies help to explain the experimentally observed sequence dependent changes in the duplex stability from Ψ modification.</p

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Hepatology: Review of the Evidence of Efficacy

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    There is an increase in the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), especially herbal therapy, among patients with liver disease. The most commonly used herbal agent is silymarin. In animal models, many of the commonly used agents have shown anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic effects. Although many human studies have shown improvements in subjective symptoms (well being) and liver biochemistry, there are no convincing data to suggest a definite histologic and/or virologic improvement with most of these agents. Poorly designed studies, heterogeneous patient populations, lack of standardized preparations, and poorly defined nonobjective end points may partly explain the conflicting reports in the literature. Hepatotoxicity and drug interactions are common with many herbal medications, and therefore physicians need to be cognizant of known or occult use of CAM by their patients. Only well-designed, randomized, controlled trials will be able to ascertain whether CAM has any role in the management of patients with acute or chronic liver diseases. Until such time, the use of CAM cannot be recommended as a therapy for patients with liver disease

    Interstitial Lung Disease in Connective Tissue Disease: A Common Lesion With Heterogeneous Mechanisms and Treatment Considerations

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