2,121 research outputs found

    Biology & Political Science. Foundational Issues of Political Biology

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    In their classic formulations, valid to this day, the issue of self-preservation is foundational for both political science and economics. In order to fixate this concept, the Modern theorists relied upon various assumptions about human nature. Due to the advances of biology and evolutionary theory, we are today in the position of explicating these assumptions in the form of stable scientific certainties. A foundational concept in biological theory is that of "fitness". The paper indicates the relationship between the less determined concept of self-preservation and the more rigorous one of fitness. By that, it accomplishes two things: it gives more solidity to the foundation of political theory and political economy, by anchoring them in biology; it opens the path towards a unification between two social sciences and their immediate juxtaposed science, biology. The emphasis of the paper is on political science, aiming to define, on the basis of the above argument, its proper object of study. The notion of fitness extraction is thus defined. A lateral exposition differentiates between political action, thus understood, and economic action, defined more generally as fitness transfer. The distinction is to be eventually furthered in a separate study.Biology; Evolution; Fitness; Foundational Theory; Foundations of Economics; Political Science

    Rivalry and Learning Among Clustered and Isolated Firms

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    In this paper explore the relationships between rivalry and geographical proximity at the very level of contacts between individual firms. In particular, we wish to highlight the influence of geographical proximity on rival identification, on the comparison of their knowledge, and on the consequent elaboration of a strategy. In order to reproduce the interactions between firms, we made use of an agent-based model (ABM) where the strategic choices of rival firms are derived from general assumptions on competitive behavior and learning processes. Aim of the model is to investigate the co-evolution of firms' knowledge, strategies and performances. Substantial empirical evidences claim that firms located in geographical clusters are more likely to learn and innovate than isolated firms.Industrial Clusters, Industrial Districts, Knowledge Development, Rivalry

    Mancha anular do cafeeiro (Coffee ringspot virus - CoRSV).

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    Importância do café; Mancha anular do cafeeiro; Local de descrição; Distribuição; Sintomas; Etiologia; Transmissão; Propriedades físicas; Taxonomia; Diagnose; Estudos citopáticos; Gama de hospedeiros; Purificação do CoRSV; Produção de antissoro e relacionamento sorológico; RNA do CoRSV; Preservação do vírus; Vetor ? Brevipalpus phoenicis; Epidemiologia; Danos e perdas; Efeito do CoRSV no peso de grãos de café; Controle.bitstream/item/43030/1/Doc-369.pdfVersão eletrônica

    Detecção de Pepper yellow mosaic virus em Capsicum chinense no estado do Pará.

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    Capsicum chinense é cultivada em larga escala no estado do Pará, porém algumas doenças podem restringir a produção. Nos plantios localizados na região metropolitana de Belém é comum observar plantas com sintomas de viroses como clorose, redução do limbo foliar, nanismo e consequentemente redução da produção de frutos causados por Cucumber mosaic virus - CMV. Entretanto, em um plantio no município de Parauapebas, localizado na região sul do estado do Pará, foram observadas plantas de C. chinense com sintomas diferentes daqueles observados na região metropolitana de Belém como mosaico foliar forte e deformação foliar. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar a espécie de vírus causador da doença que ocorre em Parauapebas. Amostras de folhas coletadas neste plantio foram preservadas por meio do congelamento à 80o C, dessecadas e armazenadas à -20o C e via enxertia em plantas de pimenta cv. Cheiro. A partir de folhas coletadas fezes a purificação parcial de vírus, extração de ácido nucleico viral, RT-PCR utilizando primers para detecção do CMV e Potyvirus e sequenciamento de DNA. Observou-se a amplificação de fragmentos de DNA de cerca de 800pb por RT-PCR quando se utilizou os primers específicos para Potyvirus. Após a análise do DNA sequenciado por meio dos programas Blast e ClustalW verificou-se que o agente causal do mosaico da pimenta de Parauapebas é o Potyvirus Pepper yellow mosaic virus - PepYMV. Este é o primeiro relato do PepYMV na região Amazônica

    Identifikasi Sumber dan Dampak Buah Pinang dalam Budaya Papua (Studi Kasus Pedagang Pinang di Pasar Youtefa Kota Jayapura)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman lebih mendalam tentang sumber dan perdagangan buah pinang di Pasar Youtefa serta dampaknya terhadap berbagai aspek, termasuk lingkungan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui pengamatan, interaksi, dan dokumensi. Temuan penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa sebagian besar buah pinang yang diperdagangkan di Pasar Youtefa berasal dari pertanian lokal di sekitar Jayapura. Para petani lokal mengumpulkan buah pinang dari perkebunan mereka dan menjualnya di pasar. Proses perdagangan melibatkan petani lokal, pedagang grosir, pedagang eceran, dan konsumen dengan berbagai bentuk pengelompokan buah pinang dan harga yang beragam. Sedangan dampak buah pinang terhadap lingkungan terkait dengan masalah ludah pinang yang ditinggalkan sembarangan, menyebabkan noda yang sulit dihilangkan. Dampak lannya terhadap kesehatan mencakup masalah mulut seperti masalah gigi dan gusi, serta risiko kanker mulut akibat konsumsi berlebihan buah pinang. Sementara ekonominya adalah perdagangan buah pinang memberikan sumber pendapatan tambahan, terutama bagi petani, namun harga buah pinang dapat fluktuatif. Buah pinang juga memiliki nilai budaya yang tinggi dalam budaya Papua, dengan mengunyah sirih pinang menjadi praktik penting dalam upacara adat dan pertemuan sosial, serta memiliki makna simbolis yang mendalam.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman lebih mendalam tentang sumber dan perdagangan buah pinang di Pasar Youtefa serta dampaknya terhadap berbagai aspek, termasuk lingkungan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui pengamatan, interaksi, dan dokumensi. Temuan penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa sebagian besar buah pinang yang diperdagangkan di Pasar Youtefa berasal dari pertanian lokal di sekitar Jayapura. Para petani lokal mengumpulkan buah pinang dari perkebunan mereka dan menjualnya di pasar. Proses perdagangan melibatkan petani lokal, pedagang grosir, pedagang eceran, dan konsumen dengan berbagai bentuk pengelompokan buah pinang dan harga yang beragam. Sedangan dampak buah pinang terhadap lingkungan terkait dengan masalah ludah pinang yang ditinggalkan sembarangan, menyebabkan noda yang sulit dihilangkan. Dampak lannya terhadap kesehatan mencakup masalah mulut seperti masalah gigi dan gusi, serta risiko kanker mulut akibat konsumsi berlebihan buah pinang. Sementara ekonominya adalah perdagangan buah pinang memberikan sumber pendapatan tambahan, terutama bagi petani, namun harga buah pinang dapat fluktuatif. Buah pinang juga memiliki nilai budaya yang tinggi dalam budaya Papua, dengan mengunyah sirih pinang menjadi praktik penting dalam upacara adat dan pertemuan sosial, serta memiliki makna simbolis yang mendalam

    Yield response of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) to irrigation with saline water

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    Salinity causes yield reductions if threshold levels are exceeded, while it can cause the deterioration of some qualitative parameters and/or the improvement of others. Two years (2000-2001, 2006-2007) research was carried out to evaluate the effect of water quality on yield and quality of fennel, a vegetable very common in Apulia region. We compared two types of soil and two sodium absorption ratio of irrigation water obtained by dissolving in distilled water NaCl + CaCl2 (1:1) or only NaCl, and four electrical conductivity of water of 0.7 (control), 4, 8 and 12 dS m(-1). The soil type does not show any noticeable effect on the tested parameters. The salt type influenced the plant development and the total soluble solids contained in the bulbs. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight were, respectively, 6, 11 and 21% higher in NaCl + CaCl2 treatment as compared to NaCl one. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight dropped, respectively, by 33, 49 and 71%, shifting from 0.7 to 12 dS m(-1) salinity treatments. The dry matter content and total soluble solids increased with rising salinity. In fact, shifting from the control to the more saline treatment, the leaves and the bulbs dry matter increased, respectively, by 15 and 13%, and total soluble solids increased by 17%. Moreover, the increase in salinity favoured the production of flattened bulbs. The application of the Maas and Hoffman model to salinity response confirms the ranking of this species among moderately salt sensitive species, even though the critical threshold was the same for NaCl and NaCl + CaCl2 treatments (1.26 dS m(-1)), while the slope was higher in NaCl treatment (14.24% m dS(-1)) than NaCl + CaCl2 (10.39% m dS(-1))

    Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and high-temperature tensile behaviour of Ti-6242S alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    This work is focussed at investigating the properties of additive manufactured Ti-6242S, a Ti alloy with excellent mechanical strength and stability up to 550 °C. Special attention is given to the effect of different heat treatment routes on microstructure and high-temperature mechanical behaviour of the Ti-6242S alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Annealing was performed in the α/β field (at 940 °C, 960 °C, 980 °C) or above the β transus (at 1050 °C). Annealing step was followed by Ar gas cooling and ageing at 595 °C. The as-built material exhibits high strength and anisotropic behaviour, showing lower fracture elongation in the direction parallel to the build platform. Heat treatments are responsible for a reduction of material strength but an increase in fracture elongation. Tensile tests at high temperature show that the best heat treatment for applications up to 300 °C is the annealing at 940 °C followed by Ar cooling and ageing. For applications at higher temperatures (namely 550 °C, 750 °C) the annealing step should be performed above the β transus temperature, at 1050 °C, to achieve the best tensile properties

    Direct and Interactive Effects of Brokerage Roles on Innovation in Clustered Firms

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    Social network analysis has generated a great number of research findings in the organizational and management literature, in which the so-called territorial clusters have often been represented through the network metaphor. However, while scholars primarily examine the network structure and the internal heterogeneity, we have specifically analyzed the diverse types or roles of informational brokers which firms can perform. We also posit that innovation generated by these firms is moderated by their own capabilities and, more particularly, we analyze how innovation is affected by brokerage roles and the moderating effect of R&D in the Spanish ceramic tile cluster. Our results show that different brokerage roles played by clustered firms have different implications in terms of innovation. Another relevant and related result refers to the interactive effect of brokerage roles and absorptive capacity, which becomes more or less significant depending on the role being played in each case.Financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project number ECO2015-67122-R) and Universitat Jaume I (Project Number P1·1B2013-05) is gratefully acknowledged
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