75 research outputs found

    Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR

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    Erratum in : Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR. [Cell. 2019]International audienceInnate immune responses are intricately linked with intracellular metabolism of myeloid cells. Toll-likereceptor (TLR) stimulation shifts intracellular metabolism toward glycolysis, while anti-inflammatorysignals depend on enhanced mitochondrial respiration. How exogenous metabolic signals affect theimmune response is unknown. We demonstrate that TLR-dependent responses of dendritic cells (DC)are exacerbated by a high fatty acid (FA) metabolic environment. FA suppress the TLR-inducedhexokinase activity and perturb tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism. These metabolic changesenhance mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) production and, in turn, the unfolded proteinresponse (UPR) leading to a distinct transcriptomic signature, with IL-23 as hallmark. Interestingly,chemical or genetic suppression of glycolysis was sufficient to induce this specific immune response.Conversely, reducing mtROS production or DC-specific deficiency in XBP1 attenuated IL-23expression and skin inflammation in an IL-23-dependent model of psoriasis. Thus, fine-tuning of innateimmunity depends on optimization of metabolic demands and minimization of mtROS-induced UPR

    Determination of the melting temperature, heat of fusion, and purity analysis of different samples of zidovudine (AZT) using DSC

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    The determination of chemical purity, melting range, and variation of enthalpy in the process of characterizing medicines is one of the principal requirements evaluated in quality control of the pharmaceutical industry. In this study, the method of purity determination using DSC was outlined, as well as the application of this technique for the evaluation of commercial samples of zidovudine (AZT) (raw material) supplied by different laboratories. To this end, samples from six different laboratories (A, B, C, D, E, and F) and the standard reference (R) from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) were analyzed. The DSC curves were obtained in the temperature range of 25 to 200 ºC under the dynamic atmosphere of N2 (50 mL min-1), heating rate of β=2 ºC min-1, using an Al capsule containing approximately 2 mg of sample material. The results demonstrated that the standard reference presented a proportion of 99.83% whereas the AZT samples presented a variation ranging from 97.59 to 99.54%. In addition, the standard reference was found to present a temperature of onset of melting point of 122.80 °C. Regarding the samples of active agents provided by the different laboratories, a variation ranging from 118.70 to 122.87 °C was measured. In terms of ΔHm, the samples presented an average value of 31.12 kJ mol-1._________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMO: A determinação da pureza química, a faixa de fusão e a variação de entalpia envolvida no processo de caracterização de fármacos é um dos principais requisitos avaliados no controle de qualidade em indústrias farmacêuticas. Neste trabalho é feita uma breve abordagem sobre o método de determinação de pureza utilizando DSC, assim como a aplicação desta técnica para avaliação de amostras comerciais de zidovudina (AZT) (matéria-prima) fornecida por diferentes laboratórios. Para tal, foram analisadas amostras de seis diferentes laboratórios (A,B,C,D,E e F) e a substância química de referência (R) da United States Pharmacopeia (USP). As curvas DSC foram obtidas na faixa de temperatura entre 25 a 200 ºC, sob atmosfera dinâmica de N2 (50 mL min-1), β=2 ºC min-1, utilizando cápsula de Al contendo aproximadamente 2 mg de amostra. De acordo com os resultados, pode-se observar que a substância química de referência apresentou teor igual a 99,83% e que as amostras de AZT apresentaram uma faixa de variação entre 97,59 e 99,54%. Pode-se verificar, ainda, que a substância química de referência apresentou uma temperatura onset de fusão igual a 122,80 °C. Para as amostras dos princípios ativos fornecidos pelos diferentes laboratórios, pode-se verificar uma faixa de variação entre 118,70 e 122,87 °C. No que se refere ao ΔHm, as amostras apresentaram valor médio de 31,12 kJ.mol-1

    The European Hematology Association Roadmap for European Hematology Research. A Consensus Document

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    Abstract The European Hematology Association (EHA) Roadmap for European Hematology Research highlights major achievements in diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders and identifies the greatest unmet clinical and scientific needs in those areas to enable better funded, more focused European hematology research. Initiated by the EHA, around 300 experts contributed to the consensus document, which will help European policy makers, research funders, research organizations, researchers, and patient groups make better informed decisions on hematology research. It also aims to raise public awareness of the burden of blood disorders on European society, which purely in economic terms is estimated at Euro 23 billion per year, a level of cost that is not matched in current European hematology research funding. In recent decades, hematology research has improved our fundamental understanding of the biology of blood disorders, and has improved diagnostics and treatments, sometimes in revolutionary ways. This progress highlights the potential of focused basic research programs such as this EHA Roadmap. The EHA Roadmap identifies nine sections in hematology: normal hematopoiesis, malignant lymphoid and myeloid diseases, anemias and related diseases, platelet disorders, blood coagulation and hemostatic disorders, transfusion medicine, infections in hematology, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. These sections span 60 smaller groups of diseases or disorders. The EHA Roadmap identifies priorities and needs across the field of hematology, including those to develop targeted therapies based on genomic profiling and chemical biology, to eradicate minimal residual malignant disease, and to develop cellular immunotherapies, combination treatments, gene therapies, hematopoietic stem cell treatments, and treatments that are better tolerated by elderly patients. Received December 15, 2015. Accepted January 27, 2016. Copyright © 2016, Ferrata Storti Foundatio

    The European Hematology Association Roadmap for European Hematology Research: a consensus document

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    The European Hematology Association (EHA) Roadmap for European Hematology Research highlights major achievements in diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders and identifies the greatest unmet clinical and scientific needs in those areas to enable better funded, more focused European hematology research. Initiated by the EHA, around 300 experts contributed to the consensus document, which will help European policy makers, research funders, research organizations, researchers, and patient groups make better informed decisions on hematology research. It also aims to raise public awareness of the burden of blood disorders on European society, which purely in economic terms is estimated at €23 billion per year, a level of cost that is not matched in current European hematology research funding. In recent decades, hematology research has improved our fundamental understanding of the biology of blood disorders, and has improved diagnostics and treatments, sometimes in revolutionary ways. This progress highlights the potential of focused basic research programs such as this EHA Roadmap. The EHA Roadmap identifies nine ‘sections’ in hematology: normal hematopoiesis, malignant lymphoid and myeloid diseases, anemias and related diseases, platelet disorders, blood coagulation and hemostatic disorders, transfusion medicine, infections in hematology, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. These sections span 60 smaller groups of diseases or disorders. The EHA Roadmap identifies priorities and needs across the field of hematology, including those to develop targeted therapies based on genomic profiling and chemical biology, to eradicate minimal residual malignant disease, and to develop cellular immunotherapies, combination treatments, gene therapies, hematopoietic stem cell treatments, and treatments that are better tolerated by elderly patients

    Darstellung und Eigenschaften der Enantiomere der Antimuskarinika Sila-Procyclidin und Sila-Tricyclamol-iodid: Optisch aktive Silanole mit Silicium als Chiralitätszentrum

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    Durch Racematspaltung mit L-( + )- bzw. o-(-}-Weinsäure wurden die Enantiomere des Sila-Procyclidins (R}-1 b und (S}-1 b erhalten (>97% ce (NMR), 99.7% ee {DSC)]. Daraus wurden die Hydrochloride (R}-2b und (S)-lb und durch Umsetzung mit CH31 die Enantiomerc des Sila-Tricyclamol-iodids (R)-3b und (S}-3b [>96% ee (NMR)] hergestelll Die optisch aktiven Silanoie sind in k:ristalliner Form und in inerten Lösungsmitteln konfigurationsstabil. während sie in wässeriger Lösung raoemisieren (3 b schneller als 111). In. Analogie zur Stereoselektivität der antimuskarin. iscben Wirkung der Enantiomere der Kohlenstoff-Analoga Procyclidin (la) und Tricyclamol-iodid (3a) besitzen die (R)Enantiomere von 1 b und 311 eine größere Affinität zu den ilealen M2&- und atrialen M2ar-Muskarinrezeptorcn des Meerschwein,;, cbens als die (S)-Antipoden. Alle Silicium-Verbindungen sind stärker antiinuskarinisch wirksam als ihre Kohlenstoff-Analoga, deren Stereoselektivität jedoch stärker ausgeprägt ist. Die Unterschiede in der A1Tmität von (R}-1 b und (S)-1 b zu den ilealen und atrialen Muskarinrezeptoren bestätigen das Konzept der Heterogenität musk:arinis.cher M 2-Rezeptoren (M 2α_\alpha: atrialer Typ; M2β_\beta: ilealer Typ).The enantiomers of sila-procyclidine (R}-1 band (S)-1 b [ > 97% ee (NMR~ 99.7% ee (DSC}] were obtained by resolution with L( + )· and o-(-)-tartaric acid. rcspectively. Starting from (R}-1 b and (S)-1 b. the hydrochlorides (R)-lla and (S)-lb wcre ptepared and thc enantiomcrs of sila-tricyclamol iodide {R)-311 and (S}-3b [>96% ee (NMR)] were syothesized by reaction witb CH31. Tbe optically active silanols show configurational stabiUty in the crystalline state and in inert solvents. whereas they racemizc in aqucous solution (3b faster tban 1 b). By analogy with the stereoselectivity of antimuscarinic action of the enantiomers of tbe carbon analogues procyclidine (la) and tricyclamol iodide (Ja), tbe t.R) enantiomers of 1b and 3b show a greater aftinity for the ileal M211 and atrial M2a _muscarinic reoeptors of the guinea pig than the corresponding (S) antipodes. AU silicon compounds e:xhibit a greater antimuscarinic potency than their carbon analogues, whercas the stereoselectivity of action is more pronounced for the carbon compounds. The difTerences in affmity for (R}-1 b and (S}l b for ileal and atrial muscarinic receptors confirm the present concept of heterogencity in muscarinic M2 rccepton (M 2α_\alpha: atrial type; M 2beta_beta: ileal type)

    Enantiomers of the muscarinic antagonist 1-cyclohexyl-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-piperidino-1-butanol (p-fluoro-hexahydro-difenidol): synthesis, absolute configuration, and enantiomeric purity

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    The enantiomers of the antimuscarinic agent 1-cyclohexyl-1- (4-fluorophenyl)-4-piperidino-1-butanol [(R)- and (S)-p-fluorohexahydro- difenidol] ((R)- and (S)-2a] and their methiodides (R)- 3 and (S)-3 were prepared with high enantiomeric purity. (R)- 2a and (S)-2a (isolated as hydrochlorides) were obtained by catalytic hydrogenation (Pd/C contact) of the corresponding enantiomers of 1-cyclohexyl-1-( 4-fl uorophen yl)-4-piperidino- 2-butyn-1-ol [(R)- and (S)-4]. Reaction of (R)-2a and (S)-2a with rnethyl iodide led to (R)-3 and (S)-3, respectively. The unsaturated precursors (R)- and (S}-4 (enantiorneric purity ~ 99.80 and ~99.94% e.e.; calorimetric analysis) were prepared by res-sepaolution of rac-4 [available from 4-FC6_6H4_4C(O)C6_6H11_{11} by reaction with LiC ~ CCH2_2NC5_5H10_{10}] using (R)- and (S)-mandelic acid as resolving agents. The absolute configurations of the (R) and (S) enantiomers of 2a, 3, and 4 were determined by an X-ray crystal-structure analysis of (S)-5, the methiodide of (S)-4. (R)- 2a and (R)-3 exhibit a higher affinity for muscarinic M1, M2, M3, and M4 receptors (by up to two orders of magnitude) than their corresponding antipodes (S)-2a and (S)-3, the degree of stereoselectivity depending on the receptor subtype involved. (R)-2a represents a useful tool for rnuscarinic receptor research (affinity profile: M1 ~ M3 ~ M4 > M2)

    DSC calibration below 0°C

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