27 research outputs found

    El destino de Sísifo. Régimen político y nueva Constitución en Cuba

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    El texto aborda las transformaciones y persistencias político- institucionales, enmarcadas en el proceso (2016-2019) de debate y aprobación de una nueva Constitución en Cuba. Se ubica la experiencia dentro de la familia de los constitucionalismos autocráticos, específicamente en su modalidad soviética. Se analizan los elementos estructurales del régimen (post)totalitario vigente, poniéndolos en relación con las reformas e innovaciones legales aprobadas en la nueva Carta Magna. Al final, se evalúan las posibilidades que el nuevo marco constitucional ofrece para un mayor empoderamiento ciudadano, de cara a las demandas sociales y las transformaciones pendientes del modelo cubano.The text addresses the political-institutional transformations and persistence, framed in the process (2016-2019) of debate and approval of a new Constitution in Cuba. The experience is located within the family of autocratic constitutionalism, specifically in its Soviet form. The current (post) totalitarian regime’s structural elements are analyzed, based on the reforms and legal innovations approved in the new constitution. In the end, the article also evaluates the possibilities that the new constitutional framework offers for greater citizen empowerment analyzing social demands and pending transformations of the Cuban model.O texto aborda as transformações e persistências político-institucionais, enquadradas no processo (2016-2019) de debate e aprovação de uma nova Constituição em Cuba. A experiência está localizada na família dos constitucionalismos autocráticos, especificamente em sua forma soviética. São analisados os elementos estruturais do atual regime (pós) totalitário, colocando-os em relação às reformas e inovações jurídicas aprovadas na nova Carta Magna. Ao final, avaliam-se as possibilidades que o novo marco constitucional oferece para um maior empoderamento do cidadão, frente às demandas sociais e às transformações pendentes do modelo cubano

    Trastorno de adaptación en la Psicopatología Infantil. Un estudio de caso

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    La Psicopatología Infantil estudia al infante en el proceso salud-enfermedad, y reconoce la necesidad de un correcto psicodiagnóstico holístico y contextualizador que considere la situación social de desarrollo (SSD) particular, y que comprenda la dinámica, contenido y forma de los síntomas del trastorno de adaptación (TA), uno de los de mayor prevalencia en niños y adolescentes. Esta investigación pretende realizar un estudio de caso a un niño de escolar que presenta un trastorno de adaptación. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa con la aplicación de técnicas y la posterior elaboración del informe psicológico delimitando la conducta a seguir y recomendaciones concretas orientadas a los diversos agentes socializadores que conforman la SSD del escolar. Se encontró que las esferas más afectadas fueron la escolar y la familiar al mismo tiempo que constituyen contextos resilientes; el niño presenta un TA de tipo ansioso con síntomas como intranquilidad, trastornos del sueño, poca concentración de la atención, agresividad con sus iguales, conductas regresivas, etc. La conducta a seguir en este caso orienta previamente la atenuación de la sintomatología ansiosa para realizar la psicoterapia favorablemente, y a su vez ofrece recomendaciones concretas a las áreas familiar y escolar. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 213 - 225

    Elecciones locales en Cuba: la abstención como protagonista en la jornada electoral del 27 de noviembre de 2022

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    The article analyzes the Cuban municipal elections on November 27, 2022. These elections are part of a trend of authoritarianisms to organize electoral processes marked by non-democratic institutions, laws, and practices. In this sense, they are non-competitive and opaque processes, held in a closed environment where the rights of association, demonstration, and assembly are severely restricted. The article addresses the main characteristics of the electoral processes under the 2019 Constitution and its stages. In addition, it analyzes the role of the single party, candidacy commissions, and the absence of electoral campaigns.El artículo analiza las elecciones municipales en Cuba celebradas el 27 de noviembre de 2022. Estas forman parte de una tendencia de los autoritarismos de celebrar procesos electorales marcados por instituciones, leyes y prácticas no democráticas. En tal sentido, son votaciones no competitivas y no transparentes que se realizan en un entorno cerrado en el que los derechos de asociación, manifestación y reunión están severamente restringidos. El artículo aborda las principales características de estos procesos electorales bajo la Constitución de 2019, incluyendo sus etapas, el rol del partido único, las comisiones de candidatura y la ausencia de campañas electorales

    Frontal and superior temporal auditory processing abnormalities in schizophrenia

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    AbstractBackgroundAlthough magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies show superior temporal gyrus (STG) auditory processing abnormalities in schizophrenia at 50 and 100ms, EEG and corticography studies suggest involvement of additional brain areas (e.g., frontal areas) during this interval. Study goals were to identify 30 to 130ms auditory encoding processes in schizophrenia (SZ) and healthy controls (HC) and group differences throughout the cortex.MethodsThe standard paired-click task was administered to 19 SZ and 21 HC subjects during MEG recording. Vector-based Spatial–temporal Analysis using L1-minimum-norm (VESTAL) provided 4D maps of activity from 30 to 130ms. Within-group t-tests compared post-stimulus 50ms and 100ms activity to baseline. Between-group t-tests examined 50 and 100ms group differences.ResultsBilateral 50 and 100ms STG activity was observed in both groups. HC had stronger bilateral 50 and 100ms STG activity than SZ. In addition to the STG group difference, non-STG activity was also observed in both groups. For example, whereas HC had stronger left and right inferior frontal gyrus activity than SZ, SZ had stronger right superior frontal gyrus and left supramarginal gyrus activity than HC.ConclusionsLess STG activity was observed in SZ than HC, indicating encoding problems in SZ. Yet auditory encoding abnormalities are not specific to STG, as group differences were observed in frontal and SMG areas. Thus, present findings indicate that individuals with SZ show abnormalities in multiple nodes of a concurrently activated auditory network

    The default-mode, ego-functions and free-energy: a neurobiological account of Freudian ideas

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    This article explores the notion that Freudian constructs may have neurobiological substrates. Specifically, we propose that Freud’s descriptions of the primary and secondary processes are consistent with self-organized activity in hierarchical cortical systems and that his descriptions of the ego are consistent with the functions of the default-mode and its reciprocal exchanges with subordinate brain systems. This neurobiological account rests on a view of the brain as a hierarchical inference or Helmholtz machine. In this view, large-scale intrinsic networks occupy supraordinate levels of hierarchical brain systems that try to optimize their representation of the sensorium. This optimization has been formulated as minimizing a free-energy; a process that is formally similar to the treatment of energy in Freudian formulations. We substantiate this synthesis by showing that Freud’s descriptions of the primary process are consistent with the phenomenology and neurophysiology of rapid eye movement sleep, the early and acute psychotic state, the aura of temporal lobe epilepsy and hallucinogenic drug states

    Spacial data model for environmental samples Modelo de Datos Espacial para Muestras Ambientales

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    <em>A Spacial Data Model is proposed to represent any kind of environmental samples. The model was based on ISO 5667 (Water Sampling) and ISO 19000 (Geographic Information) family norms, a mexican soil sampling norm: NMX-AA-132-SCFI-2006 and the experience of Ambiental Research Center Laboratory from Cienfuegos  (CEAC) which is certified by cuban norm: NC ISO/IEC 17025:06). A conceptual model is presented and from it is deducted a logical model for PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 1.5.</em><br>Se propone un modelo de datos espacial para representar cualquier muestra ambiental. El modelo se basó en las familias de normas ISO 5667 (monitoreo de agua) e ISO 19000 (información geográfica), la norma mejicana para el muestreo de suelos NMX-AA-132-SCFI-2006 y las experiencias del laboratorio de ensayos del Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos (CEAC), acreditado por la norma cubana NC ISO/IEC 17025:06. Se presenta un modelo conceptual del que se extrapola un modelo lógico para PostgreSQL 9.1 y PostGIS 1.5

    Trastorno de adaptación en la Psicopatología Infantil. Un estudio de caso

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    ResumenLa Psicopatología Infantil estudia al infante en el proceso salud-enfermedad, y reconoce la necesidad de un correcto psicodiagnóstico holístico y contextualizador que considere la situación social de desarrollo (SSD) particular, y que comprenda la dinámica, contenido y forma de los síntomas del trastorno de adaptación (TA), uno de los de mayor prevalencia en niños y adolescentes. Esta investigación pretende realizar un estudio de caso a un niño de escolar que presenta un trastorno de adaptación. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa con la aplicación de técnicas y la posterior elaboración del informe psicológico delimitando la conducta a seguir y recomendaciones concretas orientadas a los diversos agentes socializadores que conforman la SSD del escolar. Se encontró que las esferas más afectadas fueron la escolar y la familiar al mismo tiempo que constituyen contextos resilientes; el niño presenta un TA de tipo ansioso con síntomas como intranquilidad, trastornos del sueño, poca concentración de la atención, agresividad con sus iguales, conductas regresivas, etc. La conducta a seguir en este caso orienta previamente la atenuación de la sintomatología ansiosa para realizar la psicoterapia favorablemente, y a su vez ofrece recomendaciones concretas a las áreas familiar y escolar. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 213 - 225)AbstractChild Psychopathology examines the infant in the health-disease process, and recognizes the need for a correct holistic and contextualized psycho diagnostic that considers the individual social situation of development (SSD), and that gets dynamics, as the content and form of the disorder symptoms adaptation (DSA), one of the most prevalent in children and adolescents. This research intends to conduct a case study to a school child who has an adaptation disorder. It is based on a qualitative methodology with the application of techniques and the further elaboration of the psychological report defining the approach to be followed and specific recommendations aimed at the various socializing agents that make up the school's SSD. It was found that the most affected areas were school and family, at they same time they are considered resilient contexts , the child has an adaptation disorder with symptoms of anxiety such as restlessness, sleep disturbances, poor concentration of the attention , aggression with other kids, regressive conduct, etc. The approach to be followed in this case previously directs the attenuation of symptoms of anxiety as to get a positive psychotherapy, and in turn offers specific recommendations to family and school areas.Keywords: adaptation disorder; child psychopathology; psycho diagnostic.</p

    Trastorno de adaptación en la Psicopatología infantil: un estudio de caso

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    Child Psychopathology examines the infant in the health-disease process, and recognizes the need for a correct holistic and contextualized psycho diagnostic that considers the individual social situation of development (SSD), and that gets dynamics, as the content and form of the disorder symptoms adaptation (DSA), one of the most prevalent in children and adolescents. This research intends to conduct a case study to a school child who has an adaptation disorder. It is based on a qualitative methodology with the application of techniques and the further elaboration of the psychological report defining the approach to be followed and specific recommendations aimed at the various socializing agents that make up the school's SSD. It was found that the most affected areas were school and family, at they same time they are considered resilient contexts , the child has an adaptation disorder with symptoms of anxiety such as restlessness, sleep disturbances, poor concentration of the attention , aggression with other kids, regressive conduct, etc. The approach to be followed in this case previously directs the attenuation of symptoms of anxiety as to get a positive psychotherapy, and in turn offers specific recommendations to family and school areas.La Psicopatología Infantil estudia al infante en el proceso salud-enfermedad, y reconoce la necesidad de un correcto psicodiagnóstico holístico y contextualizador que considere la situación social de desarrollo (SSD) particular, y que comprenda la dinámica, contenido y forma de los síntomas del trastorno de adaptación (TA), uno de los de mayor prevalencia en niños y adolescentes. Esta investigación pretende realizar un estudio de caso a un niño de escolar que presenta un trastorno de adaptación. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa con la aplicación de técnicas y la posterior elaboración del informe psicológico delimitando la conducta a seguir y recomendaciones concretas orientadas a los diversos agentes socializadores que conforman la SSD del escolar. Se encontró que las esferas más afectadas fueron la escolar y la familiar al mismo tiempo que constituyen contextos resilientes; el niño presenta un TA de tipo ansioso con síntomas como intranquilidad, trastornos del sueño, poca concentración de la atención, agresividad con sus iguales, conductas regresivas, etc. La conducta a seguir en este caso orienta previamente la atenuación de la sintomatología ansiosa para realizar la psicoterapia favorablemente, y a su vez ofrece recomendaciones concretas a las áreas familiar y escolar