567 research outputs found

    The Statistical Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems

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    The paper deals with the following problems: (1) relationship between the dynamic changes observed in an economic system at the disaggregated level and, equilibrium description applicable at the aggregated scale; (2) relationship between entropy maximizing models and behavioral (cost minimizing, utility maximizing) models; (3) the answers are provided in terms of an entropy maximizing probability distribution based on topological characteristics of the dynamic equations (Lyapunov functions)

    Renewable Resource Economics - Optimal Rules of Thumb

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    In this article the supply of roundwood is discussed within the framework of renewable resource economics. Quantitative guidelines for forestry are derived and tested against possible disturbances to plantation management conditions. It is shown that certain rules of thumb for renewable resource management are robust with respect to a broad set of incidental disturbances, e.g., weather conditions, market fluctuations, etc

    Notes zoologiques et botaniques sur l’ouest du Groënland

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    Latar belakang: Kanker  leher rahim (serviks) merupakan ancaman penyakit yang menakutkan bagi wanita. Pasien kanker rahim di seluruh dunia diperkirakan terjadi sekitar 500 ribu kasus baru, 270 ribu diantaranya meninggal setiap tahunnya. Kanker serviks dapat dicegah, salah satunya dengan Metode Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA), yaitu metode screening yang praktis, murah, dan memungkinkan dilakukan di  Indonesia. Pada  tahun 2009-2011  terdapat tiga orang meninggal  karena kanker  serviks di Kelurahan Jebres, namun dari 1207 wanita usia  produktif  hanya  enam  orang  yang mengikuti  IVA  test  diadakan  oleh Puskesmas  pada bulan Mei 2011.Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang kanker serviks dengan keikutsetaan ibu melakukan IVA Test di Kelurahan Jebres Surakarta. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu usia 30-50  tahun sebanyak 66 responden dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling. Hasil: Hasil uji Chi Square dengan taraf signifikansi (α=0,05) didapatkan nilai hitung (13.073) >  tabel (5.991) dengan Pvalue = 0,000 (p<0,05) sehingga  Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan  tentang kanker serviks dengan keikutsertaan ibu melakukan IVA Test di Kelurahan Jebres Surakarta.Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Kanker Serviks, IVA Tes

    The Role of Unmanned Systems in Meeting Climate Challenges

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    Seed Research Program 2023. A Quad, describing CRUSER Seed Research Program funded research.CRUSER Funded ResearchFY23 Funded Research ProposalConsortium for Robotics and Unmanned Systems Education and Research (CRUSER


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    This thesis aims to determine the legal aspects of preventing pollution of the environment due to ethanol wasteand to know the constrains and solutions to prevent environmental pollution from ethanol waste.This researchuses empirical research. Which is research that focuses on social facts or an analysis of the findings of the literature has been briefly explained and on field researchconnects several social findings.The results show that the legal aspects of waste management in Sukoharjo District have not been maximally realized in accordance with regional regulation number 5 of 2012 because there are several obstacles faced, namely the lack of facilities and infrastructure, lack of Human Resources (HR) at the Environmental Service so that information, socialization, and guidance for entrepreneurs is not delivered and make there are still many to be found unlicensed ethanol business

    Effet de l’implantation des souches de Panicum maximum var. C1 sur l’invasion de Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit dans les pâturages naturels au Nord-Béni

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    La productivité et la durabilité des pâturages naturels sont menacées au Nord-Bénin par la prolifération de Hyptis suaveolens. La restauration de ces pâturages nécessite des mesures de lutte contre cette plante. L’étude visait à évaluer l’effet de Panicum maximum C1 installé avec des souches à une densité de 4 plants/m2 sur H. suaveolens et à comparer les réactions face à H. suaveolens des souches de P. maximum issues d’un milieu infesté ou non par H. suaveolens. Le contrôle d’invasion de H. suaveolens par la culture de P. maximum a été évalué par la contribution spécifique de contact (CSC), le biovolume (Bv) et la biomasse (Bm) de H. suaveolens. Lesrésultats ont montré que la présence de P. maximum C1 a réduit significativement (p&lt;0,05) la CSC, le Bv et la Bm de H. suaveolens respectivement à 13,20%, 0,16% et 15,62% après trois mois de culture sans exploitation. La provenance des souches n’a eu d’effet significatif (p&gt;0,05) sur aucun des paramètres biophysiques de H. suaveolens, ni sur le développement de P. maximum C1 en présence de H. suaveolens. Ainsi, la culture de P. maximum dans les pâturages envahis a permis d’améliorer leurs caractéristiques pastorales et peut être promue en milieu paysan.Mots clé : Hyptis suaveolens, Panicum maximum C1, plante envahissante, pâturages, Bénin. Effect of Panicum maximum var. C1 stumps cultivation on invasion of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit in natural pastures in northern Benin &nbsp; The productivity and sustainability of natural pastures in northern Benin are threatened by the proliferation of Hyptis suaveolens. The restoration of these pastures requires control measures against this plant. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of Panicum maximum C1 installed with stumps at a density of 4 plants/m² on the development of H. suaveolens and to compare the reactions with respect to H. suaveolens of P. maximum’s stumps from an infested environment or not by H. suaveolens. Invasion control of H. suaveolens by culture of P.&nbsp; maximum was assessed using the specific contact contribution (SCC), biovolume (Bv) and biomass (Bm) of H. suaveolens. The results showed that the presence of P. maximum C1 reduced significantly (p &lt;0.05) the SCC, Bv and Bm of H. suaveolens respectively to 13.20%, 0.16% and 15.62% after three months of cultivation without exploitation. The origin of stumps had no significant effect (p&gt; 0.05) on any of the biophysical parameters of H. suaveolens, nor on the development of P. maximum C1 in the presence of H. suaveolens. Thus, the cultivation of P. maximum in pastures invaded has improved their pastoral characteristics and can be promoted in rural areas. Keywords: Hyptis suaveolens, Panicum maximum C1, invasive plant, pastures, Benin

    Advancing Clarity: Analysis of UxS Legal Questions

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    A Quad, describing CRUSER Seed Research Program funded research.CRUSER Funded ResearchFY22 Funded Research ProposalConsortium for Robotics and Unmanned Systems Education and Research (CRUSER