200 research outputs found

    Co-registration and bias corrections of satellite elevation data sets for quantifying glacier thickness change

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    There are an increasing number of digital elevation models (DEMs) available worldwide for deriving elevation differences over time, including vertical changes on glaciers. Most of these DEMs are heavily post-processed or merged, so that physical error modelling becomes difficult and statistical error modelling is required instead. We propose a three-step methodological framework for assessing and correcting DEMs to quantify glacier elevation changes: (i) remove DEM shifts, (ii) check for elevation-dependent biases, and (iii) check for higher-order, sensor-specific biases. A simple, analytic and robust method to co-register elevation data is presented in regions where stable terrain is either plentiful (case study New Zealand) or limited (case study Svalbard). The method is demonstrated using the three global elevation data sets available to date, SRTM, ICESat and the ASTER GDEM, and with automatically generated DEMs from satellite stereo instruments of ASTER and SPOT5-HRS. After 3-D co-registration, significant biases related to elevation were found in some of the stereoscopic DEMs. Biases related to the satellite acquisition geometry (along/cross track) were detected at two frequencies in the automatically generated ASTER DEMs. The higher frequency bias seems to be related to satellite jitter, most apparent in the back-looking pass of the satellite. The origins of the more significant lower frequency bias is uncertain. ICESat-derived elevations are found to be the most consistent globally available elevation data set available so far. Before performing regional-scale glacier elevation change studies or mosaicking DEMs from multiple individual tiles (e.g. ASTER GDEM), we recommend to co-register all elevation data to ICESat as a global vertical reference system

    Optical Properties of Iron Silicates in the Infrared to Millimeter as a Function of Temperatures and Wavelength

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    The Optical Properties of Astronomical Silicates with Infrared Techniques (OPASI-T) program utilizes multiple instruments to provide spectral data over a wide range of temperature and wavelengths. Experimental methods include Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) transmission, and reflection/scattering measurements. From this data, we can determine the optical parameters for the index of refraction, \textit{n}, and the absorption coefficient, \textit{k}. The analysis of the laboratory transmittance data for each sample type is based upon different mathematical models, which are applied to each data set according to their degree of coherence. Presented here are results from iron silicate dust grain analogs, in several sample preparations and at temperatures ranging from 5--300 K, across the infrared and millimeter portion of the spectrum (from 2.5--10,000 \mic\ or 4,000--1 \wvn).Comment: Revised manuscript submitted to Ap

    Precise DEM extraction from Svalbard using 1936 high oblique imagery

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    Stretching time series further in the past with the best possible accuracy is essential to the understanding of climate change impacts and geomorphological processes evolving on decadal-scale time spans. In the first half of the twentieth century, large parts of the polar regions were still unmapped or only superficially so. To create cartographic data, a number of historic photogrammetric campaigns were conducted using oblique imagery, which is easier to work with in unmapped environments as collocating images is an easier task for the human eye given a more familiar viewing angle and a larger field of view. Even if the data obtained from such campaigns gave a good baseline for the mapping of the area, the precision and accuracy are to be considered with caution. Exploiting the possibilities arising from modern image processing tools and reprocessing the archives to obtain better data is therefore a task worth the effort. The oblique angle of view of the data is offering a challenge to classical photogrammetric tools, but the use of modern structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry offers an efficient and quantitative way to process these data into terrain models. In this paper, we propose a good practice method for processing historical oblique imagery using free and open source software (MicMac and Python) and illustrate the process using images of the Svalbard archipelago acquired in 1936 by the Norwegian Polar Institute. On these data, our workflow provides 5&thinsp;m resolution, high-quality elevation data (SD&thinsp;2&thinsp;m for moderate terrain) as well as orthoimages that allow for the reliable quantification of terrain change when compared to more modern data.</p

    On the asymptotic giant branch star origin of peculiar spinel grain OC2

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    Microscopic presolar grains extracted from primitive meteorites have extremely anomalous isotopic compositions revealing the stellar origin of these grains. The composition of presolar spinel grain OC2 is different from that of all other presolar spinel grains. Large excesses of the heavy Mg isotopes are present and thus an origin from an intermediate-mass (IM) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star was previously proposed for this grain. We discuss the isotopic compositions of presolar spinel grain OC2 and compare them to theoretical predictions. We show that the isotopic composition of O, Mg and Al in OC2 could be the signature of an AGB star of IM and metallicity close to solar experiencing hot bottom burning, or of an AGB star of low mass (LM) and low metallicity suffering very efficient cool bottom processing. Large measurement uncertainty in the Fe isotopic composition prevents us from discriminating which model better represents the parent star of OC2. However, the Cr isotopic composition of the grain favors an origin in an IM-AGB star of metallicity close to solar. Our IM-AGB models produce a self-consistent solution to match the composition of OC2 within the uncertainties related to reaction rates. Within this solution we predict that the 16O(p,g)17F and the 17O(p,a)14N reaction rates should be close to their lower and upper limits, respectively. By finding more grains like OC2 and by precisely measuring their Fe and Cr isotopic compositions, it may be possible in the future to derive constraints on massive AGB models from the study of presolar grains.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Measuring the Optical Properties of Astrophysical Dust Analogues: Instrumentation and Methods

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    Dust is found throughout the universe and plays an important role for a wide range of astrophysical phenomena. In recent years, new infrared facilities have provided powerful new data for understanding these phenomena. However, interpretation of these data is often complicated by a lack of complementary information about the optical properties of astronomically relevant materials. The Optical Properties of Astronomical Silicates with Infrared Techniques (OPASI-T) program at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is designed to provide new high-quality laboratory data from which we can derive the optical properties of astrophysical dust analogues. This program makes use of multiple instruments, including new equipment designed and built specifically for this purpose. The suite of instruments allows us to derive optical properties over a wide wavelength range, from the near-infrared through the millimeter, also providing the capability for exploring how these properties depend upon the temperature of the sample. In this paper, we discuss the overall structure of the research program, describe the new instruments that have been developed to meet the science goals, and demonstrate the efficacy of these tools

    Reaction rate uncertainties and 26Al in AGB silicon carbide stardust

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    Stardust is a class of presolar grains each of which presents an ideally uncontaminated stellar sample. Mainstream silicon carbide (SiC) stardust formed in the extended envelopes of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and incorporated the radioactive nucleus 26Al as a trace element. The aim of this paper is to analyse in detail the effect of nuclear uncertainties, in particular the large uncertainties of up to four orders of magnitude related to the 26Al_g+(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, on the production of 26Al in AGB stars and compare model predictions to data obtained from laboratory analysis of SiC stardust grains. Stellar uncertainties are also briefly discussed. We use a detailed nucleosynthesis postprocessing code to calculate the 26Al/27Al ratios at the surface of AGB stars of different masses (M = 1.75, 3, and 5 M_sun) and metallicities (Z = 0.02, 0.012, and 0.008). For the lower limit and recommended value of the 26Al_g(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, the predicted 26Al/27Al ratios replicate the upper values of the range of the 26Al/27Al ratios measured in SiC grains. For the upper limit of the 26Al_g(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, instead, the predicted 26Al/27Al ratios are approximately 100 times lower and lie below the range observed in SiC grains. When considering models of different masses and metallicities, the spread of more than an order of magnitude in the 26Al/27Al ratios measured in stellar SiC grains is not reproduced. We propose two scenarios to explain the spread of the 26Al/27Al ratios observed in mainstream SiC, depending on the choice of the 26Al_g+p reaction rate. One involves different times of stardust formation, the other involves extra-mixing processes. Stronger conclusions will be possible after more information is available from future nuclear experiments on the 26Al_g+p reaction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Infrared spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas). IV. A closer look at the dust

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    Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas) was an archetypical dust-forming nova. It displayed a deep minimum in the visual light curve, and spectroscopic evidence for carbon, hydrocarbon and silicate dust. We report the results of fitting the infrared spectral energy distribution with the DUSTY code, which we use to determine the properties and geometry of the emitting dust. The emission is well described as originating in a thin shell whose dust has a carbon:silicate ratio of ~2:1 by number (1.26:1 by mass) and a relatively flat size distribution. The 9.7micron and 18micron silicate features are consistent with freshly-condensed dust and, while the lower limit to the grain size distribution is not well constrained, the largest grains have dimensions \~0.06micron; unless the grains in V705 Cas were anomalously small, the sizes of grains produced in nova eruptions may previously have been overestimated in novae with optically thick dust shells. Laboratory work by Grishko & Duley may provide clues to the apparently unique nature of nova UIR features.Comment: 11 pages, 9 fugure

    Sub-Keplerian accretion onto circumstellar disks

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    Models of the formation, evolution and photoevaporation of circumstellar disks are an essential ingredient in many theories of the formation of planetary systems. The ratio of disk mass over stellar mass in the circumstellar phase of a disk is largely determined by the angular momentum of the original cloud core from which the system was formed. While full 3D or 2D axisymmetric hydrodynamical models of accretion onto the disk automatically treat all aspects of angular momentum, this is not so trivial for 1D and semi-2D viscous disk models. Since 1D and semi-2D disk models are still very useful for long-term evolutionary modelling of disks with relatively little numerical effort, we investigate how the 2D nature of accretion affects the formation and evolution of the disk in such models. A proper treatment of this problem requires a correction for the sub-Keplerian velocity at which accretion takes place. We develop an update of our semi-2D time-dependent disk evolution model to properly treat the effects of sub-Keplerian accretion. The new model also accounts for the effects of the vertical extent of the disk on the accretion streamlines from the envelope. The disks produced with the new method are smaller than those obtained previously, but their mass is mostly unchanged. The new disks are a few degrees warmer in the outer parts, so they contain less solid CO. Otherwise, the results for ices are unaffected. The 2D treatment of the accretion results in material accreting at larger radii, so a smaller fraction comes close enough to the star for amorphous silicates to be thermally annealed into crystalline form. The lower crystalline abundances thus predicted correspond more closely to observed abundances than did earlier model predictions. We argue that thermal annealing followed by radial mixing must be responsible for at least part of the observed crystalline material.Comment: Accepted by A&A; 10 pages, 6 figure

    Development and testing of a pyro-driven launcher for harpoon-based comet sample acquisition

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    The CORSAIR (COmet Rendezvous, Sample Acquisition, Investigation, and Return) mission is a proposal for the fourth NASA New Frontiers program. It belongs to the Comet Surface Sample Return mission theme which focuses on acquiring and returning to Earth a macroscopic sample from the surface of a comet nucleus. CORSAIR uses a harpoon-based Sample Acquisition System (SAS) with the spacecraft hovering several meters above the comet surface. This stand-off strategy overcomes disadvantages of systems using drills or shovels. Since comets are low gravity objects, these techniques would require anchoring before sampling, which is not necessary here. Moreover, the harpoon-based system allows for acquiring several samples from different locations on the comet maximizing the scientifc output of the mission. Each SAS assembly consists of a pyro-driven launcher, a Sample Acquisition and Retrieval Projectile (SARP) and a retraction system using a deployable composite boom structure. In order to collect enough cometary material, the launcher has to provide the required kinetic energy to the SARP. Due to high energy densities, pyrotechnically actuated devices ultimately reduce the overall system mass and dimensions. Here, an overview of the development, design and testing of the launcher is given. Furthermore, the launcher theory is introduced explaining the entire reaction chain: initiation -> gas dynamics -> SARP motion

    Structural and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case of 2MASS J04442713+2512164

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    In order to improve our understanding of substellar formation, we have performed a compositional and structural study of a brown dwarf disk. We present the result of photometric, spectroscopic and imaging observations of 2MASS J04442713+2512164, a young brown dwarf (M7.25) member of the Taurus association. Our dataset, combined with results from the literature, provides a complete coverage of the spectral energy distribution from the optical to the millimeter including the first photometric measurement of a brown dwarf disk at 3.7mm, and allows us to perform a detailed analysis of the disk properties. The target was known to have a disk. High resolution optical spectroscopy shows that it is intensely accreting, and powers a jet and an outflow. The disk structure is similar to that observed for more massive TTauri stars. Spectral decomposition models of Spitzer/IRS spectra suggest that the mid-infrared emission from the optically thin disk layers is dominated by grains with intermediate sizes (1.5micron). Crystalline silicates are significantly more abondant in the outer part and/or deeper layers of the disk, implying very efficient mixing and/or additional annealing processes. Sub-millimeter and millimeter data indicate that most of the disk mass is in large grains (>1mm)Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, accepted for A&
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