3,317 research outputs found

    The influence of organic amendments on soil aggregate stability from semiarid sites

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    Restoring the native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health. Under these conditions, vegetation cover in areas having degraded soils may be better sustained if the soil is amended with an external source of organic matter. The addition of organic materials to soils also increases infiltration rates and reduces erosion rates; these factors contribute to an available water increment and a successful and sustainable land management. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of various organic amendments on the aggregate stability of soils in afforested plots. An experimental paired-plot layout was established in southern of Spain (homogeneous slope gradient: 7.5%; aspect: N170). Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. The vegetation was planted in a grid pattern with 0.5 m between plants in each plot. During the afforestation process the soil was tilled to 25 cm depth from the surface. Soil from the afforested plots was sampled in: i) 6 months post-afforestation; ii) 12 months post-afforestation; iii) 18 months post-afforestation; and iv) 24 months post-afforestation. The sampling strategy for each plot involved collection of 4 disturbed soil samples taken from the surface (0–10 cm depth). The stability of aggregates was measured by wet-sieving. Regarding to soil aggregate stability, the percentage of stable aggregates has increased slightly in all the treatments in relation to control. Specifically, the differences were recorded in the fraction of macroaggregates (≥ 0.250 mm). The largest increases have been associated with straw mulch, pinus mulch and sludge. Similar results have been registered for the soil organic carbon content. Independent of the soil management, after six months, no significant differences in microaggregates were found regarding to the control plots. These results showed an increase in the stability of the macroaggregates when soil is amended with sludge, pinus mulch and straw much. This fact has been due to an increase in the number cementing agents due to: (i) the application of pinus, straw and sludge had resulted in the release of carbohydrates to the soil; and thus (ii) it has favored the development of a protective vegetation cover, which has increased the number of roots in the soil and the organic contribution to it.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Paisajes de la sal artesanales en Europa: de patrimonio minero a paisajes culturales vivos

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    Artisanal salt making in Europe is experiencing an unprecedented expansion, thanks to a stronger awareness of quality food products, the protection of a traditional know-how and the maintenance of the natural values of productive landscapes. Over the last century, small solar evaporation salt making sites across the continent had been experiencing a decline, in favour of large, industrial mining facilities. Hand harvested salt was seen as a low-quality product, not fit for its use in food or other applications. In Spain and Portugal alone, from the over 700 former salt making sites, only 10% survived, the rest falling into oblivion. In the early 21st century, some abandoned sites were gaining attention as mining heritage, being recovered as open-air museums. In a few cases, some sites were recovered in extremis as productive sites, becoming (again) living cultural landscapes. In this contribution, we analyse the recovery of twelve saltscapes in Europe, with different degrees of advancement. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods allows to understand the processes and which factors influence the transformation from an abandoned mining site to a thriving productive landscape that celebrates and protects its cultural, human and natural values. La producción artesanal de sal en Europa está experimentando una expansión sin precedentes, gracias a una mayor concienciación sobre los productos alimentarios de calidad, la protección del conocimiento tradicional y el mantenimiento de los valores naturales de los paisajes productivos. Durante el siglo XX, pequeñas salinas de evaporación solar en todo el continente experimentaronun declive, en favor de las grandes instalaciones industriales. La sal cosechada a mano era vista como un producto de baja calidad, no apta para su uso en alimentación u otras aplicaciones. Solo en España y Portugal, de los más de 700 antiguos espacios salineros, solo el 10% sobrevivió, cayendo el resto en el olvido. A principios del siglo XXI, algunos espacios abandonados recibieron atención como patrimonio minero, siendo recuperados como museos al aire libre. En algunos casos, algunos recuperaron in extremis la producción, convirtiéndose (de nuevo) en paisajes culturales vivos. En esta contribución, analizamos la recuperación de doce paisajes de la sal en Europa, con diferentes grados de avance. Una combinación de métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos permite comprender los procesos y qué factores influyenen la transformación de un espacio minero abandonado a un próspero paisaje productivo que celebra y protege sus valores culturales, humanos y naturales.Peer Reviewe

    Impacts of Radar Echoes on Internal Calibration Signals in the TerraSAR-X Instrument

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    For calibrating and monitoring the required radiometric stability, the radar instrument of TerraSAR-X features an internal calibration facility coupling into an additional port of the TRMs. Calibration pulses are routed through the front-end to characterise critical elements and parameters of the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) path. Changes in the signal path appear due to thermal effects, degradation, or extreme conditions in space. Especially the front-end TRMs controlling the phased array antenna are of crucial significance for the instrument reliability. There are many indications that the interference of the RX-Calibration signals is caused by an echo from a transmitted TerraSAR-X chirp pulse of the same data take. As consequently implemented in the TerraSAR-X system, different approaches solve these effects of signal interference. In orbit, the commanding sequence can be optimised for avoiding interference. At processing level, averaging techniques minimise the noise effects inside the calibration signals. This paper presents the effects of the radar echoes on the whole internal calibration process and how they can be detected and minimised

    Impact of HydroPolymers on the soil biological components in mediterranean drylands

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    Soil degradation affects more than 52 million ha of land in counties of the European Union. This problem is particularly serious in Mediterranean areas, where the effects of anthropogenic activities (tillage on slopes, deforestation, and pasture production) add to problems caused by prolonged periods of drought and intense and irregular rainfall. Soil microbiota can be used as an indicator of the soil healthy in degraded areas. This is because soil microbiota participates in the cycle elements and in the organic matter decomposition. All this helps to the young plants establishment and in long term protect the soils against the erosion. During dry periods in the Mediterranean areas, the lack of water entering the soil matrix leads to a loss of soil microbiological activity and it turns into a lower soil production capabilities. Under these conditions, the aim of this study was to evaluate the positive effect on soil biological components produced by an hydro absorbent polymer (Terracottem). The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the impact assessment of an hydropolymer (Terracottem) on the soil biological components. An experimental flowerpot layout was established in June 2015 and 12 variants with different amount of Terracottem were applied as follow: i) 3.0 kg.m3 ; ii) 1.5 kg.m3 and; iii) 0 kg.m3. In all the variants were tested the further additives: a) 1% of glucose, b) 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen, c) 1% of Glucose + 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen d) control (no additive). According to natural conditions, humidity have been kept at 15% in all the variants. During four weeks, mineral nitrogen leaching and soil respiration have been measured in each flowerplot. Respiration has been quantified four times every time while moistening containers and alkaline soda lime has been used as a sorbent. The amount of CO 2 increase has been measured with the sorbent. Leaching of mineral nitrogen has been quantified by ion exchange resins (IER). IER pouches have been placed on the bottom of each container, and after completion of the experiment mineral nitrogen leaching has been evaluated by distillation and titration method. Results from respiration have shown statistically significant differences between the variants. According to control, soil with polymers have shown significant difference when comparing respiration with independence of the additive used. CO 2 production in the first week has exceeded the sum of the outputs of the following weeks. Mineral nitrogen leaching measurement has shown statistically significant differences. The lowest leaching has been occurred in control variant, while the highest in variant containing only the addition of mineral nitrogen. Research results may conclude that the biological part of the test soil is not limited by a lack of components, the only thing that suppresses its activity is the lack of moisture. After moistening it leads to a rapid growth of soil activity, without causing the nutrients loss. Besides, Terracottem has affected soil activity neither positively nor negatively, but it considers being a suitable tool for reducing the drought impact in arid and semi-arid areas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Neoclassical Growth, Environment and Technological Change: The Environmental Kuznets Curve

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    The paper investigates socially optimal patterns of economic growth and environmental quality in a neoclassical growth model with endogenous technological progress. In the model, the environmental quality affects positively not only to utility but also to production. However, cleaner technologies can be used in the economy whether a part of the output is used in environmentally oriented R&D. In this framework, if the initial level of capital is low then the shadow price of a cleaner technology is low relative to the cost of developing it given by the marginal utility of consumption and it is not worth investing in R&D. Thus, there will be a first stage of growth based only on the accumulation of capital with a decreasing environmental quality until the moment that pollution is great enough to make profitable the investment in R&D. After this turning point, if the new technologies are efficient enough, the economy can evolve along a balanced growth path with an increasing environmental quality. The result is that the optimal investment pattern supports an environmental Kuznets curve.Neoclassical Growth Model, Endogenous Technological Progress, External Effects, Environmental Kuznets Curve

    Temperature dependence of spin polarization in ferromagnetic metals using lateral spin valves

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    A high reproducibility in the performance of cobalt/copper and permalloy/copper lateral spin valves with transparent contacts is obtained by optimizing the interface quality and the purity of copper. This allows us to study comprehensively the spin injection properties of both ferromagnetic materials, as well as the spin transport properties of copper, which are not affected by the used ferromagnetic material, leading to long spin diffusion lengths. Spin polarizations of permalloy and cobalt are obtained as a function of temperature. Analysis of the temperature dependence of both the spin polarization and conductivity of permalloy using the standard two-channel model for ferromagnetic metals suggests that a correction factor of ~2 is needed for the spin polarization values obtained by lateral spin valve experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Contribution of defects to the spin relaxation in copper nanowires

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    The contributions to the spin relaxation in copper (Cu) nanowires are quantified by carefully analyzing measurements of both charge and spin transport in lateral spin valves as a function of temperature and thickness. The temperature dependence of the spin-flip scattering solely arises from the scattering with phonons, as in bulk Cu, whereas we identify grain boundaries as the main temperature-independent contribution of the defects in the nanowires. A puzzling maximum in the spin diffusion length of Cu at low temperatures is found, which can be explained by the presence of magnetic impurities. The results presented here suggest routes for improving spin transport in metallic nanostructures, otherwise limited by confinement effects.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Development of the TanDEM-X Calibration Concept: Analysis of Systematic Errors

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    The TanDEM-X mission, result of the partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Astrium GmbH, opens a new era in spaceborne radar remote sensing. The first bistatic satellite synthetic aperture radar mission is formed by flying the TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X in a closely controlled helix formation. The primary mission goal is the derivation of a high-precision global digital elevation model (DEM) according to High-Resolution Terrain Information (HRTI) level 3 accuracy. The finite precision of the baseline knowledge and uncompensated radar instrument drifts introduce errors that may compromise the height accuracy requirements. By means of a DEM calibration, which uses absolute height references, and the information provided by adjacent interferogram overlaps, these height errors can be minimized. This paper summarizes the exhaustive studies of the nature of the residual-error sources that have been carried out during the development of the DEM calibration concept. Models for these errors are set up and simulations of the resulting DEM height error for different scenarios provide the basis for the development of a successful DEM calibration strategy for the TanDEM-X mission

    Methodological approach for mapping ecosystem services in urban and suburban areas.

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    In Urban and suburban areas, the technology of remote sensing can offer a practical and economical means to study ecological quality of cities based on the specific functions or functional groups/biodiversity which support the supply of ecosystem services (e.g. habitats for species, maintenance of genetic diversity). This is because many ES are ecological processes or directly products by them. Other ecological processes can have detrimental effects on service supply. Thus, mapping the spatial distribution and the degree of ecosystem functionality can provide useful information of the service provided by them to the urban population. Within the framework of the Urbangaia project, the purpose of this study is to bridge present a methodology of ecosystem service related research in ecology and remote sensing in urban areas. Specifically, the study presents a remote sensing-based method for ES potential assessment in four European studies cases- Ghent, Coimbra, Vilnius and Leipzing-. Land cover was used as a proxy measure of ecosystem services because of its multiple linkages to carbon storage, watershed protection, and other types of services. For each land cover type, the services provided by the ecosystem are identified and given a monetary value based on previous studies and original calculations. A GeoEye-1 Satellite Sensor (0.5m spatial resolution) has been used in each study case, for its broad spatial coverage of its images. Several key areas are considered such as land cover, biodiversity, carbon, water and soil related ecosystem service. By the analysis of the different studies cases, the study also gives some global recommendation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech