122 research outputs found


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    La investigación denominada “El Capital Intelectual como Estrategia para Mejorar la Competitividad de la empresa Areco S.A.C Chiclayo-2018”, se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de proponer estrategias para mejorar la competitividad de la Empresa Areco S.A.C 2018. Para realizar el estudio se obtuvo el permiso de la directiva y los colaboradores de la empresa. La investigación es descriptiva-proyectiva, con enfoque cuantitativo, y diseño no experimental, transversal. La herramienta de medición, fue el cuestionario, tipo Likert (1932) para percibir la competitividad de la empresa, identificando las actuaciones de los colaboradores, vinculándolos con la producción. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 61 personas. Los resultados en competitividad comprobaron que la empresa Areco SAC, posee el 42,82 % de necesidad de motivación a sus colaboradores. Se propone ejecutar las estrategias a través de talleres, capacitaciones, coaching organizacional y la implementación del modelo Navigator Skandia, que es una herramienta eficaz para medir efectivamente el capital intelectual, con la participación de un experto, logrando la intervención de los directivos y de los colaboradores. Las conclusiones están relacionadas con los objetivos, siendo necesario diseñar estrategias, para fortalecer el capital intelectual y mejorar la competitividad de la empresa Areco S.A.C

    Planeamiento estratégico de la región Ica

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    Ica es una de las regiones peruanas con mayor crecimiento y desarrollo en los últimos 30 años. Los indicadores económicos, sociales, demográficos y culturales lo demuestran. De la misma manera la Región Ica busca que esta bonanza se mantenga en el futuro y que el crecimiento siga igual de sostenido o incluso sea mayor. Para lograr esto, la Región Ica se ha basado en 4 pilares económicos fundamentales: (1) la industria extractiva a través del gas licuado de petróleo que viene de la Región Cusco y del hierro que es extraído de Marcona; (2) la industria de la manufactura que recae en la exportación agroindustrial y de prendas de algodón; (3) la industria agropecuaria que lidera el país con productos como el espárrago, la palta, uva, mangos, arándanos, entre muchos otros; (4) finalmente, la pesquería, que está fortalecida por el aporte en harinas y conservas de pescado. El objetivo del presente plan estratégico es determinar la situación actual de la Región Ica y cuál será su situación en 10 años (Propuesta 2027), y en base a este diagnóstico poder establecer objetivos a largo plazo y que a través de estrategias claras y medibles se pueda llegar a esta situación futura esperada. La región Ica se encuentra ubicada estratégicamente en el centro de la costa peruana con salida al mar, con una población con mano de obra calificada y semi calificada atractiva para el inversionista; cercanía vía terrestre con Lima y muy pronto con toda la nación e incluso internacionalmente con la construcción del aeropuerto internacional de Pisco; tierras agrícolas muy fértiles a pesar de encontrarse en el desierto con tecnología de riego moderna; excelente clima todo el año, entre muchas otras fortalezas. La propuesta del plan estratégico será potenciar aquellas industrias en las que Ica es líder y que son las más rentables como la exportación de espárrago y palta, pero también activar (bajo un sustento de rentabilidad) la industria del turismo, sobre todo el de aventura en la región, el cual no sólo es muy rentable, sino que traerá beneficio sostenible a toda la región.Ica is one of the Peruvian regions with the highest growth and development in the last 30 years. The economic, social, demographic and cultural indicators prove it. In the same way the Ica region seeks that this bonanza is sustainable in the future and that growth continues in a sustained way or even greater. To achieve this, the Ica region has been based on 4 fundamental economic pillars: (1) The extractive industry through the liquefied petroleum gas that comes from the Cusco region and the iron extracted from Marcona. (2) The manufacturing industry that relies on the agroindustry exports and cotton garments. (3) The agricultural industry that leads the country with products such as asparagus, avocado, grapes, mangoes, blueberries, among many others. (4) Finally, the fishery, which is strengthened by the contribution in fish flour and canned fish. The objective of this strategic plan is to determine what is Ica today and how we want it to be in 10 years (Proposal 2027), and based on this diagnosis or current photo, establish long-term objectives that through clear and measurable strategies can reach this expected future situation. The Ica region has everything to make this a reality: it is strategically located in the center of the Peruvian coast with access to the sea, with a population of skilled and semi-skilled labor attractive to investors, close by land to Lima and very soon with the whole nation and even internationally with the construction of the international airport of Pisco, very fertile agricultural land despite being in the desert with modern irrigation technology, excellent weather all year round, among many other fortresses. The proposal of the strategic plan will be to promote those industries of which we are leaders and which are the most profitable as the export of asparagus and avocado, but also activate (under a profitability rationale) the tourism industry, especially the adventure tourism in our region, which is not only very profitable but will bring sustainable benefit to the entire region.Tesi

    Hydrophobically directed aldol reactions: polystyrene-supported L-proline as a recyclable catalyst for direct asymmetric aldol reactions in the presence of water

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    A simple synthetic methodology for the preparation of a polystyrene- supported L-proline material is reported, and this material has been used as catalyst in direct asymmetric aldol reactions between several ketones and arylaldehydes to furnish aldol products in high yields and stereoselectivities. Screening of solvents showed that these reactions take place only in the presence of water or methanol, at lower levels of conversion in the latter case. This solvent effect, coupled with the observed high stereoselectivities, has been ex- Introduction In the last decade organocatalysis has became a field of great interest.[1] Organocatalysts are metal-free small organic molecules that are able to function as efficient and selective catalysts for a large variety of enantioselective transformations. In this context, -proline and its derivatives have emerged as powerful organocatalysts.[2] -Proline can be regarded as the simplest “enzyme” and it has been successfully applied in many reactions, such as Robinson annulations,[3] aldol reactions,[4] Mannich reactions,[5] Michael reactions,[6] direct electrophilic α-aminations,[7] Diels– Alder reactions,[8] Baylis–Hillman reactions,[9] aza-Morita- Baylis–Hillman reactions,[10] α-selenenylation,[11] oxidation,[ 12] chlorination,[13] and others.[14] Among all these processes, -proline-mediated aldol reactions affording β-hydroxy ketones have been investigated in great depth. Indeed, the aldol reaction is one of the most important C–C bond-formation methods in organic synthesis.[ 15] Proline and its derivatives operate by bifunctional catalysis and play the role of a simplified version of the type I [a] Dipartimento di Chimica Organica “E.Paternò”, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Pad. 17, 90128 Palermo, Italy Fax: +39-091-596825 E-mail: [email protected] © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH 4688 & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 4688–4698 plained in terms of the formation of a hydrophobic core in the inner surface of the resin, whereas the hydrophilic proline moiety lies at the resin/water interface. Such a microenvironment both promotes the aldol reaction and increases the stereoselectivity. Recycling investigations have shown that this material can be reused, without loss in levels of conversion and stereoselectivity, for at least five cycles

    The glitch-induced identity changes of PSR J1119-6127

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    We demonstrate that the high-magnetic field pulsar J1119-6127 exhibits three different types of behaviour in the radio band. Trailing the "normal" profile peak there is an "intermittent" peak and these components are flanked by two additional components showing very erratic "RRAT-like" emission. Both the intermittent and RRAT-like events are extremely rare and are preceded by a large amplitude glitch in the spin-down parameters. The post-glitch spin-down rate is smaller than the pre-glitch rate. This type of relaxation is very unusual for the pulsar population as a whole, but is observed in the glitch recovery of a RRAT. The abnormal emission behaviour in PSR J1119-6127 was observed up to three months after the epoch of the large glitch, suggestive of changes in the magnetospheric conditions during the fast part of the recovery process. We argue that both the anomalous recoveries and the emission changes could be related to reconfigurations of the magnetic field. Apart from the glitches, the spin-down of PSR J1119-6127 is relatively stable, allowing us to refine the measurement of the braking index (n=2.684\pm0.002) using more than 12 years of timing data. The properties of this pulsar are discussed in light of the growing evidence that RRATs do not form a distinct class of pulsar, but rather are a combination of different extreme emission types seen in other neutron stars. Different sub-classes of the RRATs can potentially be separated by calculating the lower limit on the modulation index of their emission. We speculate that if the abnormal behaviour in PSR J1119-6127 is indeed glitch induced then there might exist a population of neutron stars which only become visible in the radio band for a short duration in the immediate aftermath of glitch activity. These neutron stars will be visible in the radio band as sources that only emit some clustered pulses every so many years.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Monolayer nanosheets formed by liquid exfoliation of charge-assisted hydrogen-bonded frameworks

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    Hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs) are a diverse and tunable class of materials, but their potential as free-standing two-dimensional nanomaterials has yet to be explored. Here we report the self-assembly of two layered hydrogen-bonded frameworks based on strong, charge-assisted hydrogen-bonding between carboxylate and amidinium groups. Ultrasound-assisted liquid exfoliation of both materials readily produces monolayer hydrogen-bonded organic nanosheets (HONs) with micron-sized lateral dimensions. The HONs show remarkable stability and maintain their extended crystallinity and monolayer structures even after being suspended in water at 80 °C for three days. These systems also exhibit efficient fluorescence quenching of an organic dye in organic solvents, superior to the quenching ability of the bulk frameworks. We anticipate that this approach will provide a route towards a diverse new family of molecular two-dimensional materials

    Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes

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    Penetrance of variants in monogenic disease and clinical utility of common polygenic variation has not been well explored on a large-scale. Here, the authors use exome sequencing data from 77,184 individuals to generate penetrance estimates and assess the utility of polygenic variation in risk prediction of monogenic variants