72 research outputs found

    Análisis de la imagen y el posicionamiento de los salones de bodas y banquetes de La Safor

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    Conocer bien la imagen y el posicionamiento de cualquier empresa o negocio es primordial para poder llevar a cabo un correcto diagnóstico de la misma, como paso inicial de una adecuada planificación comercial. El presente trabajo analiza la imagen y el posicionamiento de ocho salones de bodas y banquetes localizados en los municipios de la comarca de la Safor. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio exploratorio mediante entrevistas con profesionales del sector y una encuesta a residentes en la comarca. A partir de los datos de la encuesta, se ha confeccionado un mapa perceptual, utilizando el análisis factorial de correspondencias del programa Dyane versión 4. Finalmente, se muestra el posicionamiento de cada salón, en realización a sus competidores y los atributos más diferenciadores.Knowing well the image and positioning of any company or business is essential to carry out a correct diagnosis of the same, as an initial step of proper business planning. This document analyzes the image and positioning of eight wedding rooms and banquets located in the municipalities of region of Safor. To this end, it was performed an exploratory study through interviews with industry professionals and a survey of residents in the region. From the survey data, it has made a perceptual map, using the factorial analysis of correspondences ot the Dyane version 4 program. Finally, it’s show the positioning of each wedding room, in relation to it’s competitors and the most distinctive attributes.Budianu, CM. (2016). Análisis de la imagen y el posicionamiento de los salones de bodas y banquetes de La Safor. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/71231TFG


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    Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to a method for emulating N-bits uniform quantization of a received pulse signal by using one-bit signal measurements


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Trombofilia ereditară expune o gravidă la un risc crescut de tromboză, iar în contextul altor patologii asociate, pune în pericol evoluția sarcinii. Infecția TORCH reprezintă un factor de risc major pentru mortalitatea și morbiditatea fătului, care frecvent se asociază cu prematuritatea. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea managementului obstetrical în cazul trombofiliei ereditare asociată cu TORCH infecție și alte comorbidități. Material și metode. Gravida X., 28 ani, diagnosticată cu trombofilie ereditară, internată în Institutul Mamei și Copilului, la 35 săptămâni de gestație (s.g.), cu acuze la ruperea prematură a membranelor amniotice (RPMA). Rezultate. Istoricul complicat cu sarcină stagnată, uter bicorn, obezitate gr.II, tireoidită autoimună. Evaluarea profilului genetic la trombofilii a evidențiat risc crescut de tromboză (mutații în genele MTHFR, 1298AC, F7, PAI-1); administrată enoxaparină. Sarcina a evoluat pe fundal de infecție acută cu citomegalovirus și herpes virus simplex tip 1,2 la 15 s.g. și 26 s.g.; a urmat tratament antiviral; anemie feriprivă gr. II, bronhopneumonie, traheobronșită. Sarcina s-a complicat prin infecție intrauterină, RPMA cu lichid amniotic meconeal, necesitând operație cezariană urgentă. Extrasă o fetiță, masa – 1200 g, scorul Apgar 7/7p. Hemoragia totală 600 ml. Nou-născutul a dezvoltat pneumonie congenitală confirmată radiografic. Concluzii. În pofida faptului că asocierea multiplelor patologii prezintă riscuri perinatale, abordarea multidisciplinară și tratamentul administrat în sarcină sunt cruciale pentru optimizarea rezultatelor și prevenirea complicațiilor perinatale.Background. Congenital thrombophilia exposes a pregnant woman to a high risk of thrombosis and, in the context of other associated diseases, jeopardizes the evolution of pregnancy. TORCH infection shows a significant risk factor for fetal mortality and morbidity, often related with prematurity. Objective of the study. Obstetric management assessment in cases of congenital thrombophilia associated with TORCH infection and other comorbidities. Material and methods. A 28-year-old pregnant woman diagnosed with congenital thrombophilia was admitted to the Institute of Mother and Child at 35 weeks of gestation (w.g.) with complaints of premature rupture of the amniotic membranes (PROM). Results. Complicated medical history with miscarriage, bicornuate uterus, grade II obesity and autoimmune thyroiditis. The genetic profile of thrombophilia reveals an increased risk of thrombosis (MTHFR1298AC, F7 and PAI-1 gene mutations); enoxaparin was administered. Pregnancy was complicated by acute infection with CMV and HSV at 15w.g. and 26w.g. followed by antiviral treatment; grade II iron deficiency anemia, bronchopneumonia and tracheobronchitis. Further, pregnancy was complicated by intrauterine infection, PROM and meconium-stained amniotic fluid leakage demanding an emergency C-section. A female neonate weighing 1200g with an Apgar score of 7/7 was born. The newborn developed confirmed congenital pneumonia on radiography. Conclusion. Despite the multiple comorbidities linked with perinatal risk, a multidisciplinary approach and proper treatment during pregnancy were crucial for optimizing outcomes and preventing perinatal complications


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    Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to a method for quantizing an analog received signal in a low-power body area network (LP-BAN) by using a limited number of quantization bits, while information of the received signal is preserved for accurate signal reconstruction. The quantized signal can be equalized in such a way to generate an output equalized signal based on the periodic-sine function, which is suitable for a subsequent Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) processing. The noisy equalized signal can be further processed by applying improved (i.e., faster) Cadzow denoising algorithm as a part of the FRI processing

    Modelling and simulation of dispersions of powder emissions from multiple sources with the mathematical model Pol 15sm

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    Over the last decades, air pollution has become one of the greatest challenges negatively affecting human health and the entire environment, including air, water, soil, vegetation, and urban areas. Lately, special attention has been given to mathematical modelling for diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere as a particularly effective and efficient method that can be used to study, control and reduce air pollution. The diversity of models developed by different research groups imposed a rigorous understanding of model types in order to apply them correctly according to local or regional problems of air pollution phenomenon. Tus the authors have developed and improved two mathematical models for dispersion of air pollutants. Tis paper presents a case study of dispersion of powders in suspension originating from 14 point sources that correspond to 5 economic agents in the agroindustrial area of Vaslui city using a computer simulation based on the mathematical model Pol 15sm, for multiple point sources of pollution, designed by the authors

    Pharmacological management in pregnancy complicated by multiple pathologie: a case study of an integrated aproach

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Asocierea patologiilor somatice și ereditare cu risc crescut de tromboză, a infecției acute cu risc de prematuritate, se recomandă un management farmacologic adecvat, pentru a îmbunătăți rezultatele materno-fetale. Scopul. Aprecierea managementului farmacologic în sarcina complicată cu trombofilie congenitală, infecție cu citomegalovirus (CMV) și herpes virus simplex (HSV), inclusiv alte patologii somatice. Material și metode. Gravida X., 28 ani, S2N1, anamnestic complicat (sarcina stagnată, iminență de întreruperea sarcinii, tiroidită autoimună), diagnosticată cu trombofilie ereditară cu risc crescut de tromboză, infecție acută CMV și HSV. Sarcina complicată prin anemie feriprivă gr. II, infecție respiratorie virală acută (IRVA), bronhopneumonie, traheobronșită. Rezultate. Pentru profilaxia anomaliilor de tub neural s-a administrat acid folic. Anemia feriprivă a fost tratată cu preparate de fier. Enoxaparina (0.4 ml) a fost recomandată în trombofilia congenitală cu mutațiile MTHFR, 1298AC, F7 și PAI-1, pentru profilaxia trombozei, sistată cu 24 ore înainte de naștere. Iminența de întrerupere a sarcinii a fost cupată cu didrogesteron și progesteron micronizat. În tireoidita acută s-a indicat L-tyroxină. Pentru infecția TORCH a fost prescris valaciclovir 500 mg de 2 ori/ zi (nu se dezvoltă un număr mai mare de malformații fetale vs. lipsa tratamentului). IRVA și bronhopneumonia, traheobronșita acută, precum și infecția in utero, au fost tratate prin antibioticoterapie (beta lactamine, macrolide). Concluzii. Datorită tratamentului farmacologic recomandat, s-a reușit prevenirea complicațiilor materne (întreruperea prematură a sarcinii, tromboză, anemie severă) și fetale (deces, infecție intrauterină severă, dereglări neurologice). Abordarea individualizată a permis extragerea fătului la momentul oportun, pentru monitorizare și tratament specializat.Background. The association of somatic and hereditary pathologies with an increased risk of thrombosis and acute infection with the risk of prematurity needs an appropriate pharmacological management to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. Objective of the study. Assessment of pharmacological management in pregnancy complicated by congenital thrombophilia, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections, as well as other somatic pathologies. Material and methods. Pregnant patient X., 28 years old, with a complicated medical history (miscarriage, autoimmune thyroiditis), diagnosed with congenital thrombophilia with a high risk of thrombosis, acute CMV and HSV infections. The pregnancy was further complicated by grade II iron-deficiency anemia, acute viral respiratory infection (AVRI), bronchopneumonia, and tracheobronchitis. Results. Folic acid was administered for the prevention of neural tube defects. Iron supplementation was provided to treat iron-deficiency anemia. Enoxaparin (0.4 ml) was recommended for congenital thrombophilia with MTHFR1298AC, F7 and PAI-1 mutations, for thrombosis prophylaxis, discontinued 24 hours before delivery. Threatened miscarriage was managed with dydrogesterone and micronized progesterone. L-thyroxine was indicated for acute thyroiditis. Valacyclovir 500 mg twice daily was prescribed for TORCH infection (with no significant increase in fetal malformations compared to untreated cases). AVRI, bronchopneumonia, tracheobronchitis and in utero infection were treated with antibiotic therapy (beta-lactams, macrolides). Conclusion. Due to the recommended pharmacological treatment, complications for both the mother (premature termination of pregnancy, thrombosis, severe anemia) and the fetus (death, severe intrauterine infection, and neurological disorders) were prevented. The individualized approach allowed for timely fetal extraction for specialized monitoring and treatment

    The communication layer for the OLFAR satellite swarm

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    Recently, new directions in astronomy are investigated as space observations tend to evolve from optical observations to the low-frequency domain. Ultra-long EM waves are the result of planetary emissions from outside and inside the solar system and of high-energy particle interactions. Exploring this band would create an image of our younger universe and uncover a lot of the so called astronomical dark ages(1)

    Orbiting low frequency antennas for radio astronomy(OLFAR): Distributing signal processing

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    Recently, new and interesting science drivers have emerged in the ultra low frequency range of 0.3-30 MHz ranging from the epoch of re-ionization, exo-planets, ultra-high energy cosmic rays and studies of the astronomical dark ages. However at these wavelengths, ground based observations are severely limited due to ionospheric distortions below 50MHz, manmade interference, complete reflection of radio waves below 30MHz and even solar flares (1)

    Aetiology and use of antibiotics in pregnancy-related infections: results of the WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS), 1-week inception cohort

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    Background Pregnancy-related infections are important contributors to maternal sepsis and mortality. We aimed to describe clinical, microbiological characteristics and use of antibiotics by source of infection and country income, among hospitalized women with suspected or confirmed pregnancy-related infections. Methods We used data from WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) on maternal infections in hospitalized women, in 52 low-middle- and high-income countries conducted between November 28th and December 4th, 2017, to describe the frequencies and medians of maternal demographic, obstetric, and clinical characteristics and outcomes, methods of infection diagnosis and causative pathogens, of single source pregnancy-related infection, other than breast, and initial use of therapeutic antibiotics. We included 1456 women. Results We found infections of the genital (n = 745/1456, 51.2%) and the urinary tracts (UTI) (n = 531/1456, 36.5%) to be the most frequent. UTI (n = 339/531, 63.8%) and post-caesarean skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) (n = 99/180, 55.0%) were the sources with more culture samples taken and microbiological confirmations. Escherichia coli was the major uropathogen (n = 103/118, 87.3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (n = 21/44, 47.7%) was the commonest pathogen in SSTI. For 13.1% (n = 191) of women, antibiotics were not prescribed on the same day of infection suspicion. Cephalosporins (n = 283/531, 53.3%) were the commonest antibiotic class prescribed for UTI, while metronidazole (n = 303/925, 32.8%) was the most prescribed for all other sources. Ceftriaxone with metronidazole was the commonest combination for the genital tract (n = 98/745, 13.2%) and SSTI (n = 22/180, 12.2%). Metronidazole (n = 137/235, 58.3%) was the most prescribed antibiotic in low-income countries while cephalosporins and co-amoxiclav (n = 129/186, 69.4%) were more commonly prescribed in high-income countries. Conclusions Differences in antibiotics used across countries could be due to availability, local guidelines, prescribing culture, cost, and access to microbiology laboratory, despite having found similar sources and pathogens as previous studies. Better dissemination of recommendations in line with antimicrobial stewardship programmes might improve antibiotic prescription

    Is Earth special?

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