13 research outputs found

    Multiparametric Sonographic Imaging of Thyroid Lesions: Chances of B-Mode, Elastography and CEUS in Relation to Preoperative Histopathology

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    Background: The aim was to improve preoperative diagnostics of solid non-cystic thyroid lesions by using new high-performance multiparametric ultrasound examination techniques. Methods: Multiparametric ultrasound consists of B-mode, shear-wave elastography and contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) including Time-Intensity-Curve (TIC) analysis. A bolus of 1–2.4 mL Sulfur Hexafluorid microbubbles was injected for CEUS. Postoperative histopathology was the diagnostic gold standard. Results: 116 patients were included in this study. 102 benign thyroid nodules were diagnosed as well as 20 carcinomas. Suspicious B-mode findings like microcalcifications, a blurry edge and no homogeneous sonomorphological structure were detected in 60, 75 and 80% of all carcinomas but only in 13.7, 36.3 and 46.1% of all benign lesions. The average shear-wave elastography measurements of malignant lesions (4.6 m/s or 69.8 kPa centrally and 4.2 m/s or 60.1 kPa marginally) exceed the values of benign nodules. Suspicious CEUS findings like a not-homogeneous wash-in and a wash-out were detected almost twice as often in carcinomas. Conclusion: Multiparametric ultrasound offers new possibilities for the preoperative distinction between benign and malignant thyroid nodules. A score based system of B-mode, shear-wave and CEUS malignancy criteria shows promising results in the detection of thyroid carcinomas. It reaches a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 75.49%

    Multiparametric Ultrasound of Cervical Lymph Node Metastases in Head and Neck Cancer for Planning Non-Surgical Therapy

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    Background: We aimed to evaluate multiparametric ultrasound, to achieve a better understanding of the baseline characteristics of suspected cervical lymph node metastases in head and neck cancer before induction chemotherapy or chemoradiation. Methods: From February 2020 to April 2021, our complete ultrasound examination protocol was carried out on clinically evident malignant lymph nodes of histologically proven HNSCC in the pre-therapeutic setting. Results: A total of 13 patients were eligible for analysis. Using elastography, irregular clear hardening in areas in the center of the lymph node could be detected in all cases. Elastographic Q-analysis showed a significantly softer cortex compared to the center and surrounding tissue. The time–intensity curve analysis showed high values for the area under the curve and a short time-to-peak (fast wash-in) in all cases compared to the surrounding tissue. A parametric evaluation of contrast enhanced the ultrasound in the early arterial phase and showed an irregular enhancement from the margin in almost all investigated lymph nodes. These results show that the implementation of comprehensive, multiparametric ultrasound is suitable for classifying suspected lymph node metastasis more precisely than conventional ultrasound alone in the pre-therapeutic setting of HNSCC. Thus, these parameters may be used for improvements in the re-staging after chemoradiation or neoadjuvant therapy monitoring, respectively

    Neo-Babylonian society and economy

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    Babylonia 605–539 B.C.

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    First-millennium Babylonian literature

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    Babylonian mathematics, astrology, and astronomy

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    Assyria: Tiglath-Pileser III to Sargon II (744–705 B.C.)

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    Assyrian civilization

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    Israel and Judah from the coming of Assyrian domination until the fall of Samaria, and the struggle for independence in Judah ( c.

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    Assyria 668-635 B.C.: the reign of Ashurbanipal

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