99 research outputs found

    The Apolipoprotein M/S1P Axis Controls Triglyceride Metabolism and Brown Fat Activity

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    Summary: Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is the carrier of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in plasma high-density lipoproteins. S1P is a bioactive lipid interacting with five receptors (S1P1–5). We show that lack of apoM in mice increases the amount of brown adipose tissue (BAT), accelerates the clearance of postprandial triglycerides, and protects against diet-induced obesity (i.e., a phenotype similar to that induced by cold exposure or β3-adrenergic stimulation). Moreover, the data suggest that the phenotype of apoM-deficient mice is S1P dependent and reflects diminished S1P1 stimulation. The results reveal a link between the apoM/S1P axis and energy metabolism. : Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is the carrier of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in lipoproteins. Christoffersen et al. show that lack of apoM in mice increases the amount of brown adipose tissue, accelerates the turnover of fat, and protects against obesity. The results reveal a link between the apoM/S1P axis and energy metabolism. Keywords: apolipoproteins, sphingolipids, sphingosine-1-phosphate, lipoproteins, lipid metabolism, triglyceride, brown adipose tissue, apo

    Extreme Value Analysis of Empirical Frame Coefficients and Implications for Denoising by Soft-Thresholding

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    Denoising by frame thresholding is one of the most basic and efficient methods for recovering a discrete signal or image from data that are corrupted by additive Gaussian white noise. The basic idea is to select a frame of analyzing elements that separates the data in few large coefficients due to the signal and many small coefficients mainly due to the noise \epsilon_n. Removing all data coefficients being in magnitude below a certain threshold yields a reconstruction of the original signal. In order to properly balance the amount of noise to be removed and the relevant signal features to be kept, a precise understanding of the statistical properties of thresholding is important. For that purpose we derive the asymptotic distribution of max_{\omega \in \Omega_n} || for a wide class of redundant frames (\phi_\omega^n: \omega \in \Omega_n}. Based on our theoretical results we give a rationale for universal extreme value thresholding techniques yielding asymptotically sharp confidence regions and smoothness estimates corresponding to prescribed significance levels. The results cover many frames used in imaging and signal recovery applications, such as redundant wavelet systems, curvelet frames, or unions of bases. We show that `generically' a standard Gumbel law results as it is known from the case of orthonormal wavelet bases. However, for specific highly redundant frames other limiting laws may occur. We indeed verify that the translation invariant wavelet transform shows a different asymptotic behaviour.Comment: [Content: 39 pages, 4 figures] Note that in this version 4 we have slightely changed the title of the paper and we have rewritten parts of the introduction. Except for corrected typos the other parts of the paper are the same as the original versions

    Phase transition enhanced thermoelectric figure-of-merit in copper chalcogenides

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    While thermoelectric materials can be used for solid state cooling, waste heat recovery, and solar electricity generation, low values of the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, have led to an efficiency too low for widespread use. Thermoelectric effects are characterized by the Seebeck coefficient or thermopower, which is related to the entropy associated with charge transport. For example, coupling spin entropy with the presence of charge carriers has enabled the enhancement of zT in cobalt oxides. We demonstrate that the coupling of a continuous phase transition to carrier transport in Cu 2Se over a broad (360–410 K) temperature range results in a dramatic peak in thermopower, an increase in phonon and electron scattering, and a corresponding doubling of zT (to 0.7 at 406 K), and a similar but larger increase over a wider temperature range in the zT of Cu 1.97 Ag .03Se (almost 1.0 at 400 K). The use of structural entropy for enhanced thermopower could lead to new engineering approaches for thermoelectric materials with high zT and new green applications for thermoelectrics

    Measuring thermoelectric transport properties of materials

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    In this review we discuss considerations regarding the common techniques used for measuring thermoelectric transport properties necessary for calculating the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT. Advice for improving the data quality in Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity (from flash diffusivity and heat capacity) measurements are given together with methods for identifying possible erroneous data. Measurement of the Hall coefficient and calculation of the charge carrier concentration and mobility is also included due to its importance for understanding materials. It is not intended to be a complete record or comparison of all the different techniques employed in thermoelectrics. Rather, by providing an overview of common techniques and their inherent difficulties it is an aid to new researchers or students in the field. The focus is mainly on high temperature measurements but low temperature techniques are also briefly discussed
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