108 research outputs found

    Relating constructs of attention and working memory to social withdrawal in Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia: issues regarding paradigm selection

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    Central nervous system diseases are not currently diagnosed based on knowledge of biological mechanisms underlying their symptoms. Greater understanding may be offered through an agnostic approach to traditional disease categories, where learning more about shared biological mechanisms across conditions could potentially reclassify sub-groups of patients to allow realisation of more effective treatments. This review represents the output of the collaborative group “PRISM”, tasked with considering assay choices for assessment of attention and working memory in a transdiagnostic cohort of Alzheimer''s disease and schizophrenia patients exhibiting symptomatic spectra of social withdrawal. A multidimensional analysis of this nature has not been previously attempted. Nominated assays (continuous performance test III, attention network test, digit symbol substitution, N-back, complex span, spatial navigation in a virtual environment) reflected a necessary compromise between the need for broad assessment of the neuropsychological constructs in question with several pragmatic criteria: patient burden, compatibility with neurophysiologic measures and availability of preclinical homologues

    Relating constructs of attention and working memory to social withdrawal in Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia: issues regarding paradigm selection

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    Central nervous system diseases are not currently diagnosed based on knowledge of biological mechanisms underlying their symptoms. Greater understanding may be offered through an agnostic approach to traditional disease categories, where learning more about shared biological mechanisms across conditions could potentially reclassify sub-groups of patients to allow realisation of more effective treatments. This review represents the output of the collaborative group "PRISM", tasked with considering assay choices for assessment of attention and working memory in a transdiagnostic cohort of Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia patients exhibiting symptomatic spectra of social withdrawal. A multidimensional analysis of this nature has not been previously attempted. Nominated assays (continuous performance test III, attention network test, digit symbol substitution, N-back, complex span, spatial navigation in a virtual environment) reflected a necessary compromise between the need for broad assessment of the neuropsychological constructs in question with several pragmatic criteria: patient burden, compatibility with neurophysiologic measures and availability of preclinical homologues

    Mouse psychosocial stress reduces motivation and cognitive function in operant reward tests:A model for reward pathology with effects of agomelatine

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    A major domain of depression is decreased motivation for reward. Translational automated tests can be applied in humans and animals to study operant reward behaviour, aetio-pathophysiology underlying deficits therein, and effects of antidepressant treatment. Three inter-related experiments were conducted to investigate depression-relevant effects of chronic psychosocial stress on operant behaviour in mice. (A) Non-manipulated mice were trained on a complex reversal learning (CRL) test with sucrose reinforcement; relative to vehicle (VEH), acute antidepressant agomelatine (AGO, 25mg/kg p.o.) increased reversals. (B) Mice underwent chronic social defeat (CSD) or control handling (CON) on days 1-15, and were administered AGO or VEH on days 10-22. In a progressive ratio schedule motivation test for sucrose on day 15, CSD mice made fewer responses; AGO tended to reverse this effect. In a CRL test on day 22, CSD mice completed fewer reversals; AGO tended to increase reversals in CSD mice associated with an adaptive increase in perseveration. (C) Mice with continuous operant access to water and saccharin solution in the home cage were exposed to CSD or CON; CSD mice made fewer responses for saccharin and water and drank less saccharin in the active period, and drank more water in the inactive period. In a separate CSD cohort, repeated AGO was without effect on these home cage operant and consummatory changes. Overall, this study demonstrates that psychosocial stress in mice leads to depression-relevant decreases in motivation and cognition in operant reward tests; partial reversal of these deficits by AGO provides evidence for predictive validity

    The role of the melatoninergic system in epilepsy and comorbid psychiatric disorders

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    Abstract There is emerging evidence of the beneficial role of the melatonin system in a wide range of psychiatric and neurologic disorders, including anxiety, depression, and epilepsy. Although melatoninergic drugs have chronobiotic and antioxidant properties that positively influence circadian rhythm desynchronization and neuroprotection in neurodegenerative disorders, studies examining the use of melatonin for epilepsy's comorbid psychiatric and neurological symptomatology are still limited. Preclinical and clinical findings on the beneficial effects of the melatonin system on anxiety, depression, and epilepsy suggest that melatoninergic compounds might be effective in treating comorbid behavioral complications in epilepsy beyond regulation of a disturbed sleep-wake cycle

    Electrophysiological assessment methodology of sensory processing dysfunction in schizophrenia and dementia of the Alzheimer type

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    Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease impacts on various sensory processings are extensively reviewed in the present publication. This article describes aspects of a research project whose aim is to delineate the neurobiology that may underlie Social Withdrawal in Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia and Major Depression. This is a European-funded IMI 2 project, identified as PRISM (Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers). This paper focuses specifically on the selected electrophysiological paradigms chosen based on a comprehensive review of all relevant literature and practical constraints. The choice of the electrophysiological biomarkers were fundamentality based their metrics and capacity to discriminate between populations. The selected electrophysiological paradigms are resting state EEG, auditory mismatch negativity, auditory and visual based oddball paradigms, facial emotion processing ERP’s and auditory steady-state response. The primary objective is to study the effect of social withdrawal on various biomarkers and endophenotypes found altered in the target populations. This has never been studied in relationship to social withdrawal, an important component of CNS diseases
