157 research outputs found

    Influencia de diversos currículos en el desarrollo motriz en cuatro colegios del sector oriente durante el año 2016

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física, Licenciado en Educación)Esta investigación fue realizada por estudiantes de la Universidad Andrés Bello de Santiago de Chile, Campus Casona de Las Condes, con el fin de optar al Título Profesional en la carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Física. En búsqueda de una mejor comprensión respecto a la cantidad de horas empleadas para Educación Física (programa motor) y el tipo de programa curricular (Tradicional para establecimientos particulares/privados, Tradicional para establecimientos públicos, Establecimientos Montessori y Bachillerato Internacional (PEP)) utilizado por el establecimiento educacional y cómo esto influye en la maduración de los patrones motores - salto, carrera y lanzamiento - en alumnos que se encuentran cursando 4to año de enseñanza básica. Se definirán conceptos y aclararán temas pertinentes y se recopilarán perspectivas teóricas de distintos autores que facilitarán el entendimiento del estudio. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se realizaron Mediciones de Patrones Motores según el Test de David Gallahue en los siguientes establecimientos: Colegios Monte Tabor y Nazaret, Colegio Parroquial Santa Rosa, Colegio Epullay y Santiago College, donde se evaluaron 20 alumnos de 4to año de enseñanza básica, por cada colegio, que hayan permanecido en el establecimiento desde 1ro básico hasta 4to, otorgándonos una muestra de 80 sujetos para evaluar. En el capítulo uno encontrarán el Planteamiento del Problema que se organiza en: Pregunta de investigación, Viabilidad, Justificación del problema, Objetivo general y Objetivos específicos. En el capítulo dos encontrarán el Marco Teórico. En el capítulo tres el Marco Metodológico y en el capítulo cuatro los análisis y conclusiones del estudio

    Análisis y diseño estructural de una edificación de seis niveles utilizando Revit y Etabs, Trujillo – 2022

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    Nuestro proyecto de investigación tuvo como finalidad realizar el análisis y diseño estructural de una edificación de seis niveles utilizando los softwares Revit y Etabs en la ciudad de Trujillo, se logró realizar la interoperabilidad BIM entre los softwares propuestos para la obtención de los resultados. Se hizo uso de una metodología descriptiva no experimental, en la que se utilizó la observación directa, siendo de tipo aplicada y siguiendo un enfoque cuantitativo. Se realizó un diseño arquitectónico siguiendo las normas peruanas en el software Revit y se procedió a realizar el análisis y diseño de la edificación en el software Etabs; del análisis se obtuvo 21 grados de libertad de la estructura y desplazamientos máximos de la edificación de 0.003 en ambas direcciones de igual manera se realizó el diseño de los elementos estructurales de la edificación, obteniendo el área de acero de cada elemento estructural de concreto armado. La implementación de la metodología BIM es muy beneficiosa para los profesionales de ingeniería y en este proyecto se enfocó a la realización del análisis y diseño de una estructura permitiéndonos un control del proyecto más eficaz y reduciendo tiempos; gracias a la interoperabilidad BIM se puede vincular especialidades y hace el trabajo más sencillo, tanto como para la cuantificación de elementos y la documentación de planos

    Versatility and exploratory psychometric properties of the Impulsive/Premeditated Aggression Scale (IPAS): A review

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    Aggression has different conceptualizations and can be behaviorally expressed in diverse ways. Designed to evaluate impulsive and premeditated forms of aggression, the Impulsive/Premeditated Aggression Scale (IPAS; Stanford et al., 2003) is a 30 item self-report questionnaire. The aim of the present study was to explore IPAS versatility in different psychological settings by reviewing and examining the exploratory psychometric prop- erties of the IPAS impulsive and premeditated subscales, across different samples and cultural backgrounds. Fifty-two articles including demographic or psychometric information (internal consistency, factor analysis, validity, reliability) were retrieved. It is suggested that the IPAS is reliable across different cultures, samples and scoring techniques. The two subscales (Impulsive and Premeditated) show acceptable internal consistency. Also, IPAS factors seem to be constant both in clinical and non-clinical samples. The IPAS appears to be a clinically useful instrument for differentiating between subtypes of aggressive behavior, to support risk assessment eva- luations, pretrial decisions and better treatment and rehabilitation strategies in offenders and clinical relevant samples.This work was supported by The Foundation for Science and Technology (Grant number SFRH/BD/76062/2011), and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER and COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER007653) - Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662), awarded to the first author. The study was also supported by Grant SFRH/BPD/108602/2015 from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology awarded to Andreia de Castro-Rodrigues

    Estudio y comparación de alternativas de fin de vida aplicadas a palas de aerogeneradores, empleando metodología de análisis de ciclo de vida

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    En la actualidad, la industria eólica ha avanzado en la investigación y el empleo de nuevos materiales en la fabricación de aerogeneradores, aunque no han evaluado igualmente como serán tratados los mismos al finalizar su vida útil.En este trabajo se presenta el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) de las palas de un aerogenerador, mediante siete alternativas de disposición fin: dos de Incineración, una de Relleno, dos de Reciclado Químico: Pirolisis y Lecho Fluidizado respectivamente, una de Reciclado Mecánico y una de Reúso). De las conclusiones se destaca la identificación de los procesos con menor impacto ambiental como alternativa de fin de vida. Estos son: reciclado químico a través de un Lecho Fluidizado, el Reciclado Mecánico y el Reúso. Finalmente, la alternativa de Reúso es planteada a través de un caso concreto que indica cómo se pueden reutilizar las palas reduciendo al mínimo el consumo de energía, el empleo de materiales adicionales y la generación de desechos.Recently, wind industry has advanced on research and the employment of new materials for the equipment manufacturing. However, there has not been the same progress related to the final disposal of materials at the end of their life. This work proposes a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of turbine rotor blades. It presents seven alternatives of final disposal (two alternatives of Incineration, one of the Landfill, two of Chemical Recycling: Pyrolysis and Fluidized Bed respectively, one of Mechanical Recycling and one of Reuse). As main conclusions, we can identify those processes that will present the lowest environmental impact as an ended life alternative. They are the following: Chemical Recycling through Fluidized Bed, Mechanical Recycling and Reuse. Finally, the Reuse alternative is analyzing through a case that indicates how the rotor blades have been reused by minimizing: the energy consumed, the employment of additional materials and the waste generation.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Adherence to secondary prophylaxis and disease recurrence in 536 Brazilian children with rheumatic fever

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More than 15 million people worldwide have rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease due to RF. Secondary prophylaxis is a critical cost-effective intervention for preventing morbidity and mortality related to RF. Ensuring adequate adherence to secondary prophylaxis for RF is a challenging task. This study aimed to describe the rates of recurrent episodes of RF, quantify adherence to secondary prophylaxis, and examine the effects of medication adherence to the rates of RF in a cohort of Brazilian children and adolescents with RF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This retrospective study took place in the Pediatric Rheumatology outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital (Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagão Gesteira) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and included patients with a diagnosis of RF from 1985 to 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>536 patients with RF comprised the study sample. Recurrent episodes of RF occurred in 88 of 536 patients (16.5%). Patients with a recurrent episode of RF were younger (p < 0.0001), more frequently males (p = 0.003), and less adherent (p < 0.0001) to secondary prophylaxis than patients without RF recurrence. Non-adherence to medication at any time during follow-up was detected in 35% of patients. Rates of non-adherence were higher in the group of patients that were lost to follow-up (42%) than in the group of patients still in follow-up (32%) (p = 0.027). Appointment frequency was inadequate in 10% of patients. Higher rates of inadequate appointment frequency were observed among patients who were eventually lost to follow-up (14.5%) than in patients who were successfully followed-up (8%) (p = 0.022). 180 patients (33.5%) were lost to follow up at some point in time.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We recommend implementation of a registry, and a system of active search of missing patients in every service responsible for the follow-up of RF patients. Measures to increase adherence to secondary prophylaxis need to be implemented formally, once non-adherence to secondary prophylaxis is the main cause of RF recurrence. Detection of irregularity in secondary prophylaxis or in appointments should be an alert about the possibility of loss of follow-up and closer observation should be instituted.</p

    A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pharmacological and psychological interventions for the management of obsessive–compulsive disorder in children/adolescents and adults

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    Background: Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a relatively common and disabling condition. Objectives: To determine the clinical effectiveness, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of pharmacological and psychological interventions for the treatment of OCD in children, adolescents and adults. Data sources: We searched the Cochrane Collaboration Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Trials Registers, which includes trials from routine searches of all the major databases. Searches were conducted from inception to 31 December 2014. Review methods: We undertook a systematic review and network meta-analysis (NMA) of the clinical effectiveness and acceptability of available treatments. Outcomes for effectiveness included mean differences in the total scores of the Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale or its children’s version and total dropouts for acceptability. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, we developed a probabilistic model informed by the results of the NMA. All analyses were performed using OpenBUGS version 3.2.3 (members of OpenBUGS Project Management Group; see www.openbugs.net). Results: We included 86 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in our systematic review. In the NMA we included 71 RCTs (54 in adults and 17 in children and adolescents) for effectiveness and 71 for acceptability (53 in adults and 18 in children and adolescents), comprising 7643 and 7942 randomised patients available for analysis, respectively. In general, the studies were of medium quality. The results of the NMA showed that in adults all selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and clomipramine had greater effects than drug placebo. There were no differences between SSRIs, and a trend for clomipramine to be more effective did not reach statistical significance. All active psychological therapies had greater effects than drug placebo. Behavioural therapy (BT) and cognitive therapy (CT) had greater effects than psychological placebo, but cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) did not. BT and CT, but not CBT, had greater effects than medications, but there are considerable uncertainty and methodological limitations that should be taken into account. In children and adolescents, CBT and BT had greater effects than drug placebo, but differences compared with psychological placebo did not reach statistical significance. SSRIs as a class showed a trend for superiority over drug placebo, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. However, the superiority of some individual drugs (fluoxetine, sertraline) was marginally statistically significant. Regarding acceptability, all interventions except clomipramine had good tolerability. In adults, CT and BT had the highest probability of being most cost-effective at conventional National Institute for Health and Care Excellence thresholds. In children and adolescents, CBT or CBT combined with a SSRI were more likely to be cost-effective. The results are uncertain and sensitive to assumptions about treatment effect and the exclusion of trials at high risk of bias. Limitations: The majority of psychological trials included patients who were taking medications. There were few studies in children and adolescents. Conclusions: In adults, psychological interventions, clomipramine, SSRIs or combinations of these are all effective, whereas in children and adolescents, psychological interventions, either as monotherapy or combined with specific SSRIs, were more likely to be effective. Future RCTs should improve their design, in particular for psychotherapy or combined interventions. Study registration: The study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42012002441. Funding details: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme

    Integrated genomic characterization of oesophageal carcinoma

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    Oesophageal cancers are prominent worldwide; however, there are few targeted therapies and survival rates for these cancers remain dismal. Here we performed a comprehensive molecular analysis of 164 carcinomas of the oesophagus derived from Western and Eastern populations. Beyond known histopathological and epidemiologic distinctions, molecular features differentiated oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas from oesophageal adenocarcinomas. Oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas resembled squamous carcinomas of other organs more than they did oesophageal adenocarcinomas. Our analyses identified three molecular subclasses of oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas, but none showed evidence for an aetiological role of human papillomavirus. Squamous cell carcinomas showed frequent genomic amplifications of CCND1 and SOX2 and/or TP63, whereas ERBB2, VEGFA and GATA4 and GATA6 were more commonly amplified in adenocarcinomas. Oesophageal adenocarcinomas strongly resembled the chromosomally unstable variant of gastric adenocarcinoma, suggesting that these cancers could be considered a single disease entity. However, some molecular features, including DNA hypermethylation, occurred disproportionally in oesophageal adenocarcinomas. These data provide a framework to facilitate more rational categorization of these tumours and a foundation for new therapies.ope

    Reducing Implant Infection in Orthopaedics (RIIiO): a pilot study for a randomised controlled trial comparing the influence of forced air versus resistive fabric warming technologies on postoperative infection rates following orthopaedic implant surgery in adults

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    Background Approximately 70,000 to 75,000 proximal femoral fracture repairs take place in the UK each year. Hemiarthroplasty is the preferred treatment for adults aged over 60 years. Postoperative infection affects up to 3% of patients and is the single most common reason for early return to theatre. Ultraclean ventilation was introduced to help mitigate the risk of infection, but it may also contribute to inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, which itself is a risk for postoperative infection. To counter this, active intraoperative warming is used for all procedures that take 30 min or more. Forced air warming (FAW) and resistive fabric warming (RFW) are the two principal techniques used for this purpose; they are equally effective in prevention of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, but it is not known which is associated with the lowest infection rates. Deep surgical site infection doubles operative costs, triples investigation costs and quadruples ward costs. The Reducing Implant Infection in Orthopaedics (RIIiO) study seeks to compare infection rates with FAW versus RFW after hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture. A cost-neutral intervention capable of reducing postoperative infection rates would likely lead to a change in practice, yield significant savings for the health economy, reduce overall exposure to antibiotics and improve outcomes following hip fracture in the elderly. The findings may be transferable to other orthopaedic implant procedures and to non-orthopaedic surgical specialties. Methods RIIiO is a parallel group, open label study randomising hip fracture patients over 60 years of age who are undergoing hemiarthroplasty to RFW or FAW. Participants are followed up for 3 months. Definitive deep surgical site infection within 90 days of surgery, the primary endpoint, is determined by a blinded endpoint committee. Discussion Hemiarthroplasty carries a risk of deep surgical site infection of approximately 3%. In order to provide 90% power to demonstrate an absolute risk reduction of 1%, using a 5% significance level, a full trial would need to recruit approximately 8630 participants. A pilot study is being conducted in the first instance to demonstrate that recruitment and data management strategies are appropriate and robust before embarking on a large multi-centre trial