8,395 research outputs found

    Flower Biology of Two Diospyros Species Neighborly Live at Csc Area: Do Pollen Viability and Tube Growth Rate Shire Endemic Distribution

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    Aims of study were to compare flower structure, pollen viability and pollen tube growth rate of two Diospyros species neighborly live in Cibinong Science Centre (CSC) park, Diospyros blancoi and D. celebica, and pursue if pollen-tube growth rate shire reasons endemic distribution of D.celebica in native habitat. Floral structurewas in situ or ex situ morphologically observed. Germination test and pollen tube growth incubation were done in Sarfatti medium and digitally captured and computerize analysis. The result showed that, both species have flower part resemblance each other. D. blancoi has bigger size in almost all flower parts. D. blancoi showed much more pollen viability (41% vs 7%) and tube growth rate than D. celebica1 (66 vs 0.57 μm per minute). Average pollen-tube length of both species at about 31/2 hours incubation was significantly different each other (342.679 ± 37.067 vs 128,673 ± 49,215μm). Most observed D. blancoi female trees set high number of fruit year to year and almost observed D. celebica female trees set very low number of fruit and some time without fruit in the year. It is associated with geographical distribution difference between the two species. Very significantlydifferent in pollen-germination percentage and pollen-tube growth rate provide a tool of further study to know microenvironment for reproduction and propagation of the endemic species, D. celebica


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    Football has now become a very large industry and involves many sectors. Included in cooperation agreements, including in Indonesia. However, often the rights of the players themselves are not fulfilled. This happens because of the lack of legal protection and understanding of professional football players regarding their rights in employment contracts. This research uses empirical methods by not only reading the law, but also having to directly determine what happened according to actual circumstances or events. The data sources in this research use primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques include interviews and literature study. Based on the results of research and discussion of legal protection efforts for football players if they suffer an injury based on the contract between the club and the player (case study on third league players). The conclusion in this case is that football clubs prioritize the welfare of ensuring the rights of football players and PSSI supervises football clubs more in carrying out the contents of contracts to guarantee the rights that should be obtained by and legal protection of players. The conclusion in this case is that football clubs in making agreements with players must be more detailed in the clauses contained in the contract agreement and PSSI will increase supervision over football clubs in Indonesia to ensure that cooperation agreements between players and clubs can be equally beneficial for each other. all parties. And if there are clubs that still do not follow the existing regulations, they can give warnings or sanctions so that they can promote football in Indonesia

    Optically transparent ceramics by spark plasma sintering of oxide nanoparticles

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    Optical transparency in polycrystalline ceramic oxides can be achieved if the material is fully densified. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) of oxide nanoparticles leads to immediate densification with final-stage sintering. Further densification by annihilation of the isolated pores is associated with diffusional processes, regardless of the densification mechanism during the intermediate stage. Densification equations in conjunction with the concept of grain boundary free volume were used to derive the pore size–grain size–temperature map for designing the nanopowder and SPS process parameters to obtain transparent oxides


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    Manusia dalam kehidupan kesehariannya melakukan aktivitas kerja. Aktivitas itu diwujudkan dalam posisi dan gerakan yang berbeda menurut jenis pekerjaan. Pengayuh becak merupakan pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan posisi duduk monoton, karena pekerja bergerak dalam posisi gerakan yang sama dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Becak rancangan saputro (2008), dirancang untuk mengurangi keluhan yang dirasakan tubuh pengayuh becak. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi keluhan pengayuh becak menggunakan kuesioner Nordic dan membandingkan dengan penelitian Kusumo (2008). Kuesioner ini berisi keluhan tubuh sehingga dapat diketahui bagian otot yang mengalami keluhan, dengan tingkat keluhan dari tidak sakit sampai sangat sakit. Hasil penyebaran kuesioner di uji menggunakan uji hubungan, untuk mengetahui keluhan yang paling banyak dirasakan pengayuh becak berdasarkan hubungan antara umurdengan keluhan yangdirasakan setelah menggunakan becak desain baru. Uji perbedaan digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keluhan yang dirasakan pengayuh becak setelah menggunakan becak rancangan Saputro (2008), dengan pengayuh becak pada penelitian Kusumo (2008). Pengayuh becak setelah menggunakan becak rancangan Saputro (2008) lebih banyak mengeluhkan rasa sakit pada Leher bagian bawah, bahu kanan, lengan ataskanan, pinggang, bokong, pantat, siku kiri, siku kanan, pergelangan tangan kiri, tangan kiri, paha kiri, lutut kiri, lutut kanan, pergelangan kaki kiri, pergelangan kaki kanan dan kaki kiri. Keluhan pengayuh becak pada leher bagian atas, bahu kiri, punggug, lengan bawah kanan, pergelangan tangan kanan, paha kanan, betis kanan dan kaki kanan setelah menggunakan becak rancangan Saputro (2008), keluhan sakit yang dirasakan lebih sedikit dari pengayuh becak pada penelitian Kusumo (2008)


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    The present research aims at exploring whether the students had high interest in self development to acquire additional values (supporting skills and knowledge in work getting). The populations involved were the students of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University registered as students in the academic year of 2000/2001. The samples were 150 students. This study used the survey method and the data were collected using the instruments to measure students’ interest in self development to get additional values. The instruments’ validity was gained from content validity, and the reliability of the instruments was 0.854 with the status of reliable. The results show that 11.33% of the respondents had low interest, 64% of them were in fair, and 24.67% of the students had high interest in self development

    Perancangan Jaringan Transmisi Gelombang Mikro Pada Link Site Mranggen 2 Dengan Site Pucang Gading

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    Perencanaan link budget merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari pemasangan jaringan transmisi microwave ini. Analisa yang dilakukan secara menyeluruh dari tahap awal penentuan lokasi, yaitu site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terhadap path profil untuk lintasan transmisi untuk menghubungkan site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading diperoleh daerah fresnel dalam keadaan bersih dari halangan. Sehingga untuk perencanaan jaringan dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal. Desain link budget akan dilaksanakan dalam microwave radio link point-to-point dari site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading hasil dengan jarak 2.76 km, Menggunakan microwave RTN950 Frekuensi 23 GHz dengan antenna A23S06HAC berdiameter 0,6 meter, dengan pemancar daya 20 dBm dan menerima tingkat sinyal -31,65 dBm, Transmisi masih dapat bekerja dalam range KPI pada saat Power Transmit diturunkan ke 10 dBm up link Fade margin diperoleh 41,481 dB. saat down link diperoleh nilai Fade margin 41,870 dB

    Effect of 1 wt% LiF additive on the densification of nanocrystalline Y2O3 ceramics by spark plasma sintering

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    Densification of nanocrystalline cubic yttria (nc-Y2O3) powder, with 18 nm crystal size and 1 wt% LiF as a sintering additive was investigated. Specimens were fabricated by spark plasma sintering at 100 MPa, within the temperature range of 700–1500 °C. Sintering at 700 °C for 5 and 20 min resulted in 95% and 99.7% dense specimens, with an average grain size of 84 and 130 nm, respectively. nc-Y2O3 without additive was only 65% dense at 700 °C for 5 min. The presence of LiF at low sintering temperatures facilitated rapid densification by particle sliding and jamming release. Sintering at high temperatures resulted in segregation of LiF to the grain boundaries and its entrapment as globular phase within the fast growing Y2O3 grains. The sintering enhancement advantage of LiF was lost at high SPS temperatures

    Densification and polymorphic transition of multiphase Y2O3 nanoparticles during spark plasma sintering

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    Multiphase (MP) monoclinic and cubic Y2O3 nanoparticles, 40 nm in diameter, were densified by spark plasma sintering for 5–15 min and100 MPa at 1000 °C, 1100 °C, and 1500 °C. Densification started with pressure increase at room temperature. Densification stagnated during heating compared to the high shrinkage rate in cubic single-phase reference nanopowder. The limited densification of the MP nanopowder originated from the vermicular structure (skeleton) formed during the heating. Interface controlled monoclinic to cubic polymorphic transformation above 980 °C led to the formation of large spherical cubic grains within the vermicular matrix. This resulted in the loss of the nanocrystalline character and low final density

    Sintering and densification of nanocrystalline ceramic oxide powders: a review

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    Observation of the unconventional properties and material behaviour expected in the nanometre grain size range necessitates the fabrication of fully dense bulk nanostructured ceramics. This is achieved by the application of ceramic nanoparticles and suitable densification conditions, both for the green and sintered compacts. Various sintering and densification strategies were adopted, including pressureless sintering, hot pressing, hot isostatic pressing, microwave sintering, sinter forging, and spark plasma sintering. The theoretical aspects and characteristics of these processing techniques, in conjunction with densification mechanisms in the nanocrystalline oxides, were discussed. Spherical nanoparticles with narrow size distribution are crucial to obtain homogeneous density and low pore-to-particle-size ratio in the green compacts, and to preserve the nanograin size at full densification. High applied pressure is beneficial via the densification mechanisms of nanoparticle rearrangement and sliding, plastic deformation, and pore shrinkage. Low temperature mass transport by surface diffusion during the spark plasma sintering of nanoparticles can lead to rapid densification kinetics with negligible grain growth

    Adoption of Children in the Perspective of National Law and its Relation to Religious Courts

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    The constellation of child adoption from the perspective of national law in Indonesia has received serious attention, but there is still a weak point, namely the absence of legal unity regarding child adoption. The adoption of children is one of the authorities of the Religious Court. The competence of religious courts is affirmed in Article 49 of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts. The procedures and requirements for submitting applications for child adoption have been regulated in detail and concretely in various child adoption regulations, including Government Regulation Number 54 of 2007 challenging the Implementation of Child Adoption. There should be legal unity, namely a law-level regulation governing the adoption of Indonesian children. The government should socialize the strengthening of the position and authority of religious courts in the adoption of children for Muslims. Socialization is needed so that the purpose of laws and regulations governing the norms of the adoption of children for Muslims is in accordance and in line with the objectives of applicable law. Muslims who wish to adopt children should be carried out in religious courts as absolute and representative authority for the practice of Islamic law. Keywords: adoption of children, national law, religious co