112 research outputs found

    Negative ions formed in N<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub>/Ar discharge – a simulation of Titan's atmosphere chemistry

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    The formation of negative ions produced in a negative point-to-plane corona discharge fed by a Ar/N2//CH4/ gas mixture has been studied using mass spectrometry. The measurements were carried out in flowing regime at ambient temperature and a reduced pressure of 460 mbar. The CN ? anion has been found to be the most dominant negative ion in the discharge and is believed to be the precursor of heavier negative ions such as C3/N ? and C5/N ? . The most likely pathway for the formation of such molecular anions is H-loss dissociative electron attachment to HCN, H3/CN and H5/CN formed in the discharge. These same anions have been detected in Titan's atmosphere and the present experiments may provide some novel insights into the chemical and physical mechanisms prevalent in Titan's atmosphere and hence assist in the interpretation of results from the Cassini Huygens space mission

    The Chemistry of Interstellar OH+, H2O+, and H3O+: Inferring the Cosmic Ray Ionization Rates from Observations of Molecular Ions

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    We model the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in interstellar clouds, using a steady state photodissociation region code that treats the freeze-out of gas species, grain surface chemistry, and desorption of ices from grains. The code includes PAHs, which have important effects on the chemistry. All three ions generally have two peaks in abundance as a function of depth into the cloud, one at A_V<~1 and one at A_V~3-8, the exact values depending on the ratio of incident ultraviolet flux to gas density. For relatively low values of the incident far ultraviolet flux on the cloud ({\chi}<~ 1000; {\chi}= 1= local interstellar value), the columns of OH+ and H2O+ scale roughly as the cosmic ray primary ionization rate {\zeta}(crp) divided by the hydrogen nucleus density n. The H3O+ column is dominated by the second peak, and we show that if PAHs are present, N(H3O+) ~ 4x10^{13} cm^{-2} independent of {\zeta}(crp) or n. If there are no PAHs or very small grains at the second peak, N(H3O+) can attain such columns only if low ionization potential metals are heavily depleted. We also model diffuse and translucent clouds in the interstellar medium, and show how observations of N(OH+)/N(H) and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) can be used to estimate {\zeta}(crp)/n, {\chi}/n and A_V in them. We compare our models to Herschel observations of these two ions, and estimate {\zeta}(crp) ~ 4-6 x 10^-16 (n/100 cm^-3) s^-1 and \chi/n = 0.03 cm^3 for diffuse foreground clouds towards W49N

    Two-dimensional AMR simulations of colliding flows

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    Colliding flows are a commonly used scenario for the formation of molecular clouds in numerical simulations. Due to the thermal instability of the warm neutral medium, turbulence is produced by cooling. We carry out a two-dimensional numerical study of such colliding flows in order to test whether statistical properties inferred from adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations are robust with respect to the applied refinement criteria. We compare probability density functions of various quantities as well as the clump statistics and fractal dimension of the density fields in AMR simulations to a static-grid simulation. The static grid with 2048^2 cells matches the resolution of the most refined subgrids in the AMR simulations. The density statistics is reproduced fairly well by AMR. Refinement criteria based on the cooling time or the turbulence intensity appear to be superior to the standard technique of refinement by overdensity. Nevertheless, substantial differences in the flow structure become apparent. In general, it is difficult to separate numerical effects from genuine physical processes in AMR simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&

    On the Excitation and Formation of Circumstellar Fullerenes

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    We compare and analyze the Spitzer mid-infrared spectrum of three fullerene-rich planetary nebulae in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds; Tc1, SMP SMC16, and SMP LMC56. The three planetary nebulae share many spectroscopic similarities. The strongest circumstellar emission bands correspond to the infrared active vibrational modes of the fullerene species C60 and little or no emission is present from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The strength of the fullerene bands in the three planetary nebulae is very similar, while the ratio of the [NeIII]15.5um/[NeII]12.8um fine structure lines, an indicator of the strength of the radiation field, is markedly different. This raises questions about their excitation mechanism and we compare the fullerene emission to fluorescent and thermal models. In addition, the spectra show other interesting and common features, most notably in the 6-9um region, where a broad plateau with substructure dominates the emission. These features have previously been associated with mixtures of aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbon solids. We hypothesize on the origin of this band, which is likely related to the fullerene formation mechanism, and compare it with modeled Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon that present emission in this region.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The 5.25 & 5.7 μ\mum Astronomical Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Features

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    Astronomical mid-IR spectra show two minor PAH features at 5.25 and 5.7 μ\mum (1905 and 1754 cm1^{\rm - 1}) that hitherto have been little studied, but contain information about the astronomical PAH population that complements that of the major emission bands. Here we report a study involving both laboratory and theoretical analysis of the fundamentals of PAH spectroscopy that produce features in this region and use these to analyze the astronomical spectra. The ISO SWS spectra of fifteen objects showing these PAH features were considered for this study, of which four have sufficient S/N between 5 and 6 μ\mum to allow for an in-depth analysis. All four astronomical spectra show similar peak positions and profiles. The 5.25 μ\mum feature is peaked and asymmetric, while the 5.7 μ\mum feature is broader and flatter. Detailed analysis of the laboratory spectra and quantum chemical calculations show that the astronomical 5.25 and 5.7 μ\mum bands are a blend of combination, difference and overtone bands primarily involving CH stretching and CH in-plane and CH out-of-plane bending fundamental vibrations. The experimental and computational spectra show that, of all the hydrogen adjacency classes possible on PAHs, solo and duo hydrogens consistently produce prominent bands at the observed positions whereas quartet hydrogens do not. In all, this a study supports the picture that astronomical PAHs are large with compact, regular structures. From the coupling with primarily strong CH out-of-plane bending modes one might surmise that the 5.25 and 5.7 μ\mum bands track the neutral PAH population. However, theory suggests the role of charge in these astronomical bands might also be important.Comment: Accepted ApJ, 40 pages in pre-print, 14 figures, two onlin

    Organic chemistry of NH<sub>3</sub> and HCN induced by an atmospheric abnormal glow discharge in N<sub>2</sub>-CH<sub>4</sub> mixtures

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    The formation of the chemical products produced in an atmospheric glow discharge fed by a N2-CH4 gas mixture has been studied using Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) and Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES). The measurements were carried out in a flowing regime at ambient temperature and pressure with CH4 concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 2%. In the recorded emission spectra the lines of the second positive system CN system and the first negative system of N2 were found to be the most intensive but atomic Hα, Hβ, and C (247 nm) lines were also observed. FTIR-measurements revealed HCN and NH3 to be the major products of the plasma with traces of C2H2. These same molecules have been detected in Titan's atmosphere and the present experiments may provide some novel insights into the chemical and physical mechanisms prevalent in Titan's atmosphere with these smaller species believed to be the precursors of heavier organic species in Titan's atmosphere and on its surface

    Submillimeter Line Emission from LMC 30Dor: The Impact of a Starburst on a Low Metallicity Environment

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    (Abridged) The 30 Dor region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is the most vigorous star-forming region in the Local Group. Star formation in this region is taking place in low-metallicity molecular gas that is exposed to an extreme far--ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field powered by the massive compact star cluster R136. We used the NANTEN2 telescope to obtain high-angular resolution observations of the 12CO 4-3, 7-6, and 13CO 4-3 rotational lines and [CI] 3P1-3P0 and 3P2-3P1 fine-structure submillimeter transitions in 30Dor-10, the brightest CO and FIR-emitting cloud at the center of the 30Dor region. We derived the properties of the low-metallicity molecular gas using an excitation/radiative transfer code and found a self-consistent solution of the chemistry and thermal balance of the gas in the framework of a clumpy cloud PDR model. We compared the derived properties with those in the N159W region, which is exposed to a more moderate far-ultraviolet radiation field compared with 30Dor-10, but has similar metallicity. We also combined our CO detections with previously observed low-J CO transitions to derive the CO spectral-line energy distribution in 30Dor-10 and N159W. The separate excitation analysis of the submm CO lines and the neutral carbon fine structure lines shows that the mid-J CO and [CI]-emitting gas in the 30Dor-10 region has a temperature of about 160 K and a H2 density of about 10^4 cm^-3. We find that the molecular gas in 30Dor-10 is warmer and has a lower beam filling factor compared to that of N159W, which might be a result of the effect of a strong FUV radiation field heating and disrupting the low--metallicity molecular gas. We use a clumpy PDR model (including the [CII] line intensity reported in the literature) to constrain the FUV intensity to about chi_0 ~ 3100 and an average total H density of the clump ensemble of about 10^5 cm^-3 in 30Dor-10.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Modeling of Protostellar Clouds and their Observational Properties

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    A physical model and two-dimensional numerical method for computing the evolution and spectra of protostellar clouds are described. The physical model is based on a system of magneto-gasdynamical equations, including ohmic and ambipolar diffusion, and a scheme for calculating the thermal and ionization structure of a cloud. The dust and gas temperatures are determined during the calculations of the thermal structure of the cloud. The results of computing the dynamical and thermal structure of the cloud are used to model the radiative transfer in continuum and in molecular lines. We presented the results for clouds in hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium. The evolution of a rotating magnetic protostellar cloud starting from a quasi-static state is also considered. Spectral maps for optically thick lines of linear molecules are analyzed. We have shown that the influence of the magnetic field and rotation can lead to a redistribution of angular momentum in the cloud and the formation of a characteristic rotational velocity structure. As a result, the distribution of the velocity centroid of the molecular lines can acquire an hourglass shape. We plan to use the developed program package together with a model for the chemical evolution to interpret and model observed starless and protostellar cores.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy Report

    Gas morphology and energetics at the surface of PDRs: new insights with Herschel observations of NGC 7023

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    We investigate the physics and chemistry of the gas and dust in dense photon-dominated regions (PDRs), along with their dependence on the illuminating UV field. Using Herschel-HIFI observations, we study the gas energetics in NGC 7023 in relation to the morphology of this nebula. NGC 7023 is the prototype of a PDR illuminated by a B2V star and is one of the key targets of Herschel. Our approach consists in determining the energetics of the region by combining the information carried by the mid-IR spectrum (extinction by classical grains, emission from very small dust particles) with that of the main gas coolant lines. In this letter, we discuss more specifically the intensity and line profile of the 158 micron (1901 GHz) [CII] line measured by HIFI and provide information on the emitting gas. We show that both the [CII] emission and the mid-IR emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) arise from the regions located in the transition zone between atomic and molecular gas. Using the Meudon PDR code and a simple transfer model, we find good agreement between the calculated and observed [CII] intensities. HIFI observations of NGC 7023 provide the opportunity to constrain the energetics at the surface of PDRs. Future work will include analysis of the main coolant line [OI] and use of a new PDR model that includes PAH-related species.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters (Herschel HIFI special issue), 5 pages, 5 figure

    A Study of Heating and Cooling of the ISM in NGC 1097 with Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-IRS

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    NGC 1097 is a nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy with a bright circumnuclear starburst ring, a strong large-scale bar and an active nucleus. We present a detailed study of the spatial variation of the far infrared (FIR) [CII]158um and [OI]63um lines and mid-infrared H2 emission lines as tracers of gas cooling, and of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) bands as tracers of the photoelectric heating, using Herschel-PACS, and Spitzer-IRS infrared spectral maps. We focus on the nucleus and the ring, and two star forming regions (Enuc N and Enuc S). We estimated a photoelectric gas heating efficiency ([CII]158um+[OI]63um)/PAH in the ring about 50% lower than in Enuc N and S. The average 11.3/7.7um PAH ratio is also lower in the ring, which may suggest a larger fraction of ionized PAHs, but no clear correlation with [CII]158{\mu}m/PAH(5.5 - 14um) is found. PAHs in the ring are responsible for a factor of two more [CII]158um and [OI]63um emission per unit mass than PAHs in the Enuc S. SED modeling indicates that at most 25% of the FIR power in the ring and Enuc S can come from high intensity photodissociation regions (PDRs), in which case G0 ~ 10^2.3 and nH ~ 10^3.5 cm^-3 in the ring. For these values of G0 and nH PDR models cannot reproduce the observed H2 emission. Much of the the H2 emission in the starburst ring could come from warm regions in the diffuse ISM that are heated by turbulent dissipation or shocks.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in Ap